Captivated in Cancun

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Captivated in Cancun Page 11

by KaLyn Cooper

  This was why he’d refused to have children. Bad shit happened even to good people...and he wasn’t a good person.

  “Mr. Josh.” In all the confusion, he’d barely heard the weak voice. “”

  Josh pulled Greyson down to where he knelt beside Preston. “No. He just went to sleep for a little bit. Lay your hand very lightly on Preston’s chest.” Hesitantly, the little boy did as instructed. “Feel it move up and down?”

  A short nod was all he got in confirmation.

  “We’re going to take him to the hospital and have him checked out.” Josh tried to keep the anger from his voice. He knew he wasn’t good with kids and didn’t want to scare the little guy.

  Greyson snatched his hand back when Preston stirred. Good thing, because Preston sat up, arms flailing as though fighting an unseen assailant. Josh captured both arms and pulled the half-aware child tight against his chest. He’d seen this several times before when a SEAL would be injured in combat. Hours later he’d awaken in fighting mode, as though he were still in the heat of battle.

  On his knees, Josh gently spoke to the little boy bound in his arms. “Shhh. I have you, Preston. You’re safe.” He rocked the child as though he were a babe. “You’re safe now.”

  Greyson moved in and stroked his brother’s back. “Mr. Josh saved you.”

  When Preston quit squirming, Josh released his hold a bit so he could look into Preston’s blinking eyes.

  “Are you...Batman?” Preston’s eyes got big and round.

  Josh threw his head back and burst out laughing to the shock of all those around him. “No, son, just an old sailor. Probably closer to Aquaman, but I was never able to talk to the fish and whales like he could.”

  When their gazes met once again, almost at the same level, Preston looked confused and embarrassed at the same time. “I was a Navy SEAL like your Uncle Jack,” Josh clarified.

  “ beat up that man.” When Preston’s gaze trailed off toward the alley, Josh placed two fingers against his cheek and forced the boy to look at him. Those innocent eyes didn’t need to see what Josh had done to that fucker.

  Changing the subject, he asked, “Are you hurt?”

  “No.” Preston’s answer was quiet. Then he carefully moved his bloody hands. “Yes. My hands got hurt when I...fell.” He slowly moved his legs. “My knees hurt, too.”

  “How’s the stomach? Ribs?” Josh kept his voice calm and low. “Did they punch you or hit you anywhere?”

  “No.” Preston’s reply was quick and confident. “You can let me go now, Mr. Josh.”

  “Think you can stand?” Josh eased his hold on Preston. He was a little unsteady for a minute then found his bearing.

  When Preston looked at all the gawkers who had formed a circle around the police activity, he stepped closer to Josh, as though for moral support rather than physical. Josh stood and pulled both brothers to his sides.

  Lilly came charging through the crowd, a true tiger searching for her cubs, ready to do battle with anyone who stood in her way.

  “Mom.” The boys turned and ran into their mother’s arms.

  Ed walked up and stood beside Josh watching the family reunion. “Did Preston tell you what happened?”

  “No. He just came to a minute ago.” Josh wasn’t sure of police procedures but figured someone would have to question the boy.

  “Lilly should take him to the hospital to get checked out or have the doc come to the house,” Ed suggested.

  “Doctors here make house calls?” Josh couldn’t imagine that happening in the United States. He’d sat in emergency rooms for hours waiting to see a doctor for an x-ray or to get stitches.

  “They do if your last name is Girard, and you are a member of the Chel family,” Ed said wryly.

  Holding a boy on each hip, Lilly strode up to the two of them. “I’m taking my boys home. I’ll have a doctor meet us there. If he thinks Preston needs to go to the private hospital, I’ll take him.” She glanced down the alley then to Ed. “Did you get those sons-of-bitches who hurt Preston?”

  “Yes, with Josh’s help.” Ed slapped him on the shoulder and squeezed. He nodded toward the Cancun police. “They’re going to need a statement from Preston.”

  Lilly started to protest.

  Ed held up his flattened palm. “You want that bastard locked up, don’t you? We need him behind bars.” With a glance, Josh confirmed the fucker would be interrogated by Ed’s men for any information on the terrorists and human trafficking.

  She nodded and scanned the line of teenage boys in flex cuffs. “What about them?”

  “They’ll be processed and released to their parents,” Ed explained. “Most of them are barely in their teens but the leader is fifteen. We know his brother well.”

  One of the local policemen handed Ed a nice leather wallet.

  “That’s Preston’s,” Lilly rushed to say. “Is that why they attacked him?”

  Ed looked at the boy who nodded then cowered deeper into his mother’s embrace. “I don’t think they need this for evidence.” He held it out and Preston slid from his mother’s embrace.

  When he took it, he opened the bill slot and looked into the empty space.

  Preston’s face dropped. “They took my money.”

  “How much was it?” Ed asked.

  “Four hundred pesos.” He looked up at the Cancun policeman. “I need to buy a wedding present for Uncle Jack.”

  With a glance from Ed, the officer plastered on an intimidating face and stomped over to the youth. Less than a minute later, he returned with the money plus the change they’d stolen from Preston’s pocket.

  The smile that lit up the boy’s face was worth the sore knuckles that Josh caught himself rubbing.

  “Why don’t you ride back with them,” Ed suggested to Josh. “I’ll wrap things up here and stop in later with the local police.” He stepped closer and lowered his voice so only Josh heard. “The sooner you get the hell out of here, the easier it’ll be for me to keep your name out of the report.”

  “I’ll drive, Lilly.” Josh held his hand out for the keys. She tossed them to him and turned on her heel. When she reached for Preston’s hand, he stiff-leggedly moved toward her, wincing with every step.

  “I’ve got him.” Josh grabbed Preston under the arms and lifted him onto his left hip, keeping his right hand free to reach for his gun, in case the asshole in the alley had friends nearby.

  People moved out of Lilly’s way as she strode through the crowd with determination and inborn grace. Greyson nuzzled into his mother’s neck and stared over her shoulder at Josh carrying his older brother.

  The weight of Preston’s small body was negligible but the urge to safeguard this boy weighed heavily on Josh. He didn’t understand the need that swelled from deep inside to do everything in his power to keep the ugliness of the world away from the tender innocence of the child in his arms. A purity that had been dirtied moments ago. He’d felt some of this protectiveness for his niece and nephew in the days after Sean had died at the hands of terrorists, yet now, it nearly overwhelmed him.

  Lilly bent over to slide Greyson into the booster seat in the back of the car and Josh nearly tripped. Her white designer shorts were pulled so tight over that magnificent ass of hers he could see tanned skin through the lace of her panties.

  Was she the reason he felt tied to the boy?

  Preston took that instant to hug Josh’s neck and whisper in a shaking voice, “Thank you for saving me, Aquaman.”

  Josh stopped the fierce roar that bellowed within his soul from escaping, but didn’t hold back the hug he returned. “I’m glad we were there.”

  Once around to the other side of the car, he gently placed Preston in the back seat, closed the door, and moved into the driver’s seat. In his rearview mirror, he checked on both boys and their beautiful mother who sat between them, coddling and soothing both her children.

  Josh turned the key and headed south to a place that wa
s quickly feeling like home.

  Chapter 11

  Lilly sighed heavily as she slumped onto the empty chaise between Josh and Levi, careful not to spill the scotch in her hand. She needed the stiff drink.

  “Boys asleep?” Jack asked from the double lounge across the circle where he held Jillian in his arms.

  “They zonked out pretty fast,” she admitted. “It’s been quite a day for them.” Her family had orbited around her all afternoon offering the emotional support only family can. Zal had arrived to supervise the bedroom suite painting and placement of the new furniture, a task Lilly couldn’t have attempted today. Other cousins trickled through, bringing the boys new shoes for the wedding tomorrow that she didn’t have the capacity to think about. They hadn’t gotten around to...before...she didn’t want to think about it anymore.

  “It’s been hellacious for you also,” her mother noted, concern on her face as she studied Lilly. She indicated the scotch. “Drink that. You deserve it after everything you’ve been through.”

  Mom was right. The inquisition the Cancun police had put them all through had been exhausting. And heartbreaking. They’d repeated questions, asking them different ways. The pressure they’d placed on Preston for details of what had happened in that alley had rubbed every motherly nerve. Thankfully, Ed had been there to make them stop. She’d always loved her cousin but now she respected him as the good man he was and for the badge he carried.

  What those boys had said and done to her baby had nearly ripped her heart out of her chest and stomped on it. The look of embarrassment in Preston’s eyes as he repeated their foul words made her cringe. She wasn’t sure her son had any idea what his captors were talking about, and hoped he’d never learn. Not for the first time that day, Lilly wondered if she should get him into counseling.

  Josh had been at her side throughout the entire ordeal. When her son had spoken of the intended rape, Josh had held her as an internal war of fury and fear ended in tears. She’d shaken so hard she was sure his arms were all that held together the million broken pieces of her soul.

  Lilly sipped the fine eighteen-year-old scotch. The smooth burn down to her stomach was something real she could control after a day that had spun into every mother’s nightmare. She looked up to the stars and closed her eyes. The sound of ocean waves lapping the shore and words of her Yoga instructor filled her mind. She matched her breathing to the slow rumble and cleared her mind.

  Jack’s kiss on her forehead brought her back to the love of her family gathered in the quad. “We’re gonna call it a night, and I think you should, too. If the paint fumes are too much in your room, why don’t you sleep upstairs next to the boys.”

  It was a good suggestion, one Lilly had already considered. “I might do that.”

  “Sorry I wasn’t here for you today.” Regret creased every line in her brother’s sun-tanned face. He’d captained one of his boats all day because Rock Star had been sick, again.

  She took his hand and raised an eyebrow. “Sure, like you would have gone shopping with me and the boys this morning.”

  With a small shrug, he admitted, “Well, no.”

  “Then don’t blame yourself because you wouldn’t have been there anyway.” She glanced over at Josh. “I’m just thankful you invited Josh to your wedding and he and Ed were there.”

  “Me, too.” Jack shifted his attention to Josh. “I owe you.”

  “We quit counting years ago, my friend.” Josh held up a fist and they did one of those secret handshake-bump-slap-things only men understood.

  Jillian took Lilly’s free hand and knelt next to her chaise. “I’m not working the rest of the week so if you need help getting the boys ready tomorrow morning I’m available.”

  “Thanks.” Lilly gave her sister-in-law a small smile. It was all she could manage. “I’ll call you if I need someone to distract Greyson so he stays clean until his grandmother arrives.”

  “Ready, babe?” Jack took Jillian’s other hand and she stood.

  “See you tomorrow,” they called as the two of them headed to the pool house.

  Buzzing vibrated the cocktail table between Lilly and Levi. “Finally.” Her brother picked up his phone and swiped to activate the call. “Levi Girard.” He glanced over to their mother and lifted his chin.

  “I’m sorry to leave you, Lilly, but we’ve been waiting for this call from China.” Her mother shook her head. “Things are going to hell over there. I’m afraid we’ll be headed to Hong Kong as soon as the wedding is over.” She followed Levi into the house and soon the library lights on the main floor flicked on.

  Alone with only her scotch and Josh, Lilly was suddenly nervous. “I’m not sure I’ve thanked you for—”

  “You have,” he cut in. “At least a hundred times.” He moved into a sitting position on the edge of his lounge and faced her.

  She sat up across from him and got lost in deep blue eyes. He was so handsome with the glints of silver at his temples. She glanced at his hands that hung loosely between his knees, scabbed and slightly blue from his fight with the bad guy. Lilly knew she could never repay him for saving her son. Nor would he expect any.

  As they sat staring at each other, she fell a little in love with this selfless hero.

  The muscle in his cheek worked as though he was fighting to keep his words inside. No words were necessary. He took her hand in his much larger one and heat coursed through her entire body. “Look, I know we kind of made plans for toni—”

  Before he could reject her, Lilly threw herself into Josh’s arms as she cut off his words by smashing her lips to his. Yes, they had made plans, and she needed this man more now than she had the night before or that morning. Then, all she needed was a man. Now, she needed him. No one else would do except Josh Madden.

  His arms came around her and she melted inside. Safe. The word screamed through mind. And, damn, she needed to feel safe right now.

  She also needed to be in control of this situation. She opened her mouth and tangled her tongue with his. He tasted of beer and as it mixed with the fine whisky she’d had, it became an aphrodisiac like none she’d ever experienced. Or maybe it was taste of Josh that had her panties wet and clit throbbing.

  She straddled his lap and pressed her center against his length while threading her fingers into his soft hair. He changed the angle of the kiss and cupped her bottom with both hands pulling her closer as he rocked his hips. Yes. He wanted her as a woman, and she’d do anything to thank him, not that making love with Josh would be a hardship by any means.

  The library door opened onto the balcony and she heard her brother talking. She broke the kiss, and they looked up to where lamps spilled yellow light in a rectangle onto the quad.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” Josh commanded.

  “No,” she countered in a whisper and tried to crawl off. “I’m too heavy.”

  Josh stood, and she automatically obeyed. He kissed his way down her neck as he stayed to the shadows out of sight from the library.

  The large sliding doors to his room stood open with only the sheer drapes to discourage the direct rays of the sun during the day. By moonlight, it was a wall of muted white. He carried her to the bed and followed her down, pressing his erection against her most sensitive spot. It felt wonderful to have a man between her legs again, more so because it was Josh.

  “Christ, I want you.” He kissed her with restrained passion as he held his massive chest inches above her. “I’ll be right back.”

  Lilly felt a slight chill as he lifted his heat from her. Her brain whirled with desire and a dash of apprehension. It had been months since she’d done this and the last time didn’t turn out so well. This time was different. She knew Josh was only temporary.

  He quickly closed the glass wall of doors and the blackout drapes, shutting out the world. Perfect. She needed him to take away all the ugliness of the day and replace it with something good.

  In the dim blue from the bathroom nightlight, she w
atched his masculine swagger as he returned to the bed. Strong arms that had held her when she needed them, a broad chest between huge shoulders she’d cried on hours ago. He was now offering her the rest of his body. She’d lose herself in this man for several hours, displacing the horror of the day with the exquisiteness of the night she was sure he could bring her.

  She sat up and started to lift the hem of her tank top.

  “No.” The demand in his voice stopped her. “Let me do that.” He stretched out on his side next to her and gentled her back to lie on the duvet. “I want to taste every inch of your delectable body as I discover your most sensitive spots.” He leaned over her and placed an almost chaste kiss on her lips. With a cocky grin, he added, “And after I’ve brought you over the edge at least twice, only then will I slide into your soft, slick heat. Isn’t that what you want, Lilly?”

  “No.” Although she was already panting at just the thought of what he’d do to her, she, needed...more.

  Josh’s reply was a cocked eyebrow.

  “I want to explore your body.” With her fingertips, Lilly traced the outline of his face, down that square jaw now covered in salt and pepper scruff well past a five o’clock shadow. She drew an invisible line over the racing pulse in his neck to his collarbone then played with the buttons on the polo shirt he’d changed into as soon as they’d gotten home. She ran her hand down his chest.

  “I want to count and kiss every one of your abs.” She splayed her hand over his flat stomach and felt his muscles quiver as he sucked in a breath. She didn’t stop her quest south when her hand stumbled over his belt buckle. She glided her fingers the length of his cock encased behind the dress shorts he’d worn to supper.

  Josh drew in a ragged breath.

  A wicked smile spread across her face. She liked the power she had over him. “Then I’m going to ride you, deep and hard, until we both scream.” She moved so her lips almost touched his ear. “Then we’ll do it all over a different position,” reminding him of his promise last night to fulfil her fantasies.


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