Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

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Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Page 17

by Carmel Harrington

  ‘That’s the whole idea, you daft eejit!’ Grace laughed back in response. ‘Go up and order the drinks and if he says hello, say hello right back!’

  ‘Should I let on I recognise him?’ Abby asked.

  Tara and Grace looked at each other and then both said together, ‘No way!’

  Grace continued, ‘If he says he knows you from somewhere, just say non-committally that his face looks familiar. After all, he never contacted you before, so don’t give him a big head!’

  ‘Right. How do I look?’ Abby said, flicking her hair.

  ‘Absolutely gorgeous, just one thing,’ Tara said, then grabbed Abby’s t-shirt and hoisted it up further so more midriff was exposed. ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it!’

  Abby walked to the bar and ordered a round of drinks from the barman, positioning herself just beside Shay. She forced herself to keep looking forward and tried to ignore the giggles from her friends.

  Then a voice cut in, ‘You all seem to be having a great night.’

  Abby turned to her left and sure enough it was Shay who had spoken. ‘Yeah, we are thanks. A girls’ night out.’

  ‘A dangerous lot when you all get together!’ he responded with a laugh.

  ‘That’s us – girls behaving badly!’ Abby joked. ‘What about you? Are you having a good night?’

  ‘Yes I am thanks. I’m with a mate. He’s in the jacks,’ Shay replied.

  The barman was looking for his money, so Abby knew she hadn’t much more time to chat. Then with that Tara was beside her.

  ‘Thought I’d come help with the drinks!’ Turning to give Abby a wink, she said, ‘Who’s this handsome guy you’re talking to?'

  Shay laughed and put out his hand to introduce himself. ‘Shay Corrigan. Nice to meet you.’ Tara responded by introducing herself. ‘I didn’t get your name,’ he said turning to Abby.

  ‘Abby Nolan,’ she said softy, taking his hand.

  ‘Why don’t you come and join us?’ Tara said boldly, ignoring Abby’s dirty look.

  ‘Tara, Shay is with his friend, I’m sure he’s happy where he is,’ Abby replied mortified.

  ‘Actually I’d love to join you girls. I’ll bring Paddy my mate over when he gets back. If that’s okay with you, Abby?’ Shay replied.

  She answered him with a smile and, taking her drinks, walked back to the table.

  ‘Smooth, real smooth Tara!’

  Grace and Tara were laughing their socks off.

  ‘Anything to help move love along!’ Tara answered. ‘Now start fluttering your eyelashes, here come the boys!

  It was obvious that Shay fancied Abby. He sat down beside her straightaway and they were deep in conversation immediately. As for Paddy, he couldn’t believe his luck when Shay had said they were going over to join the three girls. He thought he had his pick of Tara and Grace and couldn’t decide if he wanted blonde or brunette. He was quite put out when they told him they were both spoken for!

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Abby was on the Dart on her way into the city centre to meet Shay. She was beside herself with nerves. At the end of her night out with the girls last Friday, Shay had asked her for her phone number. She gave it to him readily and had sat by the phone waiting for it to ring. She pretended to the girls that she didn’t really mind one way or the other, because she’d got used to being let down, but she really liked Shay and this was one guy she hoped would come through. Sure enough on Tuesday evening the phone rang and it was Shay. He had asked her out on Saturday and Abby told him she already had plans – she didn’t want to make herself too available. So a date was arranged for Friday night and she was meeting him in The Bailey. Shay had suggested she send him a text as she got near so he could come outside the pub to wait for her. She thought this was really sweet of him and a good sign. Walking up Grafton Street Abby sent him the promised text, crossing her fingers that he would respond. She still had a feeling that he would cancel at the last minute. But a text appeared a couple of seconds later saying he’d be waiting. God, she was nervous. Turning the corner from Grafton Street, Abby saw Shay standing outside the pub looking a bit nervous too. He was anxiously looking up and down the street and when he caught sight of Abby his face broke into a huge grin. She waved at him and found herself smiling too.

  ‘Hi Abby.’

  ‘Hi Shay.’ She felt very shy all of a sudden.

  ‘Shall we go inside?’ Shay asked her.

  ‘Sure,’ Abby replied. Oh my God, she thought. This was horrendous. The conversation was so stilted. Shay led the way to a corner, where he had a couple of seats held. There was a pint of Guinness on the table for himself.

  ‘What can I get you, Abby?’ Shay asked.

  ‘A vodka and cranberry juice please,’ Abby replied with relief. For one awful moment she thought it was going to be a repeat of her disastrous date with the miser Richard and she’d have to buy her own! While Shay stood at the bar ordering her drink, she had a moment to check him out. He was wearing faded blue jeans, and with a small smile, Abby couldn’t help but notice that he had a cute bum! He was wearing a baby blue shirt with the jeans and it showed his tan off perfectly. He looked good and she realised she really did fancy him! Shay walked back and put Abby’s drink on the table for her.

  ‘You look stunning Abby,’ he said sincerely.

  ‘Thanks,’ Abby said with a smile. Maybe this was going to be okay after all! She didn’t mention that she had spent the whole day getting herself ready!

  ‘You said last week that you’re an artist. Tell me about it,’ Shay encouraged.

  Abby was delighted that he remembered and was interested enough to ask her about it. She told him about the paintings that she sold in Stephen’s Green. ‘I sold one yesterday, so tonight is kind of a celebration actually!’ Abby said.

  ‘That’s fantastic! What did you sell?’ Shay asked, looking very impressed.

  ‘Well my work is very modern and colourful. It was a young couple who bought it and they felt it would be perfect for their living room. It was one of my larger pieces and it’s been for sale for three months now, so you can imagine how happy I was when they took it!’

  ‘How long does it take you to complete one piece?’ Shay asked.

  ‘Well it depends. Some of my smaller pieces I can do in one afternoon. But the larger pieces can take months for me to finalise and be totally happy with. That particular painting took over two months to complete and there was a lot of hard work in it!’ Abby admitted.

  ‘I’d love to see some of your paintings, Abby,’ Shay declared.

  ‘Well I’m in Stephen’s Green every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. If you’re ever in the area, call up,’ Abby said, feeling brave all of a sudden.

  ‘Can you make a decent living from the sales of your art?’ Shay asked. Then quickly continued, ‘Oh God, sorry Abby that was really rude and nosy.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ Abby said with a laugh. ‘Some weeks are good, like this week because I’ve sold a large piece, others are pretty tight. But I do charcoal portraits too to subsidise my art, that’s where my bread and butter comes from.’

  ‘Wow that’s amazing. Do people sit for you?’ Shay asked.

  ‘Sometimes, but mostly they give me a favourite picture and then I’ll do the charcoal from that. Quite often I get people in who’ve lost a loved one and they want to honour them in some way. I work really hard at those, because I know it’s so important for the people that I capture the essence of their family or friend.’ Abby stopped, suddenly feeling a bit shy. There was too much talk about her work and she wasn’t used to it. Usually the guys she went out with only talked about themselves and never asked her about her art. Seeing that Shay’s glass was nearly empty, she got up to reorder some drinks.

  ‘Abby please sit down. I asked you for a drink so I’m buying, okay,’ Shay said firmly as he got up to go to the bar.

  Abby smiled with relief. This was going really well. Shay came back with the drinks and Abby wanted to find ou
t some more about him. ‘So tell me about yourself. Are you from Dublin?’ she asked him, leaning forward.

  ‘No, I’m from Kilkenny originally. I came to Dublin for college and then got a job here, so never went home,’ Shay answered.

  ‘Do you have family at home in Kilkenny still?’ Abby further probed.

  ‘Yeah, Mam and Dad, plus I have four sisters all living in Kilkenny too. I’m the eldest,’ he said smiling.

  ‘Wow that’s quite a big family. That must have been fun growing up with four girls! Were you the stereotypical “big brother is watching you” type of brother?’ Abby teased.

  Shay laughed as he answered, ‘I suppose I was a bit of a nightmare. I was very protective of all the girls and still am I guess. I wouldn’t let any of my mates go near them, didn’t trust them! Still, one of my sisters, Fiona, ended up marrying my best friend Michael anyhow!’

  ‘And are they happy?’ Abby asked.

  ‘Yep, two kids later, couldn’t be happier!’ he answered.

  ‘What about your parents, are you close to them?’ Abby continued.

  ‘God yes – I go home once a month to see them and we all talk every week on the phone. We’re pretty tight as families go, really. My folks are cool people. They got married really young so are only in their fifties now and I think they have a better social life than I do!’ Shay said with a grin.

  Abby liked a guy who got on with his family. She knew it wasn’t always black and white, but a man who didn’t keep in touch with his family always worried her a bit.

  ‘What about you Abby? Tell me about your family?’ Shay asked in return.

  ‘A bit like you, Shay. My parents are cool people and we’re really close. They both live in Clondalkin and I go home every Sunday for lunch! I have two brothers and they’re both married and they both come home every Sunday afternoon with their wives and kids. It’s great fun and nobody ever misses it, unless they’re out of the country!’ Abby said with warmth.

  ‘Sounds like fun,’ Shay commented.

  ‘Yeah it is. I’m lucky. I know my parents worry a bit about me – they’re convinced I’m not looking after myself properly, not eating enough etc., so I’m looking forward to going home on Sunday to show Daddy my cheque for that painting I just sold! He’ll want to frame it!’ Abby declared.

  ‘Must have been some cheque!’ Shay said with a laugh. ‘God, sorry, I’m not prying honestly!’

  ‘Ah you’re okay, Shay. It was for €1200,’ Abby grinned.

  ‘That’s amazing! That really needs celebrating!’ With that Shay jumped up and went to the bar and whispered something to the barman. When he got back he refused to tell Abby what he had ordered, but her suspense was over quickly because the barman was soon on his way over with a bottle of champagne.

  ‘Oh Shay that’s so lovely of you. Thank you.’ Abby leaned in to give Shay a kiss on the cheek, but just as she did, he turned, and she got him on the lips. She pulled back for a second feeling embarrassed locking eyes with Shay. He would think her so forward. But then they both leaned in together for their first real kiss and it was unbelievable. Abby actually felt lightheaded and couldn’t remember ever having a kiss like that before. Shay evidently felt the same way because when they broke he just looked at her before saying, ‘Wow!’

  They spent the next hour staring into each other’s eyes and kissing. It was very romantic and Abby felt like they were the only people in the bar. She didn’t care that they were putting on a show for the rest of the pub, this was special. Too soon it was closing time and they had to leave. She really didn’t want the night to end and neither did Shay.

  ‘Crystals?’ Shay asked and Abby quickly agreed. They walked down Grafton Street and into the club for a late drink. Abby was really impressed when Shay walked straight up to the doorman who ushered them both in; Shay was obviously a regular.

  ‘I do a lot of entertaining here with big clients,’ Shay said with a shrug.

  They grabbed a seat and Shay ordered more drinks. It was weird, normally Abby would have been really drunk at this stage, but somehow or other the drinks weren’t going to her head at all.

  Sitting down beside her, Shay looked at Abby for a moment and then, turning serious all of a sudden, said, ‘Can I ask you something?’

  ‘Of course,’ Abby answered.

  ‘Have you ever gone speed dating?’ Shay said with a small grin.

  ‘Maybe. Have you?’ Abby answered, non-committal.

  ‘Yeah, once. But it was a disaster. There was a girl there who I really liked. Looked a bit like you, but she never ticked my box! Can you imagine my dinted pride?’ he asked.

  Abby looked at Shay suspiciously. Was he saying she’d not ticked his box? She had, she was sure of it. ‘That’s strange. Because when I went speed dating there was a guy who looked just like you there and I ticked his box. He ticked mine too and we were a match. But he never contacted me!’ Abby replied.

  ‘I knew it was you!’ Shay said with a laugh, before adding more seriously, ‘I never got your details though Abby, honestly. You weren’t down as a match for me. I was really disappointed as I thought we really connected that night!’

  ‘Me too. I couldn’t believe it when you didn’t call. Especially when you came over to say hello afterwards,’ Abby said shyly.

  ‘Hang on a minute though,’ Shay said accusingly. ‘You had my details! Why didn’t you call me?’

  Abby laughed and said, ‘Oh I’m just an old-fashioned girl I suppose!’

  ‘God, look at all the time we’ve wasted!’ Shay said with a laugh. Then checked himself, ‘Sorry if I’m being too presumptuous. But I really like you Abby. I’d like to see you again.’

  Abby couldn’t believe her ears. She was so happy she felt like she could burst. ‘I’d love to see you too, Shay.’

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Abby woke up on Saturday morning with a big smile on her face. It took her a moment or two to work out why she was feeling so happy, and then an image of Shay’s face came into her mind. She took a look at the alarm clock and jumped up quickly. Shit I’m going to be late, she thought. It was 7.30 already and she needed to get showered and dressed and into the city for 9.00. She knew she should have been dying with a hangover as she didn’t get in until 3.30 am, but she felt great. The shower helped wake her up and she quickly dried herself off, grabbing some clothes to wear. Snatching up her handbag and kitbag with all her charcoals etc., she realised she was going to miss the 8.15 Dart. The buzzer rang to her apartment. Who the hell could this be, Abby wondered.

  ‘Yes,’ she said into the speaker.

  ‘Darling, it’s Gerry. Thought you might like a lift into town!’

  ‘You’re a lifesaver, Gerry. I love you! On my way.’ Abby ran down the stairs and out the door of her apartment, throwing herself into Gerry’s arms. ‘I am so late! How did you guess?’ Abby said breathlessly.

  ‘Well, when you didn’t call me to be rescued last night, I figured the date must have gone well. I thought I’d do my bit for charity today and give you a lift to work and get the gossip at the same time! So come on darling, spill!’

  Abby thought for a moment. She wanted to give Gerry an accurate picture of how the date went and the only way to do that was to put it in movie analysis for him. ‘Remember the first date that Julia Roberts had with Richard Gere in Pretty Woman?’ Abby said.

  ‘When he took her to the opera? When Julia is wearing that simply divine black lace dress? Did he take you to the opera?’ Gerry said with a squeal, nearly banging into the car in front.

  ‘Watch the road, Gerry. No, of course he didn’t take me to the opera, but it was that kind of perfect first date! He told me I looked stunning straightaway.’

  ‘I love him already!’ Gerry declared.

  ‘Then he asked me all about my painting. And he had sensible questions too. He seemed to get that it was a career for me, not a silly part-time hobby.’ That had meant a lot to Abby.

  ‘What’s the catch, there has t
o be a catch!’ Gerry said with a laugh.

  ‘I know, but I don’t know what it is! When I told him I’d sold a painting on Thursday, he went up and bought a bottle of champagne for me to celebrate!’ Abby knew that would impress Gerry.

  ‘Did you take him home right there and then and shag him senseless?’ Gerry asked with a laugh.

  ‘No, I was a good girl. I was tempted, but I’ve decided I want to take this one a bit more slowly.’

  Gerry nodded his approval. Abby had a habit of sleeping with guys on the first date, and then they never called afterwards. He had been telling her for years to hold back for at least three dates!

  ‘But we did kiss! Jaysus, Gerry it was the best kiss I’ve ever had,’ Abby said dreamily.

  ‘Oh my God, you’ve fallen for him,’ Gerry said shocked. ‘Abby Nolan, you’ve fallen for this guy already!’

  ‘I know. I can’t help it. I just love everything about him,’ Abby confessed.

  ‘Oh darling, I’m thrilled for you. You deserve it,’ Gerry said with a big smile. It was just amazing to see Abby looking so happy. Having parked the car in Stephen’s Green car park, Gerry helped Abby set up her artwork for display. Then when everything was organised they walked to the Kylemore to order breakfast. Gerry with his usual muesli and fresh fruit, Abby with her usual full Irish breakfast. Between mouthfuls of sausage and bacon, Abby told Gerry about every moment of their date. She was so excited.

  ‘What a week for Abby!’ Gerry declared. ‘She sells a masterpiece and gets a man!’

  ‘Doesn’t get much better than this, does it Gerry!’ Then all of a sudden her face fell. ‘What if he doesn’t call me? What if that’s it?’ Abby said full of self-doubt all over again.

  ‘Don’t be silly, darling,’ Gerry said softly. He knew how vulnerable Abby was. ‘He’ll call and very soon, you mark my words. He sounds like he’s as smitten as you are. Guys don’t go buying champagne for girls willy-nilly you know.’

  Abby giggled, saying, ‘Willy-nilly!’


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