Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

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Beyond Grace's Rainbow: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Page 25

by Carmel Harrington

  Liam digested this information, before swearing under his breath, ‘Jesus Grace, why didn’t you tell me? You should have told me.’

  ‘I’m so sorry Liam; I hated lying to you, honestly. But why tell you then? You couldn’t do anything and I didn’t want our wedding day and honeymoon to be marred by this fucking cancer.’

  Liam winced at Grace’s words.

  ‘Admit it Liam, if you knew the cancer was back, you wouldn’t have enjoyed our wedding. You would have been worrying all the time about me and whether I was feeling okay or not. And I didn’t want that as a memory. Our wedding day was perfect and this holiday has been the best time of my life. Please don’t be angry with me. I can’t take it,’ Grace implored. She hated the thought of Liam being angry with her; her intentions were good.

  ‘I’m not angry, Grace,’ Liam quickly replied, pulling her into his arms again. ‘I understand. I’d have probably done the same thing as you. I just hate the thought of you coping with this all on your own.’

  ‘Well, I wasn’t on my own silly. I was with you and Jack. And now you know. Everything.’

  ‘God Grace, this is so fucking unfair. Why now?’ Liam shouted. ‘Haven’t you gone through enough?’

  ‘Liam, it is unfair and believe you me, I want to wail at the world too about the cards I’ve been dealt, but I refuse to do that. I’ve beaten this damn cancer once and I’ll do it again, with you by my side. Okay?’ Grace leaned in and kissed Liam’s cheek. ‘Remember your speech at the wedding? I’ve every intention of growing old with you. I know the best is yet to come.’

  ‘Too right the best is yet to come. I’ve not even started with you yet! Of course you’re going to beat this. No bloody way I’m going to lose you a second time!’ Liam said defiantly.

  ‘Now, it’s almost midnight and I for one don’t want to ring the New Year in talking about my cancer, so please, let’s just enjoy our last night here and have some fun!’ Grace said to Liam.

  ‘Jump up!’ Liam said. ‘Let’s go show these Americans how to party Irish style! Even if it is on our balcony!’

  Chapter Forty

  Grace was sitting in her hospital room, having the first of her chemotherapy treatments. Closing her eyes, she decided to focus on something lovely, to try and forget about the weird feeling chemo was giving her. She’d almost forgotten how it felt.

  ‘What are you smiling about?’ Liam asked with a grin.

  ‘You,’ Grace answered. ‘I was just thinking about our first dance. That was a lovely moment wasn’t it?’

  ‘Yes, babe. It was. Although how I let you get your own way on that first song, I’ll never know!’ Liam teased.

  ‘Tony Bennett’s classic – The Way You Look Tonight – it was perfect. You have no taste!’ Grace replied in mock annoyance.

  ‘Ah but I have. I married you, didn’t I,’ Liam declared. ‘Now prepare yourself for company. I’ve called all of the gang to tell them you’re back in hospital. I’d say, we can expect visitors in, ooh let’s see, Dublin traffic on a Monday afternoon, about half an hour!’

  ‘Liam, I told you not to call anyone. I don’t want a fuss. They all think we’re still in Florida. Why couldn’t we leave it like that?’ Grace asked.

  ‘For two very good reasons, babe. One, I’m scared of Tara. She’s only just forgiven me for being alive, if I kept the fact that you were in hospital from her, I seriously think I could wake up with a horse’s head in my bed one night!’ Liam smiled as Grace giggled. ‘As well you might giggle Mrs Ryan, but I can see you’re not contradicting me! And two, the other reason I told everyone is that we’re going to need some babysitting help over the next couple of weeks, while you’re in hospital.’ This time Dr Kennedy had admitted Grace into hospital and elected that she should have daily chemotherapy sessions, as opposed to weekly.

  ‘Did Jack mind going into Montessori this morning?’ Grace asked.

  ‘You are kidding me? He was like a hero returning from war. He walked in with his big bag of sweets for everyone, wearing his Mickey Mouse ears. He was mobbed within seconds. I left him in full flow telling them all about Buzz Lightyear,’ Liam replied, laughing.

  Grace could picture the scene in her head. Jack would be in his element telling stories to his friends. He was like Liam in that way. He had a way with words. ‘Did you ring Catherine?’ Grace asked.

  ‘Yes, she was the first person I rang. And she’s on her way up. She’s just going to organise some cover in her shop, then she’s coming to stay for a few days,’ Liam said.

  ‘You okay with that?’ Grace asked her husband. She knew that having a mother-in-law to stay was not every man’s idea of fun. Especially when they were supposed to be on their honeymoon!

  ‘Relieved, she suggested it to be honest, babe. Just because we’re not in Florida, you remember that this is still our honeymoon! I want to spend as much time in here with you, and with Catherine at home, then at least I know that Jack’s getting fed,’ Liam replied, leaning in for a quick kiss.

  Liam was not the best cook in the world and Grace had figured that the boys would be living on takeout for the next three weeks. This was definitely a better arrangement.

  ‘How did the others react?’ Grace asked.

  ‘Tara screamed abuse at me for not telling her sooner. Sean had to take the phone off her in the end. I explained to him that it was my wife who made the decision to keep us all in the dark, me included,’ Liam said, throwing his eyes up to the ceiling.

  ‘Ah she’ll calm down. You know Tara. Speak first, think later,’ Grace told her husband. And with that, right on cue, in walked Tara.

  ‘Hi cousin,’ Grace said with a smile. ‘Come on; give it to me, before you explode.’

  ‘You should have told me. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,’ Tara said with tears flowing.

  ‘Sorry Tara. But it was better this way. I couldn’t handle everyone’s sympathy and pity. It would have only marred my wedding. And besides I’m fine. Now come over here, stop sulking and give me a hug.’

  ‘How are you feeling?’ Tara asked, having done as she was told.

  ‘Oh fantastic. Nothing like this baby to put a spring in your step!’ Grace said pointing to the drip.

  ‘Same schedule as before?’ Tara enquired.

  ‘No, this time they’re keeping me in for three weeks and I’m getting the full lot.’

  ‘How do you feel about that?’ Tara asked with concern. She knew that if this was what the doctors had decided, they were taking a more aggressive course of action.

  ‘Happier. It’s better to get it over and done with in one go, rather than have to keep coming back. So, bring it on,’ Grace answered with a shrug. ‘Where’s Sean? I’m going to need him to do some translating for me again, about Dr Kennedy’s diagnosis.’

  ‘He’s got clinic at the moment, Grace. But he’s coming here as soon as that finishes. He’s going to put a call through to Dr Kennedy too and see if he can get some information. Don’t worry he’s on it,’ Tara said firmly.

  ‘I didn’t doubt it for a minute, sweetie,’ Grace smiled. Sean was so dependable.

  Abby walked in a few minutes later with Shay, and then promptly burst into tears when she saw Grace all hooked up.

  ‘Oh don’t cry, Abby,’ Grace said, holding onto to her friend’s hand. ‘I’m fine honestly. You start to cry and you’ll have me going.’

  ‘I’m so sorry Grace. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but this is so unfair. You should be on honeymoon,’ Abby said, quickly wiping her tears away.

  ‘I know. But at least I had a week. At first Dr Kennedy wanted me to cancel the wedding and the honeymoon! I felt sorry for myself when I got the results back, but then I realised that wasn’t going to change anything. I got through this once before, I can definitely do it again,’ Grace said. Looking up, she noticed Shay standing in the corner looking a bit uncomfortable. ‘Hi Shay. Thanks for coming. I appreciate it.’

  ‘Hi Grace. You’re looking good. Did you have a good
holiday?’ Shay asked.

  ‘Brilliant Shay. I tell you what, why don’t you take Liam for a coffee and a sandwich. He hasn’t left my side all morning. I want to have a chat with my girls,’ Grace suggested.

  ‘I know when we’re not wanted,’ Liam said with a laugh. ‘I am a bit hungry actually. Back soon, babe.’

  ‘What can we do to help?’ Tara asked Grace. As always she was the first to sort out the practicalities. ‘Where’s Jacky boy?’

  ‘In Montessori at the moment. Well, there is something I’d like you to do for me. It’s Jack’s birthday tomorrow. We had originally booked a birthday surprise for him at Disneyland – a birthday dinner with all the characters. I haven’t really got anything prepared. Could you organise a treat for him? He shouldn’t miss out,’ Grace said.

  ‘Consider it done,’ Tara answered. ‘We’ll organise something. Do you need me to get a present from you and Liam?’

  ‘That’s done. We bought his present weeks ago. It’s at home all wrapped up already,’ Grace said.

  ‘Great. Anything else need doing?’ Tara continued.

  ‘Nope, not that I can think of. Catherine’s coming to stay for a while, so that will sort out babysitting for Jack. Maybe when she goes home, I’ll need some help. But for now, it’s covered.’

  ‘We’ll sort that out with Liam, Grace. Don’t worry about a thing,’ Abby said. ‘How are you feeling? Truthfully.’

  ‘Knackered! I’m absolutely exhausted. I’ve kind of been on autopilot for the past couple of weeks and lived on adrenalin. But I have to admit, as soon as we got back from Florida, it was as if I ran out of batteries. Everything just caught up with me. My whole body aches. I’m feeling pretty nauseous too. It’s funny but you do forget how bad this chemo makes you feel. I don’t remember it being this horrible the last time,’ Grace said, looking like she was about fourteen.

  ‘When did you tell Liam?’ Tara asked.

  ‘New Year’s Eve. We went out for dinner and then I told him,’ Grace said sadly.

  ‘Must have been a shock for him,’ Tara conceded, feeling a bit guilty for shouting at him earlier.

  ‘Just a bit,’ Grace answered with a smile. ‘But he took it in his stride. Breaking the news to Jack the next morning that we were going home that evening was a different story though! He was hysterical.’

  ‘I can imagine,’ Tara said with a laugh. ‘Is he alright now?’

  ‘Absolutely. Sure by the time we got home, all he could talk about was seeing all his friends in Montessori. Shit, that reminds me, he needs a cake and sweets for Montessori tomorrow too. Do you mind?’ Grace said, feeling bad for putting all this on her friends. Each child always had a birthday party at Montessori, but it was up to the parents to provide the cake and party sweets for everyone.

  ‘I’ll call into Superquinn on the way home,’ Tara said. ‘I know they do Mickey Mouse birthday cakes. I’ll drop them all into your apartment, so that Liam has them for tomorrow.’

  ‘Perfect.’ Grace was relieved to know that this was under control. She was beginning to feel very sleepy and before she knew it she had drifted off.

  Tara and Abby held hands watching their best friend. They were scared.

  Chapter Forty One

  Tom kissed Grace on the forehead before leaving the hospital room. She’d been asleep for the past half hour. Liam followed him out of the room.

  ‘How are you doing, buddy?’ Tom said, giving Liam a big bear hug.

  ‘Not great to be honest. Worried sick about Grace. She looks terrible, doesn’t she?’ Liam replied.

  Tom nodded his response. He’d got a shock when he walked into the hospital room earlier this evening. He’d never seen Grace look so tired and pale. It was such a stark contrast to how well she looked a few weeks earlier at her wedding. ‘It’s to be expected though, mate. She’s probably suffering from jet lag on top of everything else,’ Tom added.

  ‘True. We never stopped in Florida, Tom. If I’d only known the cancer was back, I would have insisted that she slow down. But she was like a whirlwind over there. Insisting that we do something different every day. She was trying to fit it all into our first week. Crazy,’ Liam said.

  ‘That’s Grace for you,’ Tom said with a smile. Her courage and strength never failed to amaze him. ‘She’s one hell of a woman. You’re a lucky man.’

  Liam nodded in response. He didn’t need reminding of that. Every day he couldn’t believe his luck that he and Grace were back together and now actually married.

  ‘We’re all meeting in the Cock Tavern for a drink. If you fancy calling in on your way home?’ Tom asked his friend.

  ‘Thanks, mate. But I need to get home. Catherine is there. She picked up Jack from Montessori and she’s desperate for news on Grace. She’s also got dinner waiting for me,’ Liam replied.

  ‘Alright so. I’ll be off. But I’ll see you both tomorrow,’ Tom said. He walked away with a feeling of dread. Half an hour later he parked his car outside the pub and walked in, spying the gang immediately in their usual corner.

  ‘Darling, I have a drink for you,’ Gerry told him, giving him a quick kiss. ‘You alright?’ Gerry could tell that Tom was upset.

  ‘Grand, love. Don’t be worrying,’ Tom answered. ‘This is a load of bollocks though.’

  The others all laughed half-heartedly at Tom’s phrasing.

  ‘How did you think she looked?’ Tara asked him.

  ‘Terrible. She wasn’t that pale the last time, I’m sure of it,’ he stated.

  The others all nodded in response. Abby turned to Sean and asked, ‘Did you get a chance to talk to Dr Kennedy?’

  Sean nodded, ‘Yep. Her bone marrow function has deteriorated again.’

  ‘Will the chemo sort her out?’ Abby asked.

  ‘Hope so. But in all honesty, her best bet is a transplant if she’s going to beat it this time,’ Sean said ruefully.

  ‘What about advertising?’ Gerry suggested. ‘You know, asking for people to come in and be tested? You often see people on breakfast TV looking for help this way.’

  Nobody answered him. Tom patted Gerry’s hand, acknowledging his idea, but he was thinking along another line: Fr O’Hara. He had been thinking about him while driving to the pub. He needed to talk to Liam tomorrow about paying him a visit again. He could be the answer. If Catherine wasn’t a match – maybe he was.

  ‘Where’s Shay, darling?’ Gerry asked Abby; just realising she was on her own.

  ‘He was supposed to join us but rang me about an hour ago to say he was really tired. He’s going to have an early night,’ she answered. She was a bit disappointed to be honest, as tonight she could have done with his company. She was so worried about Grace and a friendly shoulder to lean on would have been nice. But he was adamant he couldn’t go out tonight.

  ‘Everything alright with you guys?’ Tara asked.

  ‘Fine Tara, thanks. Just worried about Grace,’ Abby answered. ‘Can you imagine what it must have been like for her, keeping that from everyone – in particular Liam – for the past three weeks?’

  ‘Darling, I couldn’t have done it,’ Gerry replied.

  ‘Me neither,’ Tara added.

  ‘She’s a strong woman is our Grace,’ Tom said. ‘She was thinking about all of us, not herself, as usual. I just feel so useless. I want to do something to help.’

  ‘Well we’ve got to organise something for tomorrow. It’s Jack’s birthday. I promised Grace we’d sort something out. I’ve bought two cakes. One I’ve left with Catherine for Montessori tomorrow. The other I’ve at home. I thought maybe we should bring the party to Grace. I don’t want her to miss out,’ Tara told the group.

  ‘That’s a great idea,’ Abby agreed. ‘We can all bring our presents for Jack to the hospital and that way Grace can see him opening them all.’

  ‘I’ll bring some stuff to decorate Grace’s room, make it look festive, darlings,’ Gerry added, grateful for an excuse to do something.

  ‘That’s settled then,
’ Tara told the others. ‘I’ll give Liam a ring later on to make sure he’s happy enough with the plan.’

  Chapter Forty Two

  Grace had finished the second course of her chemotherapy and was trying to recover some energy in time for the party later on. Liam had told her earlier of the plans and she was delighted. She always loved watching Jack open his presents. His excitement was infectious and she needed something to keep her spirits up. Plus, she missed him terribly. She hadn’t seen him now for two days and it felt like a year. Then Gerry burst into the room with an armful of balloons and two big bags.

  ‘Hello darling,’ Gerry said, bending down for a kiss. ‘I can see you’ve decided to go for the pale and interesting look today.’

  ‘Cheek of you!’ Grace answered with a laugh. ‘Do I look that bad?’

  ‘No darling. You are, as always, beautiful. But a little bit pale. But never you mind, my darling. Gerry to the rescue!’ He bent down and started rummaging through Grace’s bedside locker till he found her make-up bag. ‘Good girl. Glad to see you didn’t forget the essentials when you packed!’ Gerry declared.

  ‘Never leave home without it!’ Grace told Gerry with a smile. ‘Go on; give me a makeover.’

  ‘This will need to be an extreme makeover, darling!’ Gerry said as he started applying Mac foundation on Grace’s pale skin. ‘By the time I’ve finished with you, Liam will be proposing all over again!’

  Grace closed her eyes and allowed Gerry to take over. She trusted him completely and knew that he’d apply just the right amount of make-up to make her look healthy. She didn’t want to scare Jack when he came in. Ten minutes later Gerry was finished and Grace was delighted when she looked in the mirror.

  ‘Thanks sweetie. I feel better already!’ Grace said, blowing a kiss at Gerry. ‘Now what’s in those bags?’

  ‘This room is far too bland for a party, darling! I called into Party Zone and we have balloons, streamers, banners, posters, party poppers and party hats for everyone!’ Gerry said, clapping his hands excitedly.


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