Hustler_A Second Chance Romance

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Hustler_A Second Chance Romance Page 23

by Rye Hart

  “Shane?” Nolan said, waving his hand in front of my face.

  I snapped out of my reverie and blinked a couple of times as if coming out of a dream. I hadn't even seen him get off the couch.

  “Yeah?” I muttered.

  “I asked if you wanted sausage,” he said, “or if it would be okay if we just went with pepperoni this time?”

  “Sure, do whatever you want,” I said. “I'm not hungry anyway. I'm just going to go to bed, I think.”

  I was going to bed because I knew I'd need to be up bright and early to look for a new job. No way my job at the security company would understand why I'd left like that. Sure, there was someone else to take over for me, but the fact was, I walked out on the job, and my boss wasn't the understanding sort.

  With rent coming due in less than a week and a shut-off notice from the gas company sitting on the table, I'd need to find something else. Quickly.



  “Ugh, I'm so tired,” I groaned as I collapsed on the couch.

  My eyes would hardly stay open on their own. It was only eight p.m, and it felt like I'd been up for days. I heard footsteps running down the hallway toward me – little footsteps. Hearing them though, took away some of my exhaustion and a smile spread across my face. My mother's footsteps were right behind Olivia's.

  “Mommy!” Olivia said as she burst into the room, her hair wet from her bath still.

  My mom shook her head, but laughed. “She was hardly out of the bath when she heard you come in,” she said. “Had to rush out and see you before I put her to bed.”

  “I'm glad you did, angel,” I said, picking up my little girl and setting her on my lap.

  I pushed back a strand of her black hair, staring into those gray eyes of hers. She looked a lot like me when I'd been her age, and there was hardly any of her father in her – thank God.

  “Do I have to go to bed?” she asked, pouting. “You just got home.”

  My heart broke as he pouted. She was right. I did just get home, and it was her bedtime. Most nights were like that, unfortunately. I saw her on my nights off and when I didn't have class during the day. But, the fact of the matter was, I didn't get to spend enough time with my daughter, and it killed me.

  “I've got an idea,” I said. “What if I read you a bedtime story?”

  Olivia's eyes widened. “Dr Seuss?”

  “Anything you want, baby,” I said.

  I patted her on the head as she jumped down from my lap. Her Trolls nightgown swished around her ankles as she took off down the hallway. I just smiled as I watched her go.

  “Long day?” mom asked.

  She was in her work scrubs already. She was a nurse at the local hospital and worked the night shift. Her eyes were tired, and she looked like she could have used some sleep herself.

  “No more than usual,” I said with a tired smile. “But I'll be okay.”

  “I know you will,” she said. She reached out and gave my hand a quick squeeze. “Just a few more classes, and you'll be done with school.”

  She was right. I was following in my mother's footsteps of being a nurse. Originally, I'd wanted to go to medical school and that whole route. But now, with a daughter, I realized I didn't want to spend forever in school. Besides, nursing allowed me more flexibility and the ability to nurture and care for people more than if I'd been a surgeon – which was the reason I wanted to be a doctor, to begin with.

  “Have a good night, mom,” I said.

  She left the house, clearly as tired as I was. Both of us were burning the candle at both ends right now, but it was the only option we had. I hated missing out on my daughter growing up, but I had to get into a better place financially to give her the life she deserved.

  I stepped into her room, and she was already up on her bed with a book in her lap. Her eyes were sparkling and shining bright. My little girl obviously wasn't tired at all, and I knew that I'd be lucky if we stopped at just one book tonight. Judging by her bright eyes and the way she was swinging her feet off the side of the bed, she looked as if she could stay up all night.

  I, on the other hand, felt like I'd need toothpicks to keep my eyes open at all.


  It was 9:15 before Olivia finally fell asleep – I was in the middle of our fourth book. I knew I should have told her to go to sleep and left her alone after the first one. But, I didn't have the heart to cut my time with her short. Not after being gone all day. Not after she'd practically begged me to spend some time with her. After all, she'd only be little for so long.

  It was getting late, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I wasn't even in my mid-twenties yet, and I wanted to collapse in bed and sleep for the next twelve hours like some old person. I didn't have any homework or readings for the class to do, thankfully, which meant I actually had some free time to myself.

  I removed the stupid bright green polo they required me to wear at work, thinking how ridiculous I must have looked to Shane. Once upon a time, I'd been a cheerleader – the hottest girl in our class with a bright future ahead of me. Now though, I'd been reducted to wearing hideously bright work shirts and stopping kids from stealing bags of potato chips.

  Groaning, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My eyes were ringed by dark circles, my pale skin looking even paler than usual. I hadn't worn makeup in how long? I lost track. Had I known that I'd run into my ex, I might have put some effort into my appearance, at least. Instead, I looked tired and worn out.

  Which I was.

  My hair still looked nice, though. It was my one saving grace. I was lucky that I had straight, black hair that naturally looked shiny and laid just right over my shoulders. I didn't do much with my hair these days either, but thankfully, I didn't have to. I usually just ran a brush through it and was ready to go.

  God though, Shane looked fantastic. Even after all these years, he still managed to make my insides churn. Wearing nothing but my bra and panties, I fell backward onto the bed with a smile on my face and a flutter in my belly as I remembered the way he looked at me. It was the same way he'd looked at me all those years ago. It was like nothing had changed. Like, years had not gone by, and that our lives weren't completely changed forever.

  It was just him and me again, and it felt like everything had stopped for a moment or two.

  I scooted back on the bed, situating myself against the headboard. I still had the same bed that I did back then – the same bed we'd had sex in all those years ago. It was the same bed he'd taken my virignity to him on. Closing my eyes, I ran my hands over my tummy, imagining they were Shane's hands. The sensations rolled through me as I imagined feeling his hands on me, remembering what it had felt like all those years ago.

  My tummy had softened a bit since then. Having a child will do that to a woman, but the curves it gave me were definitely not a bad thing. I looked like an actual woman, rather than a schoolgirl.

  With memories about the things Shane and I used to do in this bed running through my mind, I slipped my hand underneath the waistband of my panties and slid it between my thighs. Just thinking about Shane's eyes staring into mine back at the store – so much like the night we'd had sex for the first time – got me all wet and turned on.

  Touching myself gently at first, I circled my clit with th tips of my fingers. It had been so long since I'd had sex with anyone – I hadn't been with anybody since Olivia's dad and I split up – that my body ached with a deep and abiding need.

  Except, it wasn't just any man I wanted. I wanted Shane Jackson – my high school boyfriend. A low moan escaped me as I touched myself, my body aching to feel him fuck me like he did back then.

  I slipped down onto my back, massaging my clit harder and faster, the pleasure making me moan softly. With one hand in my panties, I used the other to play with my nipples through the bra I was still wearing, and the added sensation made my back to arch upward with pleasure.

  “Yes,” I groaned. “Oh yes, Shane.”

>   I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my bottom lip as shockwaves of pleasure rocketed through my body. In my mind, my hand was Shane's mouth, licking and sucking at my sweet spot. He used to enjoy eating me out so much when we were younger. And he'd been so fucking good at it too. Always so eager to please me with his tongue.

  My panties were soaked now, a fire and hunger rising up within me, and I knew I was ready for more. It wasn't his cock – as much as I wished it could be – but I slid two fingers inside of me as I gave my nipple a hard pinch. I gasped in pleasure as sensatione exploded within me, my toes curling as I continued to play with my clit with my thumb.

  Shane's cock was much thicker and longer than my longer, delicate fingers, so it hardly scratched the itch at all. But, as they say, any port in a storm, and still, it felt good. Not great, or amazing, but good. So, I continued fingering myself and playing with my breasts, teasing the nipples and imagining Shane enjoying them. Imagining him using and pleasuring my body. My tummy wasn't the only thing that had grown fuller over the years. I'd gone up a full cup size or two.

  I just knew Shane would have loved to suck on my full round breasts, and just thinking about that sent shockwaves rampaging through my body, an electric energy surging from my nipples to my clit. Olivia's bedroom was across the hall from mine, so I had to be quiet. With my heart racing and sweat building along my brow, I shoved three fingers inside of me and used my free hand to muffle my screams, biting down on my flesh as I rode out the orgasm as quietly as humanly possible.

  As soon as the last wave of pleasure washed through me, my body grew heavy. I knew I had to get up and at least wash my hands before bed, but it was like a lead weight had been tied to me. My eyes were heavy, and all I wanted was to curl up against Shane's strong, toned chest and fall asleep.

  The good news was, I knew he was back in town. Which meant, I might run into him again. Even as I smiled wide at that thought, the nagging reminder that I shouldn't get involved with anyone right now rattled through my mind. Not with the custody battle with Trent looming. He was more than willing to use everything he had against me – not because he wanted Olivia, but because he hated me that much.

  I knew I couldn't risk the slightest appearance of impropriety and deny him ammunition to use against me.

  Shane was a good guy, or at least he had been back when we'd dated all those years ago. I had no doubt about that. Part of me believed it would be okay. Believed that Trent wouldn't be able to dig up any dirt to use against me in court.

  Another part of me though, knew that Trent would stop at nothing until he had me back. He knew that the only way to ever win me back, after everything we'd been through, was to take my daughter from me. There was no way in hell I would ever let that happen, though.

  Which was why I hadn't risked dating anybody in so long. It was also why I shouldn't have considered it, even then. I ended up drifting off to sleep while arguing with myself, all with the lingering doubt circling my mind like a hungry shark, that Shane might not even want me.



  I hardly slept at all. I stared up at the ceiling, then looked at my phone, and found that it was just after seven in the morning. Both Emily and Nolan were on their way to school. I had the place to myself. I checked my voicemail, and sure enough, there was a message from my boss telling me he was more than a little disappointed in me and to not bother coming back.

  Great. Not that I was surprised. I sighed and though I would haver rather pulled the covers over my head and slept the day away, I climbed out of bed, knowing that I better start looking for a new job. Preferably one that paid cash since waiting for them to pay me might make the difference between having a place to live and being tossed out on the streets like a sack of garbage.

  I'd showered before bed, so I grabbed a nice shirt from the closet and pulled on a pair of black dress slacks. It had been a long ass time since I'd dressed up, and feeling how stiff and uncomfortable I was in the get-up, reminded me why. I only wore this type of outfit when I was out looking for a job these days.

  Not bothering with breakfast – it's not like we had much in the house anyway – I grabbed my car keys and left the apartment, locking things up before turning to head down the stairs. As I made my way down the hallway, I passed a door which was open and, even at seven in the morning, already had music is coming out of it.

  I waved to my neighbor, a guy named Tim I'd run into a few times. The smell of marijuana – strong and thick – saturated the hallway, obviously coming from the open door.

  “Hey, man,” Tim said, scrambling over to the door in his boxers and a t-shirt.

  “Hey,” I said. “What's going on?”

  “Not much,” he said, scratching the stubble on his chin.

  He glanced down the hallway as if checking to make sure the coast was clear before speaking. He leaned a little closer and lowered his voice so only I could hear, like he was worried the Feds were listening.

  “You don't happen to know anyone who'd want to run an errand for me, would you?” he asked.

  “An errand?” I cocked an eyebrow. “What kind of errand?”

  “Just need to pick something up,” he said. “It pays well.”

  “Pick what up?”

  Tim's smirk stretched across his face, and he gave me a knowing look. Considering the smell coming from his place, it should have come as no surprise that he was asking for me to pick up some drugs for him. Not that I was against weed, I just had no desire to do it myself. Not only that, the last thing I wanted to do was to get caught up in his mess.

  “Would it be easier if you didn't know?” he asked.

  “Not really,” I mumbled. “Listen, I have to go. I can't help you, man. I've got too much on my plate and way too much at stake right now. The last thing I need is to get caught up in anything illegal.”

  “Understandable,” Tim said, backing off. “But if you need some extra cash, I promise it's a discreet deal. Can be a one-time thing.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks,” I said.

  In the back of my mind, I wanted to ask how much it would pay – but that would only lead me down a rabbit hole of actually considering it. It would definitely open the door, and if the pay actually was good, it might be the push that propelled me through it.

  I couldn't afford to let myself be temped by it. No matter how much I needed the money. Getting caught muling drugs would cost me everything. Even worse, it would cost Emily and Nolan even more.

  I waved at Tim and continued down the hallway, then on down the stairs. The stairs led to the back alley where my car was parked. I hopped inside my old beater and put the key into the ignition. The battery rolled over, but didn't start. I tried again. Same thing. A third time produced the same results. Dammit. No luck.

  Slamming my hands into the steering wheel, I cursed under my breath. I knew I was going to need a new battery soon, but I'd prayed the old one would hold out for a little while longer. Of course my entire world would go to shit at once, because that's always how it was. When it rained, it poured. In my case, the downpour hadn't stopped since mom and dad died.

  “Fuck,” I cursed, gripping ing the steering wheel tightly.

  I couldn't cry, I didn't want to lose control of my emotions. I was the only thing keeping us together, and I had to keep going. Somehow, I had to find a way to get over it and keep moving forward.

  I got out of the car and slammed the door. We were in the middle of town, which meant I could walk. It was a ridiculously warm ninety degree day and sweat was already seaping out of every pore, but it's what I had to do. Walter didn't have any sort of transit system in place – we were too small for that. I could call a cab, but who the fuck was I kidding? I couldn't afford a cab.

  I walked along the alley until I got to the street. We were surrounded by empty warehouses and factories that had closed down, rotting buildings that had stood empty for decades. Walter wasn't necessarily a thriving community with lots of jobs, and most of the
jobs we did have, paid minimum wage. I sighed, running a hand through my hair and headed toward town.

  It was going to be one hell of a long day.


  The door to C&S jingled as I pushed it open. I felt gross, and was covered in sweat and dirt from walking around all day, and my stomach was growling. The job search had gone nearly as poorly as I'd feared it would though. No one seemed to be hiring right now. I really hoped Piper wouldn't be working when I stopped by the store, but lo and behold, there she was.

  She stood behind the counter, smiling at a woman and her baby. She glanced over in my direction when I walked in, then did a double take. She stared at me, an intense stare that caused a twitching in my slacks. Her gray eyes were large and surprised, her smile as warm and inviting as I remembered it all those years.

  Her raven black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with tendrils falling loose around her porcelain face. Her dainty little nose was still as cute as a button, and her soft, fragile looking face still as beautiful and youthful as ever. She didn't appear to have aged a bit, and I could tell she wasn't wearing an ounce of makeup. Something that had never happened back in high school.

  The woman and her child walked past me and left, the store was now empty, save for Piper and me. We stared at each for a long time before I managed to find my voice.

  “Hey again,” I said.

  I scratched my chin, which was already getting a bit scruffy even though I'd shaved last night.

  “Hey, Shane,” she said. “What's going on?”

  “Not much,” I said, moving toward her slowly, averting my gaze as I asked the next question. “I was just wondering if you guys might be hiring?”


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