Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters)

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Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters) Page 2

by LC Taylor

  My eyes were glazed over as I stared through her, breathing normally as though nothing was amiss. “Jensen, what’s wrong with her?”

  “I don’t know, baby. Let’s go downstairs and see if Carter got ahold of Haley. Maybe she can tell us something.” Dylan leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek, as she stood, my eye’s flutter closed, “looks like she’s asleep now, anyway. Let’s see what Carter found.”

  Chapter 7: Haven

  I opened my eyes again – I wasn’t awake, at least I didn’t think so.

  The soft whimpering drew my attention, my eyes attempting to pinpoint the source as I sat up. “Tessa,” she was crumpled on the ground weeping, I got to my feet and ran to her, “how are you here, in this place?”

  “Haven… how, what’s happening…?” Tessa looked in my eyes with confusion, “Where am I?” She was beautiful despite the tear stained face looking at me. Her hair sparkled from the sunlight. If this was a dream, I didn’t want it to end. I reached out and took her hand, pulling her to me as she stood.

  “Tessa, I don’t understand. I think I’ve imagined you here… Am I dead? Are you dead? Oh god, you’re dead, aren’t you? what happened…” Remembering her crumpled form on the ground from when she’d been thrown during the fight with Dante. I’d pushed magic, my essence, into her trying to give her life… maybe I failed. Losing myself to the darkness before knowing if I had succeeded, I had no idea if my magic worked to save her.

  “I’m not dead, I don’t think anyway…” shaking her head, trying to come to grips with where she was. “I think I’m dreaming. Yeah… dreaming. This can’t be real. Oh god, I wish you were real.”

  I ran my hands down her arms, the feel of her igniting fire in my gut. “It’s me, Tessa,” pulling her into an embrace, savoring her touch “God, I’m so glad it’s you.”

  This seemed so strange. I knew it wasn’t real, but it felt so genuine. Her body pressed to mine, the heat of her breath against my neck, she was with me – here in this place I had been trapped and alone in for so long.

  The darkness was gone, the light she brought surrounded us as we stood at the edge of the water. “Haven, I don’t understand. How are you here… how, how am I touching you?” She pushed from my embrace, looking at me with shock and awe.

  “Tessa, I don’t know, maybe this is heaven…”

  No, if I was dead, she would be dead too. And I couldn’t accept that as true. “Haven, you’re unconscious – you have been for two months. You won’t wake up, and I, well I’m not well. I think I’m dying.” She looked down at her feet, hiding her eyes from me.

  “What do you mean you're dying Tessa?”

  It was barely a whisper, “Because my heart is breaking.”

  Her heart was breaking, for reasons I didn’t understand. I could mend her heart, but she was clear about how she felt, and she didn’t want my love, plus I couldn’t help from this hell hole. Her truth had cut me to the core, but I had to respect she wasn’t ready to accept I was her destined mate.

  “Is Dylan hurt? Or Roxy?” desperately trying to make sense of the cause to her broken heart.

  “No. They’re ok. Everyone’s fine Haven, everyone but you.”

  Searching her expression for some truth, “But you said you weren’t well… that you are dying of a broken heart. If everyone’s ok, then why is your heart breaking?”

  “Haven. I… I don’t know what to tell you. Please, can you just wake up? Roxy and Dylan, they need you.” she was hiding something, I could feel it. Fear was holding her back, she wanted to tell me, but wouldn’t.

  “Tessa… please tell me, maybe I can help you – somehow.”

  “Haven, I’m broken hearted because…” her image fading before me, she was disappearing from my grasp again.

  “TESSA, please don’t leave… tell me… please… TESSAAAA,” she was gone again, shadows consumed me – I gave into the despair and floated away. This dream was becoming my only connection to her, I needed to find her again – I needed to hear her voice.

  Chapter 8: Tessa

  “Tessa, honey. Can you hear me?”

  Someone was calling me. I blinked my eyes, “Haven? Is that you?” As my eyes focused, I could see Haley and Dylan at the bedside.

  “No, Tessa, it’s me and Dylan. You had some sort of episode earlier and we are here checking you over. How do you feel?”

  Haley was feeling my wrist, checking my pulse. I pushed myself into a sitting position, realizing I was in bed next to Haven. He was still unconscious, as I stroked his hair, “Haven, I saw him. I… I talked to him.” Tears ran down my face as I looked to Dylan who was just watching me with concern. “Oh God, I think I am losing my mind.”

  “No, you’re not crazy Tessa. You’re just under a lot of stress. Do you remember what happened? Dylan found you on the shower floor, how long were you there – the water was freezing?” Haley was checking me over as she spoke.

  “No… I got in the shower. I – I think… I don’t remember anything else…. Except the dream of Haven. Except it was so real. I could feel him touching me… he asked about you, Dylan. It seemed so… was it real?” my eyes surely reflecting my confusion and desire for it to have been real.

  “I’m not sure, Tessa. We need to find Roxy. Maybe she has some answers.” Haley turned to leave the room, “Dylan, you need to get Roxy. She needs to know what’s happened. I think there’s magic involved, but it’s out of my depth. I feel it pulsating off Tessa… I don’t understand it though.”

  “Tessa, tell me about this dream,” curiosity filled Dylan’s voice as she spoke.

  “Dylan, I don’t know how to explain… it was so weird. I remember being in the shower, I was crying – I think… the next thing I know I was standing in this open space. The light engulfed me – it was blinding.” pausing, as I got lost in my mind, trying to grab the memory from its depths.

  “The next thing I remember, I was sobbing, begging him to come back to me – then he was there. If it was a dream why could I feel him? He touched me, Dylan, I put my hand on his face for Christ sakes – we, we hugged. His body was so warm… Am I going crazy?” fear consuming me… I was shaking.

  “I don’t know, I don’t think you’re crazy – I think magic is somehow involved. Look, I know you don’t want to, but you should come outside and shift. You haven’t shifted in a couple of days, and your wolf is making you sicker. She needs freedom, even a little. Plus, the fresh air will make you feel better. Please, Tessa, for me?” begging wasn’t something Dylan was ashamed to do, she needed me to listen to her, “I can have Paul and Jensen come up and sit with Haven. They can change his clothes while we’re outside.”

  As I contemplated her request, staring with a blank expression, “I can’t leave him.” Dylan would likely have to drag me outside, I didn’t think I could go willingly.

  “Tessa, you have to. Just think, letting your wolf out will tire you, making you sleepy – and then maybe you’ll dream of Haven again.”

  Looking from Dylan to Haven, lingering on his prone form a little longer. Standing from the bed, gripping the quilt around my naked body, “Get me some clothes.”

  Chapter 9: Tessa

  After grabbing some shorts and a top, I reluctantly left the sanctuary of my room. We headed downstairs to find Chris, Paul, Jensen, and Mike sitting in the living room. They were engrossed in a combat game on the play station as we rounded the corner to the door.

  Jensen was the first to look up, “What the FUCK Jensen… Pay attention…,” Chris caught sight of Jensen’s distraction. Everyone turned to stare at me. I hadn’t been out in days.

  “What the hell is everyone staring at?” Tessa stormed away and bolted out the front door.

  “Geez guys, could you make that any more uncomfortable?” Dylan glared at the four sets of eyes now trained on her. Paul broke the silence in the room, “Um, sorry… its – well she hasn’t been out of that room in so long it took us by surprise.”

  “Yeah, should we go out and a
pologize to her? We didn’t mean to make her mad. Hey, how did you get her to come out anyway?” Mike questioned Dylan as she walked towards the door, “Well, I guess you could say I blackmailed her… but that’s all semantics.” Dylan smiled and blew Jensen a kiss who was grinning at her like the Cheshire cat.

  “Can you two save your goo-goo eyes for somewhere else? It’s depressing for those of us that are still alone…” Chris laughed at as he rolled his eyes at us.

  “Aww. Chris, are you lonely? Work at the bookstore, hot girls like books.” Dylan giggled as she darted out the front door, just dodging the pillow that came hurtling out the opening behind her.

  “Damn, Jensen, your girl is hot,” eliciting a growl from Jensen, Paul quickly defended himself, “Hey now, don’t worry I know she’s yours. We all do… besides, she only has eyes for you. I’m pretty sure I could be naked and she’d still not notice.”

  The sound of their laughter brought a smile to Dylan’s face, I only wish I could smile, but smiling was for the happy – and happy was the furthest thing from what I was. Standing at the edge of the woods, lost in my head, unable to hear the life continuing on around me.

  “Tessa, wait up,” jogging to catch up with me where I stood facing the trails.

  “They all think I’ve lost my mind, don’t they?” focusing on the trees in front of me as I spoke.

  “Look, Tessa, they’re all worried about you – we care about you. So, seeing you out of the room caught them off guard. They feel bad for gawking at you, but it’s not because they think you’re crazy – they don’t,” placing her hand on my shoulder, “come on, letting your wolf out will make you feel better. She needs to be free from the sadness too.”

  Shifting to her wolf Dylan stood to wait for me. Inhaling, I let my golden wolf free from the chains I kept her bound by.

  Let’s go, you deserve this break.

  Yeah, sure. Let’s hurry, I want to get back to Haven. He needs me. We took off into the thicket towards the waterfall, I put some distance between Dylan and me. When Dylan burst through the trees, she found me sitting at the water’s edge,


  Cocking my head without turning to look in Dylan’s direction. I feel so close to him here like he’ll just pop out of the trees and find me. God, Dylan I screwed up. He doesn’t even know how I feel about him.

  Tessa, he’ll come back to us, to you. I know he will. You need to take care of yourself though, he won’t want to come back to find you sick or worse…

  I sat quietly for what seemed like a life span, making no sound or movement. Laying down on the shore Dylan perched her head on her front paws and watched me, giving me space she obviously thought I still needed.

  Tessa, you ready to go?

  Without a word, I turned and trotted back towards the house. When we reached the edge of the property I shifted back, “Thanks, Dylan, I’ll be in my room.”

  Walking off with no other words, as I entered the house, Jensen walked past me, “Tessa, we got Haven in some clean clothes and shifted him around a bit on the bed, Chris helped me. We were thinking that we could move the lounge chair in there and move him to it from time to time. You ok with that?”

  With a slight nod, “Sure that’s great,” I disappeared into the house.

  “Hey Babe,” Jensen skipped down the porch stairs, he wrapped his arms around Dylan, placing a kiss on her head, “How did it go with Tessa?” She pulled him closer, savoring his touch and inhaling his scent.

  “It was weird, I mean, she shifted fine… but she didn’t speak, and she just sat on the water’s edge staring off into space. Jensen, I’m afraid we may be losing her,” burying her head into his chest fighting back the tears.

  “Don’t lose hope, we will figure it out, we are the only ones that can save him from that wretched Inferno holding him. You hear me?” his lips found hers, his love flowing through to her like warm sunlight.

  “Yeah, I hear you. God, how did I get so lucky to find you? I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, Jensen. Come on, let’s go inside and try to call Roxy again… maybe she’s figured something out.” They walked into the house, hoping that somehow, someway, they would be able to save us both.

  Chapter 10: Tessa

  Haven looked so calm and peaceful, his breaths slowly rising as I stalked closer to the bed. Sitting on the edge I reached out and stroked his face. “Haven, I handled everything so wrong. I was just afraid of losing you, and yet – I did anyway.”

  Placing a kiss on his head, I stood and moved to sit in the window seat. I slipped off my shoes and stretched out, resting my head on the window ledge. Watching the clouds blowing by out the window, my mind drifted to my encounter with Haven in my unconsciousness, it wasn’t long before I slipped off to sleep.

  “Haven?” calling out to him, praying I would see him one more time. This time, it was different, instead of just bright light, the waterfall and the crystal waters it fell into consumed my vision. The sound of the water spilling over the edge above me sounded like soft fingers playing a melody on a piano. It was tranquil here, the only thing missing was Haven.

  As if my mind conjured him to me, Haven stepped out from behind the brush. “Tessa? Where… where am I, where are we?” He looked around in wonder, taking in the breathtaking view and sounds around him.

  Running to him, “Haven! I was afraid I wouldn’t see you again!” his arms wrapped around me as I flung myself into his arms.

  “Haven, Oh God, I didn’t think it was possible. I feared I was crazy,” snuggling in tighter to him, I inhaled the familiar scent of him. He kissed the top of my head as he pulled away, his absence already leaving me longing for his touch.

  “Tessa, I don’t understand. What’s happening?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s real. We’re really together – it’s not just a dream. Dylan thinks it’s our magic, and maybe since we’re destined mates, we can meet here on this alternate plane. I don’t care the reason… I never thought I’d get the chance to tell you – I’m so sorry for how I treated you.” I looked away from him, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  “Tessa, it’s ok, I get it you weren’t ready to hear what I had to say – I understand. It doesn’t matter, I will wait an eternity for you to be ready,” his eyes reflected the pain and longing he felt for me.

  “It’s not that – Haven, I was just caught off guard… can we sit? I still can’t believe we’re here together.” We moved to the edge of the water, sliding my bare feet into the water – the feel of the cool wetness gave me a chill. Haven wrapped his arms around me, trying to ebb the shiver that ran rampant down my body.

  “Here, you're cold. Let me warm you up.”

  We sat together on the water’s edge, holed up in each other’s arms. The warmth of his breath on my head as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. “Tessa, I could spend my days forever like this,” Haven’s embrace grew tighter as he pulled me into his lap. Closing my eyes, I relished in the safe cocoon of his arms.

  “Jensen!” finding me unconscious again on the window seat sent her into a panic. I could feel her shaking me, trying to wake me up to move into the bed, but I couldn’t respond – not even when I felt her pinch my arm.

  “Dylan, what is it?” Jensen came bursting through the door, followed closely by Carter. “What the hell… Is she breathing?” I could feel Carter touching me, searching for a pulse.

  “YES, she’s breathing… FUCK Carter, I would be doing CPR if she wasn’t,” frustrated at the state they continued to find me in, Dylan lashed out at him.

  “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand why this keeps happening. Can you move her to the bed again?” pulling down the covers, Carter laid me next to Haven. Jensen moved to stand beside Dylan, he was trying to calm her emotions. Dylan’s magic was still unpredictable and when she got really emotional, it sometimes broke out.

  Placing a kiss on her neck, “Calm down Dylan, honey, your eyes are glowing – I don’t want you to hurt anyone.”

nbsp; “I’m sorry, I – I just… GOD!” storming from the room to try to gain better control, she left Jensen and Carter standing alone.

  “Damn, I haven’t seen her that upset since the pipes burst in the basement – remember… when Paul flushed a balloon down the toilet,” he joked trying to lighten the mood, “I talked with Roxy, I have some news. I was on my way up to tell you when Dylan hollered.”

  Carter looked at Jensen trying to get a feel on his temper. Whenever his mate was that pissed, he sometimes destroyed things – or people. It took Paul a week to recover from his injuries after that balloon prank back fired.

  “They don’t look like they’re going anywhere. Let’s go find her – hopefully, she’s calmed down some and can talk to use without setting one of us on fire,” Jensen smirked as they headed out and closed the door.

  “Dylan? You down here?” Jensen called out as he walked into the living room.

  “Yeah, in here. Sorry about that,” she waved her hands around pointing upstairs.

  “Look, we are all frustrated…,” hugging as he brushed a light kiss across her lips.

  “Ahem,” Carter cleared his throat, stepping back to put some space between him and Jensen, “sorry to interrupt, but I have some news.”

  Dylan turned, eyes wide, “What, what news?”

  Carter took a deep breath, “I talked to Roxy. First, she’ll be home in two days – and she’s bringing a friend. She didn’t go into detail, but she said that she thinks they know what’s wrong with Haven. And why Tessa keeps losing consciousness.”

  “Ok… she didn’t say anything else? And a friend, seriously?” Dylan shook her head. This was getting more aggravating for her. She had magic and felt like she should be able to help them – yet she felt so powerless.

  “Yeah, apparently this friend is another witch from the coven – a powerful one. She’s going to help us bring them back, I guess.”


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