Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters)

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Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters) Page 10

by LC Taylor

  “I WILL NEVER BE YOURS. Do you hear me? Stay away from us… I’ll find a way out of this hell.” Screaming from my unmovable spot.

  “You're wrong, I will have you both. First, I will take her,” pointing behind me forcing me to glance over my shoulder. Standing at the top of the stairs was Hope. Her eyes wide in fear.

  “HOPE go back inside!”

  She stood, mesmerized by the sight of the monster. “Tessa…” she stood there, unmoving.

  “HOPE PLEASE GO INSIDE, NOW.” My screams snapped her out of her trance, running back inside she slammed the door shut.

  “Leave. Us. Alone.” Screaming as I turned my head to face the beast once more.

  “I’ll be watching… I will find her and take her… then I will have you.” The beast sneered as he vanished, the spell he had me under disappearing, causing me to drop to my knees.

  Gasping for breath on my hands and knees in the dirt, peering into the woods to ensure he was gone. Pushing myself up, I bolted towards the cabin. Bursting into the room, I found Hope cowering in the corner, her knees drawn to her chest as she cried. “Hope…” pulling her into an embrace, I smoother her hair, “don’t cry. I’m here. He won’t hurt us – I won’t let him.”

  Chapter 38: Tessa

  We sat huddled in the corner, Hope wrapped tightly in my embrace. Her tears and moans cut me to the core. Seeing that beast outside terrified her and nothing I could do would erase the image of him from her head.

  “Hope, honey. Let’s get up and go to the table. I need to look around.” Standing, pushing her from my lap, pulling her to her feet.

  “No, please…please don’t leave me here alone.” She shuddered as she spoke, the fear rippling off her in waves. My wolf was going crazy inside me – whimpering and howling from the fear she smelled.

  “I won’t leave you – honey I just need to check and make sure we are alone again.” I guided her to the chair, rubbing her back as she sat down.

  “Tessa, wha… what was that?” Stuttering as she spoke, her eyes shown the concern she had, “He said he was going to take me….” Her head sweeping the room, looking for any hidden dangers.

  “He was some sort of creature. The keeper of the in-between. I don’t really know. It doesn’t matter, we are going to figure out how to get you home. I won’t let him hurt you. I promise.” Hope’s fear had my wolf going crazy. I wish I could shift, she could protect Hope better than I could in my human form.

  “Would you like to go and swim? I don’t think we have to worry about that thing now, it’s daylight outside. It seemed to me he likes the dark. As soon as the sun started peeking out, he vanished.”

  Hope shifted on her feet. “What if he decides to come out in the light? He was really scary.”

  I grabbed her hand, “I know, but we must not let him keep us locked up in fear. I want to go back to where I found you – and see if there are any clues as to why you are here, do you trust me?”

  Nodding she let out a sigh, “Fine. But don’t leave me alone.” Taking her by the hand, we stepped outside. The sun shone brightly, it was warm out – a swim in the water would be just what we needed.

  Walking down the heavily wooded path, I started to get the sensation we were being watched. Tightening my grip on Hope’s hand, I smiled as she looked up at me. I didn’t want her to know I was feeling a bit concerned. If we weren’t alone in the woods, it could only mean it was the beast watching us.

  We made it to the waterfall. We slipped into the cool waters and played, splashing each other. Hope seemed to forget her fears and enjoyed the time we spent swimming.

  Stepping from the edge of the thicket, the half man, half beast emerged. Hope let out a squeal, swimming towards me. “Tessa!” Wrapping herself around my, I pulled her into the safety of my arms.

  “Why are you here? Please… can't you just leave is alone?”

  The creature moved from the safety of the trees, hissing his words as he spoke, “No. I told you, you would be mine. You are still here, in the in-between. Your presence here is not allowed. You will pay for over staying your welcome.”

  Moving towards the edge of the water, the beast pointed towards Hope, “Her, I will take her.” As if by magic, he pulled her from my grasp, Hope screaming.

  “No please. Take me, she’s just a child.” Rushing from the waters towards Hope, now held tightly in his hands, I tried to grab her.

  The beast vanished from his spot, taking her with him. “NO…NO come back – PLEASE.” I crumpled to the ground where they once stood. Sobbing, “Please, you can't take her.”

  I told her I would protect her, I failed. Standing, I searched to forest for any clues to where he had gone. Making the decision I would do anything to get her back. As I started towards the edge where he once stood, my stomach spasmed, forcing me to my knees.

  Clutching myself, I tried to stand again. The pain was intense, causing me to lose my breath. The shooting throb in my gut forced me down to the ground again. Laying down, I cried. I had failed Hope, and now I was failing my baby.

  Chapter 39: Haven

  Waking to the sensation of Tessa’s once still form now thrashing beside me, I screamed for Stef, something was horribly wrong. She kicked and moaned, never opening her eyes. Stef burst into the room, Roxy close behind her.

  “Haven, what’s happening?” Stef pushed passed me to sit beside Tessa.

  “I don’t know. For Christ sake, Stef. What in the hell is going on? She just started moaning and thrashing around on the bed. Please… do something.”

  Stef began chanting. Roxy grabbed me, moving me from the bed. Watching Tessa in so much pain and not being able to do anything was gut wrenching.

  Stef turned, her face ashen. “Haven, it’s not good. Her soul is fading… I’m afraid she’s been stuck to long in the in-between. She’s been trapped there for months, if she doesn’t figure out what’s holding her there, then she will be lost to the keeper. I’m not sure how she’s still alive now.”

  “What the hell do you mean the keeper?? Stef, the in-between is a place. A WRETCHED HELL… you're not making any sense.”

  Stef nodded at Roxy, who was holding my arms tightly, “Dad, sit down. You need to calm down so we can explain to you what’s happening – what will happen.”

  I sat at the foot of the bed, looking at Tessa’s stilled body, “Fine, tell me. I can't stand this anymore. She doesn’t deserve this.” Tears spilled down my face, staining the front of my t-shirt.

  “Haven, the in-between is a place, you're right. But just like Heaven and Hell, it has a keeper. And when souls get lost there, trapped for too long, the keeper collects them and decides where to deliver them.”

  “The keeper?” Her twisted story was unnerving. My beautiful woman was trapped between Heaven and Hell – it was all my fault.

  “Yes, the keeper. It’s a beast of sorts, half man, half animal. He takes the souls that have spent too much time there. The only way to escape is to prove your reason for returning to the living. She will have to prove her love is truly undying and devoted; but without realizing she’s there to save her baby – I fear she may be lost to us forever. The keeper will put her to the test if she encounters him.”

  Tessa was going to die and it was my fault. “Is there nothing I can do? Surely my magic can do something.” Frustration coursed through my body – I felt useless.

  “Unfortunately, no. Only Tessa can save herself. She will have to make a choice to save her soul – what that choice will be, only the keeper will know.”

  Tessa began moaning in her fitful rest. Thrashing around like her body was ragging a war with itself. Roxy moved to stand beside Stef, and the two of them began casting spell over her. Their magic would hopefully buy Tessa time to save herself from the hell I’d trapped her in.

  Her body relaxed, the magic calming her spirit. “How much longer does she have?” facing out the window, unable to look at her when Stef answered.

  “It’s hard to say. From the looks of he
r, the swell of her belly would say she is due soon. Could be days, could be weeks. She’ll either wake to have this baby – or they both die.” Stef rubbed her solemn face. Turning to me, she placed a hand on my shoulder, “Haven, we’ve done all that we can. We need to prepare for the worst. I think it’s time you called everyone to the house. We need to tell them what’s going on.”

  “HOW DARE YOU! I will not sit by and plan for her death. ARE you MAD?”

  Roxy moved to me, wrapping me into a tight embrace, “Dad, she’s right. We aren’t giving up – Tessa’s a fighter… But the others have the right to know how bad this is. Dylan deserves to know.”

  Crumpling into my daughters arms I wept. I lost her mother, a woman who was my dearest friend, but never – never in my wildest dreams did I think I would love like this only to lose it.

  “I can't live without her.” Sobbing into the arms of my child, I felt useless.

  “Dad, please don’t give up hope… Tessa is a fighter – she fought for you remember? We have to believe she will win this battle, and come home to us.”

  Roxy was right, Tessa was a fighter. She had defied the odds and pulled me from abyss I was in… I just needed to have faith she would win again.

  “You're right. Call everyone – get them here. We need to tell them what’s happening. They have a right to know. This will kill Dylan, Tessa’s all she has left since her parents died.” Wiping the tears from my face I stood and walked to the edge of the bed.

  “No dad, you're wrong. Dylan has you… she has us. We will get through this together – as a family. Come on Stef – lets go prepare. This house is about to be busting at the seams with people.”

  They walked from the room, leaving me alone with Tessa. She was still now – her body resting. Sitting on the bed, I placed my hand on her protruding belly, “Baby – what did I do to you?”

  I loved this woman with all that I was, losing her was not in the plans. She had to come back to me. I needed her.

  Chapter 40: Tessa

  Laying on the cold damp forest ground, I surveyed my surroundings. The pain in my stomach a dull ache, reminding me that something was wrong. Forcing myself to stand, I pushed off the ground – wincing as I straightened my body.

  I couldn’t help but inhale sharply, the pain was stabbing – like something cutting me from the inside. Feeling my stomach, I detected nothing. No movement – hell the entire time being here, I hadn’t felt my baby move. I was beginning to wonder if Hope’s words were true. Maybe I was empty. Right now, that’s how I felt.

  Shaking out of my wallowing, I stepped slowly toward the woods. I would find Hope – knowing that I could lose my baby in the process, I couldn’t let that little girl become his prisoner. I would beg him to take me instead.

  She had her whole life ahead of her – while I wanted out, I would gladly trade my soul for hers. The need to find her stirred my wolf. Clawing and whimpering in my mind, but still refusing to shift. WE both had a need to save her – although she wouldn’t take control, her senses guided me towards her.

  Calling out to the sky’s, “PLEASE BRING HER BACK.” The sobs pouring out of me, I couldn’t hold the cries inside. Feeling like a failure, I’d promised to take care of Hope – and I let that monster take her.

  Making my way slowly down the trail, I headed towards the cabin. Hoping there would be some clue as to where the keeper had taken her. This place seemed like a maze, one of which I did not want to get lost in – not until I found her.

  As the cabin came into view the outline of the keeper standing on the steps stopped me dead in my tracks. He was there, waiting on me – like I was his prey and he was the predator.

  “Give her back to me – you can’t have her!” Pointing at him as I stormed towards him. If I was going to die in this hell hole, he was going to set her free – come high or hell water.

  “Tessa,” he hissed my name, “You can't have her back… she belongs to me – you’ve broken the rules and over stayed your welcome. Seems to me you want to stay.”

  My eyes fixed on him, “You're crazy... I just want to go home – We both do!”

  He eased his way from the shadows, coming to stop in from of me. “Ahhhh… you want to leave do you? What would you give up, to go home? Would you sacrifice Hope? Or…,” he ran his disgusting finger down my arm, “yourself and baby perhaps?”

  Stepping back, I took a deep breath. “What… What kind of question is that?” He expected me to sacrifice someone? He was truly insane.

  “You want me to choose? I couldn’t… I won’t.” His piercing glare told me he wasn’t giving me a choice. “Why would you make me do something that?”

  “You will decide – or you will all be mine,” his sneer sent a chill to my bones, “but don’t worry… I’ll give you time to decide.” He was gone before I could say a word.

  Staring at the empty space where he once stood, I found myself cradling the slight swell of my belly. It reminded me of the love I had shared with Haven – our baby was the product of destined mates. How could I sacrifice myself, losing him or her in the process? That would surely kill Haven.

  But then my mind drifted to Hope. She was so young and didn’t deserve to be in this hell hole. How could I willingly trap her here, just to spare my life and the life of my baby who wasn’t even born yet?

  Walking into the house I threw myself onto the bed. Tears spilling down my face. All I wanted was to go home and to be in Haven’s embrace. I loved him with all my heart, going home to him was the most important thing – but I couldn’t just leave Hope here. I would never forgive myself.

  Laying in the bed, crying, I knew what I had to do – I prayed Haven would forgive me and be ok. The thought of destroying him killed me inside. With a new resolve, I stood and walked outside.

  Chapter 41: Tessa

  As I stepped outside, the warmth of the sun’s rays beat down on my face, drying the tears still dampening my skin. Blinking through the brightness, my eyes spotted the keeper resting against the trees.

  “Before I tell you my decision, I want to see Hope. To talk to her.” I stepped down the stairs walking towards him.

  “You’ve made a choice then?” His voice grated on my soul.

  “Yes, but bring her to me. Then I will tell you.”

  Hope appeared by his side, running from him she jumped into my arms. “Tessa! I was so scared.” Sobbing into my arms she gripped tightly to me.

  “Oh baby, its ok now. I promise. Hope, look at me,” pulling her back so she could look into my eyes, “You're going to go home.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Her confusion hit me hard, my wolf going crazy at her fear, “Hope, I am going to stay here, so you can go back to your family. The Keeper will make sure you get there. You don’t belong here… neither of us do – but you’re young and deserve a chance at life. So, I want you to go back to him and go home with him – he will take you there.”

  “NO TESSA! You can't do that… I want to be here with you. Please…,” She clung to me fiercely, refusing to move.

  “We had a deal. Take her home NOW. I will be yours.” I couldn’t look at Hope, her tears splitting my heart in two.

  “Tessa… I love you.” Hope buried her head into me,

  “I love you too, Hope.” Squatting I took her chin in my hands, wiping the tears away with my thumbs,

  “You go and live for me, ok? Your mommy must miss you. She deserves to have her little girl at home.”

  Pulling her into a tight hug one last time, I stood, “Take her. Send her back.”

  Hope vanished, the Keeper stood before me. “You love her, don’t you? Even more than your own baby.” His words stung.

  “How dare you. I LOVE my baby just as much. BUT she… she had her whole life to live. I could have never lived with myself knowing I chose myself over her. So, don’t you DARE tell me I love my baby less.”

  Walking closer to him, “Get it over with – take me where ever it is you intend… I don’t wa
nt to live anymore… Losing Haven, and now Hope – life is pointless.”

  The keeper stilled, watching my every move. “Your love for her is strong – yet you only knew her a short time… Tessa, do you know how I come to choose who stays and who leaves this place?”

  “What does it matter? You gave me a choice and I made it – can we just get on with it already?” Storming past him towards the woods.

  “STOP!” He bellowed at me, forcing me to turn and face him.

  “WHAT? Haven’t you destroyed me enough? You’ve taken everything from me – everything. Hope was the last shred of humanity I had being here… and now she’s gone.”

  The heat of my anger washed over him, but did nothing to elicit a reaction. “Tessa, you are worthy.” Placing his hand on my head, “Go – but never return to this place.”

  “What…,” my eyes grew heavy, the darkness creeping over me. I put my hand on my belly, sending a silent apology to my unborn baby for failing to protect him or her. The sensation was bizarre – where ever he was sending me, it felt as though I was falling forever. Giving into the darkness, my mind went blank.

  Chapter 42: Haven

  Walking into the bedroom from a long day at work, panic washed over me as I realized Tessa was convulsing on the bed. Rushing to her side, I grabbed her body to keep her from falling off the bed.

  “HELP – SOMEONE, ANYONE!” Praying someone was home and would hear me, I held onto her.

  Carter rushed into the room, “Haven, what’s happening?”

  “I don’t know – where the fuck is Stef or Roxy?” losing my temper was the last thing I needed, my magic would become uncontrollable if that happened.

  “Tessa!” Dylan came rushing into the room, followed by Jensen. She turned to him, “Jensen, please find Roxy or Stef – someone that can help.”

  Nodding he bolted out of the room. Carter had moved opposite of me on the bed and was holding her arm down, her movements had lessened. “I… I came in and she was convulsing like this. Oh, baby what have I done to you?” The guilt of her state still weighed heavy on me, I felt responsible.


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