Billionaire's Fake Wife: A Single Mom BWWM Romance

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Billionaire's Fake Wife: A Single Mom BWWM Romance Page 3

by Tyla Walker

  “Mom!” I stand up, reacting.

  “I’m not done yet,” Mom adds. “I want you to settle down, and you have three months to make this happen. After three months, you’ll lose your chance, and I’ll give control of the company to someone else.”

  My mouth’s agape. What the fucking hell stipulation is this? But of course, I didn’t curse in front of my mom.

  “You can leave,” mom points at the door. “Think it over carefully. Your playboy lifestyle or the company?”

  I didn’t know how I manage to walk out of her office. I feel so conflicted, I don’t know what to do.

  Then, I see Sonya in front of me… and a trace of inspiration appears in my mind. I got the answer to my predicament.

  Sonya’s an angel.



  "Yes, no, no, wait! I don't mean that!" I shout as I talk on my phone. I'm balancing coffee and files on both hands. I have my cellphone placed in between my ears and my shoulder.

  "We need to have the place ready for the event!" I insist as I continue to walk towards the company building while talking on my phone. It was stupid of me to forget my earphones.

  I guess I'm pretty preoccupied.

  I have to buy coffee from two blocks away; then, I have to pick up files from one of our staff that has to be in the field today.

  I'm so busy even though it's still early, forty minutes past eight am. I hear people arguing on the other line; it looks like I have to go to the event's place myself.

  I sigh, "What now?"

  We talk for a few minutes, and we finally manage to reach a consensus. I hang up and almost throw my phone away when it rings again.

  I answer the phone with purse lips. Can't these people wait? I'm almost at the office!

  "I'm almost there," I reply as soon as I answer without hearing the person's reason for calling. "I have the files in hand."

  "Great, come here as soon as possible," the other side says, then hangs up.

  "What am I? The Flash?" I mumble and walk faster as much as my stiletto' hells' can carry me. I call it 'hells' because it's hell for me walking and running on my stiletto. My goodness, I can't wear flats because I have to look the part.

  This is the downside of working in the fashion industry. Even if you feel like shit, you have to look like an angel. An epitome of beauty, grace, and elegance.

  I run to the elevator as soon as I'm on company premises.

  "Wait!" I shout and smile apologetically at the people inside when my coffee almost toppled over. They look at me with understanding. Well, yeah, who wouldn't? They know who I am.

  Most of them know since they see me like this every morning. Yes, every morning during this time.

  I sigh. Where did my dream of becoming a partner go? The road to the top is tougher than I thought. One by one, they go to their floors, mine's on the top floor.

  I walk out of the elevator last. I heave a sigh of relief because of finishing this particular job. It seems buying coffee is an essential job. My eyes roll at the thought.

  Of course, it's not.

  Before I can knock on Mrs. Fields' office, one of the many secretaries intercepts me.

  "I'll bring the coffee inside… the CEO's still in a meeting," she says to me. I shrug my shoulders and hand it to her. Better if she takes care of keeping it warm, I still have to work on some designs.

  "Sure, I'll pass this important job to you," I say sarcastically as I turn away. Seriously, I can be a bitch because I'm so tired, and I don't like that secretary anyway.

  I hand to someone the files before I go inside my office. As soon as I sit on my table, someone delivers files in front of me. Great, I just sat my ass, and here it comes like thunder.

  Can't they let me breathe first? Maybe they can at least let me touch-up my makeup? I have no choice but to work. I'll take a breather later.

  I work on the designs, giving them my Sonya-magic. The last touch-ups always come to me before the CEO sees them. I did some brush-ups, coloring… and well, everything that's needed.

  After an hour, I have the urge to stretch, and I'm thirsting for a cup of steaming instant coffee. Black coffee will be nice with a tinge of sweetness.

  I walk to the pantry, but before I can reach there, a man stands in front of me. He's standing in the middle, staring at me.

  I blink my eyes, who doesn't know the man? I'm just surprised because he's here, and staring at me like I'm the only person here. He makes my heart race, and it's like someone stuck me on the spot, and shackled me so that I can't move.

  His blue eyes turn me to stone, and I can't seem to process anything because of the way he looks at me. It's like everything disappears, and he's the center of my attention.

  I can't deny that he really is very handsome.

  "Sonya?" he calls my name, and I almost jump. I grab hold of my heart and squeeze my chest a bit. "Can we talk?"

  I nod my head because I can't seem to find my voice. Grant Fields' voice is so deep and manly; it resonates inside me. It makes me weak on the knees.

  No wonder women go crazy over him. I've heard rumors, and it seems they're all true.

  The man's a walking killer to any woman on this planet.

  "Sure, let's talk," I reply to him as calmly as I can. "In my office? Or in yours?"

  "In your office," he replies to me. Grant follows me to my office, some people are even looking at us curiously, but I ignored them. I don't want to know what's in their minds right now.

  Geez, there might be a rumor tomorrow. Let's make this short.

  "So, what brings you here, Mr. Fields?" I ask him directly as soon as the door close.

  "I have a proposition for you," he replies to me. "A proposition that you can't possibly refuse."

  I frown at that. A proposition that won't make me refuse? I hate overly confident men.

  "What makes you think that, Mr. Fields?" I ask him stonily. Men that are overly fresh or confident are people that I abhorred. I don't want to waste my time on them.

  "Did I come on too strong for you, Sonya?" Grant asks me, then he sighs. "I'm sorry, I'm used to this."

  I'm surprised that he said sorry.

  "Well, why don't you sit first, Mr. Fields?" I ask him, and politely points him to a chair.

  "I call you Sonya, can you call me by my first name?" Grant smiles at me, his eyes are mesmerizing. "It's unfair, I'm only the one that's on the first-name basis."

  What's up with this guy? He makes my temper and… heat up... as a woman.

  "Sure," I agree just to finish this as soon as possible. He's dangerous for my heart. "Okay, what is this about Grant? And don't beat around the bush."

  The man chuckles. I grimace inside. How can someone look so handsome when they laugh?

  "My name sounds beautiful from your mouth," he comments.

  Is this man teasing me? I feel the heat creep up on my face.

  I compose myself, "What do you want?"

  "Can't I even talk with you for a bit? Like we're friends or something," he tells me. I'm taken aback by his suggestion.

  "I have work to do," I reply to him. Grant smiles at me. I grit my teeth, my gosh, how can he not notice that I don't want to talk to him?

  "Well, I need to have a wife… and I believe that you're perfect for that position," he replies to me.

  "Are you crazy?" I ask him. What the hell is he talking about?

  "I need a wife to control the company," Grant says to me. "You can have any position you want after we get married."

  "Any position?" he got my attention with his statement. At first, I thought he was crazy, but… this latest statement changes my mind.

  "Yes, any po-si-ti-on," he enunciates the word. A promotion… I can get a fucking promotion with this. A better position… my dream all my life.

  Finally… I'll get what I want. Recognition and a position. If I continue with my status right now… I'll turn old before it ever happens.

  "I can see that you're interested," Gran
t stands. "Let's discuss things over dinner."

  I take a deep breath, I can't let this opportunity pass by. Opportunity comes knocking once, and I need this. I've been fighting for this for almost half my life.

  "Dinner, then," I reply to him without batting an eye.

  "Decisive," he gazes at me. "Perfect, I like it. See you around, Sonya."

  "Yeah, see you around, Grant," I reply to him. I watch him walk away.

  Grant's offer is really tempting.

  My eyes widen when I realize that I didn't ask him for the time. I run to follow after him… but then I notice the simple card on my table with only a number written there.

  I guess we'll be calling each other. I'm looking forward to it.



  "Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?" A man wearing clothes that signifies that he's a waiter in this fine establishment, asks me with a mega-watt smile.

  I smile in return.

  "Yes. It's under Fields," I tell him.

  He looks at some sort of list that he's carrying, probably to check if my name is on it. Just as the man is about to open his mouth to confirm my reservation, a familiar face approaches, and interrupts.

  "Mr. Fields, it has been a while since you last dined with us. Your table is already waiting for you," Henry, the manager of this establishment, says with an accommodating smile on his face.

  The waiter seems to have realized that I'm a VIP of this restaurant as his eyes widen slightly.

  "I'm terribly sorry I did not recognize you, sir," the waiter apologizes profusely, while Henry gives him a rather stern look.

  I shake my head, chuckling at the man's obvious display of nerves.

  "It's fine. You seem new, and as Henry has said, I haven't come here in a while," I say, waving my hand dismissively as to convey that it's really no big deal. The waiter bows his head.

  "Thank you, sir. I am John, by the way," he introduces himself.

  "Good to meet you, John," I tell him. I then focus my attention on Henry.

  "Thank you, Henry. Is my table still the same?" I ask.

  He nods.

  "Of course, Mr. Fields. Right this way," he says, leading me to my usual table as more of a formality.

  "Henry, I will be dining with my fiancé tonight. Her name is Sonya. Please assist her with me once she arrives," I tell him as I take my seat comfortably.

  "Of course, Mr. Fields. I will personally see to it," he assures before leaving.

  I've been coming to this restaurant with my mother since I was a kid. That's why most of the staff here already know me, Henry, most notably. He was still a waiter when we first started coming here. It's nice to see his familiar face. It brings back some good memories of my mom and me before she was swallowed by her business.

  I've never brought any of my flings here since this place means something to me. But with Sonya, it seems like the appropriate place to talk. She is, after all, going to be my fiancé.

  Yes, the whole thing is intended for pretense, but I can already tell that Sonya isn't like all the other girls I've dated.

  For one, she's smart as she is beautiful. She most likely has a heart of gold if she's been able to put up with my mother's crazy moods at work.

  I honestly want to get to know her better. I feel as though we are kindred spirits. We are people who have so much to give but are simply passed over.

  Well, things are definitely about to change if I have anything to say about it. And once my mother puts me in charge, I will make sure that Sonya gets her well-deserved recognition.

  My thoughts get interrupted as I see Henry coming closer with Sonya behind him.

  She looks so gorgeous. My mouth turns dry like the fucking Sahara Desert, she is a vision. I couldn't have picked a better person to be my 'fiancé.'

  I roam my eyes over her tall and slender figure. Her hair falls down her back in waves. It makes me want to just run my hands through them.

  She's wearing a nice body-fitting gown, no doubt designed by our company.

  As my eyes drift lower to appreciate her full form, I notice her hand is holding someone else's. My eyes trace to the owner of said hand.

  It's a little girl who couldn't be more than five years old. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Sonya, thus making her quite the adorable child.

  "Thank you, Henry," I say before he takes his leave.

  "It's no problem, Mr. Fields. I will have a waiter come to take your order soon," he says and takes his leave.

  My eyes then move back to Sonya's impossibly ravishing beauty. I move closer, giving her one of my charming smiles.

  "Hello, Sonya. You look very beautiful," I say, not being able to help myself.

  She smiles, her cheeks darkening slightly from my complement.

  "Thank you," she replies in kind.

  My eyes then drift to the little girl clinging tightly to her arm. I direct my smile towards her as I crouch down to meet her eyes.

  "Hello. And who might you be?" I ask, the smile never leaving my face.

  She looks away, slightly embarrassed.

  "Lauralee," she says quietly, but fortunately, I was able to hear her.

  "Lauralee? That's a nice name. I'm Grant, your mother's friend," I introduce myself to her.

  She nods, smiling shyly at me as the grip she's had on her mother's arm loosens slightly.

  I pull back the chairs for both of them before taking my seat.

  The waiter comes, just as Henry said, to take our orders. I'm glad that he decided to send it to John.

  "I'll just have a steak that's cooked medium rare," I say.

  I look at Sonya as she glances through the menu.

  "She'll have the chicken fingers," Sonya says, pointing to Lauralee.

  "And I'll have the wild mushroom risotto," she adds.

  John nods as he writes the orders down and asks, "Will that be all?"

  I look at Sonya, and she nods. John leaves to give our orders to the chef.

  As soon as all three of us are left, surprisingly, it's Lauralee that breaks the silence.

  "What are your intentions with my mom?" she asks bluntly.

  My brows rise all the way to my hairline at Lauralee's sudden question.

  Where did that shy little girl go?

  I try to think of how I should explain to a child that I'm marrying her mommy for business.

  Before I can even speak, Lauralee giggles.

  "I'm just kidding. Mom already told me that you want to marry her to help her with her job," she says in between fits of giggles.

  I raise an eyebrow questioningly at Sonya, who looks like the cat that ate the canary.

  Well played, Sonya. Well played, indeed. I clear my throat, focusing my attention back on Lauralee.

  "Are you okay with that?" I ask.

  Lauralee shrugs.

  "It's okay. I just want to spend some more time with mommy," she says, seeming honest.

  "Don't worry. I really did talk to her about this. Both of us agreed that it's alright if you and I play pretend for a while," Sonya explains then takes a few sips of water.

  I smile, glad that this might be easier than I thought. I was honestly worried that she has a child. I wouldn't want to traumatize the kid with a sudden marriage to her mom.

  "Alright. As promised, once I get control of the company, I'll make sure to promote you to partner. We just have to make my mother believe that our feelings, and our soon to be marriage, are legitimate," I say to Sonya. She nods.

  "Yes. That won't be a problem. I also want to be given as much creative freedom in my designs as possible," she says, not breaking eye contact.

  "That won't be a problem. Your designs are brilliant. I'm sure they'll bring us a shit load of cash." I say, already having seen some of her work in passing.

  She glares at me.

  "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't curse in front of my daughter," she says with an air of coldness to her voice.

  Realizing my folly, I immed
iately apologize to both of them, to which they accepted.

  As Sonya and I discuss our plans, both of our intended ruse and ideas for the betterment of the company, Lauralee would make little comments that she perceived to be helpful for our cause.

  Well, when it comes to children's topics. The little girl is very knowledgeable in fashion too.

  I find Lauralee to be enchanting. She's a brilliant kid. She clearly takes after her gorgeous and talented mother.

  I can't believe that she really is only five years old. Like her mother, she possesses a quick wit.

  I can see how Sonya's eyes shine as she looks at her daughter. She must be very proud. If I were her father, I know I would be.

  Finishing up our plans while having dinner, I can't help the excitement that I feel about it. I can't wait to make my mark on the world. And having Sonya as a partner puts me at ease. She's precisely the kind of partner that I need if I want to make a difference.

  We will work together as a team and make this plan work. And after everything is over, maybe this whole thing won't have to feel like a farce.



  I have to admit, I was nervous about this whole arrangement. In my desperation to get promoted and have some more time with Lauralee, I said yes to being Grant's fiancé.

  When I told my daughter about what I was planning to do, she looked thoughtful for a moment before hugging me.

  "Don't worry, mommy. I'm always on your side. I understand you're doing this for me. I love you," she said, her little arms wrapped around my neck.

  I felt like I was going to burst into tears at my daughter's words. How did I get so lucky to have a wonderful daughter like her?

  Honestly, she still knows how to surprise me with that intellect of hers.

  I don't know if I was ever that smart at five years old. My sister once told me that I've always been a little know-it-all since I was a kid. I'm just glad that she takes after me in brains rather than her father, who shall not be named.

  Going back, I'm glad that I agreed to have dinner with Grant, and that I brought Lauralee along with me. She was actually the one who insisted that she wanted to meet the guy that I was going to be marrying. It's been Lauralee and me against the world for the longest time, and she can be rather protective of me, just as I am protective of her.


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