Billionaire's Fake Wife: A Single Mom BWWM Romance

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Billionaire's Fake Wife: A Single Mom BWWM Romance Page 6

by Tyla Walker

"We'll just hang out, eat out, and get to know each other better. It'll help us be more comfortable with each other and help sell our story better to my dear mother."

  Right. Gloria Fields isn't an easy woman to please, nor is she someone who's easily fooled. Those are some of the things I admire about her. Her years in this cutthroat industry have taught her well, and she's someone a lot of people, including me, look up to.

  "Okay. I mean free food and a chance to get out of the house again? Sure. And did I mention free food?"

  We laugh together at that. I am still in stitches when I remember something. Or rather, someone.

  "Well, I really want to go, but let's check first if anyone can look after my baby girl. Lauralee, bless her, has an independent streak, but she's still too young to be left at home. And I don't want anyone calling child services on me. I'm not sure if her usual nanny's going to be there."

  "Oh, about that," Grant begins. I hear shuffling on the other side; sounds like papers being moved around. "I actually want her in on our date, if that's okay with you. There's a circus being set up not far from the office, and I've already seen great reviews about it online. I bought three tickets."

  My heart is beating fast. I'm slowly getting nervous about this, but not entirely in a bad way. I'm happy that he wants my daughter to tag along, but...this feels a bit too...too...

  "It'll also be a way for you and her to bond, except I'm also there," Grant says, chuckling. "I want her to feel that she's part of everything you do, even if it's just this made-up thing between us."

  He goes on and on, not noticing that I am quiet.

  "I know you trust her, and I want to show her that she can trust me around you. That you're safe with me."

  This feels a bit too intimate. Grant, me, and my daughter going out? Well, it sounds like a family day. I just tell him that I'm fine with it and will ask Lauralee.

  He thanks me, "I owe you a lot, Sonya. Thanks for agreeing to this. I can't wait. I think Laurelee will enjoy this."


  "By the do you like your new office?"

  He's teasing me. I may not see his face but I can hear it in his voice. Besides, I'm getting antsy again because of the reminder.

  It's like if I look into a mirror, there'd be a huge neon letter P on my forehead blinking at me.

  "It's fine. Actually better than fine, but now that you've brought it up again, my anxiety has spiked through the roof."

  What is it with this guy? Why am I comfortable being vulnerable when talking to him?

  "Why?" he asks.

  A sigh leaves me as I move around the table and settle on the high back swivel chair. "I don't know; it's weird. I've wanted this for so long, but now that I've got it, well..."

  I trail off, not sure how to phrase my exact feelings.

  "What if I mess up?"

  He's quiet for a few moments. I bite my lip, tapping my fingers on the surface of my chair's armrest.

  "Oh, I guarantee you'll mess up, but don't we always? At least, I do; I always mess up, but I'm still here. The important thing is you know how to fix your mistakes."

  "Easy for you to say. You're the boss' son."

  "People may cry nepotism a lot of times, but the truth is, she'll even be more harsh and demanding because I'm her blood. Be thankful you're not related to her."

  Grant's laugh is hollow, and my heart goes to him. It seems like he needs to unpack some baggage.

  "Anyway," he continues as if he hasn't just hinted at something. "I've told you this, and I'll keep repeating it until you believe me: you're brilliant. Just do your thing. You'll survive, I'm sure of it."

  After saying goodbye, the weight in my chest is replaced with a burning fire. I look around me.

  This is a new challenge, and I'm ready for my new role. Being a Senior in this field isn't easy.



  I strut down the hallways, a musical rhythm in my gait. The sun is starting to set, but it feels like my day just started. I check myself out through a reflection on a nearby conference room window.

  Sunglasses. Check.

  Smart Casual Style Top and Bottom. Check.

  Glass-cutting jawline and heart-melting smile? Double-check.

  All I need is a pretty peppy soundtrack like "Walking on Sunshine," and this would be the perfect introduction scene to any movie.

  "Lookin' good, Mr. Fields," greets Mark, the security guard staffing the reception desk for the night shift. He's a well-built man in his late prime with slight grays sprouting on his sideburns. But each and every day that I pass through, he never fails to shine that smile, no matter how hard his day was.

  "Back at 'ya, Marky-boy," I respond. "How are the kids?"

  "Why, they're growing up fast, sir," he gleefully replies as he stands up as I walk by. "Thanks again for giving us that loan for their tuition. I swear I'll pay it back this year, with interest."

  I stop on my tracks and turn to Mark, "Loan? I don't seem to remember a loan."

  Mark looks at me confused, "Yeah, don't you remember three months ago when you overheard me rambling on about my son missing next year––"

  I put my arm around him and laugh out loud, "I don't remember any such thing, my good man!"

  Then I whisper close to his ear, "Tell you what, you never talk about it again, and we'll call it quits, alright?"

  Mark gives me the most strange look that I've ever seen in my life. But then his eye gets all watery and shakes my hand.

  "Oh, thank you, Mr. Fields," he whispers gleefully.

  "Hey, hey, hey!" I complain while carefully using ventriloquism to say my next words. "What did I say about keeping it on the down-low?"

  Mark looks around the room, making sure no one heard or seen us talking, "It's okay, Mr. Fields, I don't remember anything that transpired five minutes ago."

  He gives me the most awkward wink a towering fifty-year-old man could ever give. But a better man, I'd be hard-pressed to find.

  "Good," I say as I shake his hand. "Do say hi to Marge and the kids tonight, will ya?"

  "Will sure do, Mr. Fields!" Mark says before I turn around, successfully keeping my secret safe and sound. Because who knows what might happen if my mother will know about my works of charity around the office.

  But what's that old adage again? Speak of the devil?

  Because just as I turn around to head for the exit doors, my beloved mother stands, arms crossed, and with those steely eyes that feel like they can see right through me.

  "Grant, why there you are. I've been looking all over for you," my mother said in the coldest tone ever told.

  "Mom!" I exclaim before giving her the awkwardest warm hug in human history. "I didn't see you there. Why I didn't even hear you? Have you been flying around on your broom again from the top floor down to the first?"

  "Hmm," my mother smiles. "If only you had as many guts as you had wit in your silver tongue, Grant."

  Thanks for the vote of confidence, ma.

  I force a smile, "I missed you too, Mom."

  "Yes, quite," she responds. "Now, your father will be expecting you tomorrow for our dinner party, what am I to tell him?"

  Oh right, almost forgot about that, I thought to myself.

  "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

  My mother gives me one last cold stare and proceeds to walk towards the elevator before finally saying, "Good."

  She disappears quickly in a whole way. I breathe a deep sigh of relief before finally walking outside.

  And right on schedule, there they were. Sonya and her daughter. Sonya's blue-black hair gracefully flows on her back. She's wearing a loose pink long-sleeved shirt and the most perfect jeans in the world, highlighting all the contours in that wonderful ass of her. And just beside her, a petite little girl clings hard unto Sonya's leg, her eyes emanate a blend of fear and curiosity.

  I bend over and introduce myself to the child, "Hey there, little angel."

  Sonya finally noti
ces me and gives me a big warm hug, "Thank God, you're finally here."

  "Sorry about that," I somberly reply, still a bit stressed out from my close encounter from my mother. "So, who's the little lady over here?"

  "Oh, come on, Lauralee," Sonya commands. "Go ahead and say hi to Uncle Grant."

  But Lauralee never let go of her mother's leg.

  "Nah, it's okay," I say. "I've got plenty of time to spend with the both of you..." I cut my sentence short accidentally as I see my mother staring at us from the 2nd floor of the building. Yikes!

  I quickly nudge the both of them inside my car and drive as fast as I can out of my mother's terrifying gaze.

  And with that of the three of us go, past the boulevard, over the bridge, and voila!

  "We're here!" I say with glee as we arrive at Kid's Palace, the premier go-to for children who's parents thought they are doing a much better job of parenting by touring the children in this magical place.

  The place is packed. Parents, lovers, shady strangers who smell like they've never seen a shower in their lives, all of them are here, enjoying the many wondrous acts and games Kid's Palace has to offer.

  "Now we're talking," says Sonya, her eyes are alight with wonder as she gazes at the many attractions in the park.

  "Looks like someone's been rearing to have a little fun after all," I comment. Sonya gives me a teasing look and smiles.

  "Oh, you haven't seen anything yet," she says before grabbing my hand, dragging me into the fun frenzy of the Kid's Palace.

  The next thing is a blur. Sonya, Lauralee and I rode in as many rides as we could see in the park. I'm seeing another side of her that I never thought possible. This time, Sonya is the one who's taking the lead, bringing me to the most ridiculous rides possible.

  Gone is the girl who's always at the mercy of my mother's whim. The Sonya, tonight, is a superwoman. And it is turning me on as fuck.

  Thank goodness for Lauralee, with her, I'm able to see the gentler side of Sonya. It's heartwarming to see her dote on her cute daughter, the way she always seems to have a snack around with her.

  After a few hours, Sonya decides to play some carnival games, Lauralee follows with excitement.

  It was a simple game, shoot as many ducks as possible using a plain old rubber rifle. The ducks came out of three small conveyor belts where the player tries to shoot them all down.

  There are ten rounds for each game. Those prizes ranged from a simple sticker to this large cute teddy bear, wherein the more ducks you hit, the better the reward.

  So far, all the other participants haven't been able to hit all ten ducks. And based on my observation, it's because they can't beat the last duck. Because the previous duck is being used as a hostage, or rather a human is covering the last duck.

  The carney smiles at me with his crooked teeth and in his overalls, taunting me to try and conquer the game. But I am not the focus here.

  Lauralee is, as she happily shoots the ducks on the conveyor. But try as she might, she just could never hit that darned duck who's hiding behind a man.

  To my surprise, she casually walks up to the carney and asks for tips on how to hit all of the ducks. But the carney merely laughs and takes her gun, asking her for more money if she wants to try again.

  That's it.

  I approach the bullying carney and grab the rifle, I place a hundred dollars in front of him, and I tell him to start the game. I hit all seven ducks magnificently, and for the eighth duck, I managed to hit a duck behind it and make the rubber bullet bounce back to hit the final duck.

  The carney can't believe what he's seeing. Lauralee erupts in joy as I hold her up on the prize stand and help her pick out the teddy bear. As Sonya finally catches up to us, the carney is still frozen solid, looking at the no-longer moving conveyor belt. That should teach him to bully kids next time.

  As I sit on the car, waiting for Sonya and Lauralee to get settled in, I can't help but wonder. What is this light feeling in my heart right now?

  I may not have the answer now; all I know is, I want to be is with my two girls tonight.



  "Come on inside," I say back to Grant, who's strangely standing on our open front door. "Quit staring, and come inside, vampire. I already invited you in."

  Grant laughs it off before finally stepping through the threshold. It's a wonder how he still looks as handsome as he was before our little playdate. And those eyes…

  "Well, well, well, look who's staring now?" Grant comments, his devilish grin slightly reveals itself, sending my heart into places I can only dream about.

  "Oh, stop sneering!" I yell, trying to hide my face. I can't let him see me smile. It's annoying how he can quickly turn me into jelly.

  Among other things.

  "Mommy! Teddy wants a cookie!" Lauralee comes running in from the kitchen, her teddy bear on the one hand, and her smartphone on the other.

  "Laura, what did we talk about eating at bedtime?" I firmly asked her.

  Lauralee pouts as she hands her smartphone over to me. "Eat beats sleep."

  "That's right, baby girl," I say as I put her phone in my pocket before picking her up. "Oof! Looks like someone ate one too many cotton candy today, huh?"

  Lauralee giggles, "Yum! Teddy liked it too!"

  She hugs Teddy before wrapping her arm around my neck, her face nestled softly on my neck.

  Grant whispers behind me, "Looks like someone finally got sleepy after having Uncle Grant chase her around for almost thirty minutes."

  "Stop it!" I whisper back, smiling. "It's a miracle she's even sleepy this early. Take Teddy before she drops it on the floor."

  We carefully tiptoe through my modest apartment and into Lauralee's room, with Grant and Teddy trailing not that far behind. Lauralee looks peaceful as I lay her down on her bed, and Grant places Teddy right beside her. She instinctively hugs her furry friend the moment Teddy is on her arms. There couldn't be a sweeter sight in my lifetime.

  "Awww," Grant whispers behind me. "They're perfect for each other."

  "Shhh!" I reply, pushing Grant out of Lauralee's room. He's a lot lighter as I thought as I push him out of the room.

  "Alright, alright!" complains Grant as he walks down the hallway and heads for the door.

  I don't know why, but my heart suddenly cramps up, seeing him go. Without even thinking, I ask, "Want a nightcap before you go?"

  Grant looks at me like a cat finding a mouse playing with its tail before smiling, "Sure, I'd love to."

  We walk on back to the kitchen with nothing but silence between us. As I'm serving the wine to Grant, he remains quiet as a mouse.

  Here we are, just the two of us, sitting on my apartment's cute little dining table, not speaking a single word. I try to open the conversation, but we both end up interrupting each other. We laugh before both taking a sip of wine from our glasses.

  "You know what," I finally say. "Fuck it. Let's just raise a toast."

  I stand, surprised at how dizzy my head felt just from drinking half a glass of wine or... how many is it now? Grant chuckles before standing up as well. We both raise our glass to each other, our eyes in constant gaze over each other. This time there was no anxiety nor shame between us.

  A hiccup pops out of my mouth before I can speak, "To Grant, the greatest son my boss ever gave to the world."

  "I'm her only son," Grant comments.

  "Shh!" I scold him before continuing my speech. "I don't know why out of all the women in our company you had to pick the one closest to your mother to play as your make-believe wife, but Lauralee and I will be forever thankful that you came into our lives. Your reputation as a hardworking guy is only matched by that goddamn handsome mug of yours."

  Grant giggles while swaying around where he's standing. It looks like the wine finally caught up to him.

  "To Grant!" I yell before Grant tells me to quiet down. Oh God, if Lauralee saw us like this, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. "To Gran

  I say loudly before chugging down the glass in one gulp.

  I sit down on my chair until I notice Grant grabbing the open bottle of Marlot sitting at the table and pours himself another one, "Hey, don't sit down yet. I can't end the night with such a grandiose toast like that, the least that I can do is give you a toast of equal amazingness."

  Amazingness? Geez, he's drunk out of his mind. Better get this over with.

  I stand, using all of my willpower to not tip over. Grant stands on the other side of the table, his hand already reached out to me. I match him with my glass, and he pours it until it almost reaches the brim.

  "That's not how you drink wine, Grant," I say, trying not to laugh or else something else comes out of my mouth.

  "Is it not? That's how my mother always does it. Oh well, you're a big girl, you'll do something about it. Anyways, to Sonya!"

  "To me!" I whisper.

  Grant continues, "To the most beautiful woman I've ever known, inside and out. A vestige of strength and grace, Sonya, you have not only changed my life but inspired me to be better."

  His words bring a weight of sincerity and firmness in them, traits that no tipsy person should ever have. But as I look at Grant, the more I see his gaze emanate care and honesty.

  Grant slowly walks over to me, trying not to trip over as well. He no longer had any words to say, his eyes were clearly saying all that he needed to say.

  Grant stands in front of me before chugging down his glass of wine and stares at me for the longest time, our lips mere inches away from each other. Yet my heart is calm; everything that happened has prepared and led me to this point right here.

  I try to step back, but my body won't move. Grant probably feels it as well, because before I know it, his lips are over mine. His soft, gentle lips playfully nestle over mine. Until Grant stops.

  He looks at me with wonder, his face asking me if everything's okay. I place my hand over his manly chest and slightly push him away and place my brim-filled wine glass on the table.

  I look back at him again, this time with nothing standing in the way, and kiss him hard on the lips with my arms all over his neck.


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