Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated) Page 16

by Mychal Daniels

  Lucien and everyone else who was in the know was momentarily shocked at how nice Nolan was acting.

  Hildy looked at him and asked, “What’s your angle and why are you being so nice? Usually, you’d be sitting here with a bowl of popcorn and recording the ass chewing you’d instigate for Jax to receive.”

  “Not true. I adore my baby Dragonling.”

  “That’s it. I’m going to beat the shit out of you, Nolan. I told you, I’m a grown-assed man with a mate. Do you have one of those? Huh, thought not.” Jax said.

  Lucien wanted to put both of them out. Hildy had been knocked on her ass as Jax exploded out of the chair. She was currently wrapped around one of his legs as he dragged her, inching closer to a clearly happy Nolan. It made sense now. Nolan had still gotten the rise out of Jax he wanted. He’d used a different approach. And Quinn was awake, blinking as if trying to get her bearings.


  Lucien sat up with the soft, warm Quinn in his lap, pointed at Jax and then Nolan and said, “Jax. Get back to your seat and stop dragging your mate around the floor like that. Hildy, your birthday is on Thursday. We’ll celebrate it on Friday. And Nolan, I see what you tried to do. Cut it out. I’m not stupid or slow. Behave, or I’ll send both of you back through the port… I mean I’ll make both of you sorry for not showing our guests the kindness and manners I know you have. Am I understood?” His voice boomed so loudly, Quinn had put her hands over her ears from the volume.

  Before he could figure out what else to do, Lucien clamped his hand down over her ears as one would with a little child and said, “Keep on, and after I beat your asses in the Octagon, I’ll send you off to you know where. And no, Hildy won’t be joining you, Jax. So act like you have some sense.”

  Turning his attention to the extremely attentive Wren, he said, “You and Quinn are welcome to stay here with us for as long as you like. I open up our space to you. This is now your home as well.”

  Wearing a clear look of confusion, Wren said, “Thank you? But, I don’t understand. I have an apartment about fifteen to twenty minutes from here. If you give us a ride, Quinn and I will go home. We’ve overstayed our welcome as it is.” She looked down at the silent Quinn who still stared off into space as she added that last part.

  “We won’t hear anything of the sort,” Matt piped in. “Don’t you want to stay here with me?” Lucien wanted to laugh out loud at the face Matt made for sympathy from Wren.

  There was no way she’d fall for such blatant manipulation. And like that, she said, “Well, I did have fun last night, until I fell asleep on you. I guess it would be fun to hang out for one more night then.” She looked back over to Quinn and asked, “What do you say, Quinn. Want to spend another night here? We can make it like a slumber party. The girls can hang out late and play catch up. Yes?”

  “Whatever you all want. I don’t care. It’s not like I can do anything but leave on foot from here anyway,” Quinn said almost to herself.

  Quinn’s words didn’t sit well with Lucien or Wren it seems.

  The woman spoke up with a strength new to Lucien as she said to her friend, “Yep, a good old slumber party with Hildy and me will do you some good. Okay, Matt, we’re in, but only if it’s okay to run to my apartment and grab some things for us to have. I’m not liking how Quinn’s hair is taking over. If she could see it, that lopsided messy bun wouldn’t stand a chance. I’m going to be her advocate until she’s herself again.” She looked down into Matt’s transfixed face and added, “Will you take me to get some clothes then?”

  “Yeah, whatever you want—it’s yours.” It was official. This little fluffy sprite of a woman had Matt wrapped around her tiny little finger and didn’t even know it.

  Lucien was about to protest the sleeping in a vacant room when Matt spoke. “That is, I’ll take you on one condition.”

  “What’s that?” Wren asked.

  “That instead of all the ladies having a slumber party, we not put Hildy on the spot. You see, she and Jax are still on a sort of honeymoon. I wouldn’t want either of them to fill like they had to be separated at such a crucial time in their young relationship.”

  “Speak for your damn self,” Hildy said.

  Jax shushed her as he gave her a wink. “Let the guy finish. I like where he’s going with this argument.”

  Matt flashed Wren another smile. It took everything within Lucien not to roll his eyes at how hard Matt was trying to sway Wren to stay with him again tonight. But he’d be a winner in this as well if Quinn had no other recourse than to stay with him again too, so he remained silent.

  “All I’m saying is that Quinn needs rest away from everyone. I’m sure Lucien will want her to remain up here away from all the noise on the third floor. Jax and Hildy will be in their apartment, and I’ll be lonely if you don’t spend the time you said you would with me.” He gave her that pouty face again. “What do you say? You stay with me after I take you to get your things, yes?”

  The groan from the room was comical. Matt was laying it on a bit thick, but Wren appeared to be eating it up, caught in his web of enchantment.

  “Okay, sure. I did say I wanted to make good on getting to know you better. You seem so fascinating. Your aura is amazing.

  Lucien’s ears perked up at hearing her say this. “Excuse me, don’t mean to cut in, but Wren, did you say you see Matt’s aura?”

  “Yep, I see all your auras. That’s why I’m throwing caution to the wind. This place is magical. I see so much that doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever encountered before. It’s like the building itself is alive. And you all—well let’s say—you look almost otherworldly in the beauty and complexity of your auras.”

  “You have no idea,” Greg said in a mumble.

  “So it’s settled then. Luc, if we’re done here, I’m going to run Wren back to her place to grab their things, grab some lunch and then back here. You need anything else for Quinn?” Matt asked, looking at the dazed woman perched on Lucien’s lap.

  “Hold on a minute,” Wren said. “If I stay with you, won’t I put you out of your bed again tonight? Quinn and I really can take one of the vacant rooms.”

  Lucien and Matt spoke at the same time, “No!”

  Lucien took over to settle this once and for all. “Wren, you’ll be with Matt, and I’m keeping Quinn here where she can get some rest. I ask one thing of you, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “When you grab her things, bring it all. I want all the belongings she brought with her here. If you need more help, see if Hildy or one of my brothers like Jax can help.”

  Jax spoke up, “Hey, I’m not the grunt labor around here.”

  “Shut it, Jax.” Lucien’s mood was getting darker as the day went by. Quinn still wasn’t herself, and he wanted everyone out, so he could minister to her needs. “You’re a Drake, and we do what’s needed. Always remember that.” Then he returned his attention to Matt and Wren who were standing now. “Bring all her things back here, got it?” They nodded and headed for the door. To everyone else, he said, “Meeting dismissed. Don’t bother us until we come back down. Greg, when lunch arrives, let me know, and I’ll come down to get it. Otherwise, stay out.”


  Area outside the Lair…

  The sweet pain of success…

  It had been a stroke of luck for those two chubby black girls to storm out of the Lair. She’d been walking the area looking for any hint of a magical signature. The door was wide open, unprotected and she’d been able to slip in undetected. The angry atmosphere attacked her. She couldn’t find a way to combat the assault. Much longer and she’d have to vacate her mission.

  Julia hovered low, hiding behind the base of the Octagon, as she clamped a hand over her mouth. The pain was excruciating as the wards of the Lair attacked. Her skin, muscle, and bones pulled and contorted as if they wished to separate from each other.

  As soon as she’d weave a spell for protection, it would begin to dissolve under the forc
e of the Lair’s wards. Damn the Dragos, especially that pompous ass Lucien. Ajax wasn’t innocent either. His complicity to do his brother’s bidding was pitiful. Taking off and hiding from her—weak. Once Julia got to him, she’d make certain Ajax understood what could be possible with a mating to her. Then she was certain his defiance toward her plan would evaporate. He’d know soon enough that she was the best mate for him. Julia could be a powerful ally; if he’d only cooperate.

  Even though these men were nothing more than ignorant brute muscle, Ajax Drake was the eighth son born to the eighth son of a ruling Dragos Clan. That was more powerful than any of them knew. Mating with him could open up a myriad of possibilities and opportunities to wield power. Julia envisioned ruling vast worlds without limits. There would be no telling how much more her abilities would expand with a mating with a Dragon who was also the eighth son. Julia needed to get him to choose her and not this insignificant hag of a female.

  She’d finally made it inside only to see Ajax with this ugly big black bitch everyone called Hildy. No matter what he thought, it wasn’t over yet. Julia had been born for this, and she’d have her reward. Ajax wouldn’t complete the joining with his Dragon for another three plus months. That was plenty of time to get him away from this Hildy scum. As long as Julia was his mate before his Dragon joining was complete, she’d be able to siphon his Dragon power when he became a full Dragon.

  For now, she’d stick to the plan at hand—get to the treasure rooms below. Her spells of protection must be working since the pain was no longer unbearable. Taking that little win as a sign, she prepared to make her move.

  Footsteps faded in the distance as the group climbed stairs. With no signs of that pesky Gryphon, Matt, and his snooping ass, this was perfect. Every previous attempt of hers to enter the Lair had been thwarted by him. That guy was like a pit bull without a life, always hanging around the Lair. Today, he’d been different, lurking around the quiet and shorter one of those two girls like some lovesick puppy. Something was going on between them, even if the woman was oblivious to it. Julia didn’t care if he cooked her on a spit and ate her as long as it kept him from guarding the Lair like an obsessed guard dog. The real action had been seeing Lucien carrying the other one in like she was some high priestess to be worshipped.

  Shaking off the thoughts of these Dragon and Gryphon shifter beasts, Julia refocused. She needed to go down to the bowels of the Lair where Lucien and the others hid their hoards of treasure anyway. Snatching this priceless Dragon’s Eye from the Dragons’ treasures would give her huge bargaining power when she delivered it. Finding it fast without an inkling about what it looked like would test her abilities to their outer limits.

  Oriana, her foster care mother, might be a greedy bitch, but it was because of her that Julia had learned who and what she was. Julia had agreed to this job because her sights were on the way bigger asset. While Oriana wanted the Dragons and Gryphon gold and treasures, Julia wanted the true prize—Ajax. She’d get her foster mother what she wanted. That would secure the woman’s protection and connections. Julia would keep her little secret about why having Ajax as a mate would increase her powers exponentially. This world and so many more were her’s to command. Just had to be patient and endure a little pain here and there.

  When the others were all gone and upstairs, she removed her hand from her mouth, and took in a deep breath. The air burned like acid as it rolled down her throat. This place was poisonous to her health. She’d endure it if that meant keeping Oriana and The People in her back pocket. When it was clear the Clan wasn’t coming back down anytime soon, she emerged to find the entrance to the lower level.

  Keeping to the perimeter of the room, lest she trigger some surveillance equipment or cameras, Julia made it to the entrance of the men’s locker room, next to a hallway. The hallway was dark and cold, with no obvious destination. This must be the way to the lower levels. Not daring to take a chance at being seen or caught, Julia dropped to her knees and crawled around the corner and down the hallway. She slinked down the space, mimicking a stealthy cat, or so she hoped.

  It took a long time, but she hit a dead end. There was no door or adjacent hallway, just a dead end.

  “Lucien, you sneaky lizard bastard,” she whispered, standing to her feet.

  Looking at the wall that stoically confronted her in the dark, the urge to kick and punch it rode her hard. Instead, she pulled on her memory to access fairy sight, like Oriana had taught her as a child. Moments marched by as she cajoled the memory of how to see beyond sight. Every part of her body was on fire from within with the onslaught of the wards, but she’d not be defeated. Finally, as if focusing through a haze, the wall dematerialized into a maze of wards and dimensions. Beyond the crisscross of energy streams and booby traps lay a most wondrous sight, splayed out before her like a collage of galaxies. It was all at once fearfully breathtaking and beautiful. Lands and planets she’d only learned of through Oriana and other alien outcasts sparkled and glistened in the 3D representation of what she could only guess must be the entrance to the portal. The breath she took wasn’t enough to calm her. Julia reached out to test the strength of her magic against the wards.

  Sizzling flesh was the first thing she heard, felt and smelled. Her fingertips were singed to the point of smoking. The loud yelp that exploded out of her chest was the next, followed by the grip of steel hands from behind.

  “Your unauthorized tour of the Lair comes to an end now,” the voice, deep and dense as indigo clouds at night, resounded through her.

  He spun her around, clamping down on her arms to keep them separated. His touch burned like what she imagined caustic acid or corrosion would, and yet he refused to unhand her. The man looked like a more mature and harsher version of Matt. She could only guess this must be the mysterious first-born of the Gryphon, Gregori Griffin. Thick strands of hair a few shades darker than her cornflower blond, fell down his shoulders to rest on his upper chest. His sneer cast the perfect representation of what she’d imagine a true Viking looked like.

  “I was looking for—”

  “Save it. I saw you when you ducked in earlier. And, when you watched Ajax and Hildy like a demented little fiend.” He paused to scrutinize her. “As I thought, your magic is strong. The wards should have incapacitated you by now. But rest assured, even if you had eternity on your side, you wouldn’t be able to find what you’re looking for and you won’t ever get close to Ajax again.”

  “Who says I was looking for anything in particular? This building is fascinating, and I want to explore it,” she said trying to come off as nonchalant while her body screamed for relief.

  “Uh-huh, and how do you feel now? I suspect the effect of the wards and my touch has to be whipping your ass good right about now.”

  How could he know that? She wouldn’t give in though and continued to keep up the appearance of calm and peace. “I’m fine. Should I be otherwise?”

  “Yes, you should and are. Knock it off, Julia, I can see the wards wearing you down. Much longer and the energy will start to eat away at your life force. The fact that you’re still alive is thanks to Luc. Unlike you, he has a heart. You break into our home, and he allows it, hoping you’ll prove us wrong about your intentions.” The pressure and pain on her wrists increased as the glint in his eyes almost glowed in the dark. “I’m going to escort you out of here and deposit you next to the road. Listen well. The next time you try to come into our home, steal from us or approach Jax is the last time you get to continue breathing. Luc nor I will be as merciful and will allow the Lair to do what it does to tricky little witch fairies like you. Do you understand?”

  She winced at the pressure he exerted on her wrists in spite of her efforts to remain the face of calm. As with the others of the Clan, his mind was guarded with powerful protections, giving her nothing to work with. Damn it.

  “Huh, are we clear, Julia.”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, we’
re clear.”

  “And what happens if any of us catch you here again?”

  “I die.”

  He said nothing after that as he hauled her back down the hallway and out the door. Gregori was true to his word. He marched her all the way out to the edge of the property where the road met it.

  Almost shoving her onto the asphalt, he said, “Julia, give this up. You wouldn’t be able to withstand his touch even if you succeeded in getting to him.” He motioned to her burning wrists where he held them taunt. “Heed my warning. You are the one who can give you length of days in this scenario. Stay away, don’t come back and don’t try to fulfill this fools’ quest you have where Ajax is concerned. He has a mate, isn’t interested in anyone but her and will not grant you the power you think you’ll have by mating with him.” Her eyes must have betrayed her, because he added, “Young lady you seem to forget I’m a Gryphon. I know and see far beyond your wildest dreams. Leave Ajax alone. Your dreams for him and what you think you can do ain’t happening.”

  He released her arm, turned and stomped back toward the grouping of trees that hid the location of the Lair. Julia wiped the moisture from the edge of her eye and rubbed her wrists where he’d held them. She wouldn’t allow him to make her cry. Instead, she focused on remembering how many steps they took from the front door to the road, in what exact direction, and the few strands of his hair she’d managed to snag when he shoved her.

  The unmistakable sensation of someone watching pulled her back into the moment. Julia looked across the street at the busy Diner to see a man crouched low behind the wheel of his car looking at her. He must have seen everything that went on between Gregori and her. Time to get a pawn to help the vulnerable teenager. She put on her best impression of innocence and crossed the street.


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