Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated) Page 20

by Mychal Daniels

  “I don’t want to hurt you more than necessary.” He’d never get past that if she was hurt.

  “Get over yourself and fuck me like I know you can. Wear my ass out, Lucien. Do it. I want to come hard for you.”

  Her words were a dual-edged sword of arousal and daring. Quinn spiked a fierce hunger in him and intensified it with her boldness. It was time he answered in kind.

  “I’m going to fuck you the way you need it. Then I’m going to drive that Craig rake out of your thoughts and memories with how hard, deep and complete I love you,” he said. “You’ll come. I’ll allow you rest and then I’ll make you come over and over the rest of the night.”

  “God yes, do it baby. Give it to me how you want to. I love your cock.” Her nails running along his lower back sent thrills straight to his member. Quinn’s dirty talk had a more than expected seductive influence on him. Lucien was spurred on by her words. “Fuck me harder, I’m yours—all yours. This pussy is just for you,” she cooed as he took her with more fervor.

  Quinn ground her body into his, pulling a moan born of immense pleasure from somewhere in his possibilities. Faster, harder and confidently he moved in and out, setting a pace ignited by a burning frenzy.

  “You’re more than I could have ever imagined, my Quinn.”

  “Talk dirty to me,” she pleaded. “Ooh, yes!”

  “Fuck!” was all he managed to yell as she rotated her tight pussy around his cock. Quinn felt too good to stay rational. Instead of attempting to form coherent words, he stuck an index finger in her mouth. He almost came when she wrapped those delicious plump lips around it and sucked it in deep. More, he needed more of her. Positioning her legs to rest against his shoulders, Lucien caught her eyes as he pressed in all the way to the base of his shaft. Quinn purred with pleasure.

  “Mmm… shit that’s good,” she sighed.

  “Do you trust me to love and take care of you as my honored mate?” he asked.

  “Yes, you know I do.”

  “I love you Quinn,” he said attempting to pour everything good he could offer into her.

  “I love you too, Lucien.” And those words followed by her tugging for him to come down to her was his complete undoing. She’d said the words with meaning. His Dragon’s contentment confirmed the truth and sincerity of them.

  Slowing the pace, they rocked together, grinding and swiveling against each other in a sensational dance of exploration and ecstasy. Over and over they took turns driving each other up the cliff of climax, only to retreat to prolong the dance. Quinn’s hands roamed up and down his thighs, taking time to skim her nails along the outline of his musculature.

  She was everything he’d suspected and more in bed—a dirty talking firebrand. No priestess or woman back home before that had ever been so bold to confront a dragos in bed like his Quinn. She was a true Warrior, well met to be his mate.

  Grasping her ass cheeks and plunging in, Lucien lost himself in her body. The more he pushed the more she answered giving him incomparable pleasure as well as replenished strength like he’d never known. His Dragon stirred again at the sensations of energy, pleasure and love that flowed between him and his mate, Quinn.

  If he’d been able to deny her anything before this, that concept was shattered forever. It was more than the joining, the infusion of power refueling him to depths he’d never explored before or even the transcendent ecstasy of being deep inside her. This was creation of new territory, journeys and life phases for both of them.

  His Dragon remained alert as they soared together in pleasure, sending Lucien messages of wisdom in the love and care of his new mate. When his impending orgasm was upon him, Dragon wisdom prodded him to look at Quinn through eyes in the dimensional spaces. To his astonishment, she glowed and pulsated with power that was no longer mute, but alive and life giving.

  Unable to slow his coming climax, he brought his body down to hover over her, touching hers skin to skin, as she crested first followed by him shortly after. As if watching the brightness of a super nova, Lucien beheld the transformation that enveloped Quinn. She quaked and held on to him with a vice grip.

  “I’ve got you. Hold onto me. I’ve got you, my Quinn,” he intoned softly as she endured the change through her own climax.

  To the naked eye she’d look no different and most likely behave as usual, but in the space between space, her presence and power would fill more than her physical body ever would.

  “What’s happening to me?” The fear lacing her voice made Lucien want to curse.

  He hadn’t thought to prepare her for this. Hell, he hadn’t thought it could or would happen. She’d given every indicator that she was a human with special abilities and not this. Not that anyone had seen one of her kind for many years on Earth.

  “Just keep holding on to me. I’ve got you. We’ll ride it out together.”

  Not in a million years would Lucien have imagined his mate would come with such a high calling. With this mating, shit just got real.



  “What’s happening to me? Lucien, speak to me?” she pleaded not able to comprehend the sensations passing through her or the images slamming into her mind’s eye.

  If felt like a download of a database while on a sexual high to rival no other. No, it was more like being plugged into a mainframe super computer. She was coming online for the first time and receiving all the data that had been waiting, all at once. Her senses buzzed and mind sizzled with information, knowledge, and insight.

  Quinn wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but she could swear the electricity of the building was having a hard time finding its current and frequency. It was still daylight out, but nothing else resembled the normal setting. Quinn saw various dimensions, bandwidths, sites, lands, people, and living creatures as she clung to Lucien for dear life. He remained inside her, connecting them in an intimate sexual bridge. Lucien was her anchor. Without clinging to him, she wasn’t sure she’d remain in her body or how her mind might fare. Masculine power and energy supported her like a life vest in water.

  “Make it stop. I can’t take much more of this. Lucien, help me,” she pleaded.

  “I’ve got you, my Quinn. Hold onto me, and I’ll make sure you make it through,” he assured her, holding her quaking body tightly in his large arms. “It’s a download of knowledge from the benevolent overseers; you’ll be all right. I promise.”

  Her insides felt raw with the currents of electricity moving through, and in and out of both of them.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Lucien. Let me go if this is too much.”

  “Never, my Quinn, this is your calling and I’m your protector. It is truly an honor to witness. You’re most certainly my miracle and blessing from the Goddess.”

  His words had a calming effect, lessening the intensity of the sensations bombarding her. She felt him growing hard within her again. Quinn started to thrust up to set a pace of his lovemaking anew. He quickly fell into her hungry rhythm. With each thrust and his answer, the pain became more manageable.

  They moved in a sexual tango with each other as images, thoughts, knowledge and mysteries unfolded in her mind oozing out to overtake her entire consciousness. Ecstatic pleasure flowed between them as Lucien ministered exceptional care and attention to whatever she pulled and demanded of him. In return Quinn siphoned a small amount of energy from his lovemaking to balance the onslaught of information filling every part of her being. Lucien remained true, holding and supporting her through it all.

  “Tell me what’s happening to me,” she whispered, close into his ear.

  She needed to know what this was.

  “I’d like Greg and Matt to take a look at you before I say for certain, but it appears you are a Sibyl.”

  “A what?”

  “You’re a chosen ambassador of the Goddess. Sibyls are rare, like Sirens, but where Sirens exact judgement on opponents, Sibyls have a more global impact, working as the physical embodiment of the Godde
ss. Some are seers, sorceress’s, singers, Warriors, strategists and the like.”

  She held a breath as Lucien looked deep into her eyes. To her astonishment, his pupils changed from round to slits and it didn’t move her to fear. As she continued to look into his eyes, she saw the Dragon come forward and knew him as a part of her mate. The Dragon seized her attention with its probing gaze as Lucien and her breaths became entranced. Safety and protection were too tame to describe the feelings washing over her. Quinn was cocooned in the arms of absolute power, protection and support. Words without words floated from the Dragon part of her mate to her.

  Now that she had received one of what she knew would be many impartations, Quinn was able to communicate and understand the Dragon. He gave her truths, desires, hopes and understanding of tasks Lucien and she would enact. They were a team called together by the ultimate blessing of the Goddess—to defeat the planned destruction of Earth and this galaxy. Without any shadow of a doubt every part of Lucien’s Dragon conveyed the meaning of their mating and implanted Lucien’s role in her life. He was her mate, protector, watcher, closest friend, and confidant. No one would ever know her better from this point onward.

  Together, they would lead the Dragofin Clan to victory. There were many obstacles ahead, each more dangerous with possibilities of death in every step. If they remained focused on this union and the commitment they made, the bond would continue to grow stronger.

  The Dragon’s wisdom was robust and swift, making her body hot with passion. Wisdom, reason and intellect flooded her understanding to the point she reached a zenith and could clearly see from an overview position.

  Things that were all consuming, like Craig’s betrayal and her finances, were small and petty now. Overlooking her life, Quinn realized it was more than her life here. It was the fate of many lives, now and in the future. Her actions, thoughts and beliefs had to transcend the encasement of her small thinking to be the mate worthy of Lucien and their calling. She was part of the Dragofin Clan and with that came grave and immense responsibility.

  A wave of pleasure so intense it contorted her body rippled through Quinn, making her insides tingle with fiery excitement.

  “I can see you Lucien,” she said, loving how much more of her mate and his essence had been revealed to her.

  Their bodies continued to move together neither striving for climax or denying it. When Quinn wrapped her legs around her mate’s trim waist for more access to his magnificent cock, he shuddered with pleasure.

  “And I see you, Quinn. I know what you are.”

  “Spill it, don’t keep me in suspense,” she breathed liking how passion-laden her voice was. “Your Dragon spoke to me.”

  The smile her mate unleashed on her made her heart sing. “He did? And You understood?”

  “Yes, my love. We have so much to do.” Reaching up to wipe a bead of sweat from his brow, she added, “I didn’t know how much responsibility you and the others of the Clan carried until now. I’ll help you with everything in me. Drink from my body to renew your strength. I understand and give you any and everything I can to help you.”

  “Wow, you know about the mating bond for energy?”

  “Yes, and your assignments at the portal, the surface and even the responsibility you carry to report back to the elder Guardians on the fate of this galaxy. I’m so in awe of you Lucien Drake that it almost takes my breath away.”

  His hot firm lips captured hers as a clear approval of her revelations. Life was new. As if scales had fallen from her eyes, Quinn saw how much she didn’t know and the road ahead to learning.

  “I love you, Quinn Bradford. I want you to take your time with everything. There’s no rush. What we’ve shared today has me feeling fresher than I have in a very long time.”

  “Shh… I can see how weak your Dragon is. He gave me a show today when you took flight and I plan to give you a replenishing course of ministry tonight—after we eat and catch up with everyone. And yes, I’m aware of their movements in the Lair. Probably not as in tune as yours, but it would appear your Dragon gave me some of your ability. Like I feel Greg pulling on you for an update.”

  At the look of surprise she received, Quinn quickly added, “No, I can’t hear or make out what he wants, but I know and sense he wants to gain your attention for a few minutes at least. How about we come up for air and give him that?”

  Quinn wanted to laugh at the pout that sprang up on Lucien’s ethereally beautiful features. He was hers, and she was his. The fact that he didn’t want to leave her for even a moment bolstered her acceptance of her new life and calling as a chosen vessel of the Goddess on Earth and his mate.

  She peppered his mouth with light kisses and gave him the signal to let her up.

  “We need to grab a shower and get downstairs,” he said. “You’re right. Something’s come up at the portal entrance, and we’re being called back to it.”

  “When do we need to be there?” she asked.

  “What do you mean we? There’s no we going.”

  “Yes I am.” Quinn ignored Lucien’s concerns. She would be more of a help than a hindrance. His Dragon had confirmed that for her.

  “Quinn, this trip will be quick. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “I know… to save time, let’s shower together, and I’ll be ready to go with you lickity split.”

  “Wait a minute. Stop ignoring me, woman.” Lucien stopped moving around the room gathering clothes to wear. “You’re not going with me. I’ll be right back. I’m sure it’s nothing but a few attempts to breach our wards. The usual stuff.”

  “The hell I’m not. Lucien, we’re mated—a melded unit. There’s no longer just you when it comes to protecting the portal. You need to get it through your head that now you’re a we.”

  “I do get that you’re my mate—more than you seem to realize right now. And you’ll have plenty of time to explore how you see us becoming this unit. But going to the portal with me isn’t something that will happen anytime soon.”

  “So you say. Lucien, I said what I said, I’m going with you.” He stomped over to where she stood and glared down at her. Quinn stood her ground. “You can huff and puff but I’m not changing my mind on this.”

  Lucien took in a few breaths and spoke with a softness that made her heart leap. “My Quinn, I now know you’re not fully human, but I still don’t know if your physical body can withstand the travel and presence at the entrance. It’s quite intense, even for us. Maybe once we know how the portal will react to you and you’ve had time to prepare properly for the future, yes? ”

  “Hush your worrying. I’m going.” She waved him off. Lucien wasn’t going to win this one. She had to make him see she was part of him. What he did as a Guardian could be enhanced by her new insights. Quinn would prove it to him.

  Lucien picked her up and started walking toward the bathroom.

  “Whoa, big fella!” She laughed, thinking the matter was settled.

  Lucien spoke again, with a pleading tone she’d never heard in his voice before.“Please, Quinn, I don’t want this to be our first disagreement. I’m not ready to have to try to stay focused when I’d be too worried about you. Sit this one out for me, for us. Let our first disagreement be over something stupid like what’s for dinner, not about the safety of your life. Please?”

  That word seemed foreign coming from this Warrior of a man, but Quinn felt its sincerity in his request. Unable to deny him this, she acquiesced and said, “All right, I’ll stay here this time. But, when you all get back, I will be doing everything to get ready for the next assignment. So do whatever it is you have to do to get it in your mind. I will be there by your side next time.” He placed her on the floor in the large bathroom. Quinn looked up into his grateful expression and said, “You’re still not at full capacity of your strength. Let me help you with that.” She rose on her tiptoes to give him a kiss and added with a wink, “I think we might have time for a quickie in the shower, don’t you?”

  His grin dazzled in its perfection, enough to compete with the beauty of the beginning of sunset just outside the bedroom. Quinn’s hand took on a mind of its own and shot up to place a palm against his rugged cheek. Lucien leaned into her hand, nuzzling it as she giggled at the bristles of stubble from the beginnings of a thick five o’clock shadow.

  Lucien’s eyes smoldered with a burning passion for her, producing a flip in her stomach of mutual want. “I agree. Quickies are like dessert. There’s always time for a quickie,” he said.

  His eyes betrayed the mischief that was brewing behind them too as he looked at the top of her head. Quinn called him on it before he got into trouble. “Don’t do it Dragon. I see you want to.”

  “Want to what?” he asked, clearly feigning innocence.

  “You know full well what I’m talking about. No touching my hair!”

  “But it’s so fluffy!”



  Back downstairs all eyes were on them as they entered the main area.

  “About time you came up for air. Don’t you people eat?” Nolan asked, looking at Lucien and her like they were a circus attraction.

  “What? Why are you all looking at us like that?” Quinn asked. She was unable to ignore the unusual intensity of their stares, fearing they knew about the great sex she’d had. Then it dawned on her that they’d missed lunch.

  “You both look so different, that’s why,” Wren said with a happy lilt to her voice. “Oh, Quinny! I’m so happy for you two.”

  The girly squeal Wren let out got a huge goofy smile from Matt and a heated blush from Quinn. It was at that moment Quinn saw it. Matt knew Wren was his mate and her friend was absolutely clueless. She made a mental note to help him rectify that soon. First, they’d need to eat and then the men would have to go on their assignment. In the meantime, she’d focus on keeping her hands off her mate. Quinn would behave like a normal woman—in love with the most kick-ass Dragon around.


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