Chosen: Book 2 A Realms of the Otherworld Book

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Chosen: Book 2 A Realms of the Otherworld Book Page 6

by Jana LaPelle

  She smiles and says with a little midair curtsey, “Yes, my Lady. You look the part, Ash, you so look the part. You’re beautiful.”

  "Then it's high time that I start acting the part of his queen," I say as I harden my heart and ready myself to turn on the charm. Today my end goal is to get the lay of the manor that we now reside in and the lay of the outer grounds. That's as far as I have gotten as Tarron knocks on the door to my bedroom. I have taken my stance by the fireplace, and I'm holding a copy of a book of Robert Frost’s poetry, it’s opened to “Fire and Ice”. The poem resonates with me. How very poetic. Today, I'm on a fact-gathering mission for information. Taking a deep breath, I say, "Come in."


  I'm surprised to hear her crisp, clear voice through the door and I slowly open it not sure of what I will find waiting for me. Her self-imposed withdrawal from day to day life has been somewhat disturbing. I was not sure what my next move was going to be if I found her in the same state this morning. The vision before me is not what I was expecting at all. She is lovely, and for a moment I can only stare at the picture she makes standing before the fireplace. For the first time since arriving in Ireland, the sun has come out, and the rays streaming through the window are a halo around her as if she is God sent. Maybe she is. I know that I should have never forced her into this situation, but once I saw her, I knew that she would be my salvation.

  I don’t know how long I stood there just taking her in before I come to my senses. I clear my throat and say, “I came to see if you would consider having breakfast with me this morning, my Lady.”

  "There is no need for such formalities, Tarron. You may call me Ashlinn. I will consider having breakfast with you on one condition, well maybe two. I would like to have a tour of the manor, but first I'm desperate to stretch my legs and get some fresh air. The sun is out, and I don't feel like being cooped up in these rooms anymore." She says, pausing for effect before continuing, "Those are my conditions."

  I look her over and make my decision very quickly. It would do everyone here some good to see their future queen, and today she fits the image perfectly, and I find myself saying, "Agreed. I will be your personal escort. We can perhaps, begin to get to know one another."

  “Okay, then. We have a deal. First, breakfast and then a walk around the grounds, you don’t have to feel obligated to stay with me. I’m sure you’re very busy.” She says as she turns to place the book in her hand on the mantle. Her finger hesitates to leave the last page she read. As if an afterthought just occurs to her, she says, “Jasmine, will accompany us.”

  I can’t help the smirk that appears as I say, “But of course. My dear princess, are you afraid to be alone with me?”

  She is quick to respond as she says, “Not at all. We discussed her role the other day. She is to be my chaperone.”

  For some reason, her response angers me, and I'm quick to retort, "I'm sure that you did not require a chaperone with Prince Alaric." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret them when I see the pained expression cross her face and she quickly turns away from me no doubt to collect herself, and I notice her hand going to her breast. When she turns back to me, it's as if she has successfully slid a mask in place and my regret burns deeply within me. For some reason, I feel as if I have failed my first test with her.

  “Alaric is my kindred. He is my shifter mate. He never forced a binding upon me. You, on the other hand, I do not trust. That can only be earned with time and your actions. So far, you have shown me that you are selfish in your endeavor to acquire me. So yes, Jasmine will accompany us." She says in a clipped tone.

  I take notice that she said acquire as if she feels like a possession. Even though I do not care for her tone, I concede. “As you wish, my Lady,” I know I need to earn her trust. That starts today.

  The morning meal is uneventful. She is reticent and not as animated as our previous meeting. My words have caused her great pain, and I am truly sorry for that. I notice that she makes quick work of her meal as she sits back in her seat studying me, her chin is tilted up in a defiant manner and she says, “I’m ready for my walk now.”

  I consider her for a moment and think of how cool the morning air is. By now it’s getting closer to midday. The days are short now during the winter months, and I know she will need a wrap and I say, “Not quite yet.”

  "But we struck a deal." She says argumentatively. I quirk my eyebrow as I rise to fetch her wrap. From behind me, I hear her rise, and she says, "Where do you think you're going? I intend to get out of these rooms today! If you will not escort me, I can be escorted by one of your horde." I smile at the term horde as I open a door that houses several wraps, cloaks, and coats. I choose a silver gray, fur lined hooded cloak and turn back to her.

  "You are so quick to think that I would not hold up my end of the bargain. I assure you that I merely want to make sure that you are adequately clothed before we step out into the cool morning air. It's close to freezing outside, so you will need to wear an outer garment. If you are ready, we can proceed to make our way to the main level of the manor." I say watching her intently. She merely nods in acknowledgment, and I can't help the smirk that appears as I turn toward my "horde" to say, "Garrik, Dorlan, you will both accompany us as I escort the princess about the grounds. From this point forward you will both be part of her personal guard. While here she will be accompanied at all times by you and three others of my choosing. Do you understand?" Both reply with a curt, yes my Lord, as I turn back toward Ashlinn and say, "Shall we?" I offer her my arm and watch the indecision on her face be quickly replaced by a twinkling smile.

  "You should know that I plan on taking my time outdoors, my Lord. This will not be a quick spin around the grounds." She says as she hooks her tiny hand around the crook of my arm. I tuck it close to me, placing my hand over hers as we proceed out of her chambers. The thrill of being this close to her is about to have me come undone. I have never felt pulled to any female as I feel drawn to her. I can no longer separate my feelings from those being forced on me by the blood contract. Dark majic is a part of who I am, and I embrace the tug and open myself to it. As I look down on her smiling face, I know that I will indulge her in just about any request. Her light shines through, and I know that I will be quickly lost in her radiance.

  As we approach the main door that leads outside, I stop and realize that I have not paid much attention to anything around us. The manor is vast and full of activity, but everything and everyone have stopped what they are doing to observe our progress. Ashlinn has taken on a defiant look as if daring everyone to question her presence here. The males in the room seem to be taken with the princess while the females have all but bared their nasty little fangs. Daria especially seems rather disgusted by her presence, and I shoot her a glare. She quickly averts her gaze from us. Inwardly, I sigh heavily as I think back to Ashlinn’s words and I believe her term to be an accurate one. The harem is not happy right now with Ashlinn’s presence here. I will have to rectify this little problem of mine as soon as possible.

  I look down at Ashlinn and realize just how tiny she is. She will need the protection of her appointed guard if she is to wander the manor. She will not be safe on her own, not until she has been accepted by my people. Aloud I say, "My Lady, your cloak." With that, I gently place the cloak across her shoulders and fasten the clasp at her neck. The cloak is fur lined and will keep her from catching a chill. She is looking up at me in expectation as I pull the hood up over her head. I find that I am lost in her brilliant golden, shining eyes.

  We proceed outside to the bright, crisp morning. Her arm is tucked securely in mine as we begin our stroll. The grounds are sparkling under cover of a wintery dusting. The frost is starting to melt under the warmth of the sun. Her intent is clear she is making her way to the cliffs and my instinct to shelter her and keep her safe has me hesitating. She senses my hesitation as she looks up at me and says, "What? Afraid I'm going to jump?" She asks with a twinkle in her eyes that
I have not seen before. "I assure you Tarron that is not something that you need to worry about."

  Jasmine pipes up about that time. I had all but forgotten about her as she says, “Ash, is afraid of heights, my Lord.”

  “Very funny Jaz, but that’s not why.” She says in a mockingly scolding manner and then looks at me to say, “I’ve never been to Ireland. I want to stand on the cliffs to view the ocean and the Cliffs of Moher. I’ve only ever seen pictures, and I have a feeling that the pictures that I have seen, have not done its beauty justice.”

  “Then you should be in for a treat Ash. The view is really spectacular. I checked it out the other day while you were moping. I got bored and decided to have a look around.” The little water sprite says, teasingly.

  I nod as we continue walking in that direction. We are about one hundred yards away from the cliffs when Ashlinn asks me, “Tarron, why did you decide to leave Faerie and come to the Mortal Realm?”

  "I felt it best. I was informed about The Morrígan's obsession in seeing to your demise, once that came to light I knew that you would be safer here, for the time being. So I made arrangements to acquire this remote manor. Some of the "Horde," as you call them, have been here for close to a month preparing the estate for our needs. The witches have cast a glamour over the property that repels outsiders. They see a rundown, abandoned manor instead of what you see before you. They have also placed wards over the property. My warriors patrol the borders of this land. I assure you that you are very safe here. No one should be able to find you." I say.

  “I assume you are including Alaric in that statement, aren’t you?” She stares at me for a moment before continuing, “The wards, they are why I can’t dream walk or astral project outside of the property?” She asks.

  I nod and simply say, “Yes.” To all of her questions.

  "I know initially, the arrangement that you and my mother entered into was one that would benefit you both. An arranged marriage of sorts and I know that you felt slighted at finding out that I was Alaric's kindred. I just wonder why you chose to go through with evoking the blood contract. You are very handsome. Probably charming as well, although I don't think I have seen that side of you yet. Obviously, your females are not happy that I am here. You could probably have your pick of Otherworld royalty. So why me?” She asks, and I can see she is clearly curious.

  I smile as I say, “Because you are my light, mo solas. I’m drawn to the light I see in you. It calls to me. Mo dorchadas has all but consumed me. You will be what saves me from my darkness. You are my chosen.”

  She looks at me with a serious expression as she says, "Tarron, you are not all darkness. There is darkness in you due to your nature, but you choose your own path. I have much to learn, but I believe that much is becoming clear to me. I see your light, and you are smothering it, but that is by choice. Now, I’m changing subjects, I’m curious about the overly large raven that carried me to you. Who was that?”

  “His name is Justice, and we have been friends for a long time. He owed me a favor, and I called it in.”

  “Can you tell me what a Sky Sentinel is?’ She asks looking up at me.

  “They are ancient creatures and are more closely aligned with The Morrígan. They are birds of omen and are often associated with times of war. It will be good to have an ally within their ranks in the war to come.”

  She sighs before saying, “I have so much to learn. Can you tell me about the dark fae and the Fomorians that you mean to champion?"

  I was not expecting this turn in the conversation and look at her questioningly, “What do you want to know?”

  “Whatever you would like to share with me about your brethren,” She says simply. We are now several steps from the edge of the cliff, and she clings to my arm. I can tell that she is frightened but exhilarated at the same time as she says, "Wow. I was right this is so much better than a picture. This view is amazing. The air is so fresh and clean. Can we stay here for a bit?"

  I find that I enjoy her clinging to me as I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her to me. For a moment, she stiffens and then relaxes into my side. The pull I feel toward her relaxes and so do I as I respond to her question, “What did you have in mind?”

  "I just want to sit here on the cliffs and take it all in. We can continue our conversation if that is okay with you?"

  I find that I can deny her nothing. This is a different side to her that I have not yet seen. I motion for Dorlan to come closer and speak directly to him, “Dorlan, if you would please go back to the manor and acquire a quilt or blanket and a few midmorning snacks for Ashlinn to nibble on. We will be sitting on the cliffs this morning. If you would also ask Camoryn, Nym, and Khatar to accompany you on your return, they are to become the remainder of her Sentry. The five of you will accompany her everywhere from this point forward.” Dorlan gives a brief head bob and then makes his way back to the manor.

  Ashlinn speaks up, "So Alaric has his Guard for me, and you will have your Sentries for me. That seems a little like overkill to me, but I must say if your females have anything to say about my continued stay here I may need my Sentries." The smirk on her face says otherwise, but I bristle at her comment.

  I growl, and say, “They will be handled.”

  She sighs and says, “We’re getting off topic. Tell me about your brethren.”

  “Ahhh, yes, the dark fae. The dark fae, for eons, has been overlooked and misunderstood. As an incubus, I fall into the dark fae category. My father, King Bres, has a mixed Fomorian heritage but my mother was a nymph. I guess that I was a bit of a shocker. No one anticipated that I would be born an incubus. Because of my status, my father disowned me and renounced his relationship with my mother. She has never been the same. My father broke her, and I will never forgive him for his treatment of her. She is now a recluse and will only tolerate certain individuals in her personal space. But I digress, as a dark fae and having been shunned for my status by my very own father, I have decided to champion all dark fae and any of the Fomorian that wants a new leader. The Morrígan is out for personal gain. Anyone can see that. I seek to give the dark fae leadership and counsel. They should have a voice in the way of things, and they do not. They are shunned for their nature and therefore, do not have a voice in Faerie. I believe that you will soon see that there is a clear divide within the Otherworld between the light and dark fae the longer you remain within the realm." I say as Dorlan, Camoryn, Nym, and Khatar arrive with a blanket for the ground and a basket filled to overflowing with food. The sun is bright and the day is still cool, but the sun's rays take the chill out of the air. The males go about putting everything out all the while Jasmine is fluttering about whispering in agitation something to Ashlinn. Shaking my head at the willful little sprite I take Ashlinn’s hand, and we settle down on the blanket.

  Ashlinn looks up at me and says, “Please continue. Don’t mind me as I scavenge for food,” she says with a dazzling smile.

  Nym takes that moment to speak up, "My Lady, you can find the protein you require on the left-hand side of the basket." He says with a nod.

  She smiles brightly up at him and says, “Thank you.” She finds what she is looking for and quickly pulls out sliced summer sausage, cheese, and crackers. Instead of wine, she opts for water and prompts me again to continue.

  "I want to be that voice. I want to give the dark fae what they have never had before. I want to be their leader, and I want for them to have a place in Faerie." I say seriously, and before I can over think my action, I place my hand on hers. She stills as a distant, faraway look settles in and for a moment I'm worried. She's so very quiet and remote, entirely withdrawn and barely breathing. I can tell that she is not here in this moment, that she has been taken away and I worry that I'm the cause.

  Chapter 8


  As the vision dissipates, I’m brought back to the present. It would appear that I am looking at who will become the newly appointed Horde King. There has never been a recogn
ized ruler to the dark fae, not that I'm aware of and especially not known as The Horde. We have much to accomplish, but his role will help to bring balance to Faerie. At this moment, he has no idea as to his importance. I realize that I will have to break this news to him when the time is right, and I smile up at his handsome face. I saw a series of events that take place over a period of time, and now I know it will be some time before he finds his kindred but he will. Only it will be once he is established in his reign. I take solace in the fact that he will find her, some day. The dark fae will become known as The Horde, and the Fomorian will fall under the rule of the Horde King. I could not be happier knowing that they will, indeed, be recognized after the accords are put into place.

  Suddenly, I feel drained, and the world begins to spin. I look up at his handsome face as I falter, and say, "I… The vision has robbed me of my strength. I'm sorry that I cannot…" I can't continue as my vision is swallowed up and darkness pulls me under.

  I'm not sure how long I was out, but I wake to being carried in strong, capable arms. I unconsciously snuggle in closer to him as the dark tendrils of majic wrap us closer together. I think for a moment, before my head clears, that this is where I want to be. This male will become a king. A very important king and I can become his queen, if only I succumb to the darkness. I can accept The Horde as my people, and we can rule together. Darkness swirls through my being and threatens to envelop my soul. Being so close to The Horde King, I want more. I can be the one that will carry him to greatness. I can be the one that will be by his side to see him to the top. Together we can be happy. All I have to do is give into the darkness. I shake myself mentally, and now I'm locked in my very own internal struggle. The battle for my very soul, it would be so very easy to let go, so easy to give into the pull.


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