Paris or Bust!

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Kit slowly pushed up, swinging his legs off the couch. But the moment his feet hit the floor, he heard a rumble overhead. Roxanne’s eyes went wide and she grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him up. But just as she was dragging him to the front door, Danny raced down the stairs and headed for the kitchen.

  She shoved Kit back toward the living room and held her breath. “You’ve got to sneak out,” she said. “The kids can’t find you here.”

  “I understand,” he said. He grabbed her face between his hands and gave her a quick kiss. “Can I call you later today?”

  “Just go,” she said, hurrying off to the kitchen.

  Kit heard her greet her son, then thinking he was in the clear, he grabbed his shoes from the floor. He tiptoed toward the hall closet to get his coat. But another rumble of footsteps sounded on the stairs. Having nowhere else to go, he stepped inside the hall closet and closed the door behind him.

  He cursed softly, then opened the door a crack to see Rachel skip past to the kitchen. But he didn’t have enough time to run for it because Michael was hot on her heels. Sooner or later they’d all have to go upstairs to get dressed. Maybe then he could get safely to the door.

  Kit settled back into the closet and listened to the craziness of the morning. Jenna was screaming from upstairs and Roxanne sent Danny up to get her, instructing him to help her down the stairs. But as soon as Jenna got to the table, Danny went back upstairs to get dressed. The kids were all over the house, buzzing around like little bees.

  The smell of coffee drifted beneath the closet door and Kit was sorely tempted to step out and grab a cup. But he understood Roxanne’s worry. The kids might take his presence the wrong way. For now, he was just a friend of their mother’s.

  When he finally heard everyone tromp back up the steps he figured it would be safe to make a dash for the door. But then he heard Danny’s voice shout from the top of the stairs.

  “I wanna wear my basketball shoes today!”

  “I don’t know where they are,” Roxanne shouted. “You have to keep track of them if you want to wear them every day.”

  “Look in the hall closet! Mom!”

  Kit heard footsteps approach and when the door opened, he reached out and grabbed Roxanne’s arm, pulling her inside. A tiny scream slipped from her throat, but it was muffled by the heavy wool coats. He quietly closed the door.

  “Shh! It’s just me.”

  “What are you doing in my closet?”

  “I couldn’t get out. Every time I head for the door, one of your kids runs through. Is the coast clear now?”

  “No. Jenna is out there.”

  “She’s not going to say anything. She can barely talk.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Kit slipped his arms around her waist. “So, now that you’re here, what are we going to do?” He kissed her neck. “They’ll never find us, you know.”


  Roxanne stiffened, then reached up to cover his mouth with her hand. “Don’t make a sound.”

  “Mommy, are you in there? Who are you talking to?”

  The doorknob jiggled and before Kit could reach for it, the door swung open. Danny looked up at them both, a quizzical expression on his face. “Hi, Mr. Lawrence. Did you find my basketball shoes, Mom?”

  Roxanne forced a smile. “I haven’t had a chance, honey. Mr. Lawrence just stopped by and he was helping me clean the closet. But we’ll find them, won’t we, Mr. Lawrence?”

  “Yeah,” Kit said.

  A scream reverberated through the house, a scream that Kit recognized as Jenna. Roxanne moaned softly, then slipped out of the closet, leaving him to make the explanations to Danny. “Well, should we look for your basketball shoes?”

  “Was my mom crying?” Danny asked.

  Kit frowned. “Why would she be crying?”

  “She goes in the closet every morning and cries,” he explained. “She says she’s cleaning the closet, but I don’t think she is, ’cause she never takes the vacuum cleaner in.”

  “What does she cry about?”

  Danny shrugged. “Don’t know. Last week she didn’t go in there. I sure hope she’s not sad again.”

  “I hope not, either.” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “Find your shoes. Your ride will be here soon.”

  “My mom has to drive me today. There’s no car pool on Fridays. But she has to get everyone ready first, ’cause they all have to go along.”

  “How about if I drive you to school?” Kit suggested.

  Danny’s eyes lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah. That would be cool. I have show-and-tell today. Can I take you? You can tell everyone about your swimming pool.”

  “Why don’t we try to come up with something a little better?” Kit stepped to the bottom of the stairs and called out for Roxanne. A few seconds later, she appeared, a sobbing Jenna in her arms. “If it’s all right, I can drop Danny at school.”

  She stared at him for a long moment. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to. And I’ll call you tonight. Maybe the kids can come over to swim again?”

  “Maybe,” she said softly.

  He winked at her, then turned to Danny. “Come on. If we get there a little early, you can show me your classroom.”

  They walked out to Kit’s car, which was parked on the street just down from Roxanne’s house. He unlocked the door for Danny and then made sure he buckled his seat belt. When Kit got inside, he looked over at the boy. “You’ll have to show me how to get there.”

  “It’s not too far. I could walk, but my mom doesn’t like me crossing the streets alone. But when I’m bigger, I’m going to walk.”

  Kit pulled out into traffic, then steered the car around the block and followed Danny’s directions.

  “I’m glad you’re driving me to school.”

  “And why is that?”

  “When Mom drives me, she always makes me kiss her goodbye and everyone watches.”

  Kit smiled. Funny how he had a completely different attitude about Roxanne’s kisses. As far as he was concerned, she could kiss him whenever and wherever. “She loves you. I’d say you were a pretty lucky guy to have such a great mom. She takes very good care of you.”

  Danny shrugged. “I guess. But she’s gotta stop kissing me all the time.”

  “Would you like me to have a little talk with her? I could suggest that she saves the kisses for when no one else is around.”

  A smile brightened his face. “Would you? That would be really, really good,” Danny said. “I’m afraid if I say something she might cry.”

  “Does she cry a lot?”

  “She used to. She said it’s because my dad went away.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  Danny considered his answer for a long moment. “I don’t remember him much. He left when I was four. And now I’m six.”

  “You handle things pretty well around the house. You take good care of your brother and sisters.”

  “They’re a big pain,” Danny said.

  “Yeah, but they’re your brother and sisters and that counts for something.”

  “I guess.” Danny looked over at Kit, a frown on his face. “Do you like my mom?”

  The question was asked as if it was the most logical course of conversation and it took Kit by surprise. “Yeah. I guess I do. No, I do. I really like her a lot.”

  “There’s a girl in my class who likes me,” he said. “She keeps saying we’re gonna get married, but I tell her that I don’t like her. I’m never gonna like girls.”

  “You say that now, but I think you’ll change your mind. Girls can be pretty neat. I mean, hanging out with the guys is all right. But girls are different. They’re really nice.”

  Danny made a face. “They always wanna kiss me. Yuck.”

  “Well, that’s not so bad, either—when you’re older.”

  “You kissed my mom,” he said. “I saw you.”

  Kit chuckled. “You did.”

  “My mom likes you, too. I can tell. She’s always smiling at you.”

  “I like it when she smiles,” Kit said.

  “Yeah,” Danny said. “Me, too.”


  “AND AFTER THE KIDS went to bed we sat on the couch, with all the lights off, and we just kissed…and kissed…and kissed. It made me feel so young. As if he was my first boyfriend.” Roxanne pressed her hands to her warm cheeks, trying to hide the blush that she knew was there. “We do everything, but…you know. It’s so hard not to go any further.”

  “Yeah,” Renee said. “Because he’s too embarrassed to buy condoms from the drugstore and you’re afraid that all your high school friends will think you’re easy. Geez, Rox, you’re grown-ups. You can have sex if you want.”

  “No, we can’t. The kids are always upstairs. I couldn’t possibly let things get out of control. Besides, it’s only been a month.” Roxanne sighed, still remembering the feel of his hands on her skin, the sensation of his palm cupping her breast. With each evening they spent together, they took another step toward the inevitable.

  Her life was a routine again, but this was a routine that Roxanne had come to crave. Over the past month, she’d settled into her job at the station, working Tuesdays and Thursdays. While she was gone for the day, an elderly lady from the neighborhood watched the children. Most evenings, Kit would come over for dinner or she’d take the kids to his house and they’d swim. On the occasional night he was out of town on business, she found herself at a loss, reaching for the phone to call him for the silliest little things and unable to sleep until he called her to say good-night.

  “Why don’t you ask that sitter you hired to stay late some day? You and Kit could go out on a real date.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for that,” Roxanne murmured. “You know what really scares me?”

  “That when he’s got you in the bedroom, he’ll recoil in horror at your stretch marks? God, that’s what I’d be afraid of.”

  “No!” Roxanne cried, the sudden image searing into her brain. “I—I never even thought about that—until now. Oh God, I’ve had four children. He’s probably only ever slept with single, svelte, non-mothers.” Roxanne pulled up her shirt. “I wonder if I could cover them with makeup.”

  “Yeah, and when he’s running his tongue along your belly he gets a mouthful of Cover Girl. That’s romantic.” Renee shrugged. “So what are you afraid of?”

  “Everything now,” Roxanne said.

  “No, tell me. I promise I won’t open my big mouth again.”

  Roxanne paused, hesitant to voice her apprehension. It would sound so stupid. “I’m afraid of it being too good.”

  “How can it possibly be too good? Unless, of course, you die of cardiac arrest midorgasm.”

  “With John, I was so in love, I didn’t see who he really was. I thought I had found the man of my dreams. The sex was so good. Then we got married and had kids and the passion just seemed to fade away. Then he found someone else.”

  “You had sex with John before you got married? You told me you were a virgin until your wedding night.”

  “You were my younger sister,” Roxanne said. “What was I supposed to tell you?”

  “Does Mom know?”

  “Can we stay on subject here? I’m afraid that the same thing is going to happen with Kit. We’ll be intimate and then I’ll make the same mistake, thinking that he’s the love of my life and I can’t live without him.”

  “Then there’s only one thing to do,” Renee said. “Just use him for sex.”

  Roxanne gasped, then was forced to stifle a giggle. “I couldn’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I think I’m in love with him,” she admitted. “I think maybe I’ve been in love with him since the very first time I looked at him. You should see him with the kids. He’s so good with them, especially Danny. And he treats me like a queen. He’s always bringing me flowers and doing special favors for me. A few days ago, he sent a workman over to install my dishwasher.”

  “Oh, dear. Well that messes up the use-him-for-sex plan. Maybe using him for home repairs is better.”

  “And then there’s his father we have to deal with.”

  “He doesn’t approve?”

  “It’s not that. I think Kit suspects that Carl’s in love with me, which he isn’t. Whenever Carl and I are together, all he talks about is Kit. I don’t know. Maybe I should just forget men altogether.”

  “You’re twenty-eight years old, Rox. That’s too young to give up on men. You’ve still got lots of good years left. In fact, I’m going to take the kids tonight. I want you to call him up and invite him over to dinner. Wear a sexy dress, ply him with a few drinks and then get down to business.” She paused. “And the minute he leaves, call me and tell me every detail.”

  “I can’t,” Roxanne said.

  “You can. I’m not bringing your children back until you do. Don’t waste the opportunity.” Renee got up from the table and walked to the stairs. “Come on, kids, time to go. Your cousins are waiting for you. We’re going to McDonald’s for lunch.”

  Roxanne joined her sister in the foyer, then gave each of the kids a kiss as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “What about their pajamas?”

  “I’ve got extras.”

  “What time are you going to bring them back tomorrow?”

  “After you call me and tell me what a wonderful time you had.”

  “Where’s Mommy going?” Danny asked.

  “To a very happy place,” Renee said, herding the kids to the front door. Before she walked out, she reached out and gave Roxanne a quick hug. “Have fun.”

  Roxanne slowly closed the door behind her sister, then peeked out the curtains, watching her children scamper down the sidewalk. With a sigh, she turned around and leaned back against the door. Could she really do this? Was she ready to risk it all for one night of passion?

  “The longer I think about it, the more difficult it’s going to be.” She hurried to the kitchen and picked up the phone. She’d already memorized Kit’s cell phone number. With trembling fingers she punched in the number, but before the call connected, she hung up.

  “What am I going to say? Hi, Kit, we’re having sex tonight, please bring condoms?” Maybe it was best to surprise him. He’d come over, thinking he’d be spending an evening with the kids and there she’d be, sexy dress, candlelit dinner, fire in the fireplace, fresh linens on the bed.

  “Damn!” She didn’t have anything to wear, she needed candles and firewood and the laundry was sitting in a big heap upstairs. And if she didn’t tell Kit what she had planned, then she’d have to go buy the condoms herself. Roxanne glanced at her watch, calculating the time it would take for each task.

  Sex was sure a lot harder than it was when she was married.

  ROXANNE STARED at her reflection in the mirror with a critical eye. She smoothed her hands over her belly, drawing the fabric of her little black cocktail dress tight. She still had a good figure. She’d exercised during her pregnancies and watched her diet, but there was no denying she possessed the body of a mother.

  Her stomach twisted and for a moment she thought the nerves might overwhelm her. She reached out and grabbed her jeans, prepared to toss aside the dress and forget everything she’d planned. But then the doorbell rang and the decision was made for her.

  There would be no time to change, no time to unset the dining room table or throw water on the fire. Taking one last look in the mirror, she forced a smile and sucked in her stomach. “Just go for it.”

  When she pulled the door open, he was standing on the stoop, his arms filled with bags, his briefcase dangling from his hand. He was still dressed in his suit, but his tie was unknotted and Roxanne knew that he’d come right from the airport.

  “Hi,” she said, stepping back and letting him come inside.

  He bent close and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Hi. I thought I’d never get here. My flight was
late and then traffic was terrible. Where are the kids?” Kit set the bags down and began to rummage through them. “You should see what I got them. There was this toy store just across the street from my meeting and I had some time to kill and a credit card.”

  He pulled out a remote-controlled police car. “This is great. It has speed control and direction control, plus the headlights flash and the siren works. And I got a steam shovel for Michael because I remember how fascinated he was by that one we saw over near Inner Harbor. Only, I’m not sure how good he’ll be at the controls. And a teddy bear for Jenna. And look at this.” He pulled out a pretty pink dress, covered with sequins. “Rachel is going to love this. The lady said it was a ballerina dress, but I think it’s more like a princess dress, don’t you?” He glanced up. “Where are the kids? Danny, come here and see what I got for you!”

  Roxanne clutched her hands in the fabric of her skirt. He hadn’t even noticed what she was wearing! She’d spent an hour on her hair and makeup and he’d barely looked at her. “The kids aren’t here.”

  Kit slowly stood. “Where are they?”

  “They’re spending the night with Renee.”


  Roxanne’s frustration grew. She’d imagined that he’d come in, see her and promptly begin ripping her clothes off. But it seemed that Kit was more interested in seeing her children than her cleavage. Was she really that bad at seduction? “I thought we could spend some time alone. We really haven’t had any private time since we met, unless you count the few minutes we had in my hall closet.”

  “We’re alone all the time after the kids go to bed. And we’re alone at the radio station.”

  “No, we aren’t. There are always people around. I wanted to be alone. Completely.”

  He stared at her, a frown furrowing his brow. “What is this about? Do you have something to tell me?”

  “What would I have to tell you?”

  “I don’t know,” he countered. “You tell me.”

  Roxanne moaned softly, then turned and stalked into the living room. He followed behind her, but stopped short when he saw the dimmed lights and the candles, the wine and the crackling fire. “I’m dressed in a sexy dress, I have makeup on, if you haven’t noticed. And I’ve added all the romantic details. Right. I wanted to talk to you about tax shelters.”


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