Saving Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 1)

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Saving Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 1) Page 5

by Weil, J. L.

  “Thanks,” I muttered still miffed about being maneuvered into a date with d-bag of the century. I poured a cup of steamy coffee into my Nazi Zombie mug, adding cream and plenty of sugar.

  My mom eyed me. “Are you having any coffee with that sugar?”

  “Funny.” I took a seat next to her, blowing on the steam rising from my cup.

  She put down the book she was reading. “Honey, I know you are not exactly thrilled with me right now, but you are going to have fun today. It will be good for you to get out and see the town.”

  “What’s there to see? It has only one-stoplight,” I moaned.

  I realized then that she might be getting tired of the redneck remarks. “How can you complain? Have you seen that boy’s butt?”

  I dropped my head onto the countertop. “Mom, please don’t check out anymore butts,” I muffled against the granite.

  “I’m not dead Angel.”

  No, but I might wish I were after today.

  She brushed a hand over my head. “Just try and have fun…Okay?”

  I lifted my head and looked into her concerned eyes. “Sure,” I agreed for her sake. Who knew, stranger things have happened. Like my dad being behind bars. Who would have thought?

  Precisely at noon on the dot, the doorbell rang.

  Ugh, he had to be punctual.

  Scurrying to get to the door, I knocked over my cup of coffee. Thank goodness it was empty. Inhaling a deep breath, I opened the door, and my heart lurched to the bottom of my feet.

  I thought that I looked good, but Chase outshined any guy I could imagine, even Johnny Depp. His was like hotness incarnate. It was ridiculous how good looking he was.

  He stood in the doorway with his hands tucked into the front pocket of his jeans. Everything about him was fine.

  Those unusual eyes looked me up from head-to-toe and back again. Whoa. From the look in his guarded eyes I couldn’t tell at all what he was feeling, and it racked on my nerves. I was sure he could hear every single beat my heart pattered. And it pattered fast.

  “Look, you don’t have to do this,” I said, stepping onto the porch and closing the door firmly behind me. “I’m sure Lexi wouldn’t mind…” I offered praying he would take the escape.

  “She can’t. She and Travis are gone with their dad. It’s just me.” He quickly shut down my only out.

  “Oh joy,” I scoffed with an unwelcomed mixture of relief and anxiety.

  We walked off the porch, and I got a good look at the car that was idling in my driveway. It was some flashy foreign sports car and stuck out like a sore thumb here – black, shiny, and new. I was expecting some kind of beat up truck. I should have known better.

  “This is your car?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Yep. Get in.”

  So much for southern hospitality, someone was awfully chipper today.

  I sunk into the plush leather seats. “So where are we going?”

  He drove the car with such effortlessness. We seemed to glide along the road. “It’s a surprise. Just sit back and relax. We’re in for a cruise.”

  Ha. Easier said than done. My stomach was fluttering, and I was getting light-headed. “We are not staying in town? ‘Cuz I thought that was the whole point.”

  His fingers tapped on the wheel in beat with the low music. “Have you seen our town? Trust me you will get the whole five minute experience as we drive out.”

  That was the same thing I tried to explain to my mom. The interior of his car smelled like him, pure wickedness. I closed my eyes for a moment and just inhaled the scent. Dark. Dangerous. Heaven. Everything that he was. I glanced over only to be swarmed by the intensity in his silver eyes. The sun seemed to reflect light off them like a prism.


  I tugged on my lip. “So how far is this surprise?”

  “Not far, we are almost there. Did you enjoy your tour of Spring Valley?” He smiled disarmingly.

  I had completely forgotten about the town, I could barely remember my name. That smile distracted me in so many ways. “Umm…” I mumbled.

  He chuckled.

  A half hour later we pulled up to Starved Rock National Park. He parked the car and got out. Just as I was about to grab the handle of my door, it opened. There he was, waiting expectantly.

  Literally like two seconds had escaped “How did y–, never mind,” I said shaking my head.

  This place was huge and nothing like anything in Arizona. There was so much green.

  “You ready?” he asked, watching my awed reaction.

  I angled my head at him feeling uncertain. “Are you going to lead me out into the woods, and then leave me stranded to fend for myself?”

  He stroked his chin in consideration. “That has possibilities.”

  I gave him the stink eye.

  “Look you seem to be under the impression that everything here is country for lack of a better word. I wanted to show you that there is more to this area than meets the eye.”

  Did that just come out of the jerkwad’s mouth? “Wow. Did you just have a moment of sincerity?” Sometimes I needed to learn to crib my tongue.

  Of course the ever so brief moment was ruined, and he was back to throwing up his badass shield.

  “I hope you can hike,” he said taking off, leaving me to follow on his heels.

  “I hope you can hike,” I muttered, mimicking to the back of his fine ass.

  He stopped in his tracks and turned around. Of course I bumped right into that wall of muscle. “Did you say something?”

  I looked up salivating. “What?” I dumbly asked, stunned by his body being brushed up against mine. I swear his eyes were glowing. There were flecks of topaz that seemed to have come from nowhere.

  “Stay close. I don’t want you getting lost. Got it?” he reprimanded like I was two.

  I nodded, unable to speak. My body hadn’t yet recovered from the proximity of his, otherwise that tone would have never flyed.

  We traveled deeper down the trails, heading to some off beaten path. Carved rocks surrounded us on either side. Moss and plants grew in the crevices of these large sandstone rock formations. It was sort of magical.

  In the distance, I could hear the rippling of moving water. Who would have thought such mystic beauty and artistic formations lived so close to all that flat land?

  When he finally stopped walking my legs rejoiced. Pride kept me from even hinting at being tired.

  Taking a seat against a nearby tree trunk, I looked out. The exquisiteness of the rocks, and the gushing waters falling over them were out of this world. Everything was so alive and vibrant. If I was an artist, I would be compelled to paint this place.

  “Welcome to utopia Angel Eyes.” His voice was husky and seductive.

  “It’s lovely. I’ve never seen anything like it. Do you come here often?” I asked, staring up at his face that was as captivating as this place.

  “Every now and then. You should see it in December. It’s like winter wonderland.”

  “I would love to see that.” I tried to imagine it, and I could almost see the frost covered branches, the frozen ponds, and the huge icicles dripping from the rocks.

  He tossed a pebble into the little lake. It skipped on the surface of water at least twenty times, like a frog jumping on lily pads. I wasn’t even going to attempt a try.

  Sauntering like he owned the world he sat next to me under the canopy tree. Our shoulders rubbed, and I angled my head, watching him. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  He studied my face. “Don’t thank me now. The day isn’t over yet.”

  “Are you implying something?” I asked my voice scrutinizing.

  “Maybe…you’re just different than I expected.”

  “How am I different?” I couldn’t fathom how. It was becoming impossible to ignore the tingles I got from being so close to him.

  His piercing eyes cast aside. “I haven’t figured it out yet,” he replied, sounding puzzled and twiddled with a b
lade of grass.

  What I needed was space. Lying back on a cushion of lawn, I closed my eyes and wallowed in the sun. I missed its warmth. The sun here lacked the intensity of Tuscon. “Well please let me know when you do. Until then I’ll just be on standby.”

  “You have quite a wicked tongue,” he informed.

  A shadow fell over me, and my pulse raced uncontrollably. Without even opening my eyes, I knew that Chase leaned over me. His scent was everywhere, teasing my skyrocketing emotions. If I opened my eyes, what would I see? Would they reflect what I was most certain shone in mine?

  My heart couldn’t take the rejection, but keeping my eyes sealed was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. Every nerve ending in my body was begging me to look at him. My head on the other hand, thought that it was a very bad idea.

  I lost track of time. It could have been hours or seconds that I laid there with him hovering so near. When I finally realized that his shadow was gone, I slowly peeked out from under my lashes.

  He was gone.

  I should have been relieved. Then why was I filled with such disappointment?

  Sitting up I searched for him, then turned around scanning behind me. Tiny prickles of unease started to work their way up my spine. Getting to my feet, I walked off a little, looking in every direction. He was nowhere in sight.

  Panic started to weasel its way into my chest. I had no car. No idea where the freak I was and only a cell phone with questionable service. There hadn’t been a single person to walk by the entire time we had been here.

  Suddenly I was feeling very alone.

  “Chase.” I called out over the washing waters. “Where did you go?” My shoes stepped on leaves, crunching underfoot as I turned in circles. “Chase this isn’t funny.” He wouldn’t just leave me here, would he? I mean I know we joked about it, but really.

  “I’m serious. Where are you?”

  Still nothing. Not even a whisper of movement. My breath started to come in short pants with the real possibility of hyperventilating. I never had before. But there was a first for everything, like being abandoned in the woods by a selfish asshole, thank you mother for suggesting such a life altering experience. I was going to wring someone’s neck when I got home. Mainly Chase, the second I got my hands on him.

  “Chase!” I screamed.

  Chapter 6

  My voice echoed, and my heart pounded triple time in my chest. “Chase!”

  This cannot be happening. Stuff like this does not happen to me, nor would they if we had just stayed in town. Girls don’t get left alone in the woods in the city. A gazillion thoughts flipped through my head.

  Slasher movie quality. No way was I going to be strung up for some psychopathic nut job, just to eat my body parts later.

  What if he had gotten to Chase first?

  If some wacko had gotten the jump on Chase, I was in deep shit. I’ve seen the arms on Chase, and he wasn’t someone I would have taken lightly. There was a darkness that lurked in those unusual eyes.

  Behind me a rustling sounded in the bushes. I bent down ninja style, arming myself with a fallen branch not much bigger than a ruler. Looking down at the wimpy weapon clutched in my hand, I rolled my eyes.


  It wasn’t much in the way of protection, but in a bind it would have to do.

  “Chase,” I called out hesitantly.


  Side-stepping, I backed up, the branch in a death grip.

  The bush shook again, its leaves dancing with movement. Raising the stick for attack I waited poised…and out raced a twitching squirrel. He took one look at me with his black beading eyes and ran back the other way.

  Exhaling the breath I’d been holding, I turned around feeling like a dumbass. My scream rippled out into the air. Chase stood directly behind me, scaring the living shit out of me.

  I punched in the arm. Hard. “You ass. You scared me to death. Where the hell have you been? I thought you were mauled by a mountain lion or something.” I hugged my throbbing fist to my chest.

  “This is Illinois, not Arizona,” he retorted smirking.

  I wanted to backhand that smirk. “You didn’t answer the question.”

  He huffed. “You feel asleep Angel. I didn’t want to disturb you, and I had to make a call, but the service here sucks so I went to find a clear signal. I was never far away.” His eyes turned gentle. Maybe he could read the fear that had been in my face. “I came as soon as I heard you.”

  It hadn’t been soon enough. “I thought –”

  “I know what you thought. I might be an ass Angel, but I do have some standards. And leaving you stranded is not on the list.”

  Well that was good to know.

  My shoulders slumped in relief now that there wasn’t anything ready to eat, slash, or dice me. Or worse.

  He looked up at the sky. “We should get going.”

  I ran a slightly shaking hand through my dark hair. “I am totally ready to blow this joint. It’s giving me the willies.” The night had already started to descend upon us.

  He laughed. “Has anyone ever told you how impossible and heavy on the sarcastic side you are?”

  “Sarcasm is just one of the many things I offer.”

  He lifted a brow at me. “I can only imagine what else you have to offer.” He eyed me over appreciating.

  Promptly, the blood rushed to my cheeks.

  “Red suits you,” he commented on the heighted color staining my face.

  Ahhh. He made me want to hit him again. I tightened my fist and clamped my mouth shut.

  Rushing us back through the woods, he pushed me faster than my tan legs could keep up with. “Why are we running?” I was going to break something at this pace, probably my neck.

  “It’s getting late, and I need to get you home,” he responded over his shoulder.

  Looking to the treetops, I saw the sun was lowering, coloring the horizon in oranges and reds. He kept the grueling pace and just like I predicted, I tripped. My toe hit a fallen log, and I felt the ground slip out under me. I gasped.

  Before I fell flat on my ass, Chase was there. His arms secured around my waist, bringing our bodies together. My head swarmed with dizziness from the quick loss of gravity and our bumping proximity. Holding me for a prolonged moment in his embrace, he slowly put me back on my feet, and every rational thought floated away.

  I bit my lip as our hearts beat together in heavy rhythm. I wanted to press my mouth on his mouth like I needed air to breathe. My tongue darted out wetting my lips, and his eyes narrowed in on the movement. Held suspended by his gaze, I waited. The silver of his eyes burned into mine and began to not only glow but shift colors. Like a chameleon the grey melted into amber.

  I should have been freaked out, not intrigued.

  But then he slammed his eyes shut, breaking the spell. His hands holding my waist let go of me, and I stumbled for entirely different reasons. My head was still spinning from all the heat infused by our bodies. It felt like an inferno burned between us.

  A disciplined control hardened his features, and I took a step back, putting a hand over my chest. My stomach dropped in disappointment, which didn’t make a fig of sense. I did not want Chase Winters to kiss me. I did not even like Chase Winters.

  I loved when I lied to myself.

  After a deep gush of air, he opened his eyes. They were pure titanium again. No hint of dark yellow. I was getting kind of tired of this trick. Maybe I needed glasses. Maybe they were some new kind of contacts. Who knew.

  “We need go now,” he growled.

  Whatever had just happened between us was gone. I felt an icy barrier being thrown up, separating us, and the jerk was back.

  I stiffened my spine. “Fine. Don’t get your boxers in a wad.”

  He gave me a look that screamed, don’t mess with me.

  We walked a few minutes in silence while I let him stew in his own annoyance. The eye thing was gnawing at me. I just couldn’t let it go. “What’s
wrong with your eyes?” I blurted.

  “What do you mean?” he asked not stopping. At least he had slowed his pace. I was sure he’d done so for my benefit. He didn’t even look like he was breaking a sweat.

  “They change colors.”

  “That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. Are you sure you didn’t hit your head or something back there.”

  I might have dropped it if it weren’t for the tiniest hitch I heard in his voice. He knew exactly what I meant. “You caught me before I even touched the ground.” Those words were a fresh reminder of being in his arms, and the thought made my cheeks instantaneously flush.

  Blast it.

  “You must have imagined it, or maybe it was a trick of the moon,” he said, trying to brush it off as nothing.

  “I know what I saw Chase Winters,” I replied, refusing to be discarded.

  He looked a little astonished when I said his name, like he’d never heard it from my lips before. “We don’t have time for this,” he argued.

  I wanted to stomp my feet like a two-year old and refuse to go any further until he told me what was going on. The only thing that stopped me, was that I could only imagine too well how he would not have the slightest problem hauling me over his shoulder and carrying me kicking and screaming to the car.

  We made it to his over-priced car in no time. I slumped into the leather seat, exhausted. Closing my eyes, I listened to the engine purr as we rolled along the road. Being in Chase’s car was the closest thing to being engulfed in his arms. His scent was everywhere.

  Taunting me.

  He pulled into my driveway. By the looks of it, our street was as dead as ever. I couldn’t have gotten out of the car fast enough.

  Space. I need loads of it from him before I did something incredibly foolish and stupid, like grab a handful of that dark hair and seal my lips to his.

  I wasn’t normally the aggressor. He did something to me that had me flying from one extreme to another. It was draining.

  He got out of the car and walked me to the front porch only to pause at something…or someone who caught his eye. A man in his late thirties walked across the lawn in hurried strides. He had short sandy hair, irritated hazel eyes, and a week’s stubble growing on his face.


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