Saving Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 1)

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Saving Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 1) Page 12

by Weil, J. L.

  But of course it was Chase.

  I stared at him for a full minute, and then slammed the door in his face.

  Mature, I know.

  Leaning my back against the door, I waited to hear his footsteps leaving the porch.

  “Angel,” he called through the door “We need to talk. Alone,” he stressed in a voice that was now as familiar as my own.

  And so grating.

  My palms got sweaty. Talking. Fine, I could handle talking. It was the alone part that got me hot and bothered. I stay silent, praying he would just go away.

  “We have some unfinished business.”

  Did we ever. I couldn’t stop the floating imagines of us sprawled on the couch out of my head.

  “Don’t make me break the door down,” he threatened. Just like him to resort to destruction. “I can’t imagine how you would explain that to your mom.”


  He was such a jerk.

  I opened the door. He was leaning against the frame with one hand, smirking at me. My hand twitched to hit him, pop him in his glorious mouth. He lifted the studded dark brow.

  “Fine,” I reluctantly agreed. “Do you want to come in?” I gestured dramatically with my hand.

  “Nah. Let’s walk,” he suggested.

  Okey dokey.

  “Is this the part where you take me out in the woods and take care of the problem?” I asked, wondering how smart this was when considering just last night he wanted to erase my memory.

  He laughed. “How many crime games do you play? But no, Lex would never forgive me.”

  Right. And he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  I shut the door behind me and walked in unison with him. His legs were so much longer than mine that I had to almost run to keep up with him. He was always in such a hurry.

  “It’s good that you are being cautious,” he commented on the whole door-in-your-face. “You should be scared of us.” His eyes lit with amusement.

  “Wait, what did you say?” I asked, not entirely sure I understood him right.

  He angled his head at me, reading my confusion.

  “I told Lexi last night that I wasn’t afraid of her,” I said.

  He shook his messy dark hair. “You might not think you should be scared of her, but you should definitely be afraid of me,” he replied like it was obvious.

  “Umm, I’m not really afraid of you either,” I informed, looking at him sideways. We’d just gotten to the edge of his property line.

  He stopped walking and glared at me. “Don’t take this lightly Angel,” he said, dropping his tone in warning.

  I leaned against a nearby telephone pole and put my hands on my hips. “Look, I get that there is a part of you that is dangerous–”

  “I could kill you. Do you get that?” he ground, stepping forward aggressively.

  Yeah, I understood loud and clear, but my impulse said he wouldn’t hurt me. “I don’t know that you would. You haven’t yet. I just don’t get–”

  He cut me off. “You are stupid then.”

  That did it. My back stiffened. “You don’t know anything about me,” I said, poking him the chest. He didn’t budge.

  “If you knew what was best, you would be afraid of me. Very afraid.” There was a chill that settled into his tone.

  I didn’t like it. He might be a lot of things, but cold wasn’t one of them. He was a hothead.

  I recalled what Lexi had said about Chase being extremely strong. He made me feel safe, not afraid as he wanted. “I’m not though,” I argued.

  That seemed to piss him off even more. Before I had time to process the thought, he was in my face, flaming yellow eyes and all.


  “Are you scared now?” he growled low.

  I gulped. “No,” I squeaked, not backing down, but it was making my neck cramp.

  “Liar. I can hear the quickening of your heart.” He stepped closer, bringing us nose-to-nose. The heat from his body flirted with my skin. “Remember, I’ve got supersonic hearing.”

  I gave him a dirty look. Little did he know, most of my wildly thumping heart was because he was so darn close to me, not because I was afraid of him, though I probably should have been terrified.

  A smart girl would have been.

  “You are trying to frighten me, but you haven’t hurt me,” I pointed out. My back dug into the wooden pole.

  He roared in my face.

  “All bite with no bark,” I said, pissing on his flaming anger.

  That did it. He hit the utility pole beside my head with his fist, and the pine cracked like a sonic boom. My eyes bulged from the earthquake like movement. The pole literally rumbled under my back.

  I looked at the fist-size hole he left in the old weathered wood. It went clean through half of the pole. “Was that necessary?” I asked.

  “If it gets my point across, then yes.”

  “The only thing…” My voice trailed off as we both heard the creaking and crackling of splitting wood. I looked up.

  Huge mistake.

  The giant pole was teetering above us. I looked into Chase’s eyes and saw my fears mirrored in his. This massive plank now plummeting toward us was something truly horrifying with its live wires flailing in the air. There wasn’t time to run, to seek safety, or anything else for that matter.

  There was only time to wait for the inevitable. I was going to either get crushed or electrocuted to death.

  I kept my eyes latched on his, thinking he was going to be the last face I saw. His expression tightened, and he flexed his jaw.

  “Get out!” his voice was a biting command. There was a hard line of concentration in his hellish golden eyes.

  Looking above my head, the falling pole was suspended awkwardly in the air and held up by some unseen force. He had said he could move objects with his mind, I just really hadn’t believed him. It was much easier to deny what you can’t see.

  We both backed out from under the oddly levitating pole, and I prayed that my feet wouldn’t get tangled. I couldn’t imagine what someone might think if they happened to drive by. I was having trouble myself.

  Once in the open and a good distance away, he let his hold go, and the whole heavy thing plunged to the ground in an ear-splitting crash. It vibrated the ground under our feet. Wires snapped and shards of woods sliced through the air.

  I found myself sheathed in his arms.

  Two-seconds later Travis came barreling outside, swinging the door wide open. “What the hell are you two doing?” he yelled, taking sight of the chaotic mess of rampage wires and the enormous pole now blocking the road. “Dude you just knocked out all the freaking power. Devin is going to have a shit-fit. I’m calling the electric company.” He slammed the door shut behind him.

  I gave Chase a piercing look. “The only thing hazardous to my life is your stupidity.” As graceful as possible for me, I turned my back and stomped off to my house. The sizzling and hissing sound of the downed wires followed me.

  When I got inside, I realized I couldn’t see a damn thing, and the house was spookier than ever. First thing, I needed a flashlight, candles, and a book.

  “Damn,” I muttered as my knee connected with the coffee table. At least I was in the right direction to the kitchen. Somewhere amongst the drawers full of junk was a flashlight. A few bumps and bruises later I’d finally had a working light.

  Settling on the couch for a long ass night, I surrounded myself with candles and dove into a book. I needed to keep my mind from thoughts of strangling Chase repeatedly.

  I cursed him from here to hell.

  Chapter 15

  Believe or not, I somehow made it through my second week of school without getting lost, falling on my face, or getting my ass kicked. Overall, I’d call that a smashing success.

  The sun was beating in probably one of the last days of summer. Deciding to take full advantage of this glorious day, I slipped on a bikini, grabbed my iPod, the unfinished book and went to layout. I lo
nged for the days in Tuscon when my friends and I would go to the pool and soak up the sun all day. I missed splashing in the water, gossiping, the smells of tanning oil, and the sound of our laughter.

  Popping in my earbuds, I selected a playlist, and relaxed into the cushioned chaise. Before long I was engrossed in my book with the sun warming my skin. It was totally therapeutic.

  I must have dozed off.

  A sharp beam of light glinted off my sunglasses, waking me. I opened my eyes, and Travis was sitting in the lawn chair next to me, staring. I have to say, I was more than freaked out by that. How long had he been there, watching me?

  I ripped out my earbuds, and my book tumbled to the grass. “Jesus, you scared me,” I said a little breathy.

  “Sorry,” he replied grinning. He didn’t look all that sorry actually. The sun shone on his sandy hair making him look more like an angel than part demon. It haloed around him, and the charming smile was easy on his lips. If it weren’t for the eyes, I might have been convinced he was something from heaven not hell.

  “I saw you out here, and I wanted to apologize for the whole mind control thing the other night. I noticed you at the window and…”

  Right. He saw me eye ogling Chase. I waved a dismissing hand in the air trying to distract him from my pink-stained cheeks. “Don’t worry about it. No harm done, right?”

  He shook his head. “None at all.”

  I shifted uneasy in the lounge chair and lifted my sunglasses on top of my head. “So Chase told you that I know–”

  “He did. My dad flipped a lid,” he said grinning before I could finish. “But it’s cool. You really are different.”

  I recalled what Lexi had said about Travis and Emma, how she had been like me. “I guess,” I admitted, pushing an escaped piece of hair behind my ear.

  “I hope I didn’t frighten you.”

  “Are you kidding? Have you met Chase?”

  He laughed. “I guess you’re right. He is way more intimidating than me.”

  You bet your ass. Not to mention he had that whole dark, sinful thing going on, where Travis was just too lighthearted and carefree to be taken seriously as dangerous.

  I grinned. Travis was so easy to get along with, like Lexi. I could see what Emma saw in him. Why hadn’t I met Travis first, then maybe my heart would beat uncontrollably for him instead of his foreboding cousin.

  “You’re just a nicer guy.”

  “You should meet my other half,” he joked. “Lexi told me that Sierra has been giving you a hard time.”

  Lexi had a big mouth.

  I shrugged. “She thinks I’m trying to move in on her territory,” I admitted, screwing my nose.

  He rolled his eyes. “She would. I don’t think Chase will ever give her the light of day, and it pisses her off. You shouldn’t take her lightly, but I’m sure Chase will set her straight.”

  Internally I groaned. That was the last thing I wanted. It would just make it look like there was something more going on between us.

  “I think that would just make things worse,” I suggested.

  “You might be right. I’ll mention it to him.” He really was a sweet guy.


  I groaned. I would know that voice if I was dead and buried six feet underground.

  Travis grinned mischievously. “Hmm. Chase doesn’t look happy. If you keep looking at me like that, he’s going to think you like me better.”

  “I do like you better,” I replied unable to stop the smile.

  His turquoise eyes sparkled. “You do realize you are about to send me to a very early grave.”

  I doubted that. Chase stood looming over me, blocking out all my sunshine. Figures.

  “Travis, Devin wants to see you.” There was an edge to his tone.

  “It was nice talking to you Angel.” Travis stood up and winked at me.

  I swear Chase growled, which was followed by Travis’s laugh.

  I looked up at him. “Do you get along with anyone?”

  He sat on the chaise where Travis had just been. “Not usually. What were you talking about?”

  I smirked. “None of your business.”

  “Where you are concerned, I make it my business. Who knows what kind of trouble you’ll bring.”

  God, he knew how to get under my skin. “Hopefully the kind that knocks you off your pedestal.”

  “I have yet to find my match,” he said cocky.

  “Did you just come out here to annoy me, ‘cuz its working.”

  “No actually. Let’s do something.”

  “Excuse me.” Did I hear him right?

  He shrugged his muscular shoulders. “I’m bored.”

  “And why does that have anything to do with me? As you can see, I’m busy.” I flopped my sunglasses back over my eyes trying to sound indifferent.

  His eyes travel up the length of me, which did funny things to my belly.

  Great. Now I felt completely naked and had to fight the urge to cover up. It was bad enough that I still had memories of those lips doing wicked things to my neck. They were etched into my brain.

  “I think you have had enough sun,” he stated bossily. “Let’s go.”

  “Where?” I eyed him suspiciously. “And no surprises,” I added.

  He grinned wolfishly. “I know this great spot for cliff jumping. You’ll love it.”

  He had to be kidding. Did I look like the kind of girl that jumped off cliffs for fun?

  “You’re already in your suit. What do you say Angel?” His eyes did that thing again making my pulse jump. When I didn’t answer he provoked me in the only way he knew would work. “You’re not scared to be alone with me, are you?”

  Reaching out, he held his hands for me to take. “Fine,” I grumbled. “You’d better not make me regret this.” I put both my hands in his. Literally.

  He eased me effortlessly to my feet. “I’ll drive,” he said, grinning like a little boy.

  In record time I tossed a few things in a bag and we were on our way. He pulled over to the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, well more nowhere than usual and cut the engine.

  “You’re joking, right?” I snarled, looking at him across the car.

  Eyes sparkling, he replied, “Nope, we walk from here. Trust me, it’s worth it.”

  I seriously doubted it. We trudged through a forest, which I wasn’t very fond of. He must have picked up on it because he never left my side.

  “Lexi told me about Emma,” I said, as we walked deeper into the woods.

  “Lexi has a big mouth,” he mumbled.

  “Do you really think she is dead?”

  “I think there is a better chance that she is dead, than there is that she is alive,” he stated honestly.

  He was probably right.

  “How do I know when I’m…safe with you?” I didn’t know how else to phrase it.

  “You are never safe with me Angel Eyes.”

  I have him a dry look. “Comforting.”

  He dazzled me with a smile, and I promptly tripped over my own feet.

  His hands shot out to steady me. “Careful,” he murmured in amusement. I shook him off.

  And he laughed.

  When we reached the clearing, the sounds of rushing falls gushed over the cliffs low and high. It was breathtaking, like a little slice of paradise hidden away in a corner of an abandoned forest. It could have been something straight from a fairytale, and it was hard to believe that such beauty lived in the middle of the Spring Valley.

  The rocks jutted out as crystal clear waters rippled over them into a pool of pure blue water, like the color of a cloudless sky.

  “This is amazing,” I said in awe.

  He grinned at me dangerously. “I thought you might like it.”

  I shaded the sun from my eyes as I watched him climb and shuddered as the thought of him slipping past my mind. The sun was still hot, and it baked my shimmering skin. When he reached the top, I was convinced he was nuts. Without hesitat
ion he plunged off the edge like an Olympian diver straight into the waiting water below.

  “Show off,” I called laughing. Being here like this without the bickering between us was intoxicating. I felt drunk on Chase and high on summertime. God, that that sounded just like a country song.

  My feet dangled into the cooling waters. I knew when he didn’t resurface right away I was in trouble. Of course too much time had already past, and I was sunk. His fingers snaked around my ankles pulling me into the water before I could utter a protest. The scream died on my lips as I got a mouthful of water.

  Coming up sputtering, I heard only the sound of his chuckling. Flipping my wet tangled hair out of my face, I glared at him. “You are so going to regret that,” I threatened with a smile. The white t-shirt I’d thrown over my bathing suit was plastered erotically to my body.

  “Angel Eyes you look like a drowned rat.”

  Always the flatterer.

  I splashed him with a wave of water, soaking him. He looked godly dripping wet. The water glistened off those golden abs. I turned and took off in the opposite direction in pursuit of the shore. Two strokes later I found myself plucked out of the water and into a pair vise grip arms, they wrapped around my stomach. My squeal echoed over the valley as my back connected with his solid chest.

  “Where do you think you are going?” he whispered against my ear.

  My stomach jumped and goose bumps covered my body. I swallowed thickly. His flattened hand on my belly moved lower, and my breath caught in my throat. Leaning heavily pressed up on his chest, my limbs went to mush.

  A few prolonged heartbeats later I was soaring in the air, and then swallowed by depths of water. When I resurfaced, I was smiling from ear-to-ear.

  Kicking to the edge, I sprawled out on my towel and let the sun dry my skin. He laid beside me, distracting my peace of mind. “Do you always live your life so dangerously?” I asked.

  He tucked his arms under his head. “What have I got to lose? I might as well take life by the balls.”

  Nice analogy. My lips twitched into a smile. Hidden behind my sunglasses, I took full advantage of the cover. My eyes lapped up every glorious inch of his body, eventually landing on the black mark just above his shorts.


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