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Rancher Page 3

by Hope Ford


  I go to the bathroom and strip off my clothes. I put off showering because I like having Rancher’s smell on me. My thoughts go back to the night before. He is an unselfish lover and my body hurts in muscles I didn’t even know I had. He made me feel things last night I’ve never felt before. In the middle of the night, we talked about birth control, which I’m on. And we had the talk about being clean. It was a little irresponsible of us to wait until after the fact, but it all worked out. I thought I could do this. I thought I would have some fun and then be able to walk away. And I may not have a choice. But it may hurt a little.

  From what I know of bikers, which isn’t much, I thought for sure we would be one and done. I mean I’ve heard of the ‘sweet butts’ and the ‘twinkies.’ But he’s not acting like he wants me gone this morning. I’m determined not to get my hopes up. I took the two weeks off because well, I wanted him and knew I couldn’t have him if he was my patient. But I also took the time off because I know I’m the best. If I can help him and work with him these next two weeks, he will have a good start to healing.

  I don’t know why it’s so important to me, but it is. I want him better. I don’t want him to feel like less than a man just because he’s injured. I mean, for goodness sakes, he’s a veteran, a rancher, a biker… he’s made of tough stuff.

  After my shower, I lie down on the bed to read a little and before I know it, I’m being woken up by a warm body wrapped around me and a hard cock poking my hip.

  Moaning, I circle in his arms and look at him. “I must have fallen asleep. Someone kept me up all night. How was your session?”

  He brushes the hair off my cheek and tucks it behind my ear. “It was good. Fine. But I think I like you touching me better.”

  I laugh and snuggle into his chest.

  He kisses the top of my head. “From now on, you sleep in my bed. I didn’t like finding you in here.”

  We stare into each other’s eyes and I feel like he’s telling me something but I’m too afraid to ask what that is.

  I simply nod my head and lay it down on his chest.

  We spend the next few hours like this. Talking and laughing, thoughts of his injury far from thought. We’re almost like a normal couple. Almost.



  Two Weeks Later

  “What do you mean you want to go out tonight?” Rancher asks me.

  I roll my eyes. Really? I think to myself. I’ve been here two weeks and we haven’t gone anywhere. I mean the man doesn’t even leave the house to go to the store; he has it delivered.

  “We haven’t left the house in two weeks. I go back to work tomorrow and I want to blow off some steam,” I explain to him.

  “Oh, honey, I got some steam you can blow off.” He pulls me to him and smacks his hand across my ass.

  I pull away from him and move out of his reach. “Nuh-uh, no way, you are not getting out of this. You are taking me out tonight.”

  His face is settled into a frown when he realizes that he’s not going to be able to get out of this one.

  He snaps his fingers. “I got it. How about I invite the girls over? You’ve gotten close with Avery and Madison and I can hang with Sniper and Brick.”

  “They are going to the clubhouse. There’s a party tonight and I want to go,” I tell him.

  I watch his face and I can see the worry on it. He’s come so far these last two weeks. He still uses the crutches but he has been able to put some weight on his leg. In a few more weeks, I doubt you’ll even be able to tell he had an injury.

  No, what I’m worried about is his frame of mind. He doesn’t hang out with his brothers, even though they’ve asked him to many times. He hasn’t been to the clubhouse in I don’t know how long. He did finally start working his ranch and doing the things he’s able to do. I’ve actually enjoyed working beside him, even though he gets upset with me when I try to pick up bales of hay or help him clean stalls.

  “Fine. I was hoping we would be able to hang out tonight, but if you don’t want to go, Smoky said he would come get me.”

  I turn around to walk off but he drops his crutches and then grabs me around the waist. “Fuck that, woman. You’re not going anywhere with Smoky and you sure as hell are not getting on the back of anyone else’s bike.”

  I back my ass into his stiff cock and turn my upper body to look at him. Smiling, I ask him, “Okay, so you’ll take me?”

  He runs his hand up and down my back.

  I’m wearing a short skirt, cowboy boots and a black blouse. I nixed the underwear, because well, he’s ruined so many of them that I was waiting until we were about to leave before I put them on. No joke, the man has torn almost every pair.

  “Fine, but you stay with me,” he tells me gruffly.

  I crease my forehead. “What else would I do?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “I hate to think of all those swinging dicks looking at you. I don’t want to fight one of my brothers my first night back at the clubhouse.”

  I rub my ass against his front, and he reaches down under my skirt. When he touches bare skin I jerk at the electric charge his hand sends through me. “No underwear? You’re not going to the club without any underwear on.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know that, but I am also down to one pair because someone keeps ripping mine. I’ll put some on before we go.”

  His fingers explore my mound and stroke through my slit. He lifts my skirt up over my ass and caresses each cheek. He pushes me toward the edge of the couch to bend over, but I stop him.

  “Here, sit on the edge.” I know he wants to take me from behind but his balance isn’t the best yet. I want to give him what he wants, though.

  He sits down on the edge of the couch and I back up to him. I’m already soaked. Just being this close to him does that to me.

  He grips my hips and I impale myself on him.

  “I love having you inside me,” I tell him as I move up and down.

  His hands are squeezing my hips, helping me move on his hard shaft.

  It doesn’t take long before I’m coming all over his cock and milking him until every drop of his cum is inside me.


  I knew this was a bad fucking idea. I’m surrounded by my brothers, and honestly, I’ve missed this part. They’ve stood by me through so much and I wouldn’t have made it without them. Plus, they are the ones that brought Nova into my life. I owe them big just for that.

  No, what’s bothering me is watching Nova on the other side of the room, dancing with Madison and Avery. Well, honestly, it pisses me off. Everyone here knows that Avery and Madison have been claimed by Sniper and Brick. No one will mess with them. Hell, they even have cuts on with a patch that says ‘property of.’ But Nova is like a beacon of light that any man with a dick is going to hit on. I haven’t claimed her, not properly, and I should have done that before I brought her here.

  I’ve been on the edge of my seat all night, my hands fisted, ready to fight anyone that even talks to her.

  “You fucking love her, don’t you?” Smoky asks me and nods toward the dance floor.

  I shrug my shoulders. Not because I don’t know the answer, because I do. But what I think is that I should probably tell her first.

  “Fuck that, all you pussies settling down. No woman is going to chain me down,” he says and takes a shot of whiskey.

  I could argue with him. I could tell him that two weeks ago I would have said the same thing. But instead, I just nod at him and keep watching Nova.

  One of the prospects is eyeing her and before he can get too close, I grab my crutches and start walking her way. I cut him off and lean down right in his face. “Don’t even think about it, motherfucker.”

  He looks shocked, but he doesn’t say anything. He just turns around and goes the other direction.

  “Dance with me, Rancher,” she asks as she comes up beside me.

  I hold my crutches out to tell her no, but when I look at the happiness on he
r face, I can’t turn her down. Her cheeks are rosy and I can tell she’s having a good time. I’m not going to ruin it.

  I lean my crutches against the wall and then circle my hands around her waist. We sway slowly to the sound of the music. Her eyes are on mine and there are so many things I want to say to her, but not now, not here.

  Not with the sweet butts making out with members over in the corner, and not with all the drunks making noise and having a good time. I’m going to tell her when we get home… our home.

  I close my eyes and lean my head against hers. I could do this all night.

  I hear laughter and don’t think anything of it until someone runs past us, knocking into me. I lose my balance and my leg gives out, causing me to go down. Which would be okay, but Nova grabs me and I end up taking her down with me. We both land against the wall, but Nova gets the brunt of it, hitting her face.

  But she’s not worried about herself or the knot already forming on her forehead. Nope, she’s worried about me.

  “Rancher, oh my God, are you okay?” She tries to help me up but I stop her, unable to take my eyes off the knot over her eye.

  Smoky lifts me by the arms to bring me up and hands me my crutches.

  “Nova, your head. You’re hurt,” I tell her, moving in close, but not too close.

  “What?” she asks. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  The longer I stare at her, the madder I get. What kind of man am I? Hell, I can’t protect her from anyone else if I can’t even protect her from me. “I’m leaving. Are you ready?”

  I start walking toward the front door with her by my side. The room is silent and I know my brothers will understand me leaving. I had thought Nova would argue with me and want to stay, but she didn’t. She is following me quietly out the door.



  I don’t even know what’s happened. One minute we’re dancing and the next we’re both lying against the wall. I’m so glad he didn’t reinjure his leg, but from the looks of it, his pride is broken.

  He doesn’t talk to me the whole ride to his house. I start to speak a few times, but then change my mind. Maybe it will be better if I can look at him when I’m talking to him.

  We pull up to his ranch and walk inside the house.

  When I walk by the mirror in his entryway, I see my reflection and grimace at the bruise on my head. I don’t stop to inspect it because I have a feeling that is one of the reasons he’s so upset.

  I sit on the edge of the couch, now a little nervous because he still hasn’t said anything and it’s driving me crazy.

  “Say something, Michael.”

  He takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair. He sits down on the coffee table in front of me and pulls my chin so I’m looking up at him.

  He winces when he looks at me.

  “It doesn’t even hurt,” I tell him sincerely.

  Pain is etched all over his face. “I did that to you.”

  I shake my head at his nonsense. “You didn’t do this to me. The jerk that bumped into us did this.”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t you see? I can’t even protect you. What kind of man am I?”

  “You’re the best man…” I start to tell him.

  He struggles to stand up and I instantly start to worry that he may have reinjured his leg, but he walks easily over to the crutches.

  He’s looking away from me. His voice is husky and filled with emotion. “It’s probably best you leave in the morning, Nova.” He walks slowly out of the room and I sit there astounded at the turn of events.

  I thought we were doing well. I know I was. I hate that the stupid jerk at the club knocked into us. But falling like that could have happened to anyone.

  I sit there for the longest time, debating what to do.

  I could leave and drive home tonight, but that doesn’t feel right.

  I don’t want to leave period. In my heart, I’ve been hoping that we would continue our relationship past the two weeks.

  I stand up and start pacing the living room floor. So many things are going through my head. But finally it hits me. I can’t just leave. I can’t walk away from him. I love him and I’m pretty sure he feels something for me too.

  With determination, I stride from the room toward his bedroom. I open the door quietly, thinking that he may already be in bed.

  But the sight before me about floors me.

  He’s sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I stand there staring at the corded muscles of his back under his T-shirt, his broad shoulders and thick forearms. He’s so handsome.

  I start pulling off my clothes and slide under the covers next to him, rolling over so I’m facing his back.

  “What are you doing, Nova?”

  “Well, one thing I’m not doing is leaving you,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head. “You’re better off without me.”

  I raise up on my elbow. “You really think so? Because I think that if I left here, I’d be leaving part of my heart behind.”

  I can feel my heart racing in my chest. I know I could be reading this wrong and he could send me packing, but I have to at least try. For both our sakes.

  He lifts his head up, still not looking at me. “But I hurt you…”

  I interrupt him. “No, you didn’t. I love you. How can I leave you knowing that?”

  He turns then and looks at me. “You love me?”

  I shake my head at him. “Yes, I fucking love you.”

  He starts to say something, but then stops. He stares back at me and I can see his mind racing. “Nova, I love you too. But you deserve a better man than me.”

  Frustrated, I tell him heatedly, “There’s not a better man than you, you stubborn ass. Look, I’m naked under here. I love you. You love me. We don’t know what tomorrow brings. Hell, you might wake up and never want to see me again. But what I do know is that we have to try. If you love me like you say you do, then you need to forget everything else and just love me, Rancher. That’s it, just love me. The rest will work itself out.”

  He pulls the covers back and lies down next to me. He slides against me and covers my hip with his hand. “I love you too much, Nova. I can’t give you up. Fuck, I know you deserve better, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life being the man that you need me to be.”

  I kiss his lips softly. “You’re already all I need.”

  He pulls me across him and I lay my head on his chest. “You too, baby. You’re all I’ll ever want and all I’ll ever need. Forever.”



  Three Years Later

  This is my life, and it’s beyond all my dreams. We’re cruising down a highway, and I’m on the back of Rancher’s bike. I’m gripping him with my arms and my thighs. My life has changed so much in such a short time, but there’s nothing I would change about it.

  That night that Rancher told me he loved me, well, I woke up the next morning and he was working out.

  He worked harder those next few weeks than I’ve ever seen anyone work in my life. One day, when Smoky was at the ranch, he commented that he could tell how hard Rancher was working. Rancher only commented, “I have to so I can marry my woman and take her on a honeymoon.”

  Eight weeks later and he was walking just fine, no limp. Every now and then it hurts him. It’s usually when he rides his horse, but there’s no way he’s ever going to give that up. Plus I wouldn’t want him to. He’s a sight to see in a cowboy hat.

  Twelve weeks after we met, we got married at the ranch. Everyone pitched in and it was perfect. Of course, it helped that I had my groom, the love of my life, waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

  One year after that, we had our son. He’s now almost a year old and Sniper and Avery are babysitting him. He is just like his daddy. Stubborn as all get out.

  I am still working but I have taken my case load down to only two days a week. I like being home with MJ – Michael Junior. I’ll probably pick
up more hours when he gets older.

  Rancher slows the bike down and pulls down a dirt path. Once he’s parked, I hop off the side of the bike. Pulling my helmet off, I ask him, “What are we doing here?”

  He puts the stand up on the bike and gets off. “Well, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had my wife to myself, so I’m bringing you out to the middle of nowhere, so that no one can find us. There’s no cell reception, I have a basket of food, a blanket… I figure we can, you know, hang out.”

  I tilt my head to the side and try not to laugh in his face. “You brought me out here to hang out?”

  He shrugs, but I can see the glint in his eye. “Sure.”

  I smack his chest. “You brought me out here for sex, Rancher!” I laugh.

  Sheepishly, he admits it. “Well, I’ve missed you. Things have been hectic and I just wanted us to reconnect, that’s all. You know, without any interruptions. I mean, come on, this parenting thing is tough.”

  I laugh, because he’s right. I don’t think MJ slept any of his first year. Or at least it feels like it. And with both of us working, and taking care of the ranch, well, it’s a lot.

  “Oh, I’m not complaining. I’m actually glad you thought of it. I could use some time with my handsome husband.”

  He lays the blanket down and holds his hand out for me to sit down.

  Once I’m sitting next to him, I lean over and kiss his cheek before whispering to him, “Plus I’m not wearing any underwear.”

  “Fuck yeah,” he moans and then he takes his sweet-ass time loving every inch of my body.

  The End

  Stay tuned for Smoky, the 4th book of the Exiled Guardians series. Get Series information HERE!


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