Wielder: Adept: Book 2 of Lady Shey's Story (The Wielder Cycle)

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Wielder: Adept: Book 2 of Lady Shey's Story (The Wielder Cycle) Page 3

by Mark E. Tyson

  “They are so far away, though. Can you get your hands on that Lora Daine?”

  “Why not? If we’re stealing one stone, why not two?”

  “Maybe we should hold off from trying to do anything about the gem until my mother gets here. She might know what to do with it.”

  “When will she be here?”

  “I’m not certain, but it could be any day now.” She began to have second thoughts about going against her master’s wishes, especially so close to making the rank of adept. “In fact, promise me we will wait on her before we take any drastic action. Beyond that, let’s wait and see what the First Trine is going to do with it. You said Ianthill will side with Morgoran.” She cocked her eyebrow. “I understand the danger of the gem, but I’m curious as to why you suggested destroying it so quickly. Your tone of voice made it sound like you have something personally vested in it.”

  “You are good. I thought I hid my disdain better than that.” He cleared his throat. “My father was killed long ago by a similar device. Ianthill said the wielder used it to drain his power and then he stabbed him through the heart.”

  “That’s so terrible!” She offered him a hug, and he accepted it. “I am so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s all right. How could you know? The wielder was defeated and imprisoned deep in the earth somewhere.”

  “Why wasn’t he put to death for such a terrible crime?”

  “That’s not the way of the Arillian elves. In Darovan, the sand elves would have flayed him and left him in the harsh desert sun to slowly die and rot.”

  “That’s horrible too!”

  “Forgive me. I have a friend that I have been spending a lot of time with and I forget myself. He and I talk about such things freely. He will be here tomorrow. Ianthill is going back to get him. He had a task to complete.”

  “Oh, what’s his name?”


  “I also have a friend here. She said you have met before. Marella Arden?”

  All the blood drained from Gondrial’s face. “Marella Arden is here?”

  Shey chuckled at Gondrial’s reaction. “Why do I get the feeling Marella didn’t tell me everything?”

  “Marella, aye, we’ve met. Is she still . . . you know . . . spoiled rotten? Forgive me, I could think of no better way to say it.”

  Now was Shey’s turn to be vague. “Spoiled? I have no idea what you are talking about. She’s as sweet as honey and pure as the fallen snow.”

  “You’re joking with me, right?”

  “I’m not joking at all. Marella is wonderful.”

  “I will have to see that to believe it.”

  Shey could see by Gondrial’s expression that he didn’t quite believe her. “We can talk more in the morning and hope that Morgoran and Ianthill tell us something. Right now, I need to brew this sleeping draught so I can get enough sleep to deal with all of this.”

  “Mind if I continue to tag along? I could use a sleeping draught too.”

  Shey gave him a curt smile. She still didn’t want him to come along, but he was beginning to grow on her a bit. Perhaps he wasn’t quite as bad as she thought. Maybe he grew out of the dreadful behavior he displayed at the Vale a few seasons ago. “I suppose you can, but I warn you. I am very meticulous with my potion-making. No joking or fooling around.”

  Gondrial nodded.

  They went down the hall and up the stairs to the next tier. As they made their way down the rounded corridor, it occurred to Shey that Morgoran had not specified which door was Dicarion’s private chambers. She paused at each door, trying to listen for Dicarion’s voice or perhaps for Marella’s. As luck would have it, the third door around the inside edge of the curved hallway was open and Dicarion was writing on some parchment. Marella looked up from her evening study materials and smiled. Shey knocked on the doorframe.

  Dicarion looked up over his spectacles, which were far down on his nose. “Come,” he said.

  Shey entered the chamber, followed by Gondrial. “What may I help you two with? If you have come for Marella, I’m afraid she has quite a bit of study to complete tonight.”

  Shey tried to sound urgent. “Forgive the intrusion, but my master requires your presence in his laboratory. He instructed me to tell you Ianthill has arrived.”

  Dicarion removed his spectacles and placed them on the table with his parchment. “Very well.” He turned to Marella. “It seems you have a reprieve this evening.” He paused before Gondrial. “Do try to stay out of trouble.”

  Gondrial bowed his head. “I will. I promise.” Dicarion left the room.

  Marella stared at Gondrial with contempt. Shey cleared her throat loudly.

  Gondrial reached for Marella’s hand and kissed the top of it. “My lady.”

  Marella curtsied. “Gondrial.”

  “Okay, now that you are reacquainted, we have to talk to you.”

  Marella straightened her posture. “You found out why our masters are acting so strangely? Please, fill me in.”

  Shey opened her mouth to speak when a loud popping noise interrupted her. Kymlie abruptly appeared in a cloud of smoke and a flash of light. “Ah, here you are. I thought I might find you here.”

  “Kymlie!” Shey began. “How would you know where we would be? This is the first time I have ever been in these chambers.”

  “It’s a long story, and I don’t have time to tell it.”

  “The story is always long and there is never time to tell it!” Gondrial stated.

  “You are all in a lot of danger,” Kymlie said. “I have to warn you about your masters.”

  Chapter 3: New Arrivals

  Gondrial positioned himself between the Kylerie elf and the girls. “Who the thunder are you?”

  Kymlie looked puzzled. “I’m Kymlie. Shey has not told you of me or my last visit?”

  “No, she failed to mention you.” He looked back at Shey contemptuously.

  For some reason, Gondrial’s gaze roused some irritation in her. “Why would I? He appeared for a few moments, claiming to be a relative of another Kylerie elf Marella and I know, spouting something about us becoming adepts, and then disappeared as soon as Morgoran came around.”

  The Kylerie elf looked hurt. “I come here at great personal peril to warn you.”

  Shey stepped out from behind Gondrial. “All right, you have my attention.”

  “Don’t try to take the stone, Shey. It’s all a trick,” Kymlie said.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “The suppression gem, don’t try to find it.”

  Shey contemplated Kymlie’s words for a moment. “Why? What will happen?”

  “Your masters have plans for you and your companions. They are aware of you trying to seize the stone, and they have prepared a trap for you.”

  “What! I’m sorry, but my master would never set a trap for me, or my friends, for that matter.”

  Kymlie narrowed his eyes.

  “I agree,” Marella added. “Why would our masters set us up?”

  Kymlie’s face was red with anger. “I have done my job. Kyrie wanted me to warn you, and you are warned. I do not lie.” There was a crackle in the air, and the Kylerie elf was gone.

  “Well, I guess we offended him,” Gondrial said.

  “No, he offended me,” Shey said. “The very thought that Morgoran would set me up for a trap is ridiculous. I can’t believe he would facilitate my ascension to adept that way! He would do everything in his power to prepare me.”

  “All of our masters would,” Marella said.

  “I am already an adept,” Gondrial said. “I should be a master by now, but I . . . let’s just say Ianthill worries about my maturity.”

  “It’s getting late. We need to brew these sleeping draughts and get some rest. I wouldn’t dream of disturbing Morgoran in his meeting tonight, but I think we should tell him and the other masters about Kymlie’s visit in the morning.”

  “I agree,” Marella said.
br />   “Sounds good to me,” Gondrial agreed. “Now, what do we need to brew these draughts?”

  Shey met Marella on the patio for breakfast. She once again marveled at the spread of food on the table. She couldn’t get used to the bounty and variety of foods Morgoran’s staff prepared. She had not realized the scope of foods available in the world. To Shey, the breakfast looked like enough food to feed an army. One of the perks of the Vale of Morgoran being surrounded by a village was that there were always fresh eggs, bacon, sausage, and milk for breakfast. Morgoran was also very fond of fruit juices, especially fruit juices from the citrus trees of the orchards surrounding the city of Paladine to the south and the Island of Arillia. Shey watched with anticipation as a servant poured the orange-colored juice and then poured the others juice colored purple and pink. The colorful liquids were wonderful to look at and tasted even better. Some of the foods and beverages Morgoran had brought into the Vale Shey had never tasted or even seen before. Marella must have noticed her gawking at the food.

  “I love watching you before every meal,” Marella said.

  Shey sat down in the chair next to her friend. “Why is that?”

  “Because you always seem like you’re seeing food for the first time. The sparkle in your eyes and the smile on your face are infectious.”

  The servant spooned out the scrambled eggs and added a couple of pieces of bacon to Shey’s plate. “I’m just thankful for it is all.”

  “Aye, I sometimes forget how you grew up.”

  “I try to forget it,” Shey said.

  “Forgive me.”

  “Nothing to forgive. Let’s eat.”

  Morgoran strolled onto the patio from the fields. He sat down across from Shey at the round wooden table, and servants began to serve him. “I have news this morning. Sylvalora will be arriving today.”

  Shey lit up. “When? I mean, what time of day?”

  “The communication just read that she would be here today, nothing more.”

  “Good morn, all,” Gondrial said as he entered the patio and sat at the table. “I trust everyone slept well.” He sat back while the servants spooned out more scrambled eggs. “Any word from Ianthill and Rikard?”

  “Not that I have seen,” Morgoran began, and then he looked up from his meal to see Ianthill and a young man walking through the patio doors. “Here they come now.” Morgoran got up and greeted Ianthill and waited to be introduced.

  “Morgoran, this is Rikard, heir to the throne of Scarovia. He is the best hope for continued good relations between the kingdoms of the East and the kingdoms of the West.”

  Morgoran shook the young man’s hand. Shey tried to turn in her seat to see him, but Morgoran and Ianthill were blocking him from view. “Ianthill told me you needed specialized equipment, so I had the servants prepare you a metallurgy laboratory in the tower where you may continue your studies.” Morgoran said to Rikard.

  “You’re studying metals?” Marella asked.

  Ianthill answered before the young man could reply. “Rikard is a cleric and a scholar. He is currently studying the magical properties of metal, among other things. He is also here to learn from Sylvalora how dragons imbue gems.”

  Ianthill’s words gave Shey an epiphany. “Are all magic gems from dragon magic? I mean, every magic gem I have heard of seems to come from dragons.”

  Morgoran cleared his throat. “Aye, all gem magic is of dragon magic origin. Some say they were taught to imbue gems from the dwarves that dwell deep in the mountains, but it’s actually the other way around. The dragons, and a few dwarves they have instructed, are among the few to successfully create magic gems.” He rubbed his chin. “That’s not strictly true. I believe the sand elves of Darovan have some knowledge of magical gems too, come to think of it.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “Anyhow, I suspect Rikard can learn much from Sylvalora, but I doubt anyone but the dragons will be able to successfully make magic gems.”

  Ianthill moved aside, but Shey still could not get a good look at Rikard.

  “I am afraid Morgoran is right,” Ianthill began. “Over the seasons, many wielders, clerics, and mindwielders have tried, but dragon magic is too difficult for most to master, and essence has no lasting effect on gems, at least, not like dragon magic does.”

  “Why would anyone but a dragon want to study it, then?” Gondrial said with a mouthful of eggs.

  “Gondrial!” The young rounded the table to shake his hand. His accent was slightly exotic, and Shey felt a tingle of eagerness after hearing him speak. When he came into view, Shey dropped her fork into her scrambled eggs. He had dark hair, ice blue eyes, and an olive complexion. He smiled at her, and she felt all gooey inside.

  “Hello again, Rikard,” Gondrial said.

  Marella cleared her throat, and when Gondrial ignored her, she cleared it again with force.

  “Oh, this is Marella Arden, and the one with the goofy look on her face is Shey Namear,” Gondrial said, looking at Shey with a puzzled expression. Shey broke her stare at Rikard long enough to scowl at Gondrial.

  “Nice to meet you,” Rikard said to Marella, kissing her hand. He turned to Shey, and the scowl she had for Gondrial changed to a pleasant smile. “And you.” He kissed her hand as well. He stared into her eyes for a long moment. “Your eyes! I have not seen such beautiful blue eyes before.”

  “Yours too,” was all she could manage to say at first. “I mean, you have striking eyes too.”

  He smiled back at her.

  “What has gotten into you?” Gondrial said.

  “Nothing!” Shey answered. “I am merely trying to welcome our guest.” Her teeth were partially clenched.

  Gondrial motioned for Rikard to sit down. “Here, have some breakfast.”

  Morgoran put his hand on Ianthill’s back and guided him to a chair. “Tell me, Brother, did you conclude your task?”

  “Aye. After breakfast, you and I should ride out.”

  Shey tried her best not to look at Rikard, but she kept finding her eyes set upon him before she realized it. Twice he met her gaze, and twice she turned away. The last time their eyes met, she looked away to Gondrial, who was watching her with a deep frown. She quickly regained her composure and finished her breakfast. Morgoran and Ianthill made it difficult for her to bring up Kymlie’s visit. When she finally did see an opening, she heard a familiar voice, which redirected her train of thought.

  “Got room for one more?”

  “Mother!” Shey jumped up from her breakfast and gave Sylvalora a hug. “Did you find him?”

  Sylvalora shook her head. “Not yet, but I do have something for you from my travels.” She reached into her pack and produced a bracelet, silver with a polished blue gem at the center.

  “It’s beautiful!”

  “It matches your eyes,” Sylvalora said before giving Shey a kiss on the forehead.

  “You may as well come and eat too,” Morgoran told her.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I am famished.”

  Shey decided she would tell her of Kymlie’s visit, but that could wait until later. Right now, she just wanted to have breakfast with her mother.

  Chapter 4: Two Troublemakers

  After breakfast, Morgoran, Ianthill, and Dicarion, who had worked through breakfast, rode out on an errand. Sylvalora stayed with her daughter and the apprentices. Shey and Marella sat with Sylvalora in the parlor, filling her in on the goings on around the Vale of Morgoran. Sylvalora listened intently when they conveyed the story of Kymlie to her. Shey also told her of the gem and of Toborne’s visit. It was obvious Morgoran, Dicarion, and even Ianthill knew something about this gem and Kambor that they were not necessarily talking about.

  “What I think you two should do is keep your eyes and ears open and let me know if events escalate. Morgoran and Ianthill know what they are doing. This Kymlie character is dangerous. If he appears again, get away from him and alert Morgoran and me immediately. You both should trust your masters to take care of all situations. I am p
leased you both do,” Sylvalora told them.

  Shey was frustrated. “I do trust Morgoran, Mother, but I’m concerned about how Kymlie managed to get into this tower undetected. I mean, Morgoran would know about him, wouldn’t he?”

  Sylvalora took Shey’s chin in her hand. “Now you listen to me. You are a clever young lady, but you need to concentrate on your studies and work to be the best at your gifts. Leave the rest up to your masters.”

  “I know, Mother, I just feel like something is not right,” Shey said, and Marella nodded.

  Sylvalora seemed to descend into melancholy. “I know, Sheyna. You are right. There is reason for concern. Kambor is more dangerous than your masters let you know, but trust them to take care of it. I will speak to Morgoran about this Kymlie. If he is not aware of the Kylerie elf, I will make him aware. Your transition from apprentice to adept is at hand, for both you and Marella. Make sure you are ready for the challenges that lie ahead. You never know when you will be called upon to fulfill your destiny.”

  “Why are you sad?” Shey asked. Marella was concerned as well.

  Sylvalora wiped a tear away and smiled. “I just wish things between us had been different is all. I should have been there to raise you myself, even though you have become such a wonderful young lady without my guidance. Don’t worry about me.” She sniffed. “Where did you leave Gondrial and his friend?”

  Shey looked at Marella for an answer, but Marella just shrugged.

  Shey stiffened. “Oh no. We can’t let Gondrial have free rein of the tower.”

  Sylvalora became distant for a moment. “They are up in Morgoran’s study. Why don’t you go up and get them. I need to speak with them as well.”

  Shey bolted up and followed Marella toward the door.

  Sylvalora called after them. “Oh, Shey and Marella! You both are strong young women. Don’t let those two boys take your spirit and strength away from you.”

  Shey nodded and pushed Marella through the door.

  “What did she mean by that?” Marella asked.

  “Just what it sounded like. You and I are already more mature than Gondrial, and I’m sure he is quite a bit older than you and me. You heard him say he is already an adept.”


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