Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series

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Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Complete Series Page 11

by Sasha Scott

  “Sorry folks but apparently we have rules to follow and need to play this last round. Okay Bubbles, question number ten. What are embedded in the sidewalk along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Los Angeles? Is it A, crystals? Is it B, lights? Is it C, mirrors or is it D, stars? So what do you think Bubbles, actually planning on answering this question or not?”

  She didn’t look to be. She was still slumped backwards with her hips pushed up, pussy juices leaking down from her body into a hot, musky puddle below her on the seat, pouring onto the floor. It was probably one of the more seductive images the show had ever produced.

  Jim pushed a finger into his ear, “Okay producer how long do we actually have to wait with her moaning like this? I doubt she’s going to answer, she’s totally exposing herself as a pervert already. Okay… yep I understand… okay I’ll tell everybody.

  Bad news Bubbles, I just spoke to the producer and you’ve only got five seconds to answer this question before we move onto the next round. You ready? Count down with me everybody. Five!”

  She was still busy moaning and playing with her body.


  Even with the audience counting down she was too busy satisfying her own needs.


  Being watched by an audience and on live TV like this was the ultimate exhibitionist desire, it was too much to handle.


  She could feel another one building up inside of her. She was going to cum on live TV again for the… she didn’t know how many times it’d been now.


  That was it, it was here. A toe curling, body shuddering, scream causing orgasm for the new porn star.

  “And you ran out of time. What a shocker this is, you couldn’t even answer correctly. Obviously they’re stars but instead you decided to see stars instead. This means it’s time for our final round of Ask the Audience!”

  Round ten was always the same, the most devastating round of them all. The personality round. This round totally hardwired the brain to give a new personality to the contestant and avoiding this round was seen as a key step to winning the whole thing. However Bubbles was far too gone already and had walked straight into it.

  “Okay folks, fingers on your voting pads for the last time. Vote A for Nymphomania. Vote B for Night of the Nerd. Vote C for Hot and Spicy or vote D to make Bubble’s a Daddy’s Girl. Vote now!”

  There was no more room for any ‘banter’ between host Jim Harris and contestant Bubbles as she was lost doing her perverted actions and if this vote went a certain way she was going to be completely lost for a long, long time.

  “Okay voting is now closed and I can reveal that Bubbles is now going to be spending the rest of her life as a Nymphomaniac!”

  That throbbing, it again and it hit hard as the nanobots got to rewiring her mind with a strong desire for sex. Today’s votes by the audience had been very perverted and sex based, even for this show, for what they’d done to Bubbles.

  In all honesty right now Nymphomania wouldn’t be a big concern for Bubbles, she was already rubbing needily between her legs while moaning out hotly, having the time of her life. The look on that face was of a woman who had gotten lost in pleasure and only saw the light of a sheet of whiteness washing over her vision everytime ecstasy ran through her veins.

  “Cock, cock, I need it so bad,” she began to moan out as her juices shimmered under the studio lights, making a mess all across the stage.

  “Try and control yourself Bubbles, we’ve only got one question left and then you can go and get all the men you want.”

  “I’m so hot, I need them, I need them inside of me.”

  Jim sighed out as he turned back to the camera, “See what I have to put up with? Well we’ll try and keep her calm for now. There is only one question left. Will Bubbles be able to stop rubbing herself for long enough to win half a million dollars? Find out after these commercials. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Welcome back folks, hope you had a good break. I’m Jim Harris and I’m joined by Bubbles who got off to a good start but due to a double dose of exhibitionism has now finished with seven questions incorrect. However even someone who gets ten wrong still has a chance at winning half a million dollars. Are you ready for this Bubbles?”

  The camera panned back to Bubbles who had gotten herself into some state. Instead of rubbing against her hand she was now rubbing against one of her ankles which was pressed up onto the chair, her wrists handcuffed to the arms of the chair.

  “No let me go, I need it, I need it so bad,” she moaned out hotly.

  “Now for those wondering why Bubbles is suddenly in handcuffs we were having a small problem with her refusing to stay in her seat and heading off to the audience so we had to take some emergency precautions to keep her in place. This is for her our own good though, for her chance at five hundred thousand dollars. All you need to do is answer this one question. Are you ready Bubbles?”

  Her head rolled back as she went back to pleasuring herself, moaning lustfully as wetness gushed out.

  “I said are you… should I just ask her the question? Okay.”

  The studio lights dimmed and cast a spotlight on the squirming contestant as dramatic music chimed through the speakers to signify this was it, this was the big moment they’d all been waiting for.

  “Bubbles if you get this question right you shall win half a million dollars. New York City is made up of how many boroughs? Is it A, three? Is it B, five? Is it C, seven or is it D, nine?”

  As a resident of one of those boroughs that should have been an easy question for Bubbles to answer. But her mind had been warped, her intellect had been drained and her libido was on the rampage and could not be sated in front of all of those people and those cameras.

  “I don’t care, just let me go. I wanna have sex. Sex, sex, lemme go have sex.”

  “Bubbles this is your chance for half a million dollars and you’re more interested in sex than winning?”

  “Yes! Just lemme go, I need it now!”

  She grinded her hips up and down, rubbing her moistness up along her own leg, moaning sensually, lost in lust.

  “So you’d rather us let you out of those cuffs than give you the money?”

  “Yes of course, I want it now. I’m feeling so hot.”

  “You hear that folks? She wants to forfeit the money to instead have fun with all of you. Her fiance mustn’t be pleased about this one. Sorry sir but we have to accept her offer. Bubbles has decided to forfeit this question. Someone bring the keys and let this girl go.”

  Her eyes watched eagerly as the glamorous assistant returned with the keys to release her from her shackles, uncuffing her wrists and lettings her wobble off towards the audience with juices dripping down her inner thighs.

  There was no shortage of people who were interested and she was pleased to find a lot of men happy to help her with her current issue.

  “Well what a twist folks, bet you all didn’t see that one coming. Bubbles didn’t manage to win our cash prize but she still seems happy enough and at the end of the day isn’t that what really matters? I’ve been Jim Harris, this has been Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Join us next week, same time, same place. Until then, have a good one.”

  Jim Harris waved to the camera as the credits started to roll as Bubbles buried herself into debauchery with the audience as her desperate boyfriend tried to catch up with her.

  “So did you remember to get the money this time?”

  Bubbles nibbled on her bottom lip, averting her gaze off to the side, “Maybe.”

  Rob, her boyfriend and fiance, sighed out, “That’s the third time this week alone. I told you you need to make sure they pay you for your jobs. You can’t let them take advantage of you like this.”

  It was hard to adjust at first but somehow Rob and Bubbles managed to make their relationship work, even if Bubbles wasn’t the same person who’d gone onto the show. She didn’t even have the same name.

  The wedding was still planned for the future but had been postponed while they adjusted fully to their new life and they got Bubbles sorted with her new job.

  With her giant breasts, her plentiful orgasms, pretty looks, eagerness and added exposure of having been on television, Bubbles was getting a lot of bookings to make porn films. She was currently filming one, maybe two, rarely three, a day. The only issue was sometimes she got so horny and needy she ended up forgetting to get payment after the job was done.

  “They didn’t take advantage of me, it felt good.”

  “That’s not the point. You need to make sure they pay you for making movies.”

  She pushed out her tongue and giggled, “Okay I’ll make sure to remember next time. Don’t worry it’s fine.”

  He sighed. It may have been the third time this week but she’d been doing it a lot longer than a week now, and this wasn’t a rare occurrence. She was so needy for sex they couldn’t even charge the top prices either as she’d end up begging to do the job. Plus her particular fetish meant she got turned on a lot more with strangers and before cameras than only with her boyfriend.

  “Anyway some men were ogling me on the way out on I got turned on. Can we have some sex please before we get home?”

  Again Rob sighed, “Fine let me go find a quiet place to pull over and I’ll take care of it.”

  “You’re the best, love you!”

  “Love you too.”

  It wasn’t the way he imagined their relationship would go but he’d decided to stick by her and support her and that’s what he was going to do. Plus she seemed happy and that was a-okay with him.

  If only he could keep up with her in the bedroom.

  Who Wants To Be A Boybo?

  The special episode of Who Wants To Be A Bimbo is going to be a very special broadcast.

  The theme music rung through the studio, trailing off from the end of the video sequence which had been played to the audience at home; lights flashing as out from the back walked the shows long time host, television veteran Jim Harris who took his position right in the center of the stage.

  “Hello everyone, I’m Jim Harris and welcome to another episode of BNC’s number one rated show, Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? Tonight our lucky contest will try and win five hundred thousand dollars, and all they have to do is answer one question correctly, a question so easy even a child could answer it. However, there is a catch. Before that they have to answer navigate their way through ten tricky questions, and in each one they put their body and mind on the line. Can they get to the end with their mind in tact and win our grand prize? Let’s find out as we greet this week’s contestant, Kelly.”

  Now this was where the special part of the show began. The girl who walked onto the stage was a real cutie, with long brown hair, slender legs squeezed into a pair of jeans and boots and a stylish brown coat with a fluffy trim covering her body. However the interesting part about her was that she wasn’t a ‘her’ at all; Kelly was really a guy.

  Ever since the show first came on air there was a rumour that the reason the show never had any male contestants was because the nanobots which the show injected into its contestants, the one which changed their forms in each round, only worked on women and had no effect on men.

  Putting that rumour to the test for a risk free way of winning, the already girly looking Kevin, going by the name of Kelly, managed to work his way onto the show by hiding his real gender; or so he thought.

  While ‘Kelly’ believed his secret was currently safe the studio was well aware of what he was up to, and they were ready to shatter that certain rumour which had been floating around for quite some time, while making a memorable show in the process.

  Kelly sat himself down into the black chair that had been ripped straight from a hair dressing salon and sat opposite Jim in the middle of the tacky stage.

  “So Kelly, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?”

  “I’m Kelly,” he spoke out in a very convincing female voice, “I’m eighteen and I’m a student from Buffalo.”

  “So what are you studying away at university?”

  “I’m doing media.”

  “Media? I hope you’re not coming after my job,” he joked, loosening his collar in exaggeration.

  “Nobody would be able to replace you Jim.”

  “I hope the people back at the network are listening to this,” and there were many laughs. “So Kelly, what would you spend the money on if you won today?”

  “Well, half a million is a lot of money. I think I’d go ahead and buy myself my own place at last.”

  “What a noble goal. However standing between you and that half a million dollar chance are ten questions. Do you think you have what it takes to get to the end with your intellect still in tact?”

  Kelly grinned to himself, like he knew something everybody else didn’t, “I think I’ll be able to manage it Jim.”

  “Well then, without further ado, let’s get on with the show!”

  Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? was a unique game show. Where most shows involve contestants answering questions right to stay in the game and build up an accumulator, the contestants on this game show where guaranteed the full eleven questions with the final one being for the five hundred thousand dollars. Every wrong answer didn’t bring down the amount of money on the line, it simply brought down the contestants IQ.

  Wrong answers in the first ten questions of the show would cause the contestants IQ to lower and they would also have to suffer through an audience voted forfeit. Thanks to nanobots injected into the contestants both their body and their mind could be changed easily to what the studio voted.

  Obviously there was a rumour that men weren’t affected by the nanobots like women were, but rumours are simply rumours, not fact.

  The first questions on the show always started off harder before gradually heading to the final question which would be incredibly easy. If the contestant had carried enough IQ to the end then they’d be in for a shot at winning; lose too much and it’d be game over. Seeing as the changes remained after the show, going home empty handed was not advised.

  “Okay Kelly, question number one,” Jim said as the studio lighting drew focus towards Kelly, in 1975 the Cape Verde island group gained independence from which European country? Was it A, France? Was it B, Norway? Was it C, Portugal or was it D, Spain?”

  Now the thing about Kelly was he came onto the show with a full confidence in the rumour that the nanobots didn’t work on male subjects, he wasn’t actually any sort of quiz expert.

  “Like, ah, I have no idea. I’ve never been to Europe.”

  “That’s not a good start is it Kelly?”

  “You’re right about that one. Do I just have to guess if I don’t know?”

  “That’s right. You still have a one in four shot at getting the right answer so not all hope is lost. Some people have done very well on this show just thanks to good luck.”

  Kelly was completely and utterly stumped by the question. A random guess was all he could muster.

  “Let’s go with C then. Portugal.”

  “You’re saying C. Let’s take it to the board and see if that’s correct.”

  On the side of the stage was a large electronic board which had two jobs. For one it showed the studio what the subject for the forfeit rounds would be but more importantly it revealed if the contestant had answered a question correctly or incorrectly. If the answer was correct it was flash a big green tick onto the board. If incorrect it would be a big red cross.

  To the surprise of a lot of people, probably even Kelly too, the thing that flashed up was a big green tick.

  “Holy shit,” could be heard muttering from Kelly off screen as the camera was focused on Jim.

  “Yes that is correct. Sensational stuff there. The answer was indeed Portugal who first settled there in 1462, a few years after I was born. That stunning answer means there will be no forfeit for you for this round.”

  Even thoug
h Kelly didn’t fear the changes he still felt good to get a correct answer. It was a very nice little rub to his ego that made him project a big old smile.

  “I should have known I had it in me all along.”

  “Let’s try and keep this momentum up as we head onto question two. What was the first name of the Spanish conquistador Cortes, whose expedition caused the fall of the Aztec empire in the 16th century? Was it A, Diego? Was it B, Fernando? Was it C, Hernan or was it D, Pablo?”

  Once again Kelly didn’t really have any clue. The questions only got easier gradually over time. The first half of the show was a real test of the mind.


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