The Prince of Machines (The Last Mechanics)

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The Prince of Machines (The Last Mechanics) Page 12

by Holly Law

  “I will also tell you that it is not myself who has been funding your stay. As soon as the Prince found out you were here, he took over the costs. He is the benefactor I told you of before. He wants you to do well in his court. He hopes that you will travel to Melink and serve him there. Again, like me, he would never expect you to do such a thing for free. Yes, his interest is in your abilities—he values them greatly. His intent has only been to keep you happy, and he does not expect you to serve him instantly. He is willing to wait until you are more comfortable with him. Do not let that paint either of us in a poor light. I am genuinely fond of you, Elisha. At this point, even if you did not possess your abilities, I would fund you here myself. I think you are one of the most gifted students in this school. I am sorry if this news upsets you, but I will not lie to you.”

  “I don’t know what to make of all this,” Elisha said softly, tears coming to her eyes once more. She had hoped that Lenora would soundly deny all the claims that had been made. Instead, she had affirmed nearly all of them. Elisha felt deeply betrayed.

  “I know,” Lenora said, sympathy clear in her tone and expression. Lenora reached out to touch her hand, and Elisha recoiled from her. “Elisha, this is an intrigue you were not ready for. I meant to keep you far from such politics. I am sorry this has upset you, but truthfully, nothing has changed.”

  Elisha rose then and put the tea cup back on the table. She turned and left the room. Lenora’s face was a mix of concern and fear as Elisha left. Elisha walked back to her room and locked the door so none of the other girls would disturb her to hear about her day with the Prince. Elisha didn’t know how it had happened. She didn’t know how such a wonderful day had become such a terrible nightmare.

  Chapter 15

  Lenora’s swift pace did not slow as she passed through the massive doors of the Prince’s palace. She did not pause to examine the finery around her and the marvels of technology as she all but ran up the stairs. She instinctively knew where the Prince was in his small palace. His presence acted almost like a beacon for her. She was soon outside his door and reaching for the handle. Guards on either side stopped her.

  “He does not wish to be disturbed,” one of the two informed her.

  “I bring important word of Elisha, the mechanic. I cannot be delayed,” Lenora informed them. Still the guards did not budge and blocked her path. With irritation, Lenora did something she rarely chose to do. With a glance at each, the guards were flung to the side. “Do not block the path of the Havalla.” Lenora did not look at the soldiers as they rolled to their knees and put their heads to the floor in proper respect. She was already beyond the doors and in the room.

  Lenora’s eyes found the Prince instantly. He was lounging on the couch with a half dressed woman, and he was only slightly better himself. She rarely had the opportunity of surprising him, and for the first time in many years, she achieved just that. The Prince’s attention was torn away from the girl when she entered. Surprise was clear in his eyes, but no malice was aimed in her direction. The girl gasped startled and tried to cover up.

  “I need to speak with you,” Lenora informed him.

  “You are dismissed,” the Prince told the girl, sitting up fully. He pulled back on his shirt and was on his feet. He knew better than to doubt her. Lenora was thankful for that trust.

  “But…,” the girl began, looking hurt and confused.

  “I have important business,” the Prince said coldly.

  “You said that…,” the girl began again, not understanding the change in situation.

  Lenora caught a hint the Prince’s irritation for a split second and pitied the girl for eliciting a physical manifestation of his irritation. His face was calm and passive again by the time he acted, but Lenora pitied the girl, even as she did not yet understand she would pay the price for her momentary defiance and confusion. The Prince didn’t even look back at her, but Lenora could see the end results clearly. The girl’s fine clothes were ripped to shreds by nothing and she screamed confused.

  “Use her as you will,” the Prince called to the guards outside the door, and the girl was hurled through the door by nothing. It closed behind Lenora and locked. “What has brought you here so urgently?”

  “Elisha,” Lenora began, and the Prince cut her off.

  “Is she hurt?”

  “No, not at all,” Lenora replied, a bit startled. His reaction confused her. Never before had she seen him react with any concern for a human. “Not physically at least. Emotionally is a different story. I am not entirely certain how she found out, but some part of the plan you intended for her reached her ears.”

  “This is ill news indeed,” the Prince said, walking to a table where various glass bottles rested. Lenora watched as he poured himself a drink. That one small action spoke volumes about the turmoil her news caused the Prince, yet his tone remained calm. “What does she know?”

  Lenora quickly related the conversation, and the Prince reclined in a chair listening. He swirled a glass of deep red liquid as she spoke. His eyes were distant, and she couldn’t speculate on the thoughts going on behind those eyes. He did not immediately speak when she finished.

  “It is not as bad as I had feared,” the Prince began, his eyes still distant. “This is not irreparable harm, but I must move quickly or I will lose what I have gained. I will be by first thing in the morning. When it is reasonable to expect her to be awake, I will want to speak with her privately and with no distractions.”

  “It will be arranged.”

  “And if she has already left by the time you return to the school, my soldiers will find her.”

  “You would kill her?”

  “That is to be avoided if possible. I would try to reason with her first and see if there is any hope. But if she proves difficult, she will suffer the fate of all others who have come before her.”

  “I would think there is still hope. Please, let that be the very last resort with this one. I am fond of her.”

  “What will be, will be,” the Prince said dismissively. “Send Amalia to me.”

  Elisha jerked away from the hands that were shaking her arms violently. She found herself in bed, recoiling from a servant who had been urgently trying to awaken her. Her eyes felt heavy, and her body was still exhausted from being cried to sleep. The servant’s eyes were filled with an excited urgency. “What is it?” Elisha asked irritably. “I locked the door. I did not want to be disturbed.”

  “Mistress, the Prince has been waiting over an hour to speak with you,” the servant informed her.

  “The Prince?” Elisha asked blankly.

  “Yes, the Prince. We need to get you presentable.”

  Elisha was pulled from bed before she could make any objections, before she could even tell the girl that she had no desire to speak with the Prince and that she wished to be left alone. She was quickly put into a beautiful pale blue dress that was trimmed with lace and fur. It was one of her finer dresses, and it had been the envy of the other girls upon its arrival. Her hair was pulled back, twisted, and curled slightly into the popular style. A pearl comb was slid into her hair for an accent. A necklace of gold and pearl was placed around her neck and fancy bracelets of gold decorated her wrists. As she brushed her teeth, perfume was carefully applied.

  Before she knew it, Elisha was being guided down the stairs into the private sitting room. Some of the girls were watching her curiously. Elisha was thrust before the Prince before she had the chance to even look in the mirror or fully wake up. The Prince was standing in the sitting room, examining a time piece on the mantel. He was as handsome as ever, but his face was just slightly more serious. Elisha knew as soon as his eye fell on her that he had heard of her conversation with Lenora the night before.

  “You’re looking well this morning,” the Prince greeted her, stepping over to her. He took her hands in his and kissed them welcomingly. “I had feared I would find you a bit more distressed this morning. Lenora sent word of your conversation
last night. She said you were quite upset, as you had all right to be. I would like to repair this damage, but first I must say you look absolutely stunning this morning. Turn and let me look at you.”

  Elisha hadn’t expected the sudden twist, followed by a flash of brilliant white teeth. Elisha obliged him and turned in place. He looked truly pleased by her. “Stunning, beyond stunning,” he complimented her. “I hoped I would get the pleasure to see you in that dress someday. I thought it would fit you perfectly. Now I suppose I had best get to the reason behind this visit.”

  The Prince’s expression turned serious. “I am sorry, Elisha, if the news of my professional interest in you was disturbing and unsatisfactory in anyway. It is not my desire to cause you any harm. I desire only two things from you. I ultimately desire for you to serve me with your exceptional gifts, but I realize that is something of the future and not of the present. And I desire your friendship, as I intimated to you just yesterday. I chose to keep my interests in your skills secret for a very simple and basic reason. You have a reputation for fleeing from situations that are the slightest bit uncomfortable or intimidating. If I had come up to you right away to acquire your services, you would have fled from me. I had hoped that through further acquaintance with me, you would find me to be one worth serving, and I would be able to broach the subject further down the line without fear of your refusal. That was the only reason for the secrecy. You cannot deny that you have a tendency towards running away from problems.”

  “I cannot,” Elisha agreed a bit reluctantly. His reasoning did make sense, and she could not fault him for it.

  “I will also tell you that as of this moment, I want nothing in return for any of the gifts or generosity I choose to show you. They are without obligation. If you choose not to serve me later on, then you choose not to serve me, and I am merely out a few nice baubles and dresses. I would be sad to lose your friendship and services, but I do not count my generosity into that equation. They are merely to make you more comfortable. I can also assure you I intend to make no offers of employment to you until it is time for me to return to Melink. That is months off, perhaps even as much of a year. Is that reasonable?”

  “Yes,” Elisha said after a moment. Everything he said made complete, logical sense. Some of her stress and worry began to melt away as he spoke.

  “I brought you something, a gift, as a gesture of friendship,” the Prince told her and held out his hand. In his hand was a tiny mechanical mouse. It was sniffing around his hand with the motions of a real mouse. Its small, wiry tail wrapped around his fingers. “For you.”

  Elisha was fascinated by the machine. She approached him and reached her hands out to touch the small mouse. Its small nose and whiskers rubbed against her hand briefly. She giggled and it crawled onto her palm. She could sense the intricacies of its construction instantly. It had no other purpose than to be a mouse and a companion for the one who controlled it.

  “It’s adorable,” Elisha told the Prince as she smiled at the small mouse scurrying on her hand. It climbed up her sleeve and to her shoulder where it nuzzled into her neck affectionately.

  “I am glad it meets with your approval,” the Prince smiled at her. “I would like to talk more, but I am aware that these walls often contain ears listening where they should not be. May I take you out for brunch in the city? We may talk more and attempt to renew our friendship.”

  “I would like that,” Elisha said earnestly.

  “I have already spoken with Lenora, and you are excused from classes. If you are ready, we may leave now.”

  “I am ready.”

  The Prince showed Elisha outside, and she was surprised to see the mechanical carriage outside waiting for them. People were gathered on the street to stare at the machine, and Elisha could not blame them. The device still fascinated her. A servant held open the door to the carriage and offered her a hand to help her inside. Elisha accepted the hand and was soon seated on a soft, cushioned bench. The Prince sat across from her. A moment later, the carriage was moving.

  “I must thank you, Elisha,” the Prince began, “for improving my carriage. I find it infinitely more pleasant now that you have tweaked it somewhat. I had feared for some time that I would lose its function and not be able to have it fixed. You gave it new life.”

  “I was afraid you would be mad,” Elisha confessed, embarrassed. “I scared the driver a great deal when I was fixing it. He thought I broke it.”

  “Yes, the poor man was terrified I would be mad as well,” the Prince agreed. “But you did improve it and I am grateful.”

  Elisha was barely back in her room when there was a knock on her door. She yawned briefly and opened it. On the other side were most of the girls from the school, all looking at her eagerly. Before she knew it, she had been pushed back into the room and the door closed.

  “Tell us everything!” Stefana demanded.

  “Everything?” Elisha blinked, confused.

  “About you and the Prince,” Hellinsi told her as if it were obvious. “You’ve been out with him twice in the past few days.”

  “And rumors are flying that he is this mysterious benefactor of yours,” Demisi added, looking intrigued by the concept.

  “Um, what do you want to know?” Elisha asked, not certain where to start or what to say. She carefully released her mechanical mouse onto the table, and some of the girls awed and ooed over it.

  “Like I said,” Stefana said with a grin. “Everything.”

  “Is he your benefactor?” Demisi asked.

  “Yes,” Elisha confessed. “But I only found out last night.”

  Soon, her every possession was pulled out and examined. Every dress was gone over in detail, and the jewelry admired all the more. For the first time, Elisha fully took in how much the Prince had given her and realized it was not a paltry amount, even to one such as him. “I always wondered what it would be like to have a prince as a suitor,” Demisi marveled, fingering a beautiful ruby necklace. “To think, he picked it all out himself.”

  “Where did you hear that?” Elisha asked curiously.

  “Oh, my dresses are made by the same seamstress as yours. She told me he has been ordering dresses. I wondered who was receiving them. Apparently, he is very particular about the details—nothing but the best.”

  “Tell us all about your outings with him the past few days,” Hellinsi demanded.

  Elisha awkwardly started going over the details of where they had gone and what they had done for the past few days. They were fascinated by everything and went after more and more details. They particularly enjoyed that he kept kissing her hands, a gesture of affection they were certain.

  “It must be wonderful to have a prince courting you,” Stefana said dreamily afterwards. “When he kisses you, you’ll have to tell us what it’s like.” It was at that comment that Elisha noticed Asinoa looked uncomfortable. The wealthy girl had said nothing the whole time and truthfully looked like she was on the verge of tears the whole conversation. Elisha decided it was best not to draw attention to her.

  “I’m not being courted by the Prince,” Elisha said firmly, finding the suggestion ridiculous. “He’s interested in me for my ability to fix machines, nothing more.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Stefana said stubbornly. “He has paid you far too much attention. Starting at that ball. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you all night.”

  “He flirted with her the whole time too,” Demisi agreed. “I was within earshot for some of the dancing, and I don’t think he could have held her any closer.”

  Elisha rolled her eyes. “Yes, and you should ask Lenora about that. That is simply part of his nature. He’s a flirt. I know better than to take him seriously. We are friends and barely that. If you think there is more, you are deluding yourselves.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t get in a bit of innocent cuddling in that carriage?” Stefana asked eagerly. “I bet he…”

  “No, no, no,” Elisha said a bit irritably.
“Nothing like that at all. It’s no wonder rumors fly around this place. You’re so good at making things up. We had lunch and walked around town, that is all. I wish you wouldn’t make this into such a big deal.”

  “But…” Hellinsi began, her eyes wide.

  “What is going on in here?” Lenora’s voice demanded from the door way. All the girls looked up at her startled. Elisha looked at her relieved. “Back to bed all of you. You shouldn’t be out of bed so late. I would think you want Eldwin to see you in your nightgowns.” Somewhere in the crowd of girls, someone giggled. “Back to bed. Now!” The room cleared out quickly, and Lenora stood in the door frame watching Elisha. “This type of behavior is not permissible. You are not to encourage them in this sort of behavior. I would think you had learned from your own embarrassment with the Prince.”

  Elisha flushed at the memory. “I didn’t encourage them, Lenora,” Elisha explained. “I would much prefer they left me alone. They wanted to hear about the past two days and the time I spent with the Prince. Honestly, they were being very obnoxious and stubborn. They refuse to believe there is only friendship between us, and barely that. They are obsessed with the idea that he must be flirting with me. I can’t reason with them at all!”

  Lenora’s expression remained serious. “I am glad you realize he is not. They are silly girls for the most part and don’t realize that their sort of behaviors will only lead to men taking advantage of them. You are correct; the Prince views you as a friend and nothing more. I could understand how his gifts could be misconstrued, but you thankfully know better. I will speak with each of the girls privately. This type of nonsense and obsession needs to be put to an end. It will only embarrass both you and the Prince when he chooses to visit.”

  “Thank you, Lenora, I would appreciate that,” Elisha said relieved.

  “But you had a good time today?”



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