A Plain and Simple Christmas

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A Plain and Simple Christmas Page 13

by Amy Clipston

  Kellan sat beside him. He stared at Henry. “Why the change of heart? Is it only because the baby is coming?”

  Henry’s eyes got a faraway look and he tugged at his beard. “I was wrong to be so harsh with you and Anna Mae. You made me see that.”

  “My words made you realize that?” Kellan asked.

  “Ya, you made me to see how badly I’ve treated you and Anna Mae, and I’m very sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  Kellan shook his head with disbelief. “Of course I can forgive you. Jesus explicitly commands us to love and forgive each other. I may not be Amish, but I believe in the same God you do and I take His teachings seriously.”

  “I saw you praying out here.” Henry held out his hand, and Kellan shook it. “Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter. I can tell she’s very happy with you and her life in Baltimore. I should’ve thanked you a long time ago.”

  Kellan smiled. “Thank you for welcoming us back into the family.”

  David stepped out onto the porch. He looked between Henry and Kellan and raised his eyebrows with surprise. “It’s gut to see you both talking.”

  Henry nodded. “I thought I should get to know my English son-in-law.”

  David smiled. “Anna Mae made a good decision when she picked Kellan.”

  “I appreciate that,” Kellan said. “I feel blessed to have her for my wife.” He glanced back toward the doorway. “Do you think she’s doing okay in there? Should I go check on her?”

  David shook his head. “The women have it under control. They’ll call you if they need you.”

  Kellan ran his lower lip through his teeth and clasped his hands together. While he’d participated in the Lamaze classes, he’d never felt comfortable with the birthing process. He hoped that the women could handle things until the EMTs arrived.

  He turned back to Henry, who was in a deep discussion with David about the storm. Glancing out the window, he found the snow still blowing full force. “When do you think the ambulance will get here?”

  “I’m sure they’ll get here as soon as they can,” Henry said.

  Kellan moved to the window. “What if they don’t get here in time?”

  David placed a hand on Kellan’s shoulder. “It will be fine. Four of my five children were born at home without any problems. My mamm knows what she’s doing. Trust me.”

  “I can’t do it,” Anna Mae groaned, squeezing her eyes together while lying in bed. “It’s too hard.”

  Mary Rose chuckled while applying a cold compress to Anna Mae’s head. “Ya, you can and you will. There’s only one way to get this boppli out, and he’s ready to come.” She rubbed Anna Mae’s arm. “When the next contraction comes, push from the bottom of your toes, ya? You’re almost there.”

  Kathryn leaned over. “Mamm is right. I think the boppli is almost crowning.”

  The contraction started and Anna Mae pushed as hard as she could, giving it all of the strength she could muster.

  “Push again, Anna Mae!” Mary Rose exclaimed. “I can see the head! It’s coming fast.”

  “I need my husband,” Anna Mae said. “Please go get him. He needs to be here to see his baby enter the world.”

  Kathryn rushed to the door and opened it. “Amanda, go get Kellan! We need him now. It’s time!” She then stood by Anna Mae and took her hand.

  Anna Mae began to push as another contraction hit. Pressure shot through her lower back. “I can’t take it.” She sobbed. “It hurts too much. I can’t do it!”

  “Keep going,” Mary Rose said. “It’s almost here.”

  The door opened and then slammed shut as Kellan appeared beside her. His face was pale but his eyes were bright.

  “Take her hand,” Kathryn said. “I’ll step back.”

  “Come on, Anna Mae,” Mary Rose said. “One more push.”

  “Come on, honey,” Kellan said, holding her hand. “You can do it.” He leaned down and brushed the cool compress over her forehead. “You’re strong. Just one more push.”

  Anna Mae bore down and gave it all she could. Soon she felt the pressure ease and Mary Rose yelped with joy, holding a tiny bundle in her hands. She and Kathryn cleaned the baby, and, with tears streaming down his cheeks, Kellan cut the cord.

  “Is the baby okay?” Anna Mae whispered, her strength depleted.

  “Yes, he is.” Kellan took her hands in his.

  “Did you say he?” Anna Mae asked.

  “I did.” He brushed back her hair. “It’s a boy, Annie. We have a son.”

  “A Christmas Eve miracle,” Mary Rose said, placing the bundle in Anna Mae’s arms.

  Anna Mae stared down into the eyes of her newborn child and then glanced up at Kellan. “Merry Christmas, Kellan.”

  “Merry Christmas to you.” He kissed her lips.


  Anna Mae hummed while gazing down at her sleeping infant. Leaning back in the hospital bed, she sighed. Life was pretty close to perfect. It was Christmas Day, and she was in Lancaster General Hospital holding her newborn son.

  Anna Mae, the baby, and Kellan had arrived at the hospital late last night. Since only immediate family members were allowed to ride in the ambulance, the rest of her family had stayed behind, promising to visit after the plows had come through and cleared the roads.

  After reaching the hospital, Anna Mae was admitted, and the baby was whisked away for tests. He passed them all with flying colors and was declared perfectly healthy. The three of them had spent the night in Anna Mae’s room. However, Anna Mae had hardly slept. She’d spent most of the night staring at her baby boy, marveling at how perfect he was and how much God had blessed her.

  The door squeaked open, revealing Kellan holding a tray containing two large Styrofoam drink cups and some snacks from the cafeteria. “I got you sweet tea and a blueberry muffin.”

  “Thank you,” Anna Mae said with a smile. She nodded toward the baby. “He’s sleeping. Isn’t he beautiful? I can’t believe he’s ours.”

  Kellan placed the tray on the bedside table and leaned over her. “Believe it because it’s true.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Merry Christmas, Annie. I love you.”

  “Merry Christmas,” she echoed. “I love you too.”

  “You gave me the best gift of all, our son.” He reached over and ran a fingertip down the baby’s cheek.

  “No, I didn’t. God did.” She kissed the baby’s forehead. “Now we need to figure out the biggest question of all: What will we name him? We never agreed on a boy’s name. You said you didn’t like Kellan Junior.”

  “You’re right; I still don’t like it. However, the name quandary is going to have to wait.” Kellan stood up straight. “There is a group of visitors outside anxious to see you and the baby. Would it be okay if I let them come in?”

  “My family? They’re here.” Anna Mae grimaced. “Oh no. I haven’t showered yet. I’m a mess.”

  “You look beautiful as always.” Kellan kissed her forehead. “Should I let them in?”

  “I guess so.” She took a deep breath. “I’m ready.”

  Kellan disappeared out the door and then entered followed by Kathryn, David, Amanda, and her parents.

  Anna Mae sat up straighter, her eyes trained on her father’s smile. Her heart pounded against her ribcage. Had her father had a change of heart? If so, then this was a bigger Christmas miracle than the baby!

  “Congratulations!” Amanda rushed over to the bed with Kathryn close behind her. “He’s my cutest cousin.”

  “He’s even more beautiful today than last night.” Kathryn touched the blanket wrapped around his tiny body. “Have you chosen a name yet?”

  Anna Mae glanced at Kellan. He shrugged while sitting in a chair by the window.

  “No, we haven’t agreed yet,” Anna Mae said.

  “You need a good strong name for that handsome fellow,” Mary Rose said, standing next to Kathryn. “He’s exquisite.”

  “Danki,” Anna Mae whispe
red, staring down at him. “I was just telling Kellan that I can’t believe this beautiful little bundle is mine.”

  “You mean ours,” Kellan said with a chuckle.

  “Right, that’s what I meant.” Anna Mae gazed up at David.

  “Congratulations, schweschder,” he said. “He’s schee. May God bless you with many more.”

  Anna Mae laughed. “Danki, David. I don’t think I’m in any hurry, though.”

  “May I hold him?” Mary Rose held out her hands.

  “Of course.” Anna Mae lifted the baby, and Mary Rose took him.

  Kellan stood and motioned for Mary Rose to sit in his chair. She sank down and began to talk to the baby while rubbing his chin.

  Anna Mae looked at her daed standing at the end of the bed. “Hi,” she said.

  “Hello,” Henry said, absently fingering the brim of his hat in his hands. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine,” she said, smoothing the sheet over her legs. “I’m a little sore, but it’s not too bad. I’m taking some good pills.” She studied his eyes. “It’s good to see you.”

  He nodded. “Frehlicher Grischtdaag.”

  “Frehlicher Grischtdaag to you too.” She gave Kellan a sideways glance and found him smiling as if he knew something she didn’t. She made a mental note to ask him about that later.

  “I wanted to apologize,” Henry said. “I’m sorry for treating you so badly. I was very wrong.”

  Anna Mae sniffed and wiped her eyes that had suddenly filled with tears. “Danki for telling me that. You’re my daed and my son’s only grossdaddi. We need you, Dat.”

  Moving around the bed, Henry took her hand and kissed it. “Welcome home, dochder.”

  She wiped tears from her cheeks with her free hand. “What caused you to change your mind about Kellan and me?”

  Henry nodded toward Kellan, who was still smiling. “Your husband had a talk with me. He told me my actions were not Christian.”

  Anna Mae gasped. “Kellan told you that?”

  “Ya, that’s right,” Henry said, absently turning the brim of his hat in his hands. “Although you didn’t pick an Amish man, you chose a man who loves God and takes gut care of you.”

  “Danki, Daed.” Anna Mae opened her arms, and he gave her a quick, gentle hug. “Ich liebe dich, Daed.”

  “Ich liebe dich, Anna Mae,” he said, his voice raspy with emotion. Standing up, he wiped tears from his eyes. “I hope you will come often,” he said. “I’ll want to get to know my grandson.”

  “I thought we would all go visit Anna Mae and Kellan in the spring,” David said, standing by Kathryn.

  Her father smiled. “That sounds gut.” He turned to Kellan. “If you’ll welcome us into your home.”

  Kellan smiled. “Of course we will. You’re family.”

  “Another Christmas miracle,” Mary Rose whispered, her voice thick. “First, this beautiful baby, and now our family is back together.”

  “God is gut,” David said.

  “Ya, he is,” Kathryn chimed in.

  Later that afternoon, Kathryn held David’s hand as they crossed the snowy parking lot toward the waiting car. She breathed in the crisp air and smiled.

  “It truly feels like Grischtdaag when there’s snow on the ground,” she said, smiling up at him. “Those warm Christmases we had for a few years didn’t feel authentic.”

  He nodded. “You know, I haven’t thanked you yet.”

  “Thanked me?” She stopped and studied his eyes.

  “I need to thank you for making this the best Grischtdaag ever.”

  She tilted her head in question. “What do you mean?”

  “You managed to bring my family back together,” he said. “Danki.”

  “Wait a minute.” She took his hand, stopping him in mid-stride. “So, you’re saying that I was right to invite Anna Mae here?”

  He grinned. “Ya, you were.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “And I was right that it was a sign from God?”

  “Maybe so. I’m sorry for doubting you, Katie. Your best intentions turned out the way you’d planned. You even changed my father’s heart.” Leaning down he brushed his lips across hers. “You worked the most wunderbaar miracle I’ve ever seen.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I can’t take credit for it. It was all God. I just asked Him to use me as He saw fit.”

  “Then I should say danki for listening to God when He inspired you to bring my sister here.” He hugged her. “Iche liebe dich, mei liewe. Frehlicher Grischtdaag.”

  “Ich liebe dich, David,” she whispered in his ear. “Frehlicher Grischtdaag to you too.”

  Later that evening, Anna Mae held the baby close and ran her fingertip down his warm cheek, causing him to sigh in his sleep. “I think he looks like you.”

  “How can you tell?” Kellan leaned over her. “He’s so tiny.”

  “Yes, but he has your cute little nose.” She grinned up at him. “He’s going to be a ladies’ man like you.”

  Kellan laughed. “Right, me a ladies’ man.” He rubbed her shoulder. “Have you given a name any thought?”

  “How about Aidan Beiler McDonough?”

  “Hmm,” he rubbed his chin. “That’s not half bad. I think I like it.”

  “Aidan in memory of your dad and Beiler in honor of my family and our wonderful trip here.” She stared down at the sleeping baby. “What do you think, Aidan? Is it a good name?”

  “I think it’s perfect.” Kellan kissed her cheek. “Aidan Beiler McDonough it is.”

  Glancing at him, Anna Mae smiled. “Thank you for bringing me here. This has been the most wonderful Christmas ever.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You’d rank getting stuck in a snowbank and nearly giving birth in a barn as a good Christmas?”

  She nodded. “Yes, because I spent it with you and our baby boy. And I got my family back. Thank you for making my dreams come true.”

  “You’re welcome.” He kissed her lips and then grinned. “Can you promise me that next Christmas we’ll spend a few quiet days at home in front of a warm fire?”

  Anna Mae chuckled. “Yes, I can promise you that.”

  “Thank you.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Merry Christmas, Annie.”

  “Merry Christmas, Kellan.” She glanced down at the baby. “And merry first Christmas, Aidan.”

  Kauffman Amish Bakery Fruit Cake

  11/2 cups sugar

  2 eggs

  2 cups applesauce or 2 cups fruit (any kind)

  1/2 cup oil

  2 cups flour

  1/4 tsp salt

  2 tsp baking soda

  Mix together all ingredients and pour into a greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.


  1 stick butter

  1/2 cup evaporated milk

  3/4 cup brown sugar

  1 tsp vanilla

  Stir together in a saucepan, then boil 5 minutes. Cool cake and cover with icing.

  Discussion Questions

  1. Take a walk in Anna Mae’s shoes. Would you have dealt with her family problems differently?

  2. Kathryn goes against her husband’s wishes when she helps Anna Mae plan her trip to Lancaster. While she’s following her heart, she’s also deceiving David and risking his trust. Have you ever done something you felt was right at the risk of hurting someone you love? If so, how did the situation turn out in the end? Share this with the group.

  3. Throughout the story, characters quote Colossians 3:13: “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” What does this verse mean to you?

  4. David finds himself caught in the middle between Anna Mae and his father. Have you ever found yourself in the role of peacemaker due to a family, social, or work situation? If so, how did you handle the conflict? Did it turn out the way you’d hoped? Share this with the group.

  5. When Anna Mae first returns to Lancaster County, she t
ries to reconcile with her father, only to have him shut her out again. Think of a time when you felt lost and alone. Where did you find your strength? What Bible verses would help with this?

  6. Which character can you identify with the most? Which character seemed to carry the most emotional stake in the story? Was it Anna Mae, Kellan, Mary Rose, Henry, Kathryn, or David?

  7. We learn that Henry Beiler feels hurt and rejected that Anna Mae left the community. While he is the bishop and preaches about forgiveness, he has a difficult time forgiving her for breaking his heart. Have you ever felt hurt or rejected by a member of your family? How did you come to terms with that hurt? Did you forgive the person who hurt you? Share this with the group if you’re comfortable.

  8. Kellan confronts Henry about his treatment of his daughter. Have you ever had to confront someone about their bad or hurtful actions? Share this with the group.

  9. Mary Rose is convicted by Ephesians 4:2: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” What does this verse mean to you?

  10. What did you learn about Amish holiday traditions? What is your opinion of their customs? Should we, as non-Amish, adopt more of their traditions of making Christmas more religious and less commercial? Share your thoughts with the group.


  ack: Oh

  aenti: aunt

  appeditlich: delicious

  bedauerlich: sad

  boppli: baby

  bopplin: babies

  bruder: brother

  bruderskinner: nieces/nephews

  daed: father


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