Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 30

by Jacqwin Hess

  “You’re kidding me?”

  “No. I ah…made it the very first thing I did once I finally left Cal, never going to allow a man…to hurt me the way he did ever again.”

  “Why did you stop?”

  “That’s as far as I made it. Not…smart enough to remember my patterns, or I could, it just took me longer and took me forever to pass the tests and…it’s very time consuming. I’ve stayed up with it, off and on, just for the self-defense, but…I’m no fool thinking I could actually overtake a guy or anything, but…I’ve at least given myself a chance.”

  “Yes, you have, but I’m fairly certain you’re not ever going to have to need those skills again.” He then leaned down into her ear. “I’m a seventh-degree black belt in Karate,” he whispered in her ear, watching her stiffen and then smile, shooting up and looking back at him.

  “For real?!”

  “Yes. I started when I was a kid with some friends and then after my divorce, I really went at it, taking out all my aggression, anger and bitterness there or rather…directing it somewhere other than strangling her. It saved me.” And going to BDSM dungeon houses and fucking pretty pussies and whipping their asses, taking my aggression out there as well. Suddenly, he stiffened with the image of Adri bound, gagged, and tied up with sweet red whip marks across her flesh, her back, ass, and pussy, coming from it. Would she get wet for it and like it? God, I hope so. Maybe someday I’ll get to find out. I just have to bide my time until then.

  “I loved it. We actually have something, kind of, in common. I mean, you’re really a black belt? That’s so cool. If we still see each other after this, ah…maybe you can show me some more moves in self-defense.”

  “Maybe,” he softly replied, hating how she still talked as if they wouldn’t be seeing each other again after this. He couldn’t see where she was blinded to the fact that he was serious about her. She had a low self-esteem, sure, most everyone did, but it was obvious that he meant for them to continue for much longer than this weekend. He liked her. Awesome…incredible…unbelievably hot sex or not, he wanted Adriaunn Vale and in the most hardcore way—as his submissive, as his entirely or…fuck, just as a friend. He wanted her! Don’t scare her–fuck, don’t scare yourself, either. And it did, in a way.

  Adri squinted as she noticed a soft red glow in the distance on the other side of the island. “What’s that light over there? I hear a beating drums or music. Sounds ominous, doesn’t it?”

  “Ominous, huh? I guess it sort of does. I told you this wasn’t a private island, just almost. It’s the township.”


  He saw the spark in her eyes, but she turned her head away, looking back at the ocean. “Come on. Let’s go. Sounds like they’re doing something over there–might be fun and it is a neat little town. All historical and girlie, you’ll like it,” he stated and came to his feet, taking her hand and pulling her up.

  “Ohmigosh! Seriously?!” Adri gasped as he jerked a heavy tarp off a semi-enclosed huge military-style dune buggy, outfitted to do anything and everything. “How cool is this?! Ooh how neat! I love it!” She didn’t have to be told, jumping into the passenger seat and instantly her ass was happy. “Ooh, my god, these seats are so comfy and P-lush! Wow.” She laughed over at him as he dropped in next to her behind the wheel, watching him slip the clear glasses on and suddenly everything seized inside of her, nipples tightened, that familiar erotic electric pulse shot straight down to her pussy from the heady sex appeal of him like that.

  “What’s wro–” Sebastian grunted as Adri suddenly launched herself at him, throwing her arms around his head and neck, slamming her lips to his and then forcing his lips open with her tongue, kissing him. Well, all righty then—bring it on, little girl! He gladly opened for her and tasted her sweet mouth as he kissed her back. After a good two full minutes, she finally eased up, letting him up for air.

  “Oh. Sorry,” Adri whispered, seeing his mussed up hair and crooked glasses, leaning back as she straightened them back on his face and gently smoothed his hair back down. She dropped back into her seat and sighed. “Okay, we can go now.”

  “Are you sure you got it all out of your system?”

  Oh my wonderful…gorgeous…Mr. Darvaine, I most likely will never have you out of my system. Fuck, you’re so hot. Even in stupid safety glasses. Seriously?! Unbelievable! “I ah…don’t think—let’s just go before any more crazy compulsions hit me and we miss what’s going on in town.”

  “Then buckle up, baby,” he replied, lifting her harness and helping her strap in as she kept looking over the vehicle–then slipping her own safety glasses on. “You’re not so bad looking yourself, Miss Vale!” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before turning back and strapping himself in.

  Adri was beside herself. She’d never seen anything like it. It was like a huge ATV with the semi-body of a tank and yet open, operating like a dune buggy. It was built in a military style with military specs, obviously one tough son-of-a-bitch. “It looks like it should be driven on the surface of Mars or some other exploring planet.”

  Holy shit, she guessed that right on the button. She would probably shit if she knew what my real career was and what I spent ninety percent of my money on. This is just a tiny sample of the little toys I build.

  “It’s so big and futuristic looking—like a mini tank, but open! My god. It’s so awesome. So show me what this baby can do.”

  Sebastian couldn’t help but smile and laugh at her excitement. He pushed the button, starting it up and in seconds had her screaming as he slammed on the gas, backing it up super fast. He spun the wheel, getting the tires in the right direction and then shifted gears, slamming on the gas and taking off down the beach at top speed. Adri instantly threw her hands in the air and screamed out again, laughing in total joy as he drove the cart at top speed.

  Sebastian’s Dune buggy was the most awesome thing ever! She so loved it! “My god, I can’t believe I’m here…in this thing and…and—I just can’t believe it!” she shouted out to him, placing her hands over her mouth and laughing in total enjoyment. She noticed him looking at her with that dark brow lifted at her, confused by her overzealous joy. “You have to understand, Sebastian—I’m usually so terrified of things that go really fast.”

  “What?! Are you serious? You’re kidding me?!” Sebastian suddenly felt as if his world was jerked out from under him, since most of the things he engineered…were machines of speed! Oh, fuck me. No! She can’t be serious. This can’t be happening to me. The most perfect girl in bed, sweetest thing I’ve ever met, and she hated fast cars? Speed?!

  “My wreck. I can and do drive and everything, but…not…fast, and I’ve refrained from going near anything remotely risky or dangerous, but…for some reason, with you…I’m not scared. When I was young, I lived for speed; loved the racetrack and motor cross, cars and all that shit, but after the wreck, I never even looked back and never went near any of it again–didn’t drive if I didn’t have to. From that day on, I was Miss Cautious and never stepped out of line or anything crazy. I love this. I really love this. It totally rocks! It’s like being back home—myself again. I am so glad I let you bring me here. I’m having an amazing time, Sebastian. Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome,” he answered her. He kept an eye on her as he drove them along the beach, loving how she was so charismatic, open, and unabashed in expressing her joy, her feelings and with her words—not putting on any pretense or air of being all…haughty and delicate. She was always an open book, honest and true to who she was, what she felt and didn’t hold back, letting herself have fun (even though he knew for a fact she held back tremendously in bed and feared letting herself enjoy it too much, but why, he had yet to discover.) He couldn’t help it, but the more he was around her, the more he liked her and thought that she was a dream to be around—being able to let loose and cut up himself without censure. It was nice for a change.

  The town was actually a small fishing village that tur
ned out to be everything Sebastian said it was; historical and girlie! It was amazing. She loved all the old historical fishing buildings still standing, in beautiful condition, cobblestone streets. He had driven them up through the village before returning down to the beach where a huge party was going on having a crab and lobster boil. There was a live band, which was playing some kind of group dance song, and Sebastian sighed as he watched her take to it right away, spinning around in her white sundress, joining in and knowing all the steps—and moves. Damn could she move and of course, every swinging dick in the place notices that too, even the women appear to be curious. She smiled over at him as the next song came on and she was continuing to show off her moves. With Adriaunn moving like that, he was glad when the song ended, but then another song came on and it was like that drum beating song they were hearing from the other side of the island; Luau music. Oh fuck! Seriously?! You have got to be kidding me! Now she’s really hitting the moves, those fucking hips shaking, bouncing and rotating; hula dancing or belly dancing…all the above?! He suddenly looked around and he noticed that a group of younger men had began to watch her exclusively, looking her over and whispered—about nothing good he was sure.

  The other women even inquired her about it, how she did it and he heard her say it’s in the blood, having a touch of Mexicana and she slowed way down, moving her hips slowly as she showed them how it’s done. Nice! It’s erotic in the extreme and it’s in the blood? Well, that would explain how she was able to fuck like she did; move those hips in that certain way that drove me out of my mind. I have to get her off that floor—

  “What man leaves a dame as gorgeous as that alone on a dance floor?”

  A middle-aged man asked when he came to stand next to him. Adri just dropped down in a squat, ass shimmying and grinding as she slowly came back up.

  “Especially one who can move like that? Holy shit.” he stated absent-mindedly as he continued to stare the beauty down—then his friend Paula came running toward him and threw her arms around his neck.

  “Come on Duke, get out here!”

  Sebastian took a deep calming breath as the woman pulled Duke out onto the floor and that enabled him get a closer look at Adri. He was just about to go out there and yank her off the floor when she suddenly stopped and walked over to him.

  “Loosen up, Darvaine; you only live once, my friend. I hate when I see you all poker-faced! Dance with me—Oh!” Adri whined as the music changed. Some country music dribble came blaring out next.

  “Come on and I’ll give you a reason to like country music now,” he took her hand and took them back out on the dance floor, pulling her into his arms, kissing her hand he held first, then ran his lips along her cheek and ear, kissing her. “See, country does have its advantages.” He smiled as she moaned, relenting and sliding her arms up around his neck. She began swaying to the music against him as he grabbed down on her hips with both hands and guided them around the floor. “But this region is not to move again while you’re out here, and I mean it, Adri, or I’m taking us back. Do you understand me?”

  She looked down and away. “Yeah—” She gasped when he grabbed her chin and forced her head back around and lifted her face, making her look at his hard expression. “Yes! I got it.” He finally released her jaw and grasped her hand back up, pulling her hard against him, almost as if he were staking his claim or something. She gasped again as he dropped and slanted his mouth over hers, licking and gliding his tongue over hers. They swayed, but it was their whole body together, and she moaned at the feel of his commanding hers, guiding hers, hardness against softness. “I’m sorry,” she weakly replied against his lips and he opened his eyes, lifting a brow down at her. Man he was so serious and really meant it.

  “I mean it, Adri. Just…don’t do that little drop, bounce, and grind-shaking thing.”

  “I won’t–ever again. I promise.”

  “Well, you can drop, bounce, and shake like that, but make sure it’s just when you’re on me,” he replied and she threw back her head and burst out laughing, then tiptoed up and kissed him. It was nice, being there like that with him, turning that yawning, slow-draw wailing overhead into a romantic song. He moved, quite perfectly, too, moving his hips so sensually with each step as he swayed them on the floor, slowly turning about and never taking his eyes off of her, except when he lowered his cheek to hers. God, he feels so good, smells incredible, and turns me so on—then he shoved her away in a way that spun her out and then twirled her back to him, kissing her. He lifted her up off her feet and carried her off the dance floor, walking them on down the beach!

  The whole time they were both aware of the stares and whispers from the moment they arrived, the noise level dropped instantly. The women stared at him and the men stared at her. It wasn’t until she said his name by the dance floor that the whispering and gasping started, but both of them completely ignored everyone and she suspected that was why he took to the floor and then left before the song was over.

  They walked through the line of shop vendors; wood carvers, jewelry makers, seamstress where Adri bought three new aprons from a gal, pottery, and then she bought a small painting that was a picture of the little village they were at, painted by a local artist. When they came to the next section, they smiled as they watched the kids get their faces painted, playing all sorts of games from little beanbag tossing, balloon popping, and throwing the balls at the bottles, and many more. They never dropped each other’s hands or his arm was always around her, keeping her close. The two of them looked every bit the couple in love.

  Getting back to the main part of town, they both were hungry enough again to grab their bags of lobster boil and find their seat, dumping it out together on the table. He went after a beer for them. Adri watched him instantly being flocked by women, smiling and trying to be polite, but not encouraging them. She watched him gently pull away from a woman’s hand—suddenly tossing a big bill at the guy and telling him to keep the change. He grabbed their beers and walked hastily away. All she could do was laugh behind her hand at him and he just sneered at her, rolling his eyes.

  “Yeah, real fucking funny.”

  “Come on. You don’t like it on some small level?”

  “No, I don’t. That’s why I’m here with you, because you’d never paw a guy and come onto him so disgustingly, offering yourself up for a one nighter to a complete stranger.” Because I tried a million times with you, darling, gave you ample opportunity and you never took the chance to be with me, never came to me, never gave your number out to guys and fucking any of them after dates. You didn’t ‘do that.’ He remembered her shouting at some guy when they were at a bar, celebrating her divorce and fully available to fuck, but refusing to do it and even turned him down, walking away when he approached her finally. She just put up a finger, looking straight ahead and said. “No….” and kept walking.

  To this day, Adriaunn had no real memory of him at the Denver airport; having downed five drinks on the plane. She also had no memory of him trying to approach her while she was in town, partying it up. He’d missed the window to fly out and so he’d been stuck there, tracked down where she was staying and followed her. She was drunk in celebration and constantly surrounded by her friends, no getting near her.

  That had been the last he saw her, until New York and watching her and waiting a little over two years for her to be ready. He had approached her a couple times, but she ran off every damn time or he’d just missed catching her attention. He just had to stay away and wait for his life to calm down and finally be able to put the time into having her.

  Watching her smiling face next to him….it was entirely worth it!

  The icing on the cake happened toward the end of their evening in town. A few locals came up to him and asked him to sell his home there. They wanted him to sell it to someone who would actually live there and break open the private beach for them.

  The answer was not just ‘No’ or ‘Hell No,’ but true to the lovely Darvaine
lingo. “Fuck No! I’m not selling my house. Now, if you’ll excuse us. We’re going now.”

  “Sorry,” Adri replied sweetly to the townspeople who were just standing there agape. She flinched over it, shrugging her shoulder and clasping her fingers down in front of her, her face red with embarrassment. “Thank you for a lovely time, though. It was a nice festival you had. Good job. We had a blast—Oh!” Sebastian grabbed her arm, forcing her around and walking her to the dune buggy, where he put the things she bought in a sealed compartment in the back. They both slid in, strapping their seat belts on and then he instantly took off through town just to get away from them. By going through town and staying away from the beach, he was able to avoid all the people staring after them.

  After a few minutes, able to see he was upset-furious actually–Adri steered his attention away from the rude people. “So what else does this thing do? There’s an awful lot of buttons and gadgets on the instrument panel. It can’t be built and shaped like this for just riding on sand.”

  “You’re right. Hang on to your ass, baby girl! It’s about to get awesome!” He sped faster through the town, reaching the beach down from where the party and floored it, driving straight for the water. He began pushing a lever and suddenly the wheels turned in and she screamed out as they hit the water, screaming as she got totally drenched and the vehicle was now a watercraft!

  “Ohmigod–no way!” she screamed out in laughter as he flew top speed into another wave and they were flying so high over the water, slamming down and both of them hollering out. He took off, turning the craft and began heading around the beach. The lights on the Quadski were so bright and lit up the whole shore. It allowed her to relax and totally enjoy, even with it being pitch black out. He had them out for over an hour on the water, hitting the waves and then flying back on land and turning it back into the buggy, four-wheeling on the beach, then riding through the rough terrain of the wooded area. He brought them to a stop in the middle of the woods to let them catch their breaths and relax his muscles, since it was a bit of work to keep control of the wheel against the waves.


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