Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 41

by Jacqwin Hess

  They rode in silence the rest of the way and he pulled up next to the Rolls-Royce that was still there. “I’m sorry. I…guess that was stupid. The cut wood thing. I just…don’t want you to cut me off, turn me away and keep yourself distant from me. Your anger is a part of you Sebastian and…if I’m to know you, truly know you, I have to know your anger too, that dark side of you and whatever it is I don’t know…”

  He didn’t tell her what his mother had meant by that. Does she know? Know what? He just stared at her, expressionless and blank, not willing to tell her and discuss it any further. He got out of the cart, not assisting her out and walked away. He went up the stairs out of the bottom of the ruins and left her to follow behind him. He at least opened the car door of his sports car, the same one he used to take her to the Catskills in, let her get in. She sighed, looking down while she waited for him to get in and then dropped her head back as they took off. She figured they were headed back home, clearing the property, driving on a dirt road, but then he turned and went down another dirt road.

  Adri gasped out, sitting up on her knees and laughed out seeing a large heard of little ponies galloping running along the fence line. He took her to a large stable, driving through and then getting out where she watched a pony run to him.

  “Yes, there’s my sweet baby boy,” Sebastian baby talked the pony, both hand shagging over his jaw and shaking his head, loving on him. All the ugliness just instantly disappeared and the day continued at the farm where Sebastian donated money to support the animals who’d been abused by their previous owners.

  He had a pony when he was a little boy—his mother shot it in a drunken rage.

  It was late by the time they made it back. He sat in the car in silence, looking out of the window and rain began to lightly pelt down. She could still tell he was upset by his mother’s appearance. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for a wonderful day, Sebastian. It was my dream. You know all those romantic picnic pictures you see on Pinterest? You scored big with this day.” Another soft kiss on his lips and he got out, going around and helping her out, walking her to her door. A hot and burning kiss there and he then rose, both of them hearing his phone ring. “Times up. Later Sabs.” He didn’t stay as she’d hoped, just dropped her off and then left with his phone ringing, getting right back into business. Damnit. She wanted to get laid and he left her aching so bad for him.

  Sebastian hung up from the call and then fisted his steering wheel as he sat at the red light. He was furious and squeezed his eyes closed to block out the image of his mothers standing there in his kitchen and imagining his hands around her pearl covered throat, but…No, I can’t do that and it’s wrong to sit and envision killing your mother. But, fuck, I hated her! A horrid end to an otherwise perfectly beautiful day. He shook his head thinking about the day and decided not just to scrape his mother off, but the whole day. It didn’t count. He took Adri there to try and get to know him better, get more comfortable with him…and in walked his mother. Un-fucking-real. Now she’ll no doubt second guess if she should get involved with him.

  Does she know Sebastian?! Ugh! He knew Adri heard that, even though she was running to his supposed rescue. He smiled and chuckled again thinking of her coming with that bat and thinking to save him. He had a feeling his meek little angel had a temper of her own. Man, his dick was suddenly hard just thinking about fighting with her, seeing her temper flare and wondered if it rivaled his own. Angry sex. There was nothing better.

  So now, he had to think of something else to let her in on, for them to do and keep trying to get her use to him, get her to let him in and trust him.

  A horn honked behind him and he pushed the gas peddle, taking off.

  That night he lay in bed, looking through the camera and all the shots he got in from that day. He loved them all, but the one she took of him and then the both of them lying out together was his favorite pic, sending it to his phone, making it his wall photo.

  And Adri lie in bed staring up at the ceiling, day dreaming and still so blown away by the day. It had been utterly magical and beautiful—and so sweet! He loved ponies and financed a farm that took care of poor sickly or abused animals. He was starting to let her in and she couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for them next, getting to know him better and learn more about him. She was beginning to have this feeling that there was far more to Sebastian than just some suit.

  He built cars. And not just any cars, but high-tech sports cars and she wondered what else he built.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Three days later, Saturday, Adri went to open The Gallery and stopped when she saw Sebastian’s driver, TJ, standing there. He’d been about to come on up and knock on her apartment door, but saw her through the front window and waited for her to notice him.

  “TJ, come on in,” Adri held the door open as he stepped in and gave her a polite nod.

  “Oh hey ah…Sebastian sent me after you,” TJ replied, glancing back as Victoria and Stan Switzer came in, having noticed the car and were obviously curious. “…and to take you to him. He told me to tell you, seeing how you wanted to see a bit more of his life and know more about him, he thought to have you join him today. He’s at the tracks.”

  Adri stepped forward, gasping. “Horse tracks?!”

  TJ laughed at that. “Ah…no. Racetrack—for his cars. I think he has a new baby he’s testing and thought you’d like to be there for it and watch.”

  Adri smiled and suppressed the urge to giggle in her excitement. Tracks-smacks, who gives a shit as long as I’m with Sebastian! Oh my gosh, he actually sent for me. He really wants me to be with him. I love it when he shares his life with me. I’m going to see Sebastian! She froze realizing she was at work, looking behind TJ where Victoria stood.

  “Whatever he wants. I wouldn’t dream of denying him,” she replied and Adri wasted no time running for her purse and leaving.

  This is so CRAZY! She was flown by helicopter to a facility outside of the city where she watched an awesome looking sports car race around the track as they landed. She couldn’t help but smile over at the man next to her in her excitement. She was just blown away, also in shock over how sweet it was that Sebastian had sent an escort with her during the flight. He knew she got scared and the guy held out his arm for her to grip when turbulence hit and helped her stay calm by talking to her, keeping her laughing when he could. The same man escorted her through the gates past the small seating stands and then to the edge of the track where her heart skipped a beat-several-at the sight of Sebastian. He just stepped out of one of the two small buildings that were next to the track and read over some papers in his hands.

  She felt her breath hitch at the sight of him wearing a blue, white, and black racing outfit. He flashed her that gorgeous sexy smile that melted her to a puddle at his feet and then gave a single nod to the man behind her, who turned and walked away. She just stood there, unable to walk any further, staring at him until a roaring forced her attention from him. She looked back just as a flying object roared by, screaming out and jumping back. Sebastian laughed out as that gorgeous black sports car she had seen flew by, seeing the numbers 268 pop up on a black box. It was clearly a big deal with all the men suddenly hooting out and cheering, clapping their hands and slapping him on the back. She watched the car speed around on the other side of the track, taking the corners like it was magnetized to the track and picking up speed, coming back toward them. Then it suddenly dropped gears, slowed, and stopped smoothly right in front of them. It got another round of applause, ‘fucking awesome’ being said by a few and then she learned just why—the doors of the car opening and seeing that the car never had a driver actually in it! Her eyes flashed wide and looked over to Sebastian who bounced his brows at her and smiled, coming up to her now.

  “Well, you wanted to see more of my world and interests, so I thought to bring you here today to watch the test run on my new baby. You like her?”

  “Do I like her?
! She’s amazing! It’s so cool! Can I drive it?!” The cheering instantly stopped and the men all soundly gasped, one man even snorted and rolled his eyes, just knowing Sebastian wouldn’t let her. “Please?” she came up on her tiptoes, grasping his racing jacket, and kissing his beautiful full lips. “Show me your world, Sebastian. I want to know what you know—love what you love. I can tell by this that we have more in common than you think.”

  Sebastian knew she had once had a love of driving fast and fast cars, since that had been what she was doing when she had her wreck back in high school. “All right, but not this one, still a prototype and not all the safety features are on it. We’re still working the kinks out, but…” He ran his lips over her, looking off behind her. “…I do have one for you, if you really want to.” He took her in his arms as she squealed and jumped, throwing her arms around him.

  Sebastian was nervous, sitting there in the car with her, going over the panels, the readings on the computer, and the function of the stick shift.

  “Sebastian! I got it! I know how to work a stick,” she replied, ignoring the snide snickers coming from the men off to the side and…Sebastian’s own uncertain expression about her ability to handle the car. She pushed the button, roaring the engine to life and smiled at him like a little girl, squealing in her excitement. He took a deep breath next to her and reached back, grabbing the seat belt and jerking it on. She gripped the steering wheel and pressed the gas, revving the engine. Sebastian kept talking to her, telling her how to do it and explaining how it’s really fast and takes off super powerful. No fuck?! “Sebastian? Shut the fuck up and trust me, baby!” she finally told him. He glared over at her, getting mad and then had his body slamming into the seat as she operated that beautiful piece of machinery with perfect skill. She screamed and shouted out, slammed the clutch down, shifted the car, and peeled out, the car flying forward.

  “Adri! What the fuck are you doing—FUUUUCCCKKK!” He gripped the side of the door and gripped down on the seat as his body was slammed back, staring at her shifting exactly on time again, speeding up the track and then shifting expertly again. He listened to her scream and holler out in total exhilaration as she drove his car. It took him a full ten seconds to realize that Adri actually did…know how to drive and not just push the gas and steer, but to fucking speed race and she was loving the hell out of it and he was loving the hell out of her, bursting out laughing and hooting out himself now. She handled the car beautifully, jerking the wheel perfectly and exact, downshifting at the right time as she flew around the curve, taking the next curve and then punched it again as they came up on the straight away. She drove it beautifully, taking the curve tight and hard, getting to the last straight away and punching it again, going top speed and driving the shit out of it, both of them having a good time.

  Whoo Hoo—Holy fuck! Is this the woman for me or what?! She was made for speed, not meant to be afraid of it. He absolutely loved it, reaching over, grabbing her face and kissing her cheek, enjoying the ride now. Then she shifted in the middle of the track, slammed on the break and jerked the wheel, spinning the car sideways. “Ohmy-fuckme-fuckme-fuckme!” He had no choice but to just hold on tight as she slammed it back into gear, shifting and watched as she looked over and flipped all the guys off and sticking her tongue out at them just before she slammed on the break, turning the wheel. She sent the car sideways and then slammed it back into gear. Now they were flying out off the track, through the gates, and driving away from the test field to take it out on the open road. He once again was gripping the seat and the door, hanging on for dear life as she burst out onto the country road.

  “Whoo Hoo-Hoo! This is fucking awesome!” She screamed out in horror when she passed a cop who instantly flashed his lights and started coming after her. She didn’t stop or even slow down. The only indication that she knew he was after her was a dark sneering grin on her face and then…his sweet girl punched it. Adri jerked the wheel and flew them onto the highway and punched it, taking them to god only knew where.

  Back at the track the men all looked at each other dumbfounded and watched them drive off the track and out of there. “Where the hell is she going?”

  One of the lab techs huffed and rolled his eyes up at the other. “Well, I know where she’s going to end up…”

  The cops located the car at a motel an hour later. It was parked with the right tire up on the curb in front of a room and heard screaming shouts of ecstasy emanating from the room, accompanied with the heavy banging of the headboard of the bed. “Ohmigod-Ohmigod-Ohmigod! Don’t stop—please—yes, right there! Ye-Yes!”

  The cops didn’t know what to do, hissing back and forth between each other and taking down the plate number, sending it into headquarters—the reply was instant and strict. “Diplomatic Immunity! Back away and leave it alone. You can’t do shit about them. Repeat, the guy has Diplomatic Immunity. You can’t touch him. You’re under orders to leave. Now!” The orders blared over the intercom and the men just stared at the door, hearing the screaming resonate louder. The banging suddenly grew faster and then were shocked to hear a clear feral growl from a man who was clearly fucking the women even harder and faster now.

  Sebastian, having heard the orders to the cops blare over the intercom now put his full attention back into fucking the most amazing woman in the world and making her scream with pleasure. Adjectives just filled his brain; …Incredible, courageous, gorgeous woman on the planet! I fucking love her! Words he attested to the stunning feeling burst from his cock with each stroke of her glorious pussy on him, tight and perfect!

  He fucking loved it when he finally got her sweet cunt to break on him, slamming her into a fierce, hard orgasm, and then finding his own release right along with her just from the pleasure of getting to pound the fuck out of her that long. She was so mindlessly horny and so was he after that. He had his jacket off, but still had on his pants, his dick out and pounding into her, still dressed in her clothes from work; a black mini skirt and white shirt he tore open. God she had been so incredibly sexy driving that car like that, now lying under him with her black stocking-clad legs spread around him, black heels on, and panties torn about her waist. He couldn’t stop or get enough of her—mindless from it and threw his entire body into fucking her!

  It caused him to have the most amazing orgasm; so intense and powerful, his body jarring from the powerful pleasure that shot over and over through him. He arched back and uncontrollably shouted out, gripping the headboard and blowing a massive, painful load into her. He always gave her more than her cunt could handle. Adri was still in a wild daze beneath him, his back cut up from her nails, head thrashing as she still panted and cried out. He watched her smile and gave that adorable melodic burst of laughter in the euphoria of her climax.

  Sebastian was dead exhausted, rolling and dropping next to her, panting and covered in sweat from the wild, out of control sex they just had. “Oh my-god. You are-so fucking-hot! You just keep surprising me, Baby Girl. Where in the hell did you learn to drive like that?”

  “On an old dirt racetrack in New Mexico with my best friend Dausyn. I love him. He’s the best. He taught me to drive. It was…there that I had my wreck, in New Mexico, visiting on vacation, and we were out being stupid, taking the cars off the road and racing them through town and back up in the mountains and…that’s all I remember. It was dark and they said I ran into a snow plow that was being transported down the mountain for maintenance and getting ready for the storm that was coming.” She rolled onto her side, taking a deep breath and looking over at him, seeing his expression was dark and serious, but it didn’t really register. “I’ve never driven since then–well, like that; fast and wild-racing, but looking at you and watching you today…just put that itch back in me and I couldn’t stand it. I had to do it and…I trusted you, felt safe being with you in the car with me.” She flipped back over onto her back and huffed. “My father would absolutely shit if he knew. Glad I didn’t get caught...”

sp; And he finally saw it, what he had been waiting for. That moment she realized that she had out ran the cops, broke the law, and thumbed her nose at the authorities—knowing she could. She shot straight up in the bed, gasping out and staring in shock, hands going over her mouth and trying not to hyperventilate.

  “Ohmigod—what did I do?!” she jerked her head and stared at the window, panting and getting scared, going into shock. She cried out as he shoved her back down, grabbed her wrists and forced her hands above her head. He slid back over her, dropping his mouth onto hers, kissing her so hot and deep. Her brain immediately sizzled and blacked out, licking, sucking, and drinking from his tongue; his fingers thumbing over her nipples, circling them, and digging into them, clawing and sending shooting pain/pleasure all through her. He then pulled back and smiled down at her, gently kissing her cheek. He moaned continuing his gentle caresses of his lips along her jaw, licked at her ear and bit and sucked at her throat, holding her down and growling in pleasure.

  “My little vigilante! You’re absolutely adorable and completely irresistible! Never fear, you’re safe with me. I’m untouchable. And that means…so are you,” he hissed down at her and started to enter her delectable hot body, but she jerked her hips back and pressed at his hips—a first time since they met!

  “No—I want to suck you off. Sixty-nine it. I want to taste you, suck you and drink you dry while you eat me and fuck me with that beautiful mouth of yours,” she hissed back and licked up to his mouth. She lay back, and he immediately rolled, bent over and turned around in the bed. He roughly shoved her legs into the lewd splits, splitting her cunt open and slamming his mouth over her pussy, licking from clit to hole. He grasped a fistful of her hair and jerked her head back, and then pushed his dick into her mouth, full on fucking her face. He growled into her cunt, loving the vibration of her scream around his dick as he began beating the huge, hard tip of his dick at her throat and then surging harder, forcing it into her throat. He gave her what she wanted. Both of them shook from the pleasure and fucked, grasping each other’s head and hair, holding their mouths tight to their sex as hard as they could and came fiercely for each other, filling each other’s mouths. Then, having like minds—rather Adri aware of his dark nastiness and having absolutely no reticent about come—she shot up and wrapped her arm around him, bringing their mouths together for the nastiest kiss she’s ever had.


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