Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 43

by Jacqwin Hess

  He should have never touched her. Damnit, he should have never allowed it and jerked her away from him the second he heard that certain high pitch crying, mewling moan. He fucking lost it himself, withdrawing out of her hard sucking mouth and dropping back in his seat. She stayed on her knees between his legs and indulged just a bit more before he made her stop, clearly very pleased with herself at getting him to blow twice in a matter of minutes. He hadn’t even realized it, but he had blown twice.

  “So yummy, but no flesh taken off. Oh well, there’s always next time. Good-bye, Sebastian. Have a good day at work,” Adri replied, rising up and then going back upstairs.

  She stunned his brain too much. Adri hadn’t been surprised when he didn’t call or text her for a whole week after that morning. He also never answered any attempt she made to contact him. She wondered if her little fetish ‘tick’ disgusted him? If, in the end, it had actually ended up being turned him off. That morning after it happened, when she got home, she had gone straight up to the bathroom and cried, covered her face with her hands and shook her head as she struggled not to full on bawl out loud, tampering down her tears and getting a hold of herself. She had just totally lost it and didn’t even know she’d done it, having seen the come on his penis, a lot of it and mindless…dropped and…devoured it. She had just died in the shock that sparked over her brain when his cock hit her throat and the feel of it in her mouth, moving against her tongue and roof, filling her to the point her jaw hurt.

  She had also cried in the car on the way back to work, having to go upstairs for a bit first before opening The Gallery. It had been so amazing. She loved it so much and…had blacked out when he shook hard in her throat, brutally shoved down and held and forced her on it, just…setting in her throat, enjoying it. She had been fucking mindless in joy at the sound of his growling grunts as he held her on him, dying from the pleasure. Adri had a feeling that Sebastian was aware of her little Hyper Arousal Mania she suffered from—and for most of her life had kept a fierce, total rein over it, controlled it completely, wholly and absolute. She lived every moment of every day denying herself anything she loved, that tasted good or felt good, anything that could break her and make her lose control. Until Sebastian Darvaine appeared in her life.

  She didn’t know why she did it—he called on the phone…and she picked up, only to set it quietly back down. Fuck! A few seconds later The Gallery phone went off again and she jumped up and ran, hiding in the bathroom, letting it go upstairs. She froze as she stared at herself in the mirror and envisioned herself slamming her head into the mirror, busting the glass and her head, splitting it open and taking the damage away. She was glad that she didn’t hear anything more about it; he didn’t call back and Victoria didn’t say anything to her. He didn’t call back after that and she cursed herself out for being such a coward, stupid and crazy for not jumping on his phone calls, but then again, maybe not jumping at him at all was actually the smart thing. She didn’t need to look too desperate, crazy in love with him, and let him think that he had any power over her at all.

  Truth be told, it was probably for the best to stop seeing him and get back to her staunch, hard discipline, getting the reins on herself and her compulsion again. With that in mind…she set The Gallery phone up so that when he called, it went up to Victoria’s office and she didn’t have to talk to him—because she knew him. He’d hang up and wouldn’t dare ask for her, having his own pride and not asking after her like a lost puppy.

  Sebastian found his balls again, seeing an opening on Wednesday for lunch and put her in, also clearing two more appointments to give him more time with her then. He’d been waiting the whole week for this day and finally, it was here. He just showed up as she was walking out of The Gallery with Victoria and two of her friends, apparently having been invited to join them for lunch. He knew she’d been getting the cold shoulder from them since hooking up and guessed they were inviting her to try and ‘fish’ for info on him, act like they felt some pity for her since he never calls—though the truth was, she had stopped answering. Well, he hadn’t dumped her and he was now sitting in the chauffeured Bentley and rolling down the window.

  “So, have you heard any more from the gorgeous Sebastian Darvaine?”

  “There’s more to him than a pretty face!”


  God, didn’t these women or anyone know anything about him? “He’s brilliant! Like really smart and…techy, extremely sweet and funny! Like bust your gut funny! You would never guess in a million years, but he’s hilarious!” she declared and at that moment, the window of the car next to them finished rolling down.

  “Afternoon, Ads. It pleases me to hear you say that. Interested in having lunch with me today?” Sebastian asked. All the women froze and gawked at him, but he only stared at Adri, who just made his heart soar with the words she just spoke. No woman has ever really been able to look past his face and see more—except for his money. She smiled down at him and then looked to the girls, where Victoria waved her on. She came forward, giving a cute giggle as he opened the door, holding out his hand and assisting her in. “I tried calling. What happened to your phone?” he asked, wanting to kiss her but refrained from it, just lifting his brow as he leaned over her and closed the door.

  “How can you ask that? Some creep threw it off his yacht and I haven’t got it replaced yet.”

  “Oh yeah.” he replied, but said nothing about the fact that he wasn’t getting through to her on The Gallery phone either. He lingered a bit longer, rolling up the window as they took off and then leaned back, willing his cock not to get hard. He absolutely was not going to seduce her. This was a ‘friend’ lunch, not a ‘fuck-buddy’ lunch. It was his first with a woman not business related, and he didn’t want to screw it up. “And the plum dress again. My favorite. I still haven’t bought those sheets yet.”

  Adriaunn’s heart was literally in her throat, her body heating up ten plus a thousand degrees just looking at him, so happy by his little surprise. He was so gorgeous, dressed in a pair of worn, torn jeans, a white button-up shirt, and black shoes, never having seen him dress so casually before. He looks so sexy like that! It took all her willpower not to jump on him right then and there, or at least kiss him. She couldn’t believe she was there with him, that he’d showed up like that and was so happy now that he was there. “You knew my phone was gone, or the battery was. So where—”

  “And I called The Gallery, several times, and it wasn’t going through.” Oh, Victoria, you little bitch. I’ll get you for this. I owe you for so many other shit anyway.

  “Huh, weird, I’ll ah…check that out. But this was nice surprise. Thank you.”

  Oh my god, it wasn’t Vic. It was her...

  “My pleasure, Adri, as always. So, where to?” They ended up at a French café and bakery where they had croissant ham and cheese sandwiches, sitting in the window. She tried to do her best to hide her nervousness, seeing people everywhere just staring at them, but he didn’t seem to notice. In fact, he never took his eyes off her; it was kind of unnerving to have someone give you their full attention, yet…nice, too.

  “So, do Victoria and the others give you a lot of shit?”

  Adri just gave a light shrug and swallowed her food, then took a drink of her iced tea. “Well, they might now. It comes and goes. Everyone wants the skinny on Sebastian Darvaine and so they’ll be nice when I get back, then go back to being shits.”

  He just gave a short huff and rolled his eyes, completely getting it. Bitches.

  “So are you ah…on Facebook?” she asked and he huffed again.

  “I think you know I’m not.”

  “Oh god, seriously?” She shot up straight in her seat and stared in disbelief at him.

  “Quite serious. No, I do not do Facebook.” And see all the insane crazy shit my kids are doing and saying, hating their overbearing old man? No fucking thank you.

  “I’m talking about your arrogance in assuming I’ve checked up on y

  “Huh, haven’t you?”

  “No, actually, I haven’t, not even Google. Ohmigosh. You’re funny. I like getting to know you on my own and not through people who don’t even know you. Why would I check out shit on the internet about you—or you’ve put up about yourself. I don’t listen to gossip and rumors and crap people say to me about someone else. I live by a motto, ‘If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, it didn’t happen.’ I judge people by how they treat me and me alone or…what I see with my own eyes, but even then, I kind of blow it off because the eye is deceiving and we don’t always know the situation or the story behind other people’s action to judge them.”

  Holy fuck, is she for real?! Wow. “Go on. Tell me.”

  “It’s like ah…the movie, The Green Mile. First, have you seen the movie?”

  Of course he shook his head. She rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’m betting there’s very little you’ve seen.” She replied and he smacked his cheek against his teeth, pointing to her and winking, telling her she was right. “Well, watch it some day. It’s awesome. So, let's see, how to tell it without giving the movie away. In the beginning, the prologue so to speak, sets the movie up with the black guy being accused of a killing some little girls, which he didn’t, he just found them. Takes place back in the 30’s or 40’s, not real sure. Anyway, the white people couldn’t see past his color to see the horrid anguish on his face as he held the two dead babies. They couldn’t see past their own grief and anger.”

  “Oh god, they let you fall in love with the black guy telling his story and then killed him after all in the end!”

  “Don’t worry, justice is met in the most unexpected beautiful way. As I said, it’s awesome. So watch it. Anywhoo, back to what I was getting at,” she sighed and took a long drink and then looked up to his beautiful face as he was patiently waiting for her to speak. Amazing, he really was interested and cared about what she had to say and her beliefs. “There are…so many innocent people in prison today, who just….happened to go to a girl’s house, screw her and leave just before her killer comes in and…her lover ends up in jail for it. You don’t…know. Same goes for anyone in life and what they do or say. People are evil and shit by nature and only by a thin line do they maintain some civility and morals, hanging onto their conscience and we struggle every day to do it. All of us, every single one of those people are capable of being sent over the edge and pushed to break, and…I feel sorry for those people, whose lives…are permanently altered in a flash of rage or desperation or depression or sometimes in a prank. We’re not in someone’s head or feel their soul to know what’s going on inside of them to judge them. And then evil people do things, wonderful and beautiful things, to give the image of being a good person–and never get caught.”

  “You’re wonderful. There isn’t a bad bone in your body,” he replied, and instantly saw her sober, closing down and withdrawing.

  Screw it. Bring it up and see what he does. “I think if memory serves me correctly, my bad bones had you running scared after last week, in the dining room, after what I did to you,” Adri replied and then kept staring at him. “I’m super-duper bad. Awful.”

  “In the absolute best way. Thank-you-god! And I didn’t run. I’ve tried calling, but you’ve never answered the phone. If I didn’t know better, I would think my number was blocked at The Gallery.”

  “That’s crazy, but I’ll check it out.”

  “Anyway, back to you being bad, I’m not talking about in bed. Evil doesn’t blush as red as you do, baby. You’re an open book.” He smiled as he watched those beautiful cheeks flush bright crimson from hearing him call her ‘baby’ and at telling it right. “You couldn’t be evil if you wanted to, but now…being naughty and sweetly nasty? That’s a different story, my kind of story and I love making you a little nastier every time. You rock my world, Baby Girl.” His eyes caught hers in a piercing gaze and held it for several seconds before she broke off, burning with the fever. Now, Sebastian, say it! “But…I’m sorry,” he blurted out, never having apologized before to a woman, never having felt sorry for anything. Sebastian was always amazed when moments came up and he discovered just how massive of an asshole he was. It was especially bad since hooking up with Adriaunn, who looked over at him and of course, was confused over what he could be apologizing about. “I’m sorry about what happened in the dining room. First for what I said, how I referred to you and called you to me like that. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t hear me complaining, do you? It was…so hot and sexy at the time–well, kind of still is. Plus you said to bring ‘those pretty—”

  “I know what I said.

  “Ah…to you,” she finished and then lowered her voice. “You didn’t call me ah…you know, ‘them’ and there is a difference. So, to bring ‘them’ to you, what’s yours, was extremely hot and sexy.” Oh my god, was it fucking EVERRR! He could tie me up, spread me wide and whip my pussy, calling me his cunt whore, little fuck slave or so much worse and I’d love it! As long as it pleased him, let me stay with him and keep me in his bed and stay his friend?...abso-fucking-lutly! She was so wet right now, she glanced around for the bathroom, wondering if she could get him to nail her again or in the car? Shit, don’t do it, he’s genuinely trying to be nice, nonsexual, and have a lunch date with you, and it is…kind of nice for a change.

  “Yeah, at the time, but not now. You’re…too good for that kind of trash talk from me and…it won’t happen again. You deserve better than that. I can’t guarantee it won’t be said in the middle of screwing, but…you will never…be referred to as that outside of sex, if even then. It won’t happen again,” he replied and looked at her with a serious, expression of remorse, since he felt a lot of guilt for having said it.

  Adri gave a heavy breath, shifting her eyes out of the window and feeling her body heat rocket back up there with that look he gave her. “You really have to stop doing that.”

  “What?” he asked, picking out ice from his cup and placing it on his tongue, pressing it between his lips and then sucking it into his mouth—her eyes riveted on him. He tongued the ice around in his open mouth and she pressed those beautiful thighs together and crossed her arms more tightly about her body—her nipples tingling and aching.

  “Holding me in some high regard and esteem, like I’m some saint or something. I’m not. Not at all. You have no idea.”

  “That’s not what you were talking about,” he replied, knew she had been referring to the way he looked at her and she was physically reacting to the way he kept looking at her. He liked how he unsettled her. However, what she just said was good too. “… but, we’ll go with that, for now.” He took another piece of ice out and started sucking on it—thinking of the one she put up in her pussy, masturbating with it and coming from it. She liked ice and an awesome idea was taking shape in his filthy evil, black mind that centered on her pussy and wax, then ice. “So let me hear it. Tell me about your bad self, Miss Vale.”

  “Well, um…” Adri sat there for a few seconds, grappling in her mind to think of something horrid about herself. Her sin. What was her greatest sin? She knew what it was, but she didn’t want to count that because it was a mental condition from the damage caused by the car wreck. And it was a problem that was starting to be out of her control.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “I’m thinking! I want it to be really juicy and awful.”

  He huffed again and rolled his eyes at her, even smiled and lightly laughed. “And none of that crap when I was little I pushed Dana down the slide.” He smiled, sitting back and catching the napkin she threw at him, tossing it down. She sighed.


  Sebastian burst out laughing and ran his tongue over his lips. “See I told you, not a bone.”

  “Actually, I have one.” Adri sighed and looked shyly up at him. “I liked it when you showed up at The Gallery, both times actually, and…all the women stared and fumed in jealousy that you had come after me, wanted me and were
envious. But that’s only because they’ve been kind of ugly to me from it.”

  “Kind of?”

  “Okay, big old Cuntcakes–Twatwaffles!”

  Sebastian’s blue eyes flashed for a second, impressed and pleased, especially since she really didn’t have a freaking clue. He loved it that she felt elevated in his company, knew what she had and used it, and that she was better by being with him. She accepted that he chose her, wanted her, and loved her secret dark side of getting off on making the other girls burn for what she had—him. Crazy shit! But he knew her well enough by now though to know that she didn’t need it, didn’t require them to be jealous to feel worthy, never striving for it, and going nuts over it. “Cuntcakes? Twatwaffles?” He lightly laughed, shaking his head at her and rolling his eyes. “Very apt. Anyway, everybody likes a little envy, I’m just glad I’m the man who gets to earn you those envious glares from those bitches. Being with you…makes me want to do things…that I’ve never allowed myself to fully enjoy and indulge in, getting to be myself for once. That’s what I like about being around you the most. I don’t have to put up, as you said, any false, glamorized bullshit image of myself for you, having to constantly sell myself in some way that isn’t true because I’m afraid you’ll run or hate me.”


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