Lie to Me (Rising Star Book 1)

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Lie to Me (Rising Star Book 1) Page 19

by Lee Piper

  My fingers tentatively play with the hem of his shirt. It’s soft, a stark contrast to the corded muscles underneath. My eyes remain fixed on the black material. “Yes and no.”

  Lifting my chin with his thumb and forefinger, he stares at my lips. “Did he give you a hard time?”

  My tongue darts out to wet my cupid’s bow. His nostrils flare. “Yeah. And now the boys are worried.”

  He pushes me back onto the mattress. Reid’s torso and arms cage my body, but rather than feel trapped, comfort washes through me. Oh hell. Might as well tattoo his face on my left butt cheek and be done with it.

  “What are they worried about?”

  “You,” I whisper.

  His stare never wavers. He doesn’t shift, doesn’t blink, nothing. “Why would they be worried about me?”

  I nibble my bottom lip. Ducking his head, Reid pulls it from my teeth with his mouth. His tongue caresses the indentations left behind. A whimper escapes.


  My fingers delve into his loose hair, drawing it away from his face. I search his gaze, half inclined to ask if he’s seen my lady balls. Already sure of the answer, yet needing to ask anyway, I blurt, “Are you playing mind games with me?”

  He stills. “Mind games?”

  “Yeah. Is spending time with me your way of getting inside my head?”

  Reid draws back. “I thought that was the whole point.”

  My hands drop to the coverlet. My heart plummets further.

  “If I’m inside your head, there’s no room for your phobia. I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  “It was. I mean, it is.” Clenching my eyes shut, I mutter, “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Well, what the fuck did you mean?”

  My voice is weak. “The boys want me to keep my distance from you.”

  Silence. “Why?”

  “They reckon you’re trying to sabotage our chances of winning Rising Star.”

  His expression shuts down. Where there used to be an open for business sign is now a billboard declaring, you ain’t getting shit from me. However, before indifference is locked firmly in place, I see it. It’s only visible for a split second, but it’s definitely there.


  “So that’s what your band meeting was about?” Straightening to his full height, Reid steps away. I hate the distance between us. It feels all kinds of wrong. “My intent to screw you over?” He paces the room, a caged tiger ready to pounce. “I expected this petty bullshit from Tobias, but Jasper?” He swears under his breath, hands clenching and unclenching by his sides.

  Scrambling to my feet, I reach for him. “Reid, stop.” The muscles on his forearms are taut, but I refuse to be waylaid. “Look, I’m sorry. It was a stupid question to ask.”

  “You’re fucking right it was.” He glares at the barren branch outside, his jaw working hard. “Tobias is jealous.”

  “I know.”

  “And Jasper is scared.”

  “I know that too.”

  “What about you?”


  “Yeah.” His gaze is fierce. “You.”

  Our eyes clash.

  It takes everything I have not to run screaming. It takes everything I have to stand tall, square my shoulders, and admit, “I want what’s real.”

  Reid grips my face, long fingers digging into my skin. “When I kiss you, is my mouth real?” His voice is rough, uneven. “What about when I touch you? Do my hands feel real?” Warm fingers trail the length of my neck and collarbone before skimming the sides of my swollen breasts.

  I gasp.

  “When my cock is buried deep inside you, is the pleasure real?” Reid rolls his hips, his growing erection heavy on my stomach.

  I moan.

  “Answer me.”

  “It’s real. So real.”

  “Damn fucking straight.”

  With a low growl, he devours me. Reid’s tongue delves inside my mouth, claiming it as his own. Our kiss is messy, wet, unrestrained.


  Moments later, he pulls away, breathing hard. “Take off your shoes.”

  Within seconds, my patent leather heels fly toward the door. Reid backs me against the cream wingback chair in the corner. His hands make quick work of my skin-tight pants, and soon enough, they too are flung across the room. He kneels, presses his nose against my lace-covered pussy, and inhales. A low groan rumbles from deep within his chest.

  Sweet baby Jericho.

  Tentatively, my fingers caress his soft hair. For once, he doesn’t reject my touch. Growing bolder, they delve through the thick strands, massaging his scalp. Reid bites my clit. I curse.

  “When are you gonna learn?” He hooks his fingers in the waistband of my panties, slowly pushing them over my hips. They slide down my thighs, falling to the floor.

  Gingerly, I step out of them. “Learn what?” My voice is fifty shades of husky.

  But he doesn’t answer. Instead, Reid positions me so I’m sitting in the chair, my legs draped over each armrest. I’m so open, so clearly on display. I mean, my pussy is right there. However, rather than feel vulnerable, I’m confident, desirable. In desperation for this man.

  Reid’s eyes darken. Leaning forward, he laps my slit. We both groan.

  “Lose the shirt.”

  “You’re bossy. Anyone ever tell you that?” However, despite the protestations, my shirt is removed in record time.

  “And the bra. I wanna see you play with those luscious tits.”


  I unclip the center hook, my breasts spilling from the purple lace. Reid’s groan is guttural, pleasure-filled. His tongue flicks my swollen clit while his dextrous fingers tease my entrance.

  It’s official, all rational thought is gone. There is nothing left except rapture, incoherent murmurs, and Reid. Always Reid.

  His fingers press deeper, honing in on my G-spot. Tingles break out on my skin.

  “Pinch your nipples.”

  Biting my bottom lip, I comply. The pebbled peaks are so sensitive, waves of pleasure wash over my body.


  Silver flecks appear before my eyes. A ball of sensation in my lower stomach throbs, pulses, then explodes. His mouth worships me during one of the most intense orgasms of my life. When the tremors finally subside and I’m left a boneless heap, he tenderly kisses my inner thighs. Once, twice, three times.


  I am spent.

  Completely effing spent.

  Only when he makes to leave do I manage to internally shake myself, launching from the chair. “Reid, wait.”

  With his back to me, he pauses.

  Padding over to where he stands, I skim my hand down the length of his spine. There is a slight tremor, but he remains silent. “Look at me.”

  On a heavy exhale, he turns. His expression is guarded, unsure. I want to wrap my arms around his waist and never let him go.

  “Can I touch you?”

  His nostrils flare. It’s like approaching a wild horse.

  “Please.” Glancing away for a split second, I gather the courage I need before facing him again. “I want to show you this is real for me too.”

  He stares at me for a long moment, no doubt gauging my sincerity. But I have nothing to hide. For once, I have no secrets. Reid knows everything—the good, the bad, the horrific. It’s liberating and terrifying at the same time.

  Finally, he nods.

  Emboldened, I skim my hands up his forearms, over his biceps, and let them rest on his shoulders. Standing on the balls of my feet, I tip my head back and nip his chin. “Lose the shirt.”

  He raises a sardonic eyebrow. I wink, loving repeating his demand. Reaching behind his head, Reid grabs the neckline of his Henley and tugs. Moments later, the shirt drops to the floor. This man’s upper body is insane. Artistic tattoos, defined pecs, that damn nipple ring, chiseled abs, an indented V leading to the happiest of happy trails. The sight makes me sway, and there
is a very real chance I might swoon.

  My tongue traces the titanium bar in his nipple. “I love your body.” Pressing my lips to his pounding heart, I continue, “I love your scars, the ones inside. Even though I’m the one who caused them.”


  “I’m truly sorry. I want you to know that.”


  Undeterred, I drop to my knees. It doesn’t take long to rid him of his shoes, socks, jeans, and boxers. Closing my eyes, I remain still, savoring the moment. When I open them again, Reid Tate is naked.

  Reid. Tate. Is. Standing. Before. Me. Naked.

  I must have been a saint in my previous life. I must have rescued abandoned puppies, kittens, and babies or some shit. There’s no other explanation. This man is the answer to my every dream, every fantasy, every prayer.

  This man is mine.

  My gaze darts to his face. “I want to taste you.”

  The pulse at the base of his neck jumps. Reid gathers my hair in a ponytail, and with one hand, he pulls down, making my head tip back. Pleasure-filled pain dances across my skin.

  “Open your mouth for me, darlin’.”

  Don’t mind if I do.

  When I kiss the tip of his cock, he shudders. When I run my tongue along the length of his shaft, he groans. When I take him so deep in my mouth the crown hits the back of my throat, he swears like a drunken sailor.

  “Goddamn Jesus motherfucking Christ.”


  In all honesty, I don’t know how much time passes. I don’t care. It’s so easy to lose myself in Reid because his pleasure becomes mine. His every thrust, every grunt, every breath is beautiful. Knowing I’m the source of his ecstasy is the most insane high I’ve ever experienced.

  While massaging his balls in one hand, I pump the length of him with my other. My tongue twirls and flicks the head. He’s silken, salty, delicious.

  His thrusts become quicker, his moans louder. “Fuck, Shiloh. I’m gonna—”

  I moan, refusing to break eye contact. The vibrations in my throat tip him over the edge and jets of hot cum shoot into my mouth. I swallow it all.

  Licking my lips, I stare up at him. His head is thrown back, Adam’s apple bobbing while he gulps down mouthfuls of air. Reid’s chest glimmers with a faint sheen of perspiration, and his hands remain entangled in my hair. He’s never looked more perfect.

  Once recovered, Reid helps me to my feet. His strong arms wrap around my small frame, holding me close. My ear is pressed against his chest, and I find myself counting the rhythmic beats.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  He nuzzles my neck. “Yeah. You?”

  I press my lips to his skin. “Yeah.”

  “That was…” Shaking his head, he lets out a long breath. The unspoken words hang between us, twinkling fairy lights illuminating the dark.

  There’s a softness in Reid’s expression when he brushes hair from my face. I lean into his touch, relishing the contact.

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  “For what?”

  “For reminding me what’s real.”

  Gentle lips brand my skin.

  “How’s song writing going?”

  I nod. “Good. Great. It’s going really, ah, great.”

  Willow blinks, throws her head back, and laughs. “You haven’t written anything, have you?”

  “Not a word.”

  She wipes away tears. “Yeah, the bobblehead impersonation kinda gave it away.”

  Slumping against the wall, I groan.

  My friend indicates the closed door of rehearsal room five. The very door Tobias has yet to walk through today. “So what’s going on? Why are you standing in the hallway and not jamming with the boys inside?”

  Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I sigh. “We’re waiting on Tobias. He’s…” Glancing around the barren space, I search for the right words, only nothing comes to mind. I sigh again. “There’s a lot going on at the moment. It isn’t exactly conducive to song writing.”

  “How so?”

  I raise an eyebrow. “You really want to know?”

  “Of course.” Willow settles against the opposing wall, propping one foot behind her. “I don’t have to meet the boys for another twenty minutes.”

  Nibbling my bottom lip, I pause. Then, because I trust her implicitly, I offload in a rush. “The finals are this week, Tobias threatened to leave the band because Reid and I are seeing each other, and—”

  Willow holds up both hands. “Whoa. Back up.” She shakes her head, her words slow and deliberate. “You and Reid are seeing each other?”

  I shrug. “Kinda.”

  “Reid Tate?”


  “The drummer? As in, the drummer from my band?”

  Rolling my eyes, I exhale. “For fuck’s sake. Yes, Reid Tate the drummer from your band. Is there another one I don’t know about?”

  “Wow. This is huge. Bigger than huge. It’s, like, gigantic.” She visibly shakes herself. “No wonder he hasn’t been grinding his teeth lately. And he almost smiled last week.”

  I snort.

  “I’m serious.” Her expression is earnest. “He was staring at his bass drum when the corner of his mouth twitched. He looked, I dunno, happy. It was weird.”

  “Almost as weird as your reaction right now?”

  Willow smiles, waving me away. “You know what I mean.” Then, sobering, she asks, “But what does Tobias have against the two of you seeing each other? Don’t tell me he finally admitted his feelings and is hurt because you’ve chosen Reid over him?”

  My voice comes out two octaves higher than usual. “Was I the only person who didn’t know he liked me?”

  “Pretty much.” She laughs. “Drake wanted to bet on how long it would take for Tobias to man up and tell you, but Reid told him if he did, he’d wake up with his own dick in his mouth.” A cheeky smile escapes. “And now I know why.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “So are you and Reid together together?”


  “You know, is your relationship serious?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know how to describe it. We just… are.”

  She stares into the distance and sighs.



  “Girl, are you okay? You look weird.”

  “It’s so romantic.” Her voice is wistful.

  “Um, pretty sure Reid and I are the least romantic people in existence.”

  But she continues on regardless. “Childhood sweethearts separated by fate only to find their way back together again.”

  “Oh God.”

  “It has the makings of a movie.”

  “I’m gonna go now.”

  I’m about to open the studio door when she calls, “Wait.” Her eyes are suddenly clear. “Why would Tobias threaten to quit the band if you’re seeing Reid?”

  It takes me a moment to reply. “He and Jasper want me to stay away from Reid until after the competition is over.”

  She stares at me. Blinks. Then blinks again. “Why?”


  Her gaze narrows. “Shiloh?”

  “Okay, okay.” I nibble my bottom lip. “They think Reid might want to sabotage our chances of winning Rising Star.” Holding up placating hands, I say in a rush, “Which is ridiculous because he’d never do anything like that.”


  “You’re joking.”

  “Sadly, no.”

  The tips of Willow’s ears turn pink, a sure sign she’s pissed. “They honestly think Reid is capable of sabotage?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “But—” She splutters. “But that’s fucked. He’d never do anything like that.”

  “I know.”

  Her Mary Janes echo on the concrete. “They’ve known each other since they were kids! How could Tobias and Jasper possibly—wait. What about me? If the boys don’t want you hanging out with Reid, then they wouldn’t want you talking t
o me either.”

  My smile is soft. “Wil, relax. I’m not going to stop seeing Reid, and I definitely won’t stop hanging out with you either. Tobias is hurting at the moment. He’s lashing out, that’s all. He’ll come around.”

  She humphs. “What’s your brother’s excuse then?”

  “Syphilis-induced insanity?”

  She growls, somehow making it sound cute as hell.

  I move to where she stands glowering at the white wall. “Look, do I care about my bandmates’ opinions? Of course. Do I want to win this competition? Absolutely. Am I willing to sacrifice those I care about to do it?” I shake my head. “Hell no.” Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her in close. “I’d never do that to you.”

  “What if my band wins?”

  “Never gonna happen.”

  We chuckle before falling quiet. Eventually, her voice breaks the silence. “So what are you going to do?”

  My sigh is long and low. “I have no freaking idea.”

  “Well, you might want to think of something fast because Tobias is heading this way.”

  I let go of her. “He is?”

  Heavy footsteps reverberate through the hallway. Tobias’s head is down, his hands are deep in his pockets, and an air of despondency surrounds him. It breaks my heart.

  When he’s close enough, I clear my throat. “Hey.”

  Soulful green eyes flick to me then Willow. “Hi.”

  Beside me, Willow straightens. “I’d best be off.” She flashes me a warm smile. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye, Wil.”

  Tobias and I remain silent long after she’s gone. He shifts from one foot to the other, refusing to meet my gaze. “What did she want?”

  “To learn all our band secrets so she can use them against us. Come on.” I grab his hand, leading him toward the cafeteria. “You look like you haven’t eaten in days. You’ll be useless at band practice without some carbs.”

  A burger and fries later, he’s still quiet.

  After swallowing the last of my lunch, I push the plate away. “What’s going on? You didn’t give me shit for talking to the enemy, so it must be bad.”

  “I don’t like you hanging with her this close to the finals. I don’t like you hanging with any of them.”


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