Paging Dr Scott

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by Rosina Scott

  Nervous, he unfolded the papers, scanning the first sheet as he let out the breath he'd been holding. He was completely clear of all the STIs that he'd been tested for.

  Biting his lower lip, Darcy moved onto the second page and let out a sigh of relief. It was only a formal letter to tell him that for ethical reasons Sheridan was no longer his personal physician and his care had been passed over to a Doctor Alison Myles. Darcy wasn't sure what he thought of having a female doctor, but at the same time it really couldn't be any more embarrassing than getting a prostate exam by the man who had felt him up and chatted with him in a bar on the night before his exam.

  * * * *

  Darcy stood nervously on Mike's doorstep, waiting for his friend to let him in. His arms were wrapped tightly around his chest as he shivered on the steps. He had a bag of takeout clutched in his right hand.

  “Hey, Darc, sorry to keep you waiting. Mike'll be with us in a minute.” Nick greeted him wearing just a towel slung low on his slender hips.

  “It's okay; I've not been here too long,” Darcy said while he tried to hide his blush and look anywhere but at the toned body before him. Water was still clinging to Nick's abs.

  “Come on in. You'll catch your death out here and we don't want that,” Nick said as he moved to one side and allowed Darcy to enter the flat.

  Darcy brushed up against Nick's trim body as he entered. “God, I'm sorry,” Darcy apologised. “I didn't mean to,” he said and his cheeks flushed more when he felt the hard planes Nick's body against his hand.

  “Hey, it's okay, Darc. I know you're attracted to me and Mike won't mind,” Nick said with a grin as Darcy slipped into the flat and along the hall into the kitchen, so he could set the bag of takeaway down on the counter.

  “Hey, Darcy, how are you doing?” Mike said as he entered the kitchen through the lounge, rubbing a towel over his wet hair as he moved. “Hon, go put some clothes on. You're making Darcy uncomfortable,” Mike told Nick.

  Darcy really was trying not to look at the practically naked man and failing to do so.

  “Sorry, but is it my fault that I'm irresistible?” Nick said as he came up to Mike, wrapped his arms around him, and gave him a peck on the lips before slipping out of the kitchen.

  “I'm sorry about him. He means well, really. So, Darcy, what did you bring? It smells fantastic,” Mike said indicating the bag containing food that sat on the counter in front of him.

  “Um, sweet-and-sour king prawns, beef chow mein, chicken and mushrooms, special fried rice, and prawn crackers with an assortment of hors d'oeuvres.” Darcy looked up and gave his friend a soft smile. “It's all right. It's just been so long since, you know, and well, he's right. He is an attractive man.” Darcy shrugged and moved to open the bag to take the containers out to set them on the table.

  “You'll find the right person soon, I'm sure of it. You're an attractive man yourself,” Mike said as he got the plates and cutlery out of the cupboard.

  “Actually, there was a guy at the club the other night. He was pretty hot and I've not had that much of a reaction to another guy since Grant.”

  “Tell me you got his number, Darc,” Nick said as he came in and leant against the counter. He grinned and watched Darcy closely.

  “I did and it gets better. He's a doctor.”

  “Aww, have you called him yet?” Mike asked as he started spooning the food onto the assorted plates.

  “Not yet. I really wanted to wait for the results from my physical first.”

  “Darcy, we all know you're clean. You shouldn't let someone this good slip through your fingers,” Nick said seriously. “Besides, who doesn't want a hot doctor looking after them?”

  “It's not that easy, Nick. Sheridan, well, he's… Oh, fuck, guys, he was my doctor and did my physical.” Darcy flushed hotly as he remembered the way Sheridan's hands had felt as they moved over his body.

  “Oh, Darc, tell me you didn't come when he stuck his finger up your arse?” Nick said before getting a swift slap from Mike. “Ouch.”

  “Ignore him; he can't help being a prick sometimes,” Mike said, giving his lover a stern look.

  “Hey, Darc, I'm sorry.”

  “It's all right. And in answer to your question, no, I didn't. Might as well have, though. God, I was hard from the moment I saw him 'til the moment I left.”

  “Did he say anything?” Mike looked hopeful.

  “He flirted and as good as told me I had a beautiful cock and he wanted to sleep with me.”

  “That's good though, right? You do really like him.”

  “I like him a lot, but I really don't know if I'm ready.”

  “Listen to me. You don't have to do anything you don't want to or feel ready to do but, believe me, if you let him slip away just because you're scared you're not ready then you'll miss out. Sheridan sounds like he's really into you and it's obvious that you like him,” Mike said and touched Darcy's arm to make him look up.

  “He doesn't just want me to be another notch on his bedpost, does he?” Darcy asked before glancing away to look at Nick, knowing that he would give him an honest answer with no sugar-coating.

  “I don't think that's the case. Besides, if he only wanted you because you're inexperienced, he'd have called you before now. He has access to all of your details and he hasn't used his position as your personal physician to take advantage. He's clearly willing to wait until you are ready.”

  “You're not just saying that because you think I need to get laid, are you?”

  “If that was the case, we'd be more persuasive in our invitations,” Nick said seriously, reaching out and squeezing his shoulder gently. “Believe me, there's a thousand guys out there that would have tried it on with you more, but he sounds like he really respects you.”

  “Come on. Why don't we go sit down and eat before this gets cold and you can tell us all about Sheridan?” Mike said as he finished plating up the Chinese food.

  “Okay.” Darcy smiled softly as he realised for the first time in a very long time that his life might just be getting better.

  “Go on through to the den and pull up a cushion. The fire's on and we'll be through in a minute with some wine.” Mike handed him a plate.

  Darcy took it and disappeared into the other room, smiling as he set his plate down on the large coffee table in front of the fire. He loved it in here. He always felt safe and welcome. The warm tones of décor and the plush cushions and sumptuous sofas put him at ease. He sat down and relaxed against the sofa, watching the flames in the fire; even though it wasn't a real log fire, the effect was calming all the same.

  Darcy picked at his food while he waited for the others to join him; he heard their muted voices through the open doorway, although from in here he couldn't hear what they were saying. He knew deep down that they only had his best interests at heart and he wouldn't be here asking their opinions if he didn't value their advice.

  “So, Darc, tell us more about your hot doctor.” Nick came in and sat beside him, setting his plate and Mike's down on the coffee table.

  Mike followed with a bottle of red wine and three glasses.

  “Give the guy a chance to eat before you interrogate him,” Mike playfully told his lover, giving Darcy a wink as he sat down beside Nick. “I hope red's okay. That's all we've got in at the moment, unless, of course, you want a beer or something non-alcoholic?”

  “Red is fine. You know me. I'm easy.”

  “I wouldn't advertise that fact, not unless you want your doctor to get the wrong impression,” Nick said, nudging him gently.

  “Stop it, will you?” Mike said as he handed Darcy a glass of wine.

  “Sorry, Darc. So on a scale of one to ten, ten being the hottest guy you've ever seen and one being the ugliest, where does your doc rate?” Nick was clearly unwilling to give up his attempts of getting more information.

  Darcy blushed and looked down at his lap. When he was ready to look up, a grin spread across his face. “He's definitely a ten, Nic
k. He's so much better than Grant was, but he's so out of my league.” He knew he was blushing but he really didn't care right now because he was so happy.

  “You shouldn't put yourself down. You're an attractive guy. Plus, you'd be a catch for any man. How did you meet him?” Mike asked.

  “I was at Xplicit and he walked up to me while I was at the bar. He bought me drinks and, well, he felt me up and then he got called away by work but he kissed me before he left.” He flushed as he remembered the way he had felt as Sheridan touched him in the bar. He'd been able to think of little else since, and his thoughts had become more and more vivid since the medical.

  “Did he slip you some tongue?” Nick questioned with a smile.

  “No, he was the perfect gentleman. Besides the inappropriate groping, but I welcomed that at the time. I think had he not got called away I might have let him take me home.” Darcy voiced his thoughts for the first time since that night in Xplicit. He had felt so comfortable with Sheridan that he would have given the older man anything he'd asked for that night, with no questions asked. Sheridan had made him feel things that even Grant hadn't.

  “You've got to call him. You know that, right?”

  Mike asked him.

  “I know. I'm just scared of getting hurt again.”

  Darcy took another drink of the wine.

  “If he hurts you, I will personally kick his arse,” Nick said seriously.

  “Easy, baby. I know how you feel and second the sentiment, but there's no need to get pent up right now,” Mike said as he reached out and squeezed Nick's thigh in a reassuring manner.

  “Thanks. I do appreciate it,” Darcy told them as he watched his friends comforting one another. He hoped that one day he would have the kind of relationship that they had. Mike had had his share of difficulties in his past, what with his estranged relationship with his ex-wife, but they stayed in touch for the sake of their children. But when Mike met Nick, he had found his other half and he was a better man for meeting him.

  “When you leave here tonight, call him and arrange a date with him. It's obvious that you're totally into him. Don't you think you've had enough years letting Grant haunt you and control your life?” Mike told him.

  Darcy nodded as he realised just how true it was that he had allowed his former love to control him in a roundabout way. He wanted to be happy and he just had to hope that Dr Sheridan Scott was the man to give him the happiness he so desired.

  “So why not give yourself a chance and go and get your man,” Nick said with a smile and put his hand gently over Darcy's where it rested on the cushion as he gazed down at his lap. “You deserve to be happy.”

  Darcy looked up and smiled softly. He knew his friends were right. He had to do this. Otherwise, he would never know and he wasn't getting any younger.

  Chapter Four

  Darcy's head was pounding as he woke up. He really shouldn't have drunk so much last night, but he'd been having fun for the first time in a long time and it wasn't often that he had something to share with Mike and Nick. He rolled over, looked at the clock on the bedside table, and groaned. It was gone eleven am. He knew he should get out of bed and shower but he really couldn't face getting up just yet.

  Just as he was about to close his eyes again, he heard his phone ring. He sighed. It could only be work at this time of the day, that or a wrong number. Reaching out he grasped it from the nightstand and accepted the call.

  “Hello.” He grimaced as he realised how rough he sounded.

  “Good morning, beautiful. Sounds like you had a rough night.”

  Darcy's stomach flipped as the rich yet silky tones of Sheridan's voice filled his ear. Biting his lower lip shyly he moved on the bed to get more comfortable. “I had a bit too much to drink. Not that I have an alcohol problem or anything,” he said quickly, berating himself inwardly at his uncontrolled rambling. When he heard the warm laughter filling his ear, he knew he was making a fool of himself.

  “Hey, it's okay. You don't have to justify your drinking habits with me. So did you have a good time?”

  “I had fun, yeah; it was good to catch up with some friends.”

  “I was surprised to get your call last night. I was beginning to think that you'd had a better offer.”

  “I just wanted to wait for my results,” Darcy said shyly. Even though Sheridan was nowhere near him, the effect was the same. “I didn't want to start something until I knew for sure.”

  “I appreciate your consideration for my health. So you said something about wanting to go out for a drink or something?”

  “I did. That is if you still want to go out with me,” Darcy told him as he shifted once more on the bed. The sheets rustled when he moved.

  “I would love to get to know you better. Now I'm guessing you're not working today, so would I be too presumptuous in asking you out for dinner tonight?”

  Darcy couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face at the question. His heart beat that little bit faster with the anticipation of seeing Sheridan again and he hoped that he was going to be the one to help him finally move on with his life. “It's my day off and I'd like that a lot.”

  “Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go?”

  “I really don't mind. Why don't you surprise me?”

  “All right, I have the perfect place in mind. I'd like to pick you up and take you somewhere special.”

  “Is there a dress code?” Darcy asked as he really didn't want to show Sheridan up or make a fool out of himself.

  “Smart casual, whatever you're comfortable in.”

  “Okay, so what time do you want me to be ready for?”

  “I'll pick you up at six. I look forward to seeing you again, Darcy.”

  “Me too. Don't you need my address so you can come and pick me up?” Darcy asked as he felt his nerves getting the better of him now that he knew that he was going to see Sheridan again.

  “I already have it. You told me last night on the message you left.”

  Oh, God, what else did I say? Darcy felt his cheeks redden. He really couldn't remember the phone call from the night before. “I did?”

  “Yeah, it was right after you told me that you had been thinking about me all night and you wanted me to come over and give you a full body exam as you had a throbbing between your thighs.” Sheridan's voice had taken on a husky tone that went straight to Darcy's cock, making him instantly hard, as vague recollections of the conversation came back to him.

  “Oh, God, I'm sorry about that. I honestly don't remember the call.”

  “You don't have to be sorry, gorgeous. I enjoyed it and I was hoping that you'd still like me to come check you over.” Sheridan chuckled.

  “Take me to dinner first and we'll see what happens from there.” Darcy blushed hotly as his mind began to wander to the way Sheridan's hands had felt on his body during his physical. He really wanted to feel them again but he didn't want to rush headlong into this. He knew what his body wanted and he just had to make certain his heart wanted it also.

  “All right, I will see you at six. Enjoy your lie-in and the rest of your day.”

  “Thank you. I will see you then,” Darcy said and the line went dead. He dropped his mobile onto the bed and sank down into the sheets, smiling brightly as he couldn't contain his excitement. In less than seven hours, he would be seeing the handsome doctor again and there was the hint of more than just dinner hanging between them if he wanted it.

  * * * *

  Darcy couldn't believe how quickly the hours had passed since Sheridan's call. He'd just stepped out of the shower and was on his way to the bedroom to dress when he heard the intercom. As he walked across to the door, he felt his stomach flip as his nerves settled in once more.

  “Hey, gorgeous, can I come up?” Sheridan's silky voice filled his ears.

  “Please do. I'm not quite ready and you're early.” He buzzed Sheridan in then continued to dry his hair, as he knew he didn't have time to go through into the bedroo
m to put on his pants before the other man arrived. Plus, it wasn't like Sheridan hadn't seen him naked before, albeit in different circumstances.

  His hair hung in wet tendrils around his face when he opened the door. He smiled and he bit his lower lip nervously as Sheridan gave him an appreciative once-over.

  “I should arrive early more often if this is the sight that I can look forward to.”

  “If you play your cards right, you'll be seeing a lot more of me,” Darcy said as he stepped to one side to allow Sheridan into his flat. Closing the door behind him, Darcy bit his lower lip as he counted to ten mentally before turning around and smiling as he took in the hungry look on the Sheridan's face.

  “I'd like to see a lot more of you. Fresh from the shower is a good look on you,” Sheridan said seriously as he stepped forward and reached out to brush some of the wet strands of hair away from Darcy's cheek, fingers gliding against the cheekbone and back to tease his ear.

  Darcy let out a whimper as the fingers teased his earlobe. His eyes lowered as he responded to Sheridan. “I should get dressed.”

  “There's no rush. Let me look at you a while longer.”

  “You'll make me self-conscious.” Darcy was blushing as the doctor's eyes roamed the planes of his stomach and slid along the trail of hair that led below the towel at his waist.

  “You shouldn't be. You're a gorgeous man,” Sheridan whispered. He slid his arms around Darcy's waist, pulling him closer so he could kiss the side of Darcy's neck.

  His hands moved down to settle on Darcy's buttocks, giving them a gentle squeeze through the soft white towel that hung low on his hips.

  Darcy let out a soft sigh and rocked his hips up against Sheridan's body as he tried to gain more contact. He became more aroused by the moment. He knew that if they didn't stop this before long, then he wasn't going to get out of here before he embarrassed himself.

  “You're so beautiful. Will you let me look at you?”

  Sheridan asked as he moved his hand around to the front of Darcy's towel, where he had it secured.


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