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Floaters Page 4

by Bernette Forde

  “Are you being serious right now? We grew up using that word for junk or crap or gooey or whatever yucky shit was present!”

  “True. But nowadays, it has come to light that American soldiers had used that term to describe the enemy during that war. Some Koreans may take it as a joke while others might take it as a serious slur. Just be careful using that word is all I am saying.”

  “Wonder why I didn't know this before. I often use that word.”

  “Well, you have been so buried in your work, you didn't know what was gong on in the real world.”

  “Your right, I wouldn't want myself to be bitch slapped for saying something that was taken out of context,” Pamela said laughing. “Do you have a colander or sifter or something? I am going to take this thing back to the lab.”

  “Okay. I am all for checking this out, but I must tell you, there is a video online about shiny objects being found in different locations nationwide possibly worldwide. Two little boys found one and posted it online and it went viral. They are calling it 'FLOATERS'. People are talking about this all over Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Even the new President had found one in Camp David. She has it on display on the old desk Jackie O had found in the attic and installed it in the Oval Office, so remember this one is mine!”

  “I think I heard about that, but to be honest, I didn't take much stock in it. Besides, I don't do social media at all because there is not enough time in my day for that. However, to see this up close, I have changed my mind. I will definitely get back to you with my results. In the meantime, if another one shows up, whatever you do, don't touch it or let the kids near it until you hear from me. Agreed?”


  “You have to promise Selena.”

  “I can promise you that much. I will break the kid's fingers if they touch it before we hear from you.”

  “Ok then, fine. I will call you later tonight and if not, first thing in the morning. Tell Mason what's happened and please, no one in the family can stray far from the house until I call!”

  “Will do. Talk to you later then.”

  Pamela has to come up with a hypothesis of the object. Later, she will check the library and investigate journals. She will also have to talk to other biologists to find out what is already known. She will have to go into the sewers and check the pipes that lead to Mason and Selena's house. There has to be a reason for why this has happened.

  She decided to go down to the stream near Selena's house first and check that out. After all, she was already in the vicinity. Grabbing a few sample bottles from her car, she walked to the stream.

  Once she was knee deep in the water, she reached her hand deep down and scoops up a sample of the water.

  About half an hour later she was at the beach, taking samples from there as well. She even drove out twenty miles to get samples from a lake she knew.

  She has taken samples of macro-invertebrates, fish, algae and other plant material and of course the water itself from the stream, lake, and beach. She also took samples from a reservoir that she knew was connected to the sea. This reservoir uses ocean water to purify it for human consumption.

  All her samples are marked with their location and name on the vials. Collecting these samples are an important part of her work. This can be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming. Each sample is put under a microscope and its pic takes thousands of times its magnification and catalogue.

  Pamela worked until late that evening. She had put the Floater from Selena's toilet in a deep bowl and placed it in the sink. Moving her largest magnifier over to the sink, she adjusted the viewer until it focused on the Floater. She had the best in all the latest high-tech scientific equipment and computers.

  If this was of organic matter, she will know within a short time. She was looking for anything on the Floater that suggested what it was made of. It appeared to contain carbon compounds. This would suggest to her it was formed by some kind of living organisms.

  She has also discovered that it was plasma. It had properties, suggesting strong electromagnetic fields. Seems to have been created by some kind of radiation. It was difficult to study it the way she really wanted to due to its size. If only she could chip off a small piece and put it directly under a lighted microscope and magnify it a thousand times.

  Picking up an ice pick, she poked at the rounded corner of the Floater to check its flexibility. The point of the pick just went right into the surface. When she pulled it out, it just popped right back into place. She then tried a scalpel to cut a piece off, but the same thing happened. There didn't seem to be any way to get into it.

  Then she remembered she had a knife made of Damascus steel. It was known as the sharpest knife on earth. If this knife cannot cut into it, then nothing else will.

  She decided to give the Floater a quick touch before she attempted to cut it. Taking off her glove, she gently and carefully put the tip of her index finger on it. She felt a small amount of electricity flow through the tip. If she didn't look for it, then she might not have even noticed the feeling. One might think it was a fly or ant try to brush it off. Quickly pulling her finger away, she looked at it and seen a small red bruise on the tip of her finger. Putting her finger under the microscope, she could see small dust particles surrounding the bruised area. Taking her scalpel, she scraped it off onto a magnifying slide.

  She gasps when looking at the slide one thousand times its magnification. 'Oh My God', she says out loud once she had seen the twinkling on the slide.

  Quickly taking her Damascus knife, she returned to the Floater. She no longer was interested in a small chip, but instead cut straight down the middle. The Floater separated, and a stream of light rose up from the inside. Startled, she jumped away from it and watched as it magically formed itself back into one whole piece again.

  'What in the hell is going on? This could not be possible.' Was she going crazy? No, she wasn't crazy and she had to call Selena right away. This was all that was going on in her head at the moment.

  She called Selena right away.

  “Selena! Thank God I got you. Is Mason there right now?”

  “No, but I expect him any moment.”

  “Good. Ok, about that Floater. It could be very dangerous. Here's exactly what I want you to do. Do not under any circumstances, use any water in the house. No baths, no showers, no ice, no drinking water nothing. Pack some clothes for your whole family. When Mason gets home, tell him for me that we have to use The Smart Project.”

  “What's going on Pam, and what about my Floater?” asks Selena.

  “Listen, Selena, I will have the Floater with me when we meet. Where are the children?”

  “Well, Tessa is in her room, Rusty is in the basement on his computer and Adele is on a date.”

  “A date! Selena, we agreed the kids are not leaving the house until you hear from me!”

  “Well, you try and stop a nineteen-year-old from seeing a boy. It wasn't easy.”

  “Alright, alright. You have to pack. We are all going on a trip. I will explain everything when I see you, but it's imperative you tell Mason exactly what I said.”

  “I will.”

  “Please Selena, your lives depends upon it. Repeat to me what you are going to do.”

  Hearing the urgency in her sister-in-law's voice, Selena told her what she has to do. “ I have to pack a few things for everyone. Get Adele from her date and tell Mason to use the Smart Project.”

  “Exactly! And I will see you in a few hours.”

  “Are you coming here?”

  “No. You are all going on a trip and I will meet you there. Mason will explain once he gets home, as I don't have time right now.”

  “Okay, but you're scaring me Pamela.”

  “If you don't hurry, then you have a right to be afraid.” was the last words Pam said before she hung up.

  When Mason walked in the door, He noticed about ten suitcases waiting at the door.

  “What's going o
n?” he asked, thinking there was a surprise holiday for the family.

  Selena rushed up to him and filled him with everything Pamela said.

  “What? She said The Smart Project?” he asked incredulously.

  “Yes. That's exactly what she said and I am to pack right away.”

  “And I see you have packed?”

  “Yes. What does all this mean Mason?”

  “It means we have to get the hell out of Dodge. Where are the kids?”

  “Rusty and Tessa are ready. We just have to pick up Adele from her date.”

  “Ok, that might be a hard one. Passports?”

  “Are we going on a plane too?”

  “Yes, and a boat. I will tell you everything in the car. Let us go!”

  “But you haven't even eaten yet.”

  “No time for that. We must go and we must go now. What about your parents?”

  “I didn't call them. Selena didn't mention my parents.”

  “Call them now while I pack the car.”

  “What if they don't want to come?”

  “Scare them, if you have to. We cannot leave them behind. Just trust me, Selena.”

  “I do. Pamela already scared me.” She walked off trying to think of some way to make her parents pack.”

  She decided to just tell her parents the truth. It was up to them to believe her, but she will do everything in her power to convince them to go on this trip. She trusted Pamela and Mason in what ever the problem was. She absolutely believed the family was in danger if she didn't take heed. It wasn't easy to convince her parents of her belief, but she did in the end.

  “Mom, we will come by your house, just be sure you're ready. We have to stop and pick up Adele, who is on a date.”

  “We will be ready. Don't worry.”

  Selena got everyone in the car and they were ready to go.

  “Tell me, where did Adele say she was going?”

  “Some boy was taking her to that new place down town for something to eat. Where there is food, you can be sure Adele is there.”

  They found her in about thirty minutes. She wasn't shy in letting them know she didn't appreciate them interring with her date.

  “Dad! This is embarrassing, I am on a date!”

  “I know, honey, but this is important. We have to leave now.”

  “No! I don't want to go!”

  “Adele, don't talk to your father like that. We wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't important.”

  “Important to whom? Surely not me!”

  Rusty interjected, “Hey Adele, tell Tarzan over there to go back to his tree-house. You have to go with your mommy!”

  “Shut the hell up Rusty. You're just jealous no girls like you!”

  “Stop arguing you two! We really have to go! Now Adele, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't life threatening.”

  Then she saw her grandmother getting out the car behind her dad's. “Adele sweetheart. It's important we all go and stick together. Please get in the car.”

  There was no arguing with her Grandmother. This was a strong woman and if she was going with them, then it must be really important. Adele didn't say another word to her family. She told her boyfriend goodbye and got in the car.

  Ten minutes later, they were on their way to the airport. Adele was in the car with her grandparents. Selena knew this was best otherwise Rusty and her would bicker all the way to the airport.

  Chapter 4

  County Cork, Ireland

  Catherine Horan

  It was in the middle of March when Catherine decided to go to the lake. She was sitting on her blanket, as she always did if she needed to clear her head. Not much stresses her, but when she feels stressed, it was going to the lake as her way of relieving it.

  Most her friends regard her as kind and quiet, with a beautiful heart. She had an inner beauty that lit up her eyes when she smiled. One just could not help but to smile along with her. To be in her company allowed one to feel that they too was someone special. Perhaps this was because she was so simplistic in everything she did. No fuss, no stress. She just wanted to help everyone to relax and be happy with what they do. It was as if God had planted a kindness seed just for her. Yet, she was the type of person who wanted to replant that seed and spread it around to others. Her method for acquiring her kind, quiet temperament was relaxation. She chooses to do this by visiting the lake, even in the coldest of weather.

  There has been always a place for her to spread her blanket as the grass was always luscious and green. Ireland is generally recognized for its forty shades of green. This was due to its rain showers. Not that it rains a lot in Ireland, but when it does, it is torrential. The water soaks deep into the earth, producing the best landscape in the world. It's known there is more bogland in Ireland than any other country in the EU. But her favourite lake was The Blackwater Lake in County Cork. Once a busy lake, due to its salmon fishing, is now one of the quietest. The Irish Government banned fishing off the coast, so few people visited Blackwater. This made it a perfect place for her to clear her head and relax. The weather was cool even though the sun tried its hardest to peek through.

  She watched her skin glisten as the rays tried to penetrate. It is so quiet and peaceful here, she thinks to herself. There was not a sound coming from any direction in the area. No birds chirping as they flew by, not even the leaves were rustling in the breeze. Absolute quietness. She had expected some people to be there, but there wasn't another soul around.

  Grumbling to herself, she realized she was the only person dumb enough to be out on this cold day in March. Her eyes dropped to the water, she noticed it was clear and clean enough to drink. The lake was like glass just waiting for someone to break it. She collected a few rocks and threw them into the lake. A glittering shine formed as the stones skipped across the still water creating ripples. She noticed another ripple across the still glass water that she did not create. She sat up on her blanket to study it more. Two or three bubbles popped up from beneath the water. Then another and another.

  She looked around her surroundings, and there was no one else there but her. Then she realized, it was coming from below. Something was disturbing the mirrored glass lake view from below. Then there it was, an intriguing object, just below the surface. Once it completely surfaced and started to bubble, she could see it was a shiny box.

  'What the hell is that?' she asks aloud, not expecting an answer from anyone. Getting up off her blanket, she walked over to the edge of the lake to get a closer look. Puzzled about what it was, she grabbed a long stick, poking at it. Encouraging it to bobble her way, but it seemed the more she poked at it, the further it went outwards.

  'Maybe it is one of those Floaters she heard about?' She wonders.

  She had seen a post about something like this on Facebook. People all over the world was finding shiny boxes floating in the water and became a collector's item. Everybody was talking about it. Wow, This was her lucky day, she thinks.

  Determine to get this box, she took off her shoes and rolled up her pant legs. Wading into the cold water, stretching her arms out, she grabbed the box. Wrapping her fingers around the surface, she brought it closer.

  It was smooth to the touch and she could feel a slight tremor coming from within. Ignoring the movement, she felt inside her fist, she clambered back out of the water.

  Laying back on the blanket, she opened her hand to reveal her find, dropping it on the blanket. Studying it, she could see it had no corners, no points. Almost a circle, but still a square box. “Now that's an unusual shape,” she says out loud. Hearing voices approaching, she knew someone was coming in her direction.

  'I better get this thing home before someone else sees it.' She tells herself. Picking up all her belongings, including the Floater, she noticed the shape had changed. It had gotten bigger for her fingers can no longer wrap around it.

  “It's grown a wee bit!” she realizes as she dropped it into her bag. 'How weird is that?' Catherine arrives home just
in time for tea her sister was making.

  “Have you been up at the lake again?” Bree asked her.

  “Yes, and you won't believe what I found.”

  “Your right, I won't believe what you found in there, as it is not much up there to find. Just a bunch of old chats trying to fish.”

  “Nope Bree, no fishermen there. It was quiet at the lake and not a soul around. Have you heard about the Floaters everyone is talking about?”

  “Yes, seems everyone is acquiring one. Treating them like diamonds.”

  “Well, I found one!” Catherine squeals with excitement.

  “Honest!” Bree turns to look at her with an astonished look on her face.

  “Do you know those things are selling all over the world. It's become some kind of commodity or something. People will pay big for an item like that. It's only been a few days since this video first showed up on YouTube.”

  “I have seen the video. Those two little boys finding one was the first. Bet their mothers are proud of them.”

  “OK Catherine, pull it out and let me see it,” she tells her sister wringing her hands with eager.

  “This would be the first time I have seen what everyone is talking about.”

  Catherine opens her bag and rolls the Floater onto the counter. It made a slushing sound as it landed on the surface. It had grown in size since leaving the lake and was a bit mushier. Both girls skin turned as white as rice as they looked down at it. Both mouths froze wide open with a stunned look of surprise. They realized it was the ugliest thing, they had ever seen.

  “Wow Catherine, this isn't what it looked like on the YouTube videos. You sure this is a Floater?” asks Bree.

  “That thing didn't look like that when I first found it. It was hard and had a brilliant shine with a tint of mauve colour. Now, it seems to have grown in size even though it's almost mush. Wonder what happened to it?” Catherine said, looking at it with confusion. Putting on her glasses, she studied it closer.

  There were sudden movements within the mush. This caused the girls to jump back, gasping.


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