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Floaters Page 8

by Bernette Forde

  “Hey man dis ting nuh coming off. Let mi get sup'm...” he stopped in mid sentence as he realized he could not pull his hand away from it.

  Looking up at Baron he told him, “Dawg mi hands stuck!”

  Panic overwhelmed both men as they struggled to get unattached from the Floater. Latrell tried to stand from his bend position but that would only raise Baron's leg. He dropped to his knees as Latrell sat on the boats seat plank.

  The two of them realized the predicament they were in, panicked and struggled with each other to get the darn thing off. The more they struggled, the more they got enveloped in. Baron could see it was slowly creeping up his leg while Latrell's arms was covered and raising to his shoulders..

  “Help! Sum'ady help us!” Latrell started to scream out for help in hopes someone would come to their aid. But he knew not a soul was in close proximity. They felt like mice caught on a glue trap.

  “Mi nuh wa fi dead, Latrell!” Baron cried out with tears forming around his eyes.

  “Ok, lets stop struggling an si eff wi can just slide it off.”

  They both relaxed but they learned that only made the Floater envelope them quicker. Latrell felt a sharp pain run through his chest and up his arms and neck.

  He squealed out in pain, “Bloodcleet mun, wah a guh on?” He was still in a bend over position and he couldn't stand up straight as much as he tried. His arms are now infused with Baron's legs. He could see the Floater working and moving as it slimed its way over the two of them. He looked up at his friend and seen he was in some kind of shock as the Floater has reached his stomach. It was nothing he could do but wait for the inevitable as he now knew they were doomed.

  “Listen man, mi very sorry mi get wi inna dis mess. Mi kno its too late to sey sorry, suh mi nah. Mi just wa to tank yuh fi being a great bredren to mi. May God bless you!”

  Baron looked down at his friend and could see the sorrow in his eyes.

  “I will see you on the other side. Goodbye Latrell.” was all Baron could say. He was in so much pain and he too knew they were both about to die.

  They could feel the bones crushing and the blood and life draining from them. They lived together as close friends and would die even closer as friends. They where rooted on the boat in one lump as the Floater fused them together. They both knew they were about to die. With the crushing in their chest, they could not scream out any more nor say their goodbyes to each other.

  Latrell knew he was dying and his last thoughts was of his wife and kids. 'Please God, tek care of mi fambly an forgive mi all mi sins.'

  The last thing Baron saw was the top of Latrell's head as it was swallowed by the Floater. His friend was gone and the tears just streamed down his face. Crying would be his last physical function and any denial wouldn't help him understand what was happening. Therefore he put a lid on his emotions as he struggled with his defence mechanisms to let it be what will be.

  His survival instincts no longer was a part of him as he looked out onto the lake. The view alone made his death worth it. Seeing the lake in this untouched land, with the sunrise is the most beautiful thing to witness. Baron closed his eyes and prayed to his God in hopes he and his devoted friend would be welcomed into heaven.

  Chapter 7

  Smart Island

  Belize, Central America

  After Pamela hung up from Selena, she went directly to her computer and viewed that video again. There was a link next to the video saying: Click here for more about this video. She clicked the link that took her directly to an online news video site called TOLD. She read the story written by Andre Damaree and viewed his video and decided to call the reporter. It wasn't easy to reach him, but once she finally got him on the phone, she told him of her findings. Pamela and Andrew talked for about fifteen minutes. She convinced him to warn his readers about the Floaters.

  “Mrs. Smart, I'd really like to see one of these things myself.”

  “Its, Miss Smart, but you can call me Pamela or Pam. Listen, I don't have much time here, but I am organizing a trip to a small Island in the Central America. It's called Smart Island and belongs to my family. I cannot stress to you enough how dangerous these Floaters can be. So I will invite you along to the Island and you can see this Floater yourself. I will have one with me.”

  “Ok. I can be there. How far is this place?”

  “It's about three hours away and I'd suggest you bring some clothes with you. You will be staying for a while.”

  “Is this thing dangerous for everyone?”

  “Everyone in the world will be affected one way or another.”

  “What about all the people then?”

  “What about them Mr. Damaree?”

  “What will they do? If this is a worldwide thing, they will need to protect themselves.”

  “That's why, Andrew, it is important for you warn them in your article and video. Those who don't believe, it is nothing really we can do for them, except give warnings. If you know anyone in the police, army or who has influence over people, call and tell them. It won't be your fault if they don't listen.”

  “It's strange you said that. I just had a meeting with the new President. She has a Floater and is getting some scientist to look at it.”

  “Well, I suggest you call her and tell her to put the bunker under the White House to use.”

  “I think she will hang up on me when she hears what I have to say. There is a chance she might not even take my call because I mentioned the word 'alien' to her before.”

  “If that's the case, then it's nothing else you could do. Time is ticking Mr. Damaree. I will text you directions and have a car meet you at the airport.”

  Andrew was naturally a little apprehensive at first. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to go. “Just one more question, what is this Floater thing?”

  “I wouldn't call it 'alien' Andrew, but I will tell you this, there are hundreds of thousands of them if not millions.”

  “Ok, that sold me on it. I am on my way!”

  “Oh, and Mr. Damaree, you may have to convince someone you care about to come along with you.”

  Andrew doesn't know why he is trusting this stranger, he has never met. He has always been a take action, and ask questions later type of guy. His parents were on some kind of African safari so he couldn't call them. He did call Tippy and relayed the conversation to him.

  “You don't have to tell me twice,” Tippy told him. I believe her, and I am packing as we speak. See you at the airport.”

  “Ok, see you there.”

  “Oh wait, what about the boys and their families?”

  “Give me their number. I will call them and invite them along,” he assured him.

  Pamela had a few phone calls to make. She contacted the caretaker on her parents Island and informed him she was coming. Along with maybe fifteen to twenty people. He needs to make sure he is at the dock to greet them. She needed a driver to pick her family up at the airport and deliver them to the dock in New York. A car to pick up Andrew Damaree and whoever he is bringing. She has also invited along her trusted colleague, Mary to help her in the lab.

  After making all the arrangements necessary, She went to pack her own bag. She had taken the red eye and was in New York within the hour. Her assistant and another scientist were waiting for her at the dock. All their equipment they would need was already on board the boat.

  “Thank God you're here Pamela. I was almost ready to leave myself. Tyrone is here, he will be going with you.”

  “But why Mary. I told you to come with me too.”

  “I can't just leave, not now. I have the family.”

  “Mary, you could bring your family with you!”

  “I know that. But it was too short a notice. I have a large family.”

  Mary, it's important you come as well. We have room for about thirty or more people.

  “Pamela, I just cannot come right this minute. I still have loads to do. Maybe you can get another assistant.”

s not about the assistance. It's about those Floaters. I believe there are a million if not more of them. They are dangerous!”

  “Come on now, what could a piece of space junk do to people?”

  “About thirty minutes ago, people starting posting how their family members went missing.”

  “People go missing all the time Pam. I just cannot go with you right now.”

  “Ok, Mary. If you change your mind, let me know immediately. I can make arrangements to have someone pick you up. But don't wait until it's too late. After a while, the Island will be on lock down. We are not taking any chances.”

  “Ok, Pam. I will call you tomorrow when I get it together. I promise.”

  “Tomorrow might be too late Mary.”

  Mary just wasn't prepared to jump the gun because of something people had found in the water. She didn't want to tell Pamela she was over reacting either. All she could do is assure her that everything she asked for is already on the boat.

  “You have two people on board who will help offload the boat, and Tyrone as well.” She said before running off toward her car. Turning back and waving to her, “See you soon,” was all she said.

  Pamela gave a huge sigh. She sure wishes she could have been more convincing to her friend so she'd join her.

  She arrived on the Island and Bob, the caretaker was waiting for her at the dock. Good old trusty Bob. He had worked for her parents for over ten years and now he works for her and Mason. Bob has lived on the island for the past eight years and he knows the Island from corner to corner.

  He only goes in the bunker whenever she was on the Island. He and his family live in the old house only during the summer. This is March, so he had to come by himself to get the island prepared for her visit.

  “How long will you be staying, Miss. Pam?” he asked her.

  “I will be here for a long time Bob, probably most of the spring and possibly into the summer. Mason is coming with his whole family and possibly a reporter and others.”

  “Wow, Miss Pam, that's a lot of people. Is it a special occasion?”

  “No, Bob. It is a crisis situation. I suggest you go and get your family and bring them back here.”

  “What's going on, Miss Pam?”

  “The world is about to change Bob, and people are not aware of it. This is just in preparation to prevent it affecting us. I am not one hundred percent sure, but what I do know, is people can and probably will die. If it hasn't happened already.”

  “Why not just warn them.”

  “It's been difficult warning some already. People don't want to hear stuff like that. Let us get everyone settled in and then I can send out more warnings.”

  “Well, I believe you, Miss Pam. I will go get my family and bring them here.”

  “Good. Once you got everyone here, come to the Bunker and I will explain.”

  “Ok, I will wait until after Mr. Mason arrives first, though.”

  Mason was telling his family in the car about The Smart Project.

  Pamela and Mason's parents had won one hundred and twenty million dollars in the lottery in the early nineties. The first thing they had done with their money was to purchase an old deserted twenty-one square mile island for ten million dollars. It was located on the Northern Coast of the Caribbean Sea. The island had several small mountain ranges. There were some old buildings already on the island. A large four bedroom house was already built on the land along with old stables and other buildings scattered about. Their parents had tried to find out as much as they could about it, but there wasn't any documented history.

  Their dad was a bit of a naturalist and figured out one day, the world would be in trouble and its nothing better than to be prepared. If not in his time, it surely would be for his children and their children. He didn't renovate the buildings, but rather went underground.

  A state of the art eight bedroom bunker was built under the island and not visible to anyone. From the water, you would only see some small mountains, trees and rocks and of course the old buildings.

  Birds, wild hogs, and critters inhabit the island. Feral chickens and turkeys that had also been deserted by the previous owners had roamed the island.

  It had all the necessities one would need to sustain two large families for five to eight years. The solar panels had been erected in numerous locations around the island to supply them with power underground.

  Pamela and Mason used to play on the island as kids in the early stages of building the bunker. It was their special place, frolicking on the beach or collecting sea shells. This is what got Pamela's interest in marine life in the first place.

  They were in their pre-teen years when the bunker was completed. A bunker that would ultimately cost fifty million to complete. Their parents had left the Island to them to be passed down to generation and generations after them.

  The island was renamed to Smart Island. This was a combination of their last name and because of the state of the modern smart technology within the bunker walls.

  Pamela called it 'The Smart Project' when she was sixteen. She only told Mason that name once and they decided to let it remain between them. Smart Island was charted on the maps, but as a deserted privately owned property. Anyone who came close to the island would be greeted by a security guard who lived on the property with his family and dogs. Fences had been erected with signs saying trespassers will be shot on sight. This, of course, was not true, but who wanted to take that chance.

  Within four hours time, they were pulling up to the boat dock. The caretaker/security, Bob was there waiting for Mason and his family when they arrived.

  “Welcome to the Island, sir. Your sister is here already with a few other people.”

  “Who are they, Bob?”

  “Not sure, sir, you will have to ask your sister.”

  “Alright, Bob. Meet my wife, Selena, my son, Rusty and my daughters, Adele and Tessa. Guys, this is Bob, he is in charge here so you must abide by his rules. These are Selena's parents, Clyde and Teresa Black.”

  “Nice to have met you all. I have to go get my family now. Is there anyone else coming Mr. Mason?”

  “Yes, there is a family with a couple of boys.. And some reporters I think. They should be here soon.”

  “Do you know what this is all about?”

  “I think it's about those Floaters people have been finding. If my sister said for us to come, then I am not second guessing her. I do not want to take any chances.”

  “Those Floaters? You know, just like the ones on tv. I hear the President has one. If she has one, then isn't it safe for anyone to have it too?”

  “I rather listen to my sister than to speculate. Now let's get our things inside.”

  They had to walk a good distance to get to the bunker. Following a long path, they could see in front of them, an earth covered dome, with a concrete exterior doorway.

  When they arrived at the small rustic looking structure, they were shocked. The concrete doorway had been erected when her parents were alive. The plan was for it to look as an unimportant building on the Island. Hopefully, this would throw off any potential robbers. Although the island was structured to be safe, and the bunker even safer.

  “This small thing? Are you kidding me?” cried out Adele. “I would have thought it was the big house over there!”

  “Er, that's my house Miss Adele,” Bob informed her.

  “Come on Adele, stop whining. We are going underground.”


  “Yes, didn't I tell you in the car, it's a bunker.”

  Rusty couldn't help himself, he laughed at his sister. “Adele just wants to be back with her yucky boyfriend,” he said jokingly.

  “Knock it off Rusty, this is not the time to antagonize your sister. Let's get inside.”

  Opening the door, he ushered everyone inside. It is just a plain looking room, that held a few tools and a tractor among other junk. Mason headed to the back of the room where there was an old wooden door with ru
sty hinges. Opening the door, he revealed wooden steps that went down into the darkness.

  Pamela met them at the bottom of the stairs.

  “You're here!” she squealed with delight running into his arms. “Thank God you finally made it! I was so worried about everyone.”

  “Why worry Pam? What's going on?”

  “I will explain when everyone is here together. That way, I won't have to explain again and again. I will tell you this, the world is in grave danger.”

  “Whoa! Aunt Pam!” said Rusty rushing up to her. “What does that mean specifically? Are we being attacked by aliens?” Rusty asked with enthusiasm in his voice.

  “Don't be silly Rusty,” Adele said.

  “Rusty, no, but what's happening is something from outer space. Hello everyone and welcome to Smart Island! Please follow me and come on in your new home for a while. Look around and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We have just one more floor to go down and we are there.”

  They walked through the elevator doors and headed down one flight. Once they were inside the bunker, they all set out to look around. There were eight bedrooms with a bathroom for each bedroom. One communal area with ten bunk beds, a kitchen, bathroom and sitting room with a big screen television.

  A large computer room with state of the art security equipment, camera systems with on-site management capabilities. Everything is powered by electricity supplied via solar panels scattered about the island.

  The bunker provides enough supplies to accommodate thirty to forty people to survive for up to a year, possibly longer. They really didn't know as they never had to test this before.

  The Smarts didn't spare any expense when the bunker was under construction. It sported a five thousand square foot, at thirteen foot high ceilings. And each bedroom was twenty-five by twenty-five feet interior.

  The whole bunker is protected by a massive amount of concrete and steel, while in some places, titanium. Protection for virtually every known threat had been put into place. It featured an air and exhaust ventilation shaft along with an escape hatch as a secondary emergency exit.


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