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Floaters Page 12

by Bernette Forde

  “My gosh, that thing is massive! How much longer before you guys come down?”

  “Not much longer. I suggest you call your friend Mary and tell her not to come here. It might be too dangerous for her by the time she arrives.”

  “I will go call her right now.”

  “Tippy, bring the camera closer to the entrance and then do a live feed to the website,” Andrew suggested.

  “Do you all think the house will hold that thing inside?”

  “Not sure, I can see cracks all up the side of the house and the roof has almost come off, so maybe not.”

  “Wonder what has made it so big if it hasn't had any consumption.”

  “Don't wonder that, not around Pam anyway as she has lost her assistant,” Mason advised them.

  “Oops. You're right, sorry about that, but I am still curious what has made them change.”

  “It was three of them up there. Maybe the three have fused together to make one big one. Who knows what's making it tick. I just want it gone.”

  “Amen to that!”

  Pamela returned to inform them it's too late for Mary to turn around. “She is thirty minutes away with a boat operator who is not staying.”

  “Well, lets just hope and pray she can make it to the bunker in time.”

  “I will watch the pier from inside for when the boats come in. I can guide her to the bunker.” She assured him.

  Everyone in the bunker joined her in keeping an eye on the creature. They could see the extended arms getting closer and closer to the bunker entrance. They each were in their own thoughts as they watched the monitor. Pamela would be gutted and devastated if she lost another lab assistant. It was all her fault that Tyrone has lost his life and she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if anything happened to Mary.

  “You have to stop feeling guilty Pamela. Your heart was in the right place.” Selena said to her as she put her hand on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, right. Tell that to Tyrone. I just hope and pray Mary makes it here ok.”

  “She will. You just have to have a little faith. When you asked all of us to come here, it was your belief, this was the safest place to be.”

  “It still is the safest place. I just didn't know the Floater would turn into some kind of monster.”

  “Had you known it would, you'd probably still want to come here, so stop feeling guilty and let us just accept the situation we are now in.”

  Smiling at her sister-in-law, she agreed, “You're right. Thanks.”

  Chapter 10

  No one else in the family had wanted to go with her to the island. They just all felt it was safer indoors as news reports were warning people not to leave their houses. She wasn't going to remain in her house alone while this craziness was going on.

  Driving through the streets, she came across people in distress. She really wanted to stop and help them, but it was her knowledge that once of those Floaters attached themselves, it was useless saving them. It was suicide to help anyone as they may also get caught with it attached to them. She didn't even want to think about what it would be like for two people together getting absorbed by a Floater. Besides, she had to get back to the pier. As she drove up to her destination, she could see him there, waiting.

  The man who had agreed to take her to the island was waiting for her there. “It is about time you arrived!” he told her.

  “The drive here was challenging with people running all over the streets.”

  “I know, I had a hard time too and I have to get back as quick as I can. I promised my wife. My name is Tray. We have to go quickly.” He had agreed to take her to the Island for three hundred dollars. It was a bit steep, but she was desperate to get there and should have gone when she had the chance.

  “Ok, let us go then.”

  Raising her leg and clambering onto the boat, she almost slipped. Why did she wear them stupid heels? Kicking them off into the boat, she climbed on board. Within five minutes, they were on their way. The boat bumped through the waves as they rode out into the open space. She made sure her life jacket was tight and secured. Because the water was choppy, she had bounced a couple of times in the air, forcing her to grab onto the sides of the boat. She just hoped and prayed they made it safely.

  Once they were in open water, Tray pressed the engine forward for more speed. His face showing the determination to get to their destination. With the increased speed, the ride over was bumpier and churning up her stomach contents. She knew she was going to have to use the open sea as a toilet. Fifteen minutes later she asked Tray, “How much further we have to go?”

  “We are about thirty minutes away,” he told her. She barely heard her cell phone ringing over the lapping waves. It was Pamela, warning her not to come because the Floater has transformed into some kind of creature. Turning back was not an option she informed her. She decided to deal with whatever was waiting for her when she got there. Pamela told her to follow the path to the bunker and stay away from the house.

  Mary reached the island at the estimated thirty minutes time. As Tray pulled up to the pier, he noticed what looked like octopus arms waving about in the air. The whips were moving about as if searching for unseen food in the air.

  “Look at that!” he shouted. “What is it?”

  “Believe it or not, that is one of those Floaters. That is what they transform to. Pamela warned me that it was there, but she didn't say it was that big.”

  “Well, good luck with that. I am out of here!”

  “Gee, thanks, Tray, for seeing me to the door that is.” she said sarcastically as he sped away.

  Pamela called her as soon as she seen her. “Thank God you are here. Do you see the large critter up near the house?”

  “I do indeed. You didn't tell me it was that big!”

  “Yes, we are not sure why or how it's growing, but its growth rate is fast. If you run now, you can make it to the bunker entrance. Mason will be there waiting for you.”

  “Ok, on my way. Can you keep an eye on me from there.”

  “No worries, I already got you in my sight. Just run as fast as you can.”

  Mary skipped into a run and headed towards the entrance of the bunker. She followed Pamela's instructions and stayed on the trail. This is the fastest she has ever run in her life. With her hair trailing behind her and the sweat dripping off her forehead, she leaped over rocks and bushes. From the pier, she didn't realize how far the bunker actually was, until she had to run it. Some time ago, she might have balked at having to run anywhere, now, she willed her feet to do her good so she could reach her destination.

  Halfway through she could see the creature more closely. It reminded her of the sixties horror The Blob' but with whips.

  Stopping to take a breath, she watched and observed the creature with its giant tentacles. She estimates it to be about thirty yards from the bunker.

  “Why you stop Mary?”

  “I don't know if you can see this, but, that thing's arm is only about thirty yards away from the bunker.”

  “Really? I didn't realize. Kept my eye on the house.”

  “I think I can make it. Tell Mason to get to the door now, I am going to make a mean dash for it.”

  “He is there already waiting.”

  “Ok, Let me know if one of those arms come near me. On my way.”

  Taking a deep breath, she picked up running again. It looked like just a few minutes away, but that creature's arm could stretch out and get her easily. Maybe it's searching for warm targets when the arms flail like that. Her clothes were wet through from the water thrashing her with each wave the boat struck. The clothes clung to her skin as she ran with nervous breaths of pure panic.

  She silently prayed as she ran. 'Please God, let me reach the bunker in one piece.'

  Never in a million years would she have done anything like this in the past. She knew it was too late to go back as the boat was now gone. She had no choice but to forge on ahead. Her fear was the precursor to her bravery t
hat gave her the courage to run.

  Before long she could see the outline of the bunker and there was Mason, standing at the concrete frame. He had something in his hand, but she couldn't see what it was. She was just relieved to see him there waiting for her.

  The creature was huge with grotesque slimy skin and huge twisting tentacles protruding in different directions. She could see Mason stand out from the bunkers frame and in front of one of its tentacles. It was just a matter of time before that tentacle realized it was close to him as Mason was only a few feet away from it. It was then she noticed the object in his hands was thick electric wire. He was going to give it a shock if it got too close.

  “Hurry!” He shouted to her.

  She was running as fast as she could and relieved she was close enough to hear his voice. At the last few feet, she soared into the bunker and Mason backed up behind her. The tentacle swooped down towards Mason and he was ready for he saw it coming. With his thick gloves on, he called out to Hamilton to flip the switch. He felt the electric currents run through the wire. With his gloves on, he could feel a slight tingle through to his skin, but not enough to harm him. As the whip hovered just above Mason's head, he reached up with the wire and touched it. He heard the crackling sound of the electricity as it touched its target. The creature whipped its tentacle back at the unexpected shock it got.

  As if between minds, it hesitated before it tried to touch Mason again. Mason didn't hesitate and he zapped it again, but this time he shouted to Hamilton to turn it off. Backing up, he went inside the bunker and closed the door. Walking to the back of the building, he saw Mary crouched down trying to catch her breath.

  “Thanks, Mason, you saved my skin back there.”

  “No problem. I only nearly roasted mine.” he chuckled.

  “How can you laugh at a time like this?”

  “What else can one do in a situation like this. I am not going to cry. It is what it is.”

  “Not sure if laughing is appropriate, but in any event, thanks again.”

  “If it's any consolation to you, I wouldn't be laughing if that thing got either one of us. We are stuck here until the government can figure out what it's going to do. In the meantime, let's get below to safety.”

  Instructing Hamilton to turn the electricity trap back on, they climbed the steps down into the elevator area.

  “Ok, everyone. That thing has reached the bunker. We are now on lock down. Pamela, seal the doors.”

  “Righty-O.” She flips the switch that controls the blast resistant doors. Her father had purchased the best bunker doors there was. It was engineered to protect their shelter from any high-pressure blast waves. It was also designed to protect from malicious people with cutting torches or structural fires. The elevator door was also shut down and locked. No one would be able to get in or out until they took the bunker off lock down.

  “What's it like out there Mary, on the other side?” asked Pamela.

  “Simply put pandemonium everywhere. Total confusion and chaos, with Floaters all over the place. They cannot be controlled, as the police and military are out there shooting at the Floaters, but they don't die. People are dying right before your eyes and there is nothing you could do for them., except shoot them to relieve them of their misery.”

  “We think we can kill them. But we wanted to make sure first.”

  “How do you propose to do that?”


  “I saw Mason zap that thing out there. But it didn't die.”

  “I believe if we use enough electricity on them before they become one of those things out there, it could be killed.”

  “Well, what you waiting for. You can possibly save lives as there are millions of them things. Don't want them turning into monsters now do we?”

  “That theory needs to be tested first. Tyrone and I first gave it a dose of electricity, it affected it, but didn't kill it.”

  “Maybe you didn't use enough juice on it. Wait, wait a minute, where is Tyrone?”

  Mary looked at her boss and seen the sudden profound sadness come across her face.

  “What happen?” was the only question she could ask as Pamela's face spoke volumes.

  “We were up at the house trying to kill the damn thing with electricity.”

  “Please don't tell me he electrocuted himself!” She said in astonishment.

  “Nope, he didn't. It was the Floater. He was trying to adjust the rod that was going to deliver the electricity into the Floater. That was when we noticed the whips for the first time. It had reached out a wrapped itself around Tyrone. By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late. It was nothing I could do.”

  Sitting down in a chair, Mary could not believe what she was hearing. Poor Tyrone and he had just gotten himself a new girlfriend. He was a quiet man and so unassuming. A gentle soul indeed. She will miss him dearly.

  “Mary? Are you alright?”

  “I am fine. Just reflecting and mourning a good friend.”

  “We have to get rid of this thing, For Tyrone.”

  “Yes. For Tyrone. He has never hurt a person in his life, so lets hurt that creature in retribution of his death!”

  “Ladies, I have to interrupt. Look at the monitor at what it's doing.”

  Everyone in the room turned towards the screen. The Floater seems to be moving in a slim kind of way. Slowly sliding along the ground towards the bunker. Jimmy had been right. It looked like the 'Blob' but with tentacles.

  “I wonder why it's coming this way and not towards the water,” Asked Mary out loud.

  “I think it's the tentacles. Just like cockroaches antennas, feeling its way around for food.”

  “Or maybe it is the electricity. Its attraction to it, like a moth to light. However, it's attraction could very be its death. Just like if a moth lands on a hot bulb, it gets burned to death.”

  “If that's the case, then let's give it what it wants. I say we up the antsy and revert to the generators. They produce a good bit of electricity. Forgo any testing and just do it! If that creature wants it, then we should give it to him.”

  “I agree,” confirmed Mary. “If you have a good voltage of it, Mason, then let's do it. What do we need first?”

  “First, we need more cable to run from the generator room. We can attach it to the wall and run up through the elevator wall and to the switch we have there now.”

  “Wouldn't we have to turn off the power already there?”

  “Yeah, but that won't be for long. Not if we run the cables first and get it all in place. If we hurry, we can get it done quickly without any problems.”

  “Ok, at least we are not sitting around waiting for whatever.”

  The guys went into the generator room to put their plan into action while the women stayed in the communal area keeping an eye on the Monster. The kids were in one of the bedrooms watching cartoons. The bunker was quiet except for the news reports on the tv.

  Mason walked the cable from the generator room all the way to the elevator. He turned off the elevator after he had sent it to the top floor first. Taking a stepladder, he had run the cable up the wall and as close as possible to the outer doors. Once this was done, he had turned the elevator back on, he went up. Grabbing hold of the cable, he pulled it out into the room and walked it up the stairs into the main entrance and out of the bunker doors. He made sure there was a fair amount of loose cable to go outside with. Walking back, he secured the cable with cable clips and nails. Making sure the cables were also secured to the walls of the elevator room. He didn't want any flying live wire putting anyone in danger.

  Mason has done what he could as far as running the cable was concerned. Hamilton and Randy had attached the cables to the generator and they were ready. “Ok, we are ready, Randy informed everyone walking into the room.

  “Ok, let me get ready to go outside, said Mason putting on his electrical gloves. “I will tell you when to turn on the power.”

  “I will be waitin
g for your word.”

  Turning to Pamela and Selena, “Make sure the kids stay in the bedroom. Now they might lose their electricity for just a few minutes when I turn from solar to the generator. Just make sure they stay calm. I will have it back up and running as soon as I can.”

  “Mason, just be careful out there,” Selena told him with a worried look on her face.

  “Don't worry about me. I have no plans on getting too close. I will be fine.” With that, he walked out the room.

  Once Mason got to the bunker entrance doors, he asked Pamela to open them. The doors slide open and the Floater was almost touching the electrical wires that surrounded the bunker. He called out to Hamilton and Randy on the radio, “Guys, turn the switch now.”

  Mason picked up the live wire and ventured outside. Looking up, he could see the arms of the Floater moving in the air. He walked over to the body and stuck the wire into the side of it. The wire sunk into it with no problem. The Floater seemed to enjoy the tickle of the electricity as it flowed through its body.

  Speaking into the radio, “Guys, turn up the power as much as you can. The cable is in the Floater now!”

  Hamilton turned off the breaker switches for everything in the bunker and then Randy turned the knob on the generator all the way as far as it would go. There was a silent hum running through the cables as the current ran along the floor and walls up into the elevator room and out into the Floater.

  Mason stepped back as he watches the Floater shiver. It no longer seemed to enjoy what was happening. There was an unusual sound emitting from it as it quivered and shook. "I think it's working," he spoke into the radio. The smell was rancid and the shine it once gave was no more. Mason walked back to the bunker entrance careful not to touch the live wire and watched from the doorway.

  From inside the bunker, they could not smell the burning flesh of the creature. But they could see it quiver, shake and shrink. Small electrical volts were visible as it traveled from the body and up through the tentacles. They all watched in awe as the Floater began to shrink in its size.


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