Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Jana Downs

  JP nodded.

  Billy continued, “Our wolves are a fundamental part of us, a shadow at the edge of our consciousness that drives us on an instinctual level. Some aspect about our mate, usually the scent, though I have heard of some mates just knowing by sight alone, triggers the instinct to come together. A long story short, when our wolf finds the perfect one, that’s it for us.”

  “So we can’t undo it now?”

  That was a very complicated question. “We haven’t begun yet. I know you’re mine and, yes, my instincts are driving me to make you mine. However, we haven’t bonded and therefore we can choose not to pursue it. There are some people who settle down with mates that aren’t their fated mates.”

  Some of the tension seeped out of JP’s shoulders. “So we can still go slow?”

  “Does that mean you want to try?” Billy held his breath. A lot hinged on JP’s answer. Most of the time when humans were brought into the fold there was some sort of urgency that demanded their mates bond with them immediately. Fortunately or unfortunately, there was no such urgency now. If JP needed to take several years, he had the opportunity to do so.

  JP worried his bottom lip. “Let me see you shift first.”

  Billy nodded, pushing himself to his feet again. “I’m going to have to get naked for that.”

  A grin split JP’s face. “Woo-hoo. Take it off, Dr. Carrigan.”

  Blush suffused Billy’s cheeks. He wasn’t ashamed of his body. He was damn proud of his body, as matter of fact. A good diet and an intermittent workout regimen kept his body firm.

  Though his muscles weren’t rippling like members of the pack who got to work out for hours at a time. He worked too much to keep up with that sort of gym schedule. All things considered, he was in good shape. However, he wasn’t used to the man who was destined to be his mate staring at him while he took off his clothes in broad daylight. This wasn’t exactly a dungeon scene where he was controlling all the shots. JP held the cards, and this was Billy’s tryout to see if he was as trustworthy as he said he was.

  JP laughed. “You look like you’d rather be doing anything other than taking your clothes off.”

  “This isn’t how I pictured stripping for the first time with you,” Billy admitted, popping the first button on his shirt.

  “Well, Dr. Carrigan, consider it your Dom-audition. Show me you can follow orders and I’ll let you give them next time.”

  Every muscle in his body knotted up, starting with his cock. His gaze whipped to JP’s and awareness blossomed between them instantly.

  JP swallowed, shifting on the couch. “That was supposed to be a joke.” His pupils dilated and the scent of lust perfumed the air, calling to Billy’s inner beast. “You’re a Dom, right?”

  Billy nodded, not trusting himself to say anything. If he opened his mouth he was going to do something very caveman like and throw his mate over his shoulder and carry him to the nearest bed.

  “Thought so.” JP licked his lips. “You’re quiet for a Top but you’re just…controlled.”

  He was a type A personality and always had been. That made him socially awkward most times, but it also made him a very attentive Top given the right submissive.

  Billy shrugged his shirt off his shoulders, adrenaline washing through his veins. He popped the button on his khakis and he was lucky the damn thing didn’t fly off from the pressure behind it. How he was going to unzip the damn things without catching his tighty-whities was beyond him.

  “Pack structure doesn’t bother you then?” Billy asked, trying to keep the gravel out of his voice.

  JP shook his head. “No. That was actually the best part.” He ran his hand over his tight pectoral muscle. JP had a wiry, muscular frame that was probably more from good genetics than any hard gym time. He was just Billy’s type.

  “You’ve got experience in the lifestyle?”

  “A little. My last boyfriend introduced me to the wonders of lace and leather. I’m not a twenty-four-seven sub, though. I want a partner, not a keeper.”

  Billy carefully lowered his zipper. “Then we’re in agreement. I like to play in the bedroom, but that is where I prefer to leave it. During pack meetings you’ll be expected to act as my submissive, you know, if you choose to be mine.”

  “Hm, kinky.”

  This was going far better than he’d expected. I should’ve let slip I was into kink beforehand. It would’ve made things infinitely easier. He forced the pants down his hips and then hooked his fingers in the waistband of his underwear. The protrusion was impossible to miss. His cock was about to pop out of the top, as matter of fact.

  This had turned into something unintentionally sexual in the past minute.

  “You know, it’s very impolite to force a Dom into a strip tease under false pretenses,” he rumbled.

  “Wasn’t false pretenses, swear.” JP sounded breathless and Billy resisted the urge to preen. “I really do want to see you shift.”

  “How am I supposed to shift when I’m this hard?”

  “That sounds like a personal problem,” JP murmured. He licked his full lips. “This is your audition, remember?”

  Billy chuckled. He liked JP’s sassiness. “Fine.” He took his time stripping off his undies, “accidently” grabbing his cock a little too often for decency’s sake.

  “Is this a peep show or a shifting?” JP asked after a moment. Billy glanced at his lap and found he was sporting a healthy bit of wood himself.

  “Little of both,” Billy said. He called to the wolf and it rushed over him like the shadow it was. There was an effortlessness to the shift that conveyed its naturalness. While his arousal didn’t fade in this form, his needs shifted ever so slightly.

  On four legs, he watched his mate’s reaction. JP’s eyes flared wide for a second as he took in the shift, fear mingling with arousal in the air. Billy slowly lowered himself to his belly, despite the fact that lying on his erection wasn’t the most comfortable thing. He needed to show JP that he wasn’t going to hurt him.

  “Holy crap,” JP whispered. “I’d half hoped—” He shook his head. “Can you understand me like that?”

  Billy nodded.

  “Cool.” JP licked his lips. “Can I touch?”

  Oh, yes, please. In this form it was hard to remember that there were boundaries he still had to adhere to. He wanted JP to touch him, rub him, get his scent all over him. He wanted to run through the woods with his mate by his side. He needed it.


  Right. He needed to respond. He nodded.

  JP seemed to steel himself as he pushed himself off the couch. Billy held still as his mate crossed across the grey carpet and then knelt beside him. He lowered his head so JP could feel the thick rough of fur right behind his head and luxuriated in the way his delicate human hands could rub him so nicely.

  “Whoa. This is awesome.”

  Awesome didn’t even cover how magical the moment was. Billy gave a wolf version of a sigh of contentment and leaned into his mate’s hands.

  Chapter Five

  JP couldn’t believe he was petting a real wolf. Despite the fact that he’d been a city boy his entire life, he loved nature. He’d chosen to go to school in Colorado because of it. He’d debated between this and Washington state. He’d ultimately chosen Colorado because it had better weather. Now he was supremely glad he had.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured in a sing song puppy dog fashion. He knew logically that Billy wasn’t really a dog and probably wouldn’t respond like one. However, it made JP feel less scared of the gigantic animal before him when he imagined Billy as a big husky or something.

  Billy’s strip show had certainly did awesome things for his libido. He’d known they’d had the potential to be sexually compatible, but the instant depth of it had been surprising.

  Billy didn’t have an Abercrombie body by any means, but he had the body of a mature man and that had tightened everything inside JP to the point of orgasm almost instantly.
/>   He leaned forward and pressed his face to the soft fur of Billy’s neck. He wondered if all wolves smelled so wild, like someone had bottled sunshine, wind, and earth.

  Something warm and wet slid across his hand and he raised his head. “What is it?” he asked. It wasn’t like Billy could really reply but he figured it was better to ask than to not ask at all. He looked Billy in the eyes. The grey orbs possessed an intelligence that went far beyond simple animal instinct.

  Billy licked his hand again, nuzzling his snout under his palm. JP smiled. This was an amazing moment. Never in a million years did he imagine he would encounter someone out of a fairy tale. Now that he had, he wasn’t nearly as terrified as he’d thought he would be. Life had certainly gotten a whole lot more interesting. With the reassurance that he wouldn’t have a shotgun wedding with someone he barely knew, he felt a whole lot better about the situation.

  After a few more minutes of exploring, he sat back on his haunches. “Okay. You can shift back now.”

  Billy gave him a wolfish smile and then his form shimmered and reshaped. A very naked Billy knelt in place of JP’s big cuddly wolf.

  “That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen,” JP admitted, trying and failing not to notice Billy’s nakedness.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Billy shifted, hiding his hardening cock from view.

  “I should get dressed. Maybe you’d like to have supper with me? If you don’t want to go out I’m fine with ordering in.”

  The prospect of food certainly appealed. But it wasn’t the only hunger he was experiencing. “Sure. I can get dressed and ready in about fifteen. Can we go out to get some real food? I’ve been eating junk for days.” If he were being honest, he’d been scared that some other person he encountered would end up being a wolf and the prospect had been terrifying.

  “Are you sure? I can go get something and bring it back if you’d prefer.”

  Billy was sweet for offering but there was another reason JP wasn’t sure he should stay here with his would-be mate. Now that Billy wasn’t fuzzy, JP’s mind was going places he’d sworn he wouldn’t think about so soon. He couldn’t help it. The man had been attractive beforehand. Imagining him as some kinky sex god had made him almost irresistible. If JP disregarded the whole potential of a werewolf eating him, he would’ve jumped Billy’s bones like nobody’s business.

  “I’m sure,” JP said, attempting to get to his feet without revealing the great big hard-on he’d decided to pop in the few seconds since Billy had been two legged again.

  “All right,” Billy said. “I can make a reservation at Cherl’s if you like.” He pushed himself to his feet, his cock sticking straight out from his body like he didn’t even care. The man shouldn’t have been embarrassed. His dick looked delectable.

  “I can’t really swing Cherl’s on my budget. How about some place like Olive Garden?” JP finally managed to gain his feet without looking like too much of a klutz.

  “It’s on me,” Billy said. “It’s the least I can do with dumping you into my world without notice.”

  Fair point. “Cool. I’ll just be a sec.” JP turned and beelined toward the bedroom and his shower beyond. He needed a cold one if he was going to go out with Billy.

  * * * *

  “Is everyone in town a freaking werewolf?” JP asked, a little louder than he probably should’ve for the crowded restaurant.

  Billy laughed. “Not everyone but we do have a pretty large pack. Cherl is actually the Alpha’s cousin.”

  “Oh. Cool.” The more he learned about this world, the more expansive it became. “It’s weird that no one knows about you guys. I mean, you’re everywhere.” He figured that someone, somewhere would have gotten the memo that an entire race of paranormal creatures existed outside the Hollywood screen.

  “Well, that’s not entirely true. There are isolated pockets of packs throughout the world, and we all tend to stick close to one another because humans outnumber us a million to one. So if you find one of us, you’ll most likely find more. However, it’s finding the one that you’ll probably have trouble with.”

  JP nodded. Grayson had explained a little about the relatively few number of pack already but it was different hearing it from Billy. He grew animated whenever he talked about his people and his passion for them shown through with each syllable out of his mouth.

  The waiter arrived with the bottle of wine Billy had ordered and poured them each a glass before he left the bottle to chill in an ice bath closest to Billy. Todd, as his nametag declared him, was very unobtrusive and spoke in a soft manner characteristic of servers who worked in high end restaurants. JP bet he made insane tips.

  “You know, you’re quite beautiful,” Billy said, drawing his attention away from his contemplation of Todd’s tips.

  JP felt a blush suffuse his cheeks. “Thanks. You’re pretty handsome yourself.” The image of Billy’s naked ass wouldn’t leave him no matter how much he thought about rotting meat or dead kittens or anything else designed to kill a hard-on.

  Billy sipped at his wine, his gaze devouring JP over the lip of the glass. He placed it down on the little coaster when he finished. “I’m glad you decided to come out with me. So, is the big bad wolf all that big and bad?”

  “Not in the least bit, doctor,” JP said, smiling. “Does that make me Red Riding Hood?”

  “With that hair, you’re more like Purple Riding Hood but, I believe it’s the same concept. Though not as catchy.”

  JP waved his hand in dismissal. “Yeah, well, my hair color changes like the weather. Who knows what it’ll be tomorrow.”

  “I noticed that.” Billy took another sip. “I do like the purple though.”

  “I was pretty surprised you were interested in me, actually,” JP admitted. “Usually guys like you go for the more conservative types.” His lips twitched. “I don’t actually own a sweater vest.”

  Billy’s eyebrows shot skyward. “Was that a dig on my favorite cashmere vest?”

  JP laughed. “Not at all. I actually really like your vest. It’s just that guys who like me usually spend their days surfing or reading poetry or writing blogs against the demoralization of a democratic society.” It wasn’t JP’s preferred type but the offbeat souls he encountered were usually the ones who gave him the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, most professional guys judged him as some kind of punk rock mall crawler and they never got past “hello.”

  “The most powerful man in my pack, the man who I take orders from, owns a tattoo parlor and has a fondness for pierced nipples,” Billy said. “I have no reason to judge anyone.” He smiled. “Besides, if people knew what I did every full moon and what I enjoyed to do in the bedroom, they’d be less likely to see me as Mr. Conservative.”

  JP raised his glass. “I’ll toast to that.” Their glasses clinked. “To pleasant surprises.”

  “And to new horizons,” Billy added.

  They drank.

  * * * *

  Billy really couldn’t have asked for a better date. His fears from before faded away like nightmares at daybreak. JP was his normal beautifully cheerful self, and his curiosity over what Billy was had outpaced his terror over Billy’s wolf. A carefree dinner had ended hours ago, but neither of them had wanted the night to end there. They’d walked around downtown, starring into darkened shop windows at the mom and pop shops there. The abnormally warm evening had let them enjoy the night for longer than either of them would’ve normally stayed out. However, Billy had an early morning at the Alpha’s house, and JP probably had a lot of studying to catch up on.

  “You sure you don’t want to come in?” JP asked, leaning against the doorframe outside his apartment. He smelled relaxed and carefree, and underneath the cheer was a definite hint of lust.

  Reluctantly, Billy nodded. “I’m sure. I’ve got an early morning ahead of me and I’m afraid that you and I won’t get into bed before the sun rises.” He had no doubt that if he allowed himself to step into that apartment he would have J
P bound and naked in no time flat. His wolf was becoming less cooperative by the second.

  JP pouted. “I wasn’t going to keep you up much longer.”

  Billy chuckled. “I sincerely doubt that.”

  “One last question then,” JP whittled.

  “All right. Shoot.” Billy was standing a little closer than was entirely proper, but he just couldn’t help himself. He was enjoying the scent of his mate’s joy and the heat that radiated off him in waves. His cock bunched uncomfortably in his underwear, but it was so worth it.

  “What are you into, kink wise?”

  The question wrapped around his already aching sac and squeezed. “You really want to know?” His voice was gravel-filled as he spoke.


  Billy swallowed. Oh, he was going to be jerking his cock hard tonight. It was only going to take three strokes to make it happen. “I like to tie my boys up. I like to make them come over and over again.” He licked his lips as JP’s pupils dilated in lust. “I find pleasure a much more effective tool of torture than pain.”

  JP groaned, the sound low and needy.

  “I like them to dance along the edge of too much until they shudder and cry out for me to stop and to never stop with every breath they take.” He could picture it perfectly. JP would be tied up for Billy’s pleasure, begging to be touched, taken. He shuddered.

  “Do you role play?”

  Billy chuckled as the image in his head shifted. “Want to be my little red riding hood?”

  “More like your naughty nurse,” JP admitted.

  It was Billy’s turn to groan. “I need to go.”

  JP reached out and grabbed his wrist. “Don’t. Come in. Just for minute.” He licked his lips. “I need…”

  Billy was on him before he got the rest of the words out of his mouth. Their mouths fused, tongues tangling as Billy wrapped his arms around JP and pushed him through the door. He slammed it shut with his foot.

  Mine! His wolf snapped at the end of his leash. He was done waiting. JP had given the go ahead and the only thing left to do was make him absolutely and irrevocably his.


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