Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Jana Downs

  “Whoa,” JP said, half to himself. “It’s impressive that you can get them to quiet down like that. I would kill for that skill at Joe’s.”

  “Pizza joint is loud, eh?” Grayson asked.

  JP nodded. “You’ve got no idea. Sometimes the high school kids come in and it’s like being in the speakers at a rock concert.”

  Regan and Ryan, the Alpha’s coworkers and beta males, came out of the main house behind them. Well, technically Regan wasn’t a beta anymore. His mate, Titus, was, but the pack still respected Regan like a beta male.

  Mustang turned. “Head count?”

  “We were at ninety percent last time we checked, minus Steve who’s resting in his room,” Regan, at least Billy thought it was Regan, said. “He still doesn’t trust himself to come hang with the pack.”

  “He should still be in bed,” Billy cut in. “He’s had major surgery, Mustang.”

  Mustang nodded. “I’ll make sure he takes it easy, Billy.” He looked at Regan. “Make sure he eats something and tell him that the next pack meeting in mandatory.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “You guys should head on,” Grayson said, motioning toward the trail that led to the meeting house. “I’m sure everyone is ready for you to get started. We’ll send the stragglers your way when they trickle in.”

  Billy reached out and took JP’s hand. “All right.” He pulled his mate toward the trail.

  As soon as they were out of human earshot, JP spoke. “I think the scary one liked me better today.”

  Billy chuckled. “The scary one can probably still hear you, though he’s too polite to call you on it. Mustang never disliked you. He’s just very protective of us. If he feels like there is a threat to that, he can get a little growly.”

  “Understatement.” JP looked at the people milling about on the trail ahead of them. “It’s so weird to think you’re all animals.” As if he knew he misspoke, he blushed. “I mean—”

  “It’s all right, sweet,” Billy interrupted. “I knew what you meant. I’m just happy you’re not rebelling against this as hard as I anticipated. I am truly sorry that you had to find out in the way you did.”

  JP shrugged. “Life isn’t living if it isn’t unexpected.”

  “That’s a great attitude to have.”

  “I aim to please.”

  Billy’s lips twitched, threatening to stretch up into a grin. “Oh really?”

  “Tsk. Tsk, Billy. I gave you an inch and you jumped into the gutter.”

  That wasn’t far from the truth. Billy had tried to restrain himself, but his wolf was chomping at the bit and had been since last night. He wished he had a better handle on his instincts, but he’d had a hell of a time trying to convince his wolf even to let him leave JP’s building last night.

  He’d paced in the hallway, unable to make it even to the stairs. His animal had strained at the leash Billy kept it on in his mind, wanting to go back into JP’s apartment and finish what they’d started.

  JP gave Billy’s hand a squeeze. “I like when you talk pervy to me.”

  Relief he didn’t even know he needed to feel trickled in. “Hm, I can do it more often.” He could think of some very “pervy” things that he could whisper in JP’s ear if the man let him. His cock threatened to fill. His jeans were not good camouflage.

  JP grinned. “Down, boy.”

  Billy growled.

  They reached the huge building that the pack had built. The old paddock at the old meeting room had been used by elders and the young ones during the full moon. The new room had a nursery with a shatter proof see-through door for the kiddos to play in while the adults shifted out in the main hall. The top bit of the hall was used for storage for things owned by the pack that was available for pack use whenever someone needed it.

  “Just relax. Everyone here is going to be on their best behavior because the Alpha is here but if anyone should give you a problem, come get me,” Billy said. He paused as they reached the doorway. “Crap. I forgot the boxes in the back of my car.” He couldn’t believe he’d done that. He’d been so happy to have JP here that he hadn’t even spared a thought to why he was supposed to be there.

  “I can go grab them,” JP offered. “I really don’t mind.”

  Billy fished out his keys. “You should be able to carry both. They’re not heavy. However, they are fragile so be careful.” It would give him an opportunity to warn the pack ahead of time. Not that he thought JP would be poorly received or anything like that. However, he thought it would be a good idea to give them a heads up.

  “Got it.” He took the keys from Billy’s outstretched fingers. “I’ll be right back.”

  He turned and then headed back in the direction they’d come.

  Billy strode through the open door and into the room with his people.

  * * * *

  JP grabbed the two boxes and hauled them out of the trunk. Billy was right, they weren’t heavy but they certainly were ungainly. The bottom box was wide so it was already hard to carry. The one on top was smaller and seemed to bow on the bottom, which made balancing it difficult.

  A low whistle drew JP’s attention from somewhere behind him. He looked over his shoulder. A thin man with a pencil thin moustache looked him up and down with obvious interest. JP cringed, everything in him recoiling at the attention. It was strange because he usually shrugged off attention like it was nothing.

  “You new, gorgeous?”

  JP nodded. It was the wrong response. A predatory look came over the stranger’s expression.

  “Good. We can always use more available humans.” He licked his lips. “I’m Georgio. I’m one of the new pack members. Maybe we can get used to it together.” It didn’t sound like a question.

  “Uh, no, thank you.” JP figured it would be better to be polite.

  Georgio frowned. “You’re human.”

  JP blinked. “And?” He shifted and nearly dropped the boxes.

  “He’s mated to Dr. Carrigan, Georgio,” Grayson rumbled, coming up to the two.

  “He’s not or else he wouldn’t be human,” Georgio argued, looking confusion. “He’s unclaimed, unmarked, and he’s not an available. What’s he doing here?”

  “Billy said that it wouldn’t be a big deal for me to be here,” JP said, fear starting to trickle in through the confusion. Had he committed a faux pas already with the wolves?

  “And the Alpha has granted Billy time to make his claim since JP has been so understanding of the situation.”

  Georgio’s frown deepened. “That violates Circle policy.”

  “Your Alpha’s word is law,” Grayson said. There was a warning there, a dare for Georgio to tell him differently.

  “No offense, man, but, the last time I heard that line, my Alpha was running an underground slaving operation.” Georgio shook his head. “I don’t want to have to find a new home again.” He turned and headed toward the meeting house without another word.

  JP looked at Grayson, fear making his gut roil. “What’s that all about?”

  Grayson wasn’t even looking at him. Instead, he stared after the retreating male with a frown on his face. “I don’t know. Wait here. You can walk back with Mustang and I.”

  That did not seem all that promising.

  Chapter Seven

  “Alpha, I call an emergency pack meeting,” Georgio said as Mustang walked through the door, Grayson a step behind him and JP another step behind that. JP visibly paled.

  Billy whipped his head around at the firm words. As soon as he caught sight at JP’s expression, he knew something had gone horribly wrong in the past five minutes.

  A hundred pairs of eyes turned to look at the Alpha.

  “What is the reason for a pack meeting?” Mustang asked, unruffled.

  “To discuss why an unbound, unmated human is walking around the property unattended and in full knowledge of our kind.” Georgio’s words caused a murmur to rise up from the ranks of the pack.

  Mustang waved his
hand. “This is a nonissue. I have discussed with both Dr. Carrigan and his mate the consequences of his knowledge. He is giving his mate the courtesy of getting to know him better before they complete the binding, but I consider this a closed situation. The pack can keep their opinions on the matter to themselves.”

  Georgio’s nostrils flared in obvious irritation. “That is against the Circle’s mandates. They say that you can’t allow a human knowledge of the pack without a proper mark and without proper education and registration.”

  Mustang snorted. “You really think me tatting his ass is going to make one lick of difference on whether or not any of the humans in our charge remains loyal? The Circle also allows us the ability to make calls as Alphas. I have the authority to bend the rules in certain cases. I have made an exception in this case. If you want to make a different decision, you’re welcome to challenge me for the position as Alpha. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and get in line with everyone else for your vaccine.” He looked at the assembled crowd. “Anyone else have an issue with me allowing JP to check us out before he mates Dr. Carrigan?”

  Silence reigned for a good twenty seconds before someone spoke.

  “I do.” A petite female with gorgeous black hair and deep amethyst eyes stepped forward. “All humans have to be marked. I didn’t want a tattoo, and I was made to get one prior to my mating. It’s not fair for us to have to adhere to the rules and he doesn’t.”

  “Do the other availables feel that way?” Mustang asked.

  Slowly, the rest of the humans nodded. Some of them looked as pissed as the female had, others just looked embarrassed.

  Mustang seemed to waver. “Who else is concerned? Raise your hands.”

  More pack raised their hands.

  Billy was floored. These were the same people who had been supportive of his plea to be welcoming when his still-human mate came into the room. Rage followed on the heels of disbelief. Billy spent every spare second of his life giving these people his attention. He had come in from vacations with little Jimmy so-and-so had needed stitches and had flown back from his conference in Europe when there had been complications in Jenny Steel’s pregnancy last fall a full week early. His entire life revolved around the pack!

  “All of you need to back off my mate, now,” Billy snapped, losing his temper in a way he’d never done before. He was a delta wolf, a man who was just Dominant enough to be considered a Dominant. “I give you all my time and then you pitch a fit over a technicality?” He bared his teeth. “You will not dictate my mating. You. Will. Not.”

  Silence answered his proclamation.

  “I, uh, I need to go,” JP murmured, breaking the quiet for the first time. He put down the boxes he’d carried in. “Sorry to intrude.” He turned to walk away, but Mustang reached out and grabbed his elbow. The look of sheer terror that crossed JP’s expression had Billy inserting himself between him and Mustang with a snarl.

  Mustang growled right back, his brow lowering in aggression.

  “Guys,” Grayson said loud enough to be heard over the growls. “Please, Sir. Billy doesn’t mean to challenge you.”

  Billy would take his Alpha on if necessary. It was a bigger social misstep to try to come between a man and his mate, bound or not.

  Mustang slowly unfurled to his full height, a blank mask taking away the aggression. “Billy, he can’t leave until we finish this talk. It does concern him.”

  “If you make me make a choice right this second I will never treat any of you again,” Billy threatened. “I will see you dead in a pine box first.”

  The Alpha held up his hand to silence him. “Calm the fuck down, Carrigan. I’m not going to eat your mate or tie him down so you can turn him.”

  “Turn me?” JP squeaked, paling further.

  Mustang gentled his expression like he would for any other pack submissive who was as distressed as JP was. “That’s something you can discuss with your mate at a later date.” He looked toward the pack. “How many would find it satisfactory if JP went ahead and was marked with ink?” A ton of people raised their hands. “Against?” A few naysayers, but not nearly as many as the people in the affirmative.

  Billy nodded, satisfied. Still pissed but somewhat mollified.

  “All right, kid. You’re getting a tattoo after we finish up the pack business,” Mustang rumbled. “Now, I don’t want to hear anything else about it.” The words had a finality and warning all in one.

  “Mustang, may I take my mate outside so he can compose himself for a moment?” Billy asked, catching sight of JP’s increasing irritation.

  Mustang inclined his head. “Yeah. I’ve got some things to talk to the pack about.”

  * * * *

  JP had the sneaking suspicion that he’d just been roped into an even deeper demonstration of their connection than he was comfortable with. He trembled as he all but ran out the door, Billy right on his heels. He felt trapped and it wasn’t a pleasant feeling. At all.

  “JP, slow down. I’m sorry,” Billy said. He reached out and touched his elbow and JP jerked it out of his reach.

  “No offense, but I’m about done with people grabbing me today.” His earlier good mood was obliterated. He wanted nothing more than to go home and pretend today had never happened. Billy by himself? Awesome. Billy with the rest of those yahoos? Apparently not so good. To think I got up early for this.

  “JP, please. Stop for a second. Where are you even going?”

  “The parking lot, the car, and then the apartment. In that order. Take me home. I don’t want a tattoo.”

  Billy stepped in front of him and came to an abrupt stop. JP slammed into him and nearly went tumbling. “Stop, sweet.”

  “Ow!” JP said, rubbing his arm where it had hit hardest. “I don’t want a tattoo, Billy!”

  “Okay. Okay.” Billy held up his hands in surrender. “All right, sweet. You don’t have to get one.”

  “But your Alpha said—”

  “My Alpha can bite me.” Billy sighed. “You’ve got my car keys. Take my car back to your place. I’ll be by to pick it up later.”

  JP licked his lips. “What will they do to you if I do?” He didn’t want to get Billy into trouble.

  Billy waved his hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about it. I can handle a little chastisement.”

  JP knew he could handle it, but that was beside the point. He fingered the keys in his pocket. On one hand, he really didn’t want a tattoo on their second date. On the other, he really liked Billy.

  Yeah… He didn’t have Billy’s wolf’s belief in love at first sniff. He wasn’t going to stay. He couldn’t.

  “I’ll call you later,” he said.

  His would-be boyfriend nodded, looking extremely disappointed. The look bothered him much more than it should’ve.

  “Drive safely, sweet. Please, don’t think badly of me for this.” Billy bit into his bottom lip.

  JP shook his head. “I just need to think. This whole big world is great and scary and about a million other things that I’m sure I’m expressing badly. I just need to sit down.” And analyze whether I’m ready for a forever kind of thing. He was about to graduate with his degree. He was pretty young to settle down with someone in a permanent way. However, if mating really worked the way Billy said it did, he’d be an idiot to run away from what they could be.

  There was only one place in the world he could think the way he needed to.

  He just hoped Billy wouldn’t be too terribly mad when he found out about it.

  * * * *

  Sweat trickled down Billy’s brow as his he was given his lashes. The pack bore witness while their Alpha administered one stroke for every Dominant in the pack. Billy stopped counting at fifty-two lashes.

  He shuddered through the last six, unable to even cry out. As a wolf, he would heal in hours. Humans would’ve considered the punishment to be barbaric but it really was light considering he’d openly defied the Alpha by sending JP away. He’d known some Alphas that would’ve killed
him for the trespass.

  He’d taken a calculated risk by believing Mustang would understand even if he had to inflict some sort of punishment for the infraction for the sake of the law. The best thing about pack law was once the infraction was paid for, it was forgotten. There were no grudges, no further repercussions. Forgiveness was absolute.

  “How are you doing, Carrigan?”

  “M’okay, Alpha,” Billy slurred. His back was on fire and his pride was definitely hurt considering he’d seen some submissives in this room take twice what he did while popping a hard-on.

  Guess that’s what separates me from the pain sluts.

  “Take him down, Gray.”

  Grayson’s sympathetic gaze came into view. “This might hurt when you lower your arms. You were leaning on them pretty hard.”

  He nodded. “Water?”

  “Gonna get it for you in just a second, Billy.”

  Oh good.

  He groaned as his arms were undone. They felt like lead weights and fell immediately to his side. The action caused a throb to radiate from his shoulder blades outward. The piercing pain just added to his misery.

  A bottle of water was shoved against his lips and he took a grateful swig without raising his hands to assist.

  “All right, everyone. The punishment is administered. Let’s go out to the picnic tables and get some food.”

  Slowly, everyone filed out, leaving Grayson and Mustang with him. Grayson helped him over to the bleachers and lowered him down onto it.

  Mustang came over and sat down beside him. He was sweating, too. “You sure you’re all right?”

  “I’m okay. Just been a long time since I felt the lash.” He hadn’t felt it since his training as matter-of-fact. “Have any of the people injected shown any symptoms yet?” It was easier to distract himself from pain with work.

  “None,” Mustang said. “Everything looks fine.”


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