Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 9

by Elizabeth Perry

  “You live on the damned ground level?” I mutter, red-hot rage filling me up.

  But she’s not listening to me. She’s screaming out a name, as she tries to push her way through the police officers and into what I am assuming to be her home.

  “Ma’am.” One of the officers reaches out grabbing her as she screams and begins to claw at him.

  “Ave’s. Baby. Whoa.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her back, as she screams something to the officer that comes out as just a jumble of words.

  “My son.” She cries, before pushing hard against my arms.

  “Jackson? Oh my god. Jackson!”

  “Your son?” A bucket of ice cold water couldn’t take my breath away any more than those two words.

  I freeze, long enough for her to break out of my embrace and run forward, towards the officers.

  “This is my home.” She cries, looking frantically towards the door. “Where is my son?”

  “You live here?” The officer nods to Avery who manages to scream out, “Yes!” as she continues to look frantically all over the place.

  The officer glances between the two of us, before nodding his head in the direction of a police cruiser.

  “The boys fine. Your neighbor is also fine. They’re right over there.”

  Avery breaks out into a sprint, before wrenching open the door to the car, and grabbing out a tiny little boy with a mop of brown curly hair, dressed in pajamas, seemingly completely confused by the entire situation.

  I watch them for just a second, my stomach completely dropping to my feet, as a feeling of defeat washes over me.

  Avery has a son...which means that she has most definitely moved on.

  And even though I have no reason to feel the way that I do, I can’t even help myself.

  The idea of any other man having a claim on her literally pisses me off.

  I stare at them, watching the way that Avery sobs as she clings to him, every so often pulling back to run her hands through his hair before embracing him again.

  My emotions are so all over the place that I can’t even focus on a single one.

  What if she isn’t taken?

  I certainly don’t see a damn man around here, and for real.

  What kind of man would let his woman walk through the damn ghetto all by herself?

  I’m not gonna try to break up a happy home here, but damn.

  Avery deserves better and if there isn’t a home to be wrecked?

  I’m still gonna try to move on in this.

  Her having a little boy won’t be deterring me.

  In fact?

  It almost makes me want her more.

  Chapter 13


  Well, this pretty much goes down as the worst day in the history of ever.

  I lost my job, only after being publicly humiliated by my asshole ex-boss. Gathered what dignity I had left and trekked it home, only to be followed home by a completely irrational stalker, and then, as if I needed one more damn thing to go wrong today, I had my heart about ripped out of my chest when I finally arrived home, only to find my baby sitting in the back of a police cruiser, shaking and terrified because our home had been broken into.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  “Do you have any idea who could have done this?” The officer questions, as Eric hangs back, thank god, sitting next to my son and trying to calm him down.

  Which really, is that a thank god moment?

  I think not.

  My irrational ex-boyfriend, who has, for whatever freaking reason decided to try to pop back into my life, has suddenly become a stalker and is now trying to soothe my child while I speak to police?

  There’s a lot going on right here...and, well. It’s basically a shit show.

  “No, no idea at all. I don’t really know anyone here, I just moved here to go to school so...” I shrug helplessly, before shaking my head. “I know my neighbor and that’s about it. I do work in a bar, but, I haven’t made any enemies.”

  At least, not before tonight. But while Susan is a total bitch, she isn’t an armed robber either.

  “Odds are it was a random break-in. These thugs like to pick an easy target, and well, ma’am. A single woman living alone around these parts is, unfortunately, an easy hit. We’ll keep you posted with the investigation. As for now, we really need to keep your apartment sealed until our crew goes through. They did find some shell casings inside, and it takes time to get all of that logged and processed. Letting you inside could wreck the scene and damage potential evidence.”

  “Shell casings?” My jaw drops. “They had a gun?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The officers mouth sets in a grim line. “Luckily, your neighbor was smart. As soon as she heard the racket, she grabbed your boy and barricaded them inside of a closet. Called us right away and we were able to get here quick. Doesn’t always work out like that.”

  My heart is thundering so loudly in my ears, that I can barely even hear him. All I know is that he said gun. They had a gun. In my home. With my child.

  Dear lord...

  “Do you have a place to stay tonight?” The officer asks, and Eric steps forward, carrying my now sleeping son.

  I can’t even find it in me to be upset right now about that. Because for the moment, my son is calm, even if it is at the hands of my ex.

  “She does. She’s staying with me.” Eric tells the officer, before giving me a look that is stern enough for me to shut my mouth, even if only because of my current situation and the fact that he has Jackson in his arms.

  Plus, I really don’t have anywhere else to stay...

  “Good. I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t let you back into that apartment to even get any belongings. It’s a crime scene now...but probably by tomorrow...”

  “What?” I exclaim, before glancing down at my work attire of faded jeans, bar logo t-shirt, and converse. “I have to get clothes...I can’t be going around in this!”

  “Probably by tomorrow.” The officer reaffirms.

  I throw my arms up, before throwing my head back, forcing in the scream that is so ready to escape my lips.

  “That should be the least of your worries right now,” Eric whispers into my ear, as the officer nods at me one last time before being pulled away by his crew.

  “You seriously were living here? Like this?” His voice is low, and almost menacing, forcing my eyes to snap up to his.

  “Yes. And don’t look at me like that. The officer said it was random, it’s not like...”

  “I’m sure random happens a whole hell of a lot around here.” He growls, before hugging Jackson a little bit tighter.

  “Do you live here by yourself?”

  “No.” I try to roll my eyes in a sassy response, but my body is just too damn worked up for any of it. My word ends up leaving my lips sounding completely deflated.

  “I live with my son Jackson, too.”

  “Smart ass. I meant do you live with a man. A boyfriend. Husband...”

  “Nope.” I finally sigh, as a big black Suburban pulls up behind us. “It’s just me and Jacks.”

  “Not for long.” He mutters underneath his breath. Normally, this type of response would make me scowl and respond with something incredibly witty.

  But I’m just not feeling it tonight. My fight has died, and suddenly, all that I want to do is throw myself into a bed, close my eyes, and wake up to a new day.

  “Come on.” Eric takes me by the elbow, pulling me towards the Suburban. “This is us. Time to go.”

  I glance back towards my apartment one last time, watching as multiple officers trickle in and out of it.

  I feel violated, mixed with anger, and whole lot of fear.

  What would have happened if my neighbor hadn’t been so quick to think and hide with Jacks? The what if’s in this situation about make me vomit.

  Because it could have been so bad.

  So fucking bad.

  I know in this instant, that a drastic change must be made. Get
ting back into Grad school in Chicago is not worth this kind of risk.

  Not when that risk involves the most important person in my life getting hurt.

  I’m hoping that if I sleep on it tonight, when I wake up tomorrow?

  The answer will come to me.

  I’m too damn in shock from this entire day to try to formulate any sense of thoughts right now.

  For now, I just want to crawl into a bed, and fall asleep, hopefully waking up to a brand-new day with a better, more positive outlook.

  Because right now?

  The forecast just sucks.

  Chapter 14


  I’m momentarily disoriented when my eyes open. But when I realize where I am?

  My blood freezes in my veins.

  All of the events of last night come tumbling back to me, damn near knocking the air right out of my lungs.

  I glance over to Jacks, who is still sound asleep in the bed next to me.

  In Eric’s bed.

  I swallow hard, trying to get myself together, and definitely trying to ignore the way that my skin smells like him, like I have wrapped myself in a blanket of him all night long.

  Good Lord.

  That is not ever going to happen...

  I throw back the covers before hopping out of bed.

  I pace for a few seconds in the room, trying to decide exactly how to proceed, when the smell of coffee seeps into the room.

  I may be strong...but coffee is my weakness.

  And there is absolutely no way that I can formulate any kind of plan of action without it.

  I tug Eric’s t-shirt down as far as I can, before slowly creeping towards the door.

  I’m two steps out of the room, when my eyes snap up, and suddenly, all the air is knocked out of my lungs.

  Eric stands, leaning against the counter, wearing nothing more than a loose pair of gym shorts.

  His hair is ruffled from sleep, and every damn muscle in his arms and back are flexed from his grip on the counter.

  And my stupid knees get weak.


  This is ridiculous. Yes, the man is fine. But the way that he makes my heart race and my body instantly react?

  Well, that part is just not ok.

  He turns slowly around, as the floor creaks under my feet, and as our eyes meet?

  A slow, easy smile spreads across his face.

  “Morning, Ave’s.” His voice is still laced with sleep, sounding sexy as hell, as he runs a hand through his hair before nodding towards the coffee pot.

  “Still take cream and sugar?” He reaches for a mug, pouring the lifesaving liquid into it before motioning for me to sit down at the tiny table.

  “Yes, please.”

  He fixes my coffee as I sit down, and even though I try really damn hard...I can’t manage to take my eyes off of him.

  His body...lord.

  Eric was always in shape, and always had muscles that seemed to go on for miles.

  But the Eric from my memory was still just a boy.

  This Eric?

  Good freaking God.

  He is all man. And while I know that the thoughts that circle inside of me are unwelcome and awful?

  I can’t even help myself.

  Eric Wayne has grown into a damn fine man.

  He sets my coffee down in front of me, before sinking into the chair across from me, causing my heart to race even faster.

  I shake my head as he opens up his mouth, desperately trying to get a grip on my emotions, before I say or do anything stupid.

  “Please. Let me get like, half of this in me before we start to talk about anything.”

  He flashes me a crooked smile before nodding.

  “Some things never change.”

  I don’t bite and tell him that some things most definitely do change.

  Such as my feelings for him.

  Except that would be a complete and utter lie, since obviously, my feelings for him never stopped.

  At least not the ones that involve my body. My heart is a completely different subject.

  I take my time, sipping my coffee and forcing my eyes not to meet his. I feel his stare on me, as he leans back in his chair, of course, showing off his gorgeous ripped stomach and the little brown happy trail that I most definitely know leads down to a place that would give heaven a run for its money.

  Dammit all.

  I swallow hard, still not daring to look him in the eye, before finally finding the courage to open my mouth.

  “So, thank you for letting Jacks and I stay here last night. As soon as he is up, we will get out of your hair.”

  A disgusted sound leaves his mouth as he leans back even further, the heat of his eyes on me, forcing me to look up.

  “I don’t think so.” He says before his eyes lock on mine.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “I’m going to pass.” I pull my eyes away and focus them back on my mug.

  “You didn’t even hear what it is yet.”

  “I don’t need to.” I shrug. “Answers still going to be no.”

  “Ave’s. Please. Hear me out.”

  “I don’t need to hear you out. I don’t need, nor want for that matter, any proposition that you may have. Because I’m damn sure that it involves you, swooping in, and trying to save the day. Which I do not need.”


  “No! God! Really?” I cut my eyes at him before slamming my mug onto the table. “I have been on my own for a long time, Eric. And I have managed just fine, on my own. So, whatever proposition you think that I need from you? Save it for someone who wants it. Because I certainly don’t.”

  His chair slams into the floor as he sits forward, his eyes hard on mine as he leans across the table.

  “Do you have sudden amnesia or something? Because I’m pretty sure, that last night, your home was broken into with people who had guns.”

  “I know that...”

  His hand flies up to quiet me before he leans forward even further.

  “And, furthermore, you were living in the god damned ghetto.” His teeth are clenched as the words fly from his mouth. “You were working in a bar, and walking over a mile through a horrible fucking neighborhood and you call that doing just fine?”

  My hands slam onto the table, and suddenly, my face is just inches from him, as I nearly spit my words at him.

  “Fuck you, Eric. You have no right to judge me. You lost that right a long fucking time ago. And, you also have no control over me. So, proposition this.”

  I take a step back and press my middle finger almost directly his face, before giving him a smug smile and turning on one heel, stalking back towards the bedroom where Jackson is still sleeping.

  “Nope.” He growls before I feel his strong arms wrapping around my waist and jerking me backward.

  “You don’t get to just walk away from this, Avery. And I don’t give a fuck about anything other than keeping you safe. I’m not judging you, but for real. We’re going to talk about this.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I jerk in his arms, trying to push him away, but, he’s just too strong.

  And can I just say, that for the record?

  The second his body presses up against mine, I literally have to fight to stay mad. Because my stupid heart starts to race, and I know that my breathing kicks up a notch, and it has nothing to do with anger.

  This man makes my mind nuts and still sets my body on fire.


  He spins me around, before pressing my body against the wall, releasing me, only to cage me in on both sides.

  I squeeze my eyes shut so that at least, I don’t have to look at him anymore.

  Because having him this close is making me crazy.

  “Ok. We’re going to start over, and I am not going to lose my cool.” He says evenly, almost to himself.

  I don’t reply.

  “I want you to come home with me.”


  “Jesus, Avery. Listen to me for one freaking second, please?”

  He sighs hard, his hot breath blowing against my skin, and completely not helping my situation.

  “I am listening. But the answer is still no.”

  “USC is literally two miles from my house. They have an excellent grad program for social work. That is what you were going for, right?”

  My eyes fly open and I stare at him in shock.

  “How did you know that?”

  He simply smirks. “I have my ways.”

  “I’m so done with this conversation.”

  “I’ll pay your tuition.”


  “I’ll pay your tuition and give you a job. If you come home with me.”

  I blink a few times, before beginning to shake my head.

  “No...I can’t.”

  But he doesn’t even let me finish. He rushes on, moving his body even closer to mine.

  “I have a big house, and I’m hardly ever there. I need someone to live in my house while I’m gone. Someone to help keep it clean and do my grocery shopping. Someone to make me meals when I am home. And it can’t just be anyone. It has to be someone that I trust.”

  “Oh, please.”

  “I’m serious. Being in my position? I can’t just let anyone into my home, Ave’s. It’s hard to trust people.”

  “I can completely agree with that.” My eyes level with his and I narrow them before crossing my arms across my chest.

  “Right.” He shakes his head. “I know, you don’t trust me. But Ave’s, you have to know that I would never hurt you and that you would be safe with me. Your son would be safe with me. I have a huge yard. A pool. And you would get to be home with him. Seriously, how can you say no to that?”

  “As nice as you are making it sound, Eric, still. All of that requires me having to be around you. And I do not want that. Nor, do I want any handouts from you. Regardless of what you think, I have been managing fine. I have juggled everything, completely on my own, without any help from anyone. And there is no fucking way, that when I finally do accept help? That it would ever be from you.”


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