Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) Page 7

by Ginny Atkinson

  “How’d you get this?” I asked as I read over the list of his conquests. She grabbed it out of my hand before I flipped the page.

  “I have my ways.” She put it back in her bag.

  Beau sat to my left immobile. He cleared his throat and quietly asked her. “Jess, just how detailed is that?”

  She looked up at him startled for a moment then turned redder than her hair. “Well, this one is tame in comparison to the actual spreadsheet and attachments I have on my computer at home. I get updates weekly from a certain source that includes everything from video footage to simple pictures, for each entry in here. Since I’m kinda ole’ school when it comes to things. I wrote everything down in this book. It’s a great insurance policy, especially if Bus tries anything else with Roxy. From what Marie said, because of a few names on his list, he can be brought up on statutory rape charges.”

  Beau swallowed hard and clenched his jaw. “Marie has read it?”

  Jess frowned, her brows drawing together in a deep v. “I don’t think so.”

  Beau ran a hand over his face. “So you know?”

  She smirked at him. “Yup.”

  “Does anyone else?” He hesitantly asked. She took a deep breath and shook her head no. He exhaled a sigh of relief. “Good.”

  I glanced back over to Marie at the other table. She had her head ducked down as she brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her cheeks turned pink as a blush settled over her cheeks. The blonde guy in a blue polo shirt leaned in toward her and whispered something in her ear that caused her to giggle and turn a shade redder.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. He needed to move out of her personal space. I nudged the somber Beau. “Which one is the one next to your sister?”

  He looked over to the table and grunted. “Jackson.”

  “And you’re okay with him that close to her?” I asked incredulously.

  “No I’m not. I just know that if I say anything to her about it she’ll do the exact opposite and get hurt.” He paid the waitress for his food.

  I sat there in shock and looked at the other two Savioes. “What about you two? Aren’t you going to do something about it?”

  Charles shook his head. “I’m with Beau on this one.”

  Luke shrugged. “I’ll talk to her after school about it. I know if I did it now she’d get embarrassed.”

  Roxy lifted her sculpted eyebrow at me. “It bothers me too. But I can’t go over there without starting more drama thanks to Angie.” She tapped her fingernail against her lips before she smiled. “You could always do it. That way she won’t feel embarrassed and those bitches won’t start something. Plus since everyone is leery of you anyway if they see you talking to her they just might leave her alone.”

  I stood up and walked over to the table just as I heard Jess whisper to Roxy. “You know that might start another little rumor right?”

  “Oh, that they’re an item? You think so? Hmm, they’ll definitely leave her alone if that happens.” Roxy whispered back.

  I shook my head at those two and continued my trek to the table. I wonder if that’s true. I know that people think I’m a big badass and I’ve heard some of the rumors about me that supposedly confirmed it, but I never thought anyone took them seriously. The ginger at the table spotted me first. Her eyes widened in shock and quickly nudged the brunette to her right. Hmm, I think I’ll test their little theory. With both of the girls at the table staring at me, I knelt down next to Marie’s ear making it look like I was nuzzling it, placed my hand on the table in front of her and whispered low enough for only Marie to hear. “Hello, pet. Why don’t you come over here and join us for a second. Jess has some information about your little blonde friend here that you should really hear.”

  I heard her sharp intake of breath seconds before her head spun around to look at me. Nose to nose with her, I had to stop myself from leaning in to taste her lips. “Come on, pet.”

  She let out a breath and I caught a hint of mint chocolate on it. “Drez.”

  “The one and only.” I got down on bended knee beside her and placed my arm around her waist. “Who are your friends, luv?”

  She blushed hard and stammered out. “Angie, Madison and Keegan.”

  “A pleasure to meet you three. Do you mind if I take her away? It’ll only be for a few minutes.” I turned toward Angie as I asked before looking back at Marie to wink at her. “Maybe longer if I’m lucky enough.”

  “Go ahead.” Angie managed to get out in between her sputtering.

  I had Marie on her feet and heading over to our table before polo shirt even realized she was gone. When we got far enough away from them, she smacked my arm. “What the hell was that about?”

  “What? I was just having a bit of fun with them. Well and testing out a little theory.” I slung my arm over her shoulders and whispered in her ear. “Does it bother you?”

  “What theory? And kinda.” She breathed out in a soft voice that immediately made my balls clench in desire.

  “That if those jock gits think you are with me they’ll leave you alone and out of that book of theirs.” I admitted as we got to the table.

  Beau shook his head at me. “I didn’t even think about that.”

  “Wait what? What have I missed?” Marie asked stiffly.

  I sat down at the table and pulled her down on my lap. In for a penny in for a pound, I might as well really try to sell it for that table. “See Mr. Polo Shirt is in that book with Bus. He is currently in third according to Jess and is looking for someone to put him over the top.”

  Her face dropped a little. “Hunter is in the book?”

  Beau nodded. “Yeah. There are nine total that are participating in the book. Right, Jess?”

  Jess sat there dumfounded as she stared at us. Roxy answered for her. “Yeah. Do you really think this will work, Beau?”

  He looked over at us and scratched behind his ear. “Yeah. I think it might.” He looked me directly in the eyes. “We need to talk later.”

  “No problem.”


  After lunch right before Auto shop, Beau cornered me in the hall. He grabbed my shirt and slammed me against the wall. My eyes widened in shock. “Whoa! What the fuck man!” I shouted and pushed him off me.

  “This thing with Marie had better not end up with her hurt. I just found out from Luke that she already has a bit of a crush on you. This….” He waved his hand in front of him. “This scheme or whatever we decide for it to be just might break her heart. If that happens, if by some chance you end up stomping it in the ground, I will kill you.”

  He glared at me one last time before he walked down the hall and rounded the corner. What the fuck? If this was going to be that much of a big deal, we’ll just end it. Hell, I’m just doing this so his sister didn’t end up in some git’s point spread. There is no point in threatening anyone. I brushed off my shirt and walked into class, when the rest of his rant hit me. My eyes enlarged in surprise. Marie has a crush on me.



  I was sitting on Drez’s lap. That was the only thought circling in my head since lunch. When we got back to school, Angie, Madison and Keegan kept questioning me about it.

  “When did you two get together?”

  “How long has it been going on?”

  “Is he good in bed?”

  I told them the only thing I could. That I had no idea and that I was just as clueless as they were. They seemed to buy that. Though the whole thought of possibly pretending to date Drez, just to keep me out of the book, was overwhelming. I mean I could see where it would help, but I could seriously get attached and things could go extremely bad. Getting my heart crushed was not on my to do list. My eyes enlarged in horror over that. Yeah, we need to set up some rules or something. If I even go through with it.

  The final bell rang snapping me out of my stupor. I picked up my books and shoved them in my bag. The other kids filtered out of the door as I stood there for a minute still trying t
o wrap my head around what was happening. I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out to the locker banks to grab what I needed for homework.

  “Marie!” Angie greeted me at my locker. “So we were talking it over and we want you to come to a sleepover Friday at my house. Please tell me you can go?”

  “I think I should be able to make it. I have to check just to make sure though.” I leaned against my locker and bit my lip as I thought it over.

  “Sweet! I’ll give you all the details tomorrow. Au revoir.” She tried to say but it came out like ‘Are reeve war.’

  “Laters.” I watched her walk off and let out a big sigh. I opened my locker, put my books in and grabbed the stuff I needed to take home with me. I was going to talk to Beau about this. The more it ran through my mind the more aggravated I became. I cannot do this. Just as I closed my locker and put my bag over my shoulder, an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me against a solid chest. I squealed and spun around in the arms that encased me.

  Drez stood there keeping me trapped in his embrace with a shit-eating grin on his face. My heart still pumping from fear now doubled its rhythm from being so close to him. A faint tingling settled in my lower abdomen. I smacked his chest and grumbled at him. “Don’t do that. You scared the life out of me!”

  He raised an eyebrow at me and pulled me tighter as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I’m sorry, pet. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  His lips grazed my ear sending goosebumps rippling over my body. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest biting my lip. This was not happening. I tried to suppress the sensations that swirled in me as I forced my breathing to return to normal. I placed my hands on his chest and looked up at him. He looked smug and incredibly delicious. I swallowed hard as I leaned up close to his ear. His heart pounded a bit erratically under my hand. I heard his breath catch as my breath teased the sensitive skin as I whispered. “Let go of me. I can’t do this.” I leaned back down and stared up at him.

  He exhaled slowly and rested his forehead against mine. “Are you sure? This might actually work to keep you out of their game.” He pushed a lock of my hair away from my face grazing my cheek with his fingertips and leaned back to look down at me. “Why don’t we talk about it when I drop you off?” He brushed his lips against my brow and settled his arm over my shoulders.

  “Drop me off?” I asked as he steered me toward the commons and out the front doors to the parking lot. We walked by Bus and a few of the other members of the team on our way down the concrete steps. They followed us with their eyes and started whispering.

  Drez pulled me close and placed a kiss on the top of my head. “Yeah. I think it best if all of us talk about this potential charade and any implications that may arise from it.”

  He removed his arm as we reached his car and opened the door for me. I grabbed the top of the door and looked up at him. “Like if I want to be a part of it or not.”

  He frowned slightly and waited for me to get in the car before closing the door. He got in the driver side and started her up. “Why wouldn’t you want to keep them away from you?”

  “It’s not that.” I exhaled a deep breath and closed my eyes. “I just don’t think I can pretend to be anyone’s girl.”


  When we arrived at the gate to my house, I gave him the code for the security system. After entering it, we slowly made the trek up the driveway. He parked the car behind my mom’s van and shut it off. I opened the door and walked in the house.

  Remi greeted me at the door with a huge smile on his face. “Marie! Momma said that she’s gonna make some beignets for dessert tonight.” He looked around sneakily and whispered to me. “With real sugar too.”

  “Really?” I visibly swallowed my nervousness. This kid hyped up on sugar on my night to help him with his bath. What did I do to upset my parents? I turned to look at Drez who was shuffling his feet on his way to the door and decided not to issue him a warning about the potential twin furies. “Hurry up. Momma doesn’t like for us to keep the door open for too long.”

  He gave me a crooked smile as he picked up his step and I felt like my heart stopped beating and then started again at four times its normal rhythm. If this is what Roxy and Jess feels when they say they want to jump someone’s bones then I am in way over my head.

  Remi rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Why is he back?”

  “Because we need to discuss some things for school. Now go away.” I pushed him up the stairs and out of my hair.

  Drez closed the door behind me as my mother walked out of the kitchen. “Oh honey, you’re back. Good. I hope you will be staying for dinner. Marie, take him into the living room with everyone else so y’all can get your homework completed.”

  I gave her a quick hug hello. “Yes, Momma but I’m going to change first. Drez the living room is down the hall first door on your left just before you get to Daddy’s study.” I pointed down the hall before I jogged up the steps to my room.

  I quickly started shedding my clothes and placed them in the hamper. I kicked off my shoes in the direction of my closet and grabbed a pair of cotton lounge pants and simple tank top from my dresser. I pulled them on, brushed out my hair and wrapped it up in a bun. I grabbed my bag and headed back down the steps.

  Drez and my brothers were encircling the coffee table in the middle of the living room. I stepped over one of Dev’s action figures and hopped over the back of the couch. I sat with my legs drawn up under me and pulled out my French homework.

  Beau cleared his throat to get my attention. I looked up at him through my lashes still keeping my head down toward my book. “What?”

  He took a deep breath and got the look on his face that always indicated he was about to say something that would piss me off. “So you want the attention of the football team? Are you insane or just stupid?”

  “Excuse me? What the hell makes you say that?” I hissed out trying to keep my voice down so momma didn’t hear me swear. I looked over to Drez. “What in the world did you tell them?”

  “Just that you didn’t want to be protected.” He shrugged at me. I narrowed my eyes at him taking in his body language. He sat on the floor to my left leaning back against the couch with his leg propped up and his arm resting on it, completely at ease. The jackass.

  “I said dat I didn’ wan’ ta pretend ta be anyone’s girl, cooyon. Don’t be puttin’ words in my mouth.” I snapped resisting the urge to smack him.

  “Why?” Luke asked with a slight smirk on his face and I just knew at that moment that he knew I liked Drez. My fist clenched around my pencil.

  “Ya know why.” I grumbled as I looked back down at my homework.

  Charles snickered at me as he got up to go in the kitchen. “Oh, I think I know why.” He bent down and whispered in my ear. “You like him and you don’t want him to know it.”

  I dropped my pencil as my head popped up in shock. “No!”

  “Yup.” He slowly said as he exited the room.

  I picked my book off my lap, slammed it down on the couch beside me and jumped over the arm of it to chase after him. He laughed as he ran toward the kitchen. I narrowed my eyes down the hall, walked back in the living room and took a seat back on the couch. “It shouldn’ matter why. I jus’ don’ wan’ any part of dis.”

  Drez looked over his shoulder at me. “If it will help ease your mind, we could set up some limitations. Do’s and don’ts if you will.”

  “Like what?” I hesitantly asked as I picked my books up again.

  “Well, what are your reservations and we’ll work around them.” He twisted toward me awaiting my answer.

  “You. That’s her biggest hang up.” Charles blurted out leaning against the arched doorjamb.

  My cheeks flushed with my embarrassment and building anger at my younger brother. “Oh Chucky, ya are so goin’ ta get it.”

  “Don’t call me that.” He narrowed his hazel eyes at me.

  “Wha’s da matter? D
on’ like it when someone says someting ya don’ like. Wha’ ya goin’ ta do ‘bout it, boy?” I leaned around the couch and sneered at him.

  Luke sighed and shook his head. “Just take it outside you two. You know the house rules.”

  I heard Drez ask Luke. “What are the house rules?”

  “If we fight with each other we have to take it outside to the ring. Otherwise, we end up breaking things in the house and mom gets mad. That is a sight no one wants to see.” Luke explained.

  “A ring? Like a boxing ring?”

  “Yeah. We have gloves, rules, just about everything.” I heard Luke stand up and walk over to Charles. “Is that where you two are taking this?”

  “He’s too scared ta face me dere. Ain’t ya?” I taunted.

  “Both of you sit down. Marie, turn around and quit egging things on. You are just trying to change the subject so you don’t have to feel embarrassed.” Beau chided as he glared at the three of us.

  “Fine.” I turned around and went back to work on my assignment.

  “Marie, Drez asked you a question.” Beau reminded me.

  I slammed my pencil down and rolled my eyes. “Fine. I personally don’t see why we have to have a little charade like this. I’m not going to get involved with anyone on that team. I’m not stupid Beau. I know what they do. I’ve seen the damn book. I know that a virgin is worth a hundred points. That if they give it up in a public place it’s an extra fifty. Blondes are worth an extra twenty-five if the carpet matches the drapes.” I squeezed my eyes shut after that admission. Why did I just say that?

  “You’ve read it?” Luke raised his eyebrows at me in amazement.

  I looked over to Beau, noticed that all the color drained from his face and lied to them. “No. I just saw the first page that had the point system. I was too disgusted to read any more of it.”


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