Familiar Travels

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Familiar Travels Page 10

by Taki Drake

  The patrolman and the nobleman started going over Jeremiah’s pathway through the city on the previous day. In the back-and-forth conversation that ensued, the two of them and the patrolman were all focused on each other. TT was not as deeply involved, so she noticed that the young magic user with the dead looking eyes was unobtrusively wandering around the room and inching toward the door to the hallway. She was trying to think of a way to warn Jeremiah when she noticed that Davin was already in motion. As the unnamed man stepped through the doorway into the hall, Davin was off like a shot.

  A caterwaul of fury echoed through the room as the infuriated Familiar drove the attempted spy forcefully toward Jeremiah. Davin continued to hiss and make slashing motions with his huge claws extending out of the end of his many-toed paws. The cat looked like fury personified with his fur fluffed out and a malevolent yellow gleam in his eye.

  Deciding to play also, TT jumped up as if she had been awakened from a nap. Making a sound of fright, she ran over to the patrolman and tried to climb up his body to safety. The startled man dropped his notebook and pen and reached futilely for the rapidly-climbing cat.

  “Come and get her off of me! Quick, somebody help!”

  In all the confusion nobody noticed that Jeremiah lost his iron control for just a moment as his mouth quivered in amusement. Sternly controlling his facial features, the elderly Witch moved first toward his embattled familiar. Addressing the young man with the strange eyes, Jeremiah said, “How dare you invade my home and attempt to spy!”

  Derek chose that moment to break in, saying, “I bet they’re not real policemen! I bet they’re here casing the joint. I could tell that they’re trying to do sneaky things and no real policeman would do that. I think we should call the real patrol! They can arrest them and take them away!”

  The now motionless patrolman stood stock still with sweat dripping down his face. His hands were trembling, and he was obviously terrified of the cat sitting on his head. However, the last comment by Derek moved him to speak. “I am the patrolman for the neighborhood!

  Derek responded, “Okay, maybe you’re real but what about these other two gents?” I’ve never heard of these superduper special investigators, and we’ve had patrolman around here all the time from when I was little.”

  The nobleman was affronted, “I will have you know that I was appointed specifically to this by Count Henri Grunwald! It is a special commission, and very important. We are to find the woman and her children, and to bring them in so that they can be reunited with their father.”

  “I knew that you were something weird. I bet you’re one of those pedophiles and are really after children!” Turning to Jeremiah, Derek continued, saying “I was going to come and tell you that your company was here, but I think I better go get him now!”

  Without another word, the young boy took off at a dead run, quickly leaving the room.

  The dead-voiced man turned to Jeremiah and asked, “You were expecting company?”

  With an affronted look on his face, Jeremiah responded, “I have plenty of company that comes and goes at all sorts of times. After all, I am a Witch.”

  The rejoinder was disdainful. “Only a Hedge Witch.”

  Whatever else might have been said between the two of them was interrupted by the forcible entry into the room of a very large man and two extremely large dogs. Taking in the situation with one sweeping glance, the man in the livery of the Royal Palace demanded in a hard voice, “What is going on here? Jeremiah, are you all right?”

  Gesturing with his hand to include Jeremiah and Davin, the man snapped a single word command at the dogs, “Guard!”

  Both animals, of large stature and weighing at least 300 pounds each, positioned themselves in front of the frail, elderly man and presented the other room occupants with a watchful and barely contained snarling expressions.

  Continuing his establishment of control over the room, the liveried man demanded of the red-faced patrolman, “Why are you wearing a cat on your head?”

  The totally discombobulated man responded honestly, “Because I can’t get her down.”

  Snorting his amusement, the big man took two strides over to where the frozen patrolman stood and reached up, saying in a gentle voice, “Here, pretty kitty.”

  TT gracefully stepped off of the patrolman’s head and into the hands of the hound master. She recognized the patch as similar to the one that Norbert had worn in her former home. She could also smell the scent of hounds that permeated the air around the man as he walked.

  In just a few minutes the Royal hound master, Jacob Previn, had established control of the room and assisted the patrolman in gathering his things. Drawing on his status in the power of his livery, he insisted on immediately escorting three visitors out through the front door.

  As the men left the building, Jacobs rumbling voice could be heard saying, “Of course, I will be reporting this to his Majesty’s Guard Captain. Such a violation of normal conduct is concerning. It is especially disturbing since I don’t believe that they are aware of any current Special Investigator appointments. In fact, I believe that there have been no such commissions handed out in the last 10 years.”

  Even the enhanced hearing of a Familiar could not make sense out of the hurried speech that came out of the nobleman’s mouth as he attempted to explain the special circumstances. Jacob cut them off saying, “You don’t have to explain anything to me, I’m sure his Majesty will assign someone to investigate further. In the meantime, I would suggest that you not bother the only man in the city that provides his Majesty with important supplies.”

  Once again, the indistinct voices of the patrolman in the nobleman collided with each other in a jumbled mixture of justification explanation. They were silenced totally when the hound master said, “As I said, others that have more seniority than I will take over from this point. I would suggest that you tell both of your superiors to expect inquiries from the palace shortly.”

  The door closed with a clink, and the firm tread of the large hound master came back toward the main room.

  Looking at the tableau that included the two Familiars and elderly Witch they stood frozen in place as if they were puppets waiting for someone to pull more strings, Jacob asked in a strained, high-pitched voice, “What on earth just happened? What farce did I walk in the middle of?”

  That question was the last strain that their control could handle and both men dissolved into helpless rollicking laughter, as the Familiars sat down in exhausted relief.

  Chapter 17 – Pathways and Possibilities

  The men had laughed themselves into hiccups. Long before their amusement had worn off, Davin had disappeared. Returning with Dora and all three of the children, the scene had to be played out one more time so that everyone could share in the levity.

  TT had seen the flash of pain on Dora’s face when the one magic user’s comment about her husband was repeated. Rubbing comfortingly across the woman’s ankles, TT did her best to reassure with body caresses and ramped-up purring. She knew that her actions had done some good when the woman absentmindedly reached down and picked up the cat, placing TT on her lap. The touch between the two was comforting for both of them, and TT reveled in the feeling of someone being affectionate.

  Phil and Derek were fascinated with the big dogs. Once they got over their initial fear of the huge animals, they were relentless in their investigation of canine ears, feet, tail, and muscles.

  TT’s participation in the conversation was reclaimed when she heard a familiar name.

  “… Adelphia’s pups out of Apollo Helios. That has been a great line to cross into the Royal hounds, and his Majesty is both impressed and very pleased. In fact, I was actually on my way to visit with Norbert, an old friend of mine and the kennel master for the D’Reauvrey family.”

  TT excitedly interrupted, << That is the estate of my former Witch! And Dora’s mother works there as the head cook. If we can get a message to Norbert, then he can let Lori know th
at her daughter is safe. >>

  Davin said, << That is an excellent idea. Jeremiah, can you work that out with Jacob? >>

  Jeremiah said aloud, “Jacob, could you please relay a private message to Norbert for the ears of Lori, the head cook?”

  “Of course, but I don’t think I want to know everything that you’ve gotten yourself embroiled in this time, old man. Unless, of course, it’s something that you need help with.”

  “We don’t appear to need additional help right now, but we could do some playacting to give me some more options if you’re up for it.”

  Bracketed by the shout of laughter and an eager look, Jacob asked, “Tell me about the playacting…”


  If all the world is a stage, then Jeremiah’s front step could have been the setting for a brief act titled “Enter the Alibi.”

  Jacob’s leaving was as obvious as his entry into Jeremiah’s household had been unobtrusive. Grandly exiting through the front door, the man dressed in Royal Livery turned on the top step to announce in his booming voice, “Thank you very much, Witch Jeremiah. His Majesty and I are both very appreciative of the work you do for the hounds and other inhabitants of the palace. I understand that you have had some disquieting visitors so I will be leaving one of his Majesty’s hounds to keep you company for the next few days. In fact, after I finish the remainder of my errands, I will bring the other one back to join its sibling so that you have double protection.”

  Jeremiah responded, saying, “You are very welcome, and it is always a pleasure to serve his Majesty. I do have my Familiar, but have to admit that the addition of the two large dogs is very comforting. Especially, if you are indeed going to have your daughter-in-law and grandchildren come to stay with me.”

  “Yes, they should be in town within the next ten days or so. I really appreciate you providing them hospitality since the palace is really not a good place to keep two active little boys.”

  “I guess I will see you later then. Should I plan on you for dinner?”

  As the big man turned to leave, he tossed his last comment back over his shoulder, “it depends on how well the day goes.”


  Jacob had returned as promised after visiting Norbert on the estate of TT’s former Witch. The visit had gone well, and he had managed to let Norbert know without fanfare that Dora and the children were fine but that it was too dangerous for Lori to see them right now. Norbert had been very concerned about the Cook’s welfare, and Jacob had done his best to reassure the estate hound master. The Royal Hound Master also made sure to arrive and depart with all due ceremony as appropriate for an emissary from the palace. It was slim protection for Norbert, but the only help that Jacob could offer him at this time.

  The Royal hound master had mentioned to Jeremiah that there had been a fair number of interested visitors during his time at the estate, all that had some urgent need to visit the kennel while he and Norbert were talking. Although the estate’s hound master had professed to be amused, Jacob was concerned that something would happen either to his friend or to the hounds that he loved so dearly.

  Norbert had also sent a strange gift for the cat. As Jacob had been leaving, the estate’s hound master had passed him a folded piece of paper, with a low-toned comment that he thought that it would be useful for the cat. When the two men and the Familiars examined it, the paper turned out to be a wrapper for torn pieces of parchment.

  TT caught her breath in painful memory as she relived the moment when the Lady Rosemary had ripped the Familiar bond to shreds along with the spell parchment. That memory, connected to the barely remembered feeling of pieces of paper falling on her semi-conscious body as it lay in the trash bin, stabbed through the small cat with the force of a terrible blow.

  Staggering under the onslaught of painful experience, TT picked the parchment pieces up in her mouth and crawled into the bed by the fire. She needed to be alone with her grief. The others were so wrapped up in the discussion that her withdrawal went unnoticed as she retreated to lick her wounds.

  Jacob and Jeremiah had talked late into the night about possible strategies for saving the hounds from the Lady Rosemary. They would not be safe for a second if she suspected that they had any magical talent whatsoever. Both of them knew that Adelphia and the other adult hounds would die to the last animal rather than give up their puppies to be used as a sacrifice in any of the perverted rituals of the estate’s Lady and her so-called friends.

  Leaving late at night, Jacob had some parting words for Jeremiah. “Be very careful, my friend. It seems that a lot is going on right now and much of it centers around the two pivot points of the white Familiar and the young family. I do not want to risk losing you, so please be more cautious than you normally are. Lena and Tigre will stay with you for now. They are good protection, and the dogs also wear the King’s glyph. It will make any other players in this game chary of harming them, and by extension will help protect you.


  TT’s rest that night was uneven, filled with fragmented dreams and the feeling of impending doom. She was out of sorts in the morning, unwilling to speak to anyone and lost in her own thoughts. However, the day was beautiful and sunny, with weather that was quite mild. The children were out in the back garden, secure behind the protective walls. Drawn by the sound of their quiet enjoyment, TT wandered out into the sunny garden and found a place where the dappled light warmed the air and provided her with some of the privacy she needed for contemplations.

  She had not seen Davin or Jeremiah this morning. She could feel the background sparkle and swirl of energy that indicated that the two were deep in some form of magical working. There was no need to interrupt them, and it comforted TT to know that they were at work and still accessible in time of need.

  With nothing specific to worry about, and unable to trust her own feelings, TT was on edge and alert. Unable to settle into a nap, she got up and began to walk the garden. The protective barrier of the back garden would occasionally sizzle as she walked past the corners. She could feel the energy that was being fed into it from someplace in the house and suspected that Jeremiah was reinforcing and increasing his home’s defenses.

  All of that made sense. The Persian would’ve done the same thing if she could, but in this case, she was pretty useless. TT realized at that moment that she really detested the feeling of uselessness. Too many times in her life had she been judged as decorative rather than essential, and the recent changes in her life had made her more appreciative of being judged as part of the solution instead of simply part of the scenery.

  A large shadow blocked the sun, momentarily casting a chill over the air and ground. Glancing up at the sky and expecting to see a cloud, TT was surprised and frightened when she saw that it was a very large bird, and that was diving into the garden.

  << It’s headed for the children! >> thought TT as she began to race toward where the children were playing. Flinging her body between the children and the invader, TT realized that she was confronting a huge Raven. Easily four times her body length and many times her body length in wingspread, the Raven had a wicked-looking hooked bill and a glint in his eye that promised trouble.

  << While I appreciate your bravery, I question your common sense, >> the Raven said.

  << Common sense has no right to be in the same room as bravery. People that rely on common anything don’t do well when it comes to flying in the face of reason. >>

  A sharp caw of amusement erupted from the Raven's beak. The huge bird turned his eye his head first one way and then the other to look at TT. << Against my better judgment, I’m impressed. I didn’t think anything as small as you are would be worthy of notice, but George certainly was right. You have a lot of potential, little furry girl. >>

  TT was feeling a bit out of sorts. Her vague premonitions and disquiet merged with the panic she had felt when the bird was flying toward the children and made her answer a little more sharply than she would’ve normally, << I wou
ld rather be furry than feathered, thank you very much. At least I don’t have to molt! >>

  The Raven Familiar tilted his head as he considered the Persian. After a long, thoughtful look, the bird said, << Glenfrey was concerned. He and his Witch, Henley, had been having forebodings about you for weeks now. Since I was coming this way anyway, I offered to stop by and check you out. You are a little difficult to find, but you appear to be doing okay. What is it that you need? >>

  << I need to get a message to Dascha telling her that I’m going to take her up on her offer of a place to stay. At least for a little while, until I work out what I should be doing next. >>

  << Do you have a simple message that you would like to send to her? It can’t be anything too complex. I can pass it on to Glenfrey, and he will get it to her. >>

  << Yes I do. If you would be so kind as to wait right here, I will go and get it. >>

  At the Raven's nod of assent, TT turned and ran as quickly as she could back into the house and to the bed by the fireplace. Tucked under the cushion were the remnants of the ripped scroll that had been used in the ritual that broke her bond with her former Witch. The little cat knew that once Dascha saw the pieces that either she or her Witch would know exactly what had happened.

  She was looking at the small pieces of paper the represented such a large change in her life with the painful memories replaying in her head when Jeremiah came into the room. Squatting down stiffly, he laid a gentle hand on the back of the cat and asked, “What are you planning on doing with those? They may be useful at some future time, but I don’t think you’re going to be able to carry them with you easily.”

  TT responded, << I was going to send them with a Familiar that will get them on their way to Dascha. However, I’m not sure how to get them to stay together. >>

  “I can help with that. Just a moment.”

  Jeremiah climbed slowly to his feet and walked over to a desk against the side of the room. Opening one of the drawers, he pulled out an envelope and returned with it to where TT still stood, lost in her memories.


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