Blazed: Elemental Warriors

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Blazed: Elemental Warriors Page 10

by Ashley West

  "Greedy," he teased. "You want me."

  She nodded again, unsure of how many different ways she could say it. "Please." Begging usually wasn't in her skill set, but he was driving her crazy.

  Finally, finally, he nodded and let the head of his cock rub against her slick entrance. Slowly, so slowly she thought she was going to lose her mind, he pushed into her. He pushed in, and inch by agonizing inch, his cock slid deep into her waiting sex.

  He was so big that she could feel the stretch and knew she'd be sore later, but she didn't care. She was wet enough that it wasn't a struggle, and she nearly came twice before he had bottomed out in her.

  "Oh my god," she moaned. "Oh my god. So big. So good."

  "You like it?" he asked, and it wasn't a nervous question, but a cocky one.

  Naomi arched, pushing her hips up and forcing him to slide in faster. "Give it to me," she said, voice wrecked with how much she wanted this.

  The light of challenge lit in Samel's eyes and he nodded. That seemed to have been enough to get him to take control. He shifted his weight again, using his left hand to hold himself up and grabbing up both of her wrists in his right. He pinned her arms over her head, pressing them to the mattress hard.

  She swore and tested his grip, but there was nothing she could do to get away from him. All of a sudden the combination of being held down and stuffed with his cock pushed her over the edge and she bit her lip to smother the harsh cry that echoed out of her as she came in pulsing waves of pleasure.

  "Did you...?" Samel asked, and Naomi blushed.

  "Sorry. It was just good."

  He smirked down at her, and for the first time since she'd met him, she thought she was seeing some of who he'd been before: strong, confident, just a little cocky. She liked it. "Don't apologize," he said, and his voice was low and dripping with desire. "I like it. I'm going to make you do it again." He drew back slowly, cock sliding out of her with a slow friction that lit her whole body aflame.

  "Promises—oh god—promises," she managed, breath hitching as he slammed back into her. "Oh god. Please."

  She was being reduced to just begging him for more, and he seemed all too happy to oblige her. Samel held her down and took what he wanted from her, using her body as his cock slammed into her again and again.

  He was losing himself, and she was right there with him. It was a good thing the house was empty because she couldn't muffle her cries of pleasure at all as he brought her right up to the edge in a wash of sensation and then all but shoved her over it. She came again with a long moan of his name, twisting under him as the pleasure threatened to drag her under.

  And still he wasn't done. He was still rock hard inside of her, impaling her with his cock, and not finished yet. His stamina was incredible, and Naomi was concerned that she was going to pass out with pleasure before he'd even come once.

  But his thrusts were losing some of their measured quality now, and he was swearing more, grunting and groaning her name as he worked her. "Close," he managed. "Do you have one more for me?"

  Part of her wanted to say no because she was already sensitive and tired, but a much bigger part wanted to give him what he wanted because he was giving it to her so good. And it wasn't like it was going to be hard to come again for him.

  So she nodded, just a little frantic as she curled her toes and let him use her. His cock was rubbing against her sensitive folds in a way that sparked heat and sensation along every fiber of her being, and she was going to fall apart for him whether she wanted to or not.

  "Come on," he whispered to her, command dripping in each word. "Come for me. Let me see you lose it for me. Come on."

  Naomi choked back a sob and the bed creaked and shook under her as he worked his hips, hitting that spot that was so good for her again and again. "Yes," she choked out. "Yes, right there. I'm so—I'm gonna—”

  And then she was losing it. Falling apart under him with a cry and a shudder as she went tight around him, trying to milk him for all he had.

  Apparently that was enough to send him over the edge as well, as he swore and came hard.

  Two hours later, they were still in her bed. Naomi had come down from the high of her orgasms, and didn't have the energy to move. Her head was on Samel's chest, and his fingers were stroking patterns over her skin. It was nice to know that there was no one else in the house and that she didn't have to move if she didn't want to. Soon enough she was going to be hungry, and she'd need to get up and get cleaned up, but for now, this was everything she wanted. She could feel the steady thrum of Samel's heartbeat under her cheek, and she wanted to chant along with it: stay, stay, stay, stay.

  Chapter Eight: Combustion

  “Naomi, please.”

  Samel wasn’t used to begging, but he’d do it if it meant that this woman would stop teasing him already. He was in her bed, and it was a lucky thing that he hadn’t woken up on fire this time or else it could have been bad for Naomi.

  Instead, he’d woken to the sensation of her sliding down in the bed, her mouth, hot and wet as she pressed kisses along his stomach and hips until she found his cock. It had been morning hard already, and now it was hard in earnest as she worked it with the flat of her tongue, clearly dead set on driving him insane.

  “Please what?” she asked, and he couldn’t see her face since it was under the covers, but he knew she would have an impish grin on her face. He could hear it in her voice, and it made him want to drag her up and kiss her hard before throwing her down and showing her what happened to people who teased too much.

  “I want you,” he said, voice strained, and she groaned.

  “You want me to stop teasing.”


  And so she applied her mouth to the head of his cock in earnest, sucking with relish. Samel closed his eyes and let his head flop back against the pillows, concentrating on the sensations. Her mouth was warm, wet, and perfect, and she took him in like she wanted him to take up residence in her throat, sucking the head and then down past it, his shaft sliding inch by inch into her mouth. “Be careful,” he murmured, not wanting her to hurt herself, even though he’d been urging her to get on with it.

  She just hummed around him, clearly concentrating on the task at hand.

  Samel left her to it, the suction incredible. He could feel the roughness of her tongue against his heated, sensitive flesh and it send liquid fire coursing through him. It wasn’t going to take long for him to come like this, and he bucked his hips up in a sinuous wave that made her choke just a bit and the double down on her efforts.

  I could come to love her. The thought sprang unbidden into his mind, and Samel wanted to hit himself in the face. What a thought to have during sex of all times, about a woman he still didn’t know all that well.

  But that didn’t change the fact that he meant it. She was...everything he thought he wanted. Everything he could imagine himself wanting. All wrapped up in a beautiful, irreverent package.

  She worked his cock like it was something she always wanted to savor, and when he came, it was with her name on his lips.

  "Do you want to come out with me?" Naomi had asked, face all studied innocence as she'd gotten dressed quickly. Their little holiday was over already, but that hadn't changed anything. Samel had wondered if it would. If when the others got back, Naomi would keep him at arm's length and make sure they never found out about what had gone on between the two of them. But he needn't have worried.

  The first thing that happened when Finn breezed through the front door was he looked between the two of them and heaved a put upon sigh. "I don't want to see anything, and I don't want to hear anything," he said.

  "What do you mean?" Naomi had asked him, wide eyed.

  "You know exactly what I mean," he said. "Don't pretend like you don't, it's insulting."

  "How...what?" she'd demanded, hands on her hips. "What the hell, Finn?"

  "I can just tell, okay? I know you, Naomi. I know you think I'm just annoying or whatever,
but I pay attention, and you've got that--ugh, I can't believe I'm about to say this--you've got that glow in your face. It's obvious to anyone who knows how to look."

  And that was curious. Samel had looked at Naomi's face, trying to see this glow that Finn was talking about. She looked beautiful as she always did, and he supposed there was a new brightness to her eyes that hadn't been there before. And he'd done that? Pride puffed out his chest.

  As if he could sense his thoughts, Finn turned to him, expression serious. "You listen to me, stranger," he said. "Naomi trusts you, even though she doesn't know a thing about you. She trusts that you're a good person and that you won't hurt her or anyone else in this house. Be worthy of that trust." The 'or else' was unsaid, but Samel heard it anyway. There was a prickle of irritation that anyone would think he'd be so dishonorable as to hurt Naomi, who, as far as he was concerned, had done everything for him, but a bigger part of him knew it was just Finn looking out for someone he cared about.

  "I will," Samel said, inclining his head. "Or, at the very least, I will never stop trying to be worthy of it."

  That had seemed to satisfy Finn because he nodded and then stepped back, hoisting his bag higher on his shoulder and then headed for the stairs.

  Naomi had just shaken her head where she was leaning against the counter, sipping one of her endless cups of tea. "He means well," she'd told him. "He just...he cares."

  And Samel had smiled at her, a real, full smile. "I know that," he'd said. "And he should care. You are worth caring about."

  The blush that had stolen over her face was lovely, and Samel congratulated himself on being the one to bring it out in her.

  So that morning when she'd asked if he wanted to come out with her, Samel hadn't quite known what to say. All the same reasons he'd had for saying no the first time were still there, but there was a new reason to say yes, and it was the fact that he wanted to continue to spend time in her presence. So he'd said yes and allowed himself to be bundled up into a large coat and scarf and then herded into the 'car' as she called it.

  "You're so sensitive to the cold," Naomi teased him as they made their way out of the car. "It's like you've never experienced it before."

  "I don't believe I have," Samel said. "You had to explain what snow was to me, remember?" He kicked at a pile of the vile white stuff on the side of the road where they were walking.

  "Clearly you're from somewhere warm, then," she said. "Which makes sense, considering the..." She held up her gloved hands and mimicked the flickering of flames with her fingers.

  As if her words had called heat to life, Samel felt something stirring inside of him, and he worked to squash it. Not here. Not now.

  "I'm going to dip into this store right here," she said, pointing out a tiny shop that seemed to be filled to the brim with delicate looking plates and cups. "For Samantha. She loves things like this."

  It was so small in there and everything looked so fragile, that Samel already knew he wasn't going to go inside. If he broke something because he was so large, then he was going to feel ridiculous. "I'll stay here," he said.

  Naomi frowned and then laughed, seemingly amused. "It is a little bull in the china shop, isn't it?" she asked, and Samel just gave her a blank look, which only made her laugh more. "Never mind. I won't take long."

  She slipped inside the store, and Samel walked a bit away from it, not wanting to seem like some kind of lurker. There was something tugging at his attention, and he frowned, glancing around. His instincts were on high alert, telling him there was something he needed to be aware of. It was like when he came down the stairs and Camille was lurking somewhere. Usually he could pinpoint where she was right before she spoke. She treated it like a game, but to him it was a frustrating look into who he might have been before.

  "Well, well," said a smooth female voice, and Samel whirled to look at a woman who was...strange. She looked normal enough, but there was something blurred about her appearance. As if she wasn't what she seemed. "So this is where you've gotten to. What a coincidence."

  Samel blinked at her. "Have we met?" he asked, looking her up and down.

  The woman laughed and shook her head. "We haven't. Believe me, you'd remember if we had. No, I've just been sent here to check on the progress of something, and I wasn't expecting to find you here, is all. Why haven't you gone home yet?"

  Something like a pit opened up in his stomach at her words. She knew who he was. Or she thought she did anyway. She knew where he belonged. Everything in him was screaming not to trust her, but the temptation to know was too great.

  "I don't know where home is," he admitted, watching her intently.

  Surprise flickered over her strangely blurry face, and then she laughed again. "Oh my. Now this is too good. Here we have the famed and fabled Captain Samel, and he doesn't know where he belongs. Are you lost, little Captain? Have you taken a blow to the head?"

  He blinked, suddenly afraid. She knew him. She had to. Everything she said stirred feelings inside of him, and he didn't know what to do with it.

  "No," he said finally. "No. Go away."

  "How rude," the woman said. "And here I was going to tell you everything you wanted to know. But I do not want a fight here, so I will retreat with only this in parting. You are not safe here. We will find what we want, and we will rise. There is nothing you can do."

  "I don't know what you're talking about," Samel said, and he clenched his hands into fists, trying to quell the heat that was racing down his arms to his palms already.

  "I know. And it is a pity. Your kind are legendary for your power, and I was hoping to see it. I suppose I will just have to wait until that power is mine." She lifted her hand in a parting gesture and then allowed herself to mingle with the crowd once more.

  Samel's head was spinning. He didn't know how to make sense of what he'd just heard. She'd known him or at least she'd known who he was, Samel was sure of that. And he'd sent her away. Something about her had his insides screaming that he should burn her, but that wasn't safe and it wasn't right. He didn't know who she was, couldn't remember if he'd met her before, but he supposed that didn't matter.

  What she'd said had been a threat, plain and simple, and so many things were coming together now.

  She wasn't from around here and neither was he. Neither were those things that had been after Naomi when they'd first met. If he had to guess, they were from another planet altogether, if that was even a thing that was possible. When had the creatures shown up? That was the question. Samel was willing to bet it had been right when he had. That they had arrived either together on the heels of the other.

  The woman had said she wanted the power that Samel had, the power of his people, and so it made sense to think that they were here for him.

  He was the one putting people in danger.

  This was his fault.

  "Hey, you."

  Samel jumped and spun to see Naomi stepping from the shop, clutching a bag. "Hello," he said, hoping his voice wasn't as shaky as it sounded.

  "Are you okay?" Naomi asked, her face wrinkled with concern. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

  "I..." He didn't know how much to tell her. Would she hate him if she found out that he was the whole reason those creatures were here in the first place? Would she send him away? Would it be easier if she did? "I've put some things together," he said because really, it didn't matter. Telling her was the right thing to do.

  "You remembered something?" she asked, eyes lighting up.

  "I...can we talk about this somewhere else?"

  She nodded. "Sure, let's go home."

  Home. If only.

  "And so I think we either showed up together or they were looking for me or I was looking for them," Samel said, finishing his story of what had happened while Naomi had been buying delicate dinnerware.

  Her eyes were wide as she looked at him from the other side of the bed. "Wow."

  "Is that all you have to say?"

  "I mean, it
makes sense," she said.

  "And the part about me maybe being from another planet?"

  Naomi shrugged. "Well, you do shoot fire out of your hands. That's not something anyone on Earth can do. And those creatures were definitely never from here, unless someone's doing some kind of genetic experiments, which I wouldn't rule out with the state of our government, but this answer is much less sci-fi." She paused. "Well. To a point. So. I've been sleeping with an alien."

  What bothered him was that he couldn't tell if she really didn't care, or if this was just her trying to make him think she didn't.

  "Apparently," he said. "And is that...Does that..." He couldn't make himself say the words.

  "Samel," Naomi said, reaching for his hand. "You can't imagine that I ever thought you were just a normal person. I knew that when you started to remember things, I was going to learn just how strange you really are. Granted, I don't think I was expecting it to be on this level, but still. I knew it was going to be something kinda big."

  "But that's the thing, isn't it?" Samel murmured. "I don't remember. I just know what she told me."

  "And you believe her? This mystery woman?"

  He nodded, already sure about that. "Yes. She seemed to know what she was talking about, and she was surprised that I didn't. And when she spoke, I felt something. Something that was driving me to respond to her in a certain way. I don't know what it was, or how I would have responded if I knew everything, but it was real."

  “What do you want to do, then?”

  It was a good question. What did he want to do? He could ignore the woman and continue on with his life like she’d never said anything to him, but then people would get hurt. It didn’t make sense for her to be looking for his power and to be on Earth because Samel was nearly certain that she wasn’t going to find anything of his power on Earth. If she’d been there for him, then why had she let him get away? Why had she told him anything at all? It would have been better for her to take advantage of what he didn’t know, wouldn’t it?


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