Beguile her: Laws of Seduction Book 2

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Beguile her: Laws of Seduction Book 2 Page 5

by Ava Hayworth

  “Oh baby, I always love your mouth on me.”

  His eyes track my movement as I sit up and slowly move my hands to the buckle of his pants. I take my time unbuckling and unzipping until I finally pull out his rigid cock. Tightening my fingers around the base, I squeeze up and down a few times and am rewarded by a low throated moan. I lean over from my seated position and blow softly on the tip before running my tongue around the bulbous top. James is breathing faster, and I feel myself once again growing wet with desire. I plunge my mouth down on him pushing him as far back into my throat as I can manage. My head bobs as I take him in over and over again. I know he is getting closer, but I stop. Releasing him, I look up at him from under my lashes. “I want you inside of me, here in your office. I want you to think of me coming all over you every time you come to work.”

  James moans. “God, yes.” He pulls me up from the couch and leads me over to his desk. “Lean over.”

  I lean the front of my body over the front of his desk shifting some things to the side in the process. Gripping the front of the desk, I wait. I feel his cock seeking entrance and then he is sliding into me. He drives into me hard fast strokes. An orgasm so intense rushes through me, and I bite back my cries of delight at the last second. We both remain locked in our positions trying to regain our breath. Finally, James helps me up and assists me with my clothes. “That sure beats the usual meetings I have in here.”I laugh. “I should hope so.”

  By the end of the day, I still have not received an e-mail from Mills telling me to forward the Rothschild files to Elizabeth, but I don’t hold my breath that it won’t be happening. Patti has managed to get a good start on digitalizing the Rothschild files, so at least that was one thing going well.

  It’s only Monday night, but Sam and I are having a girls’ night out. After contemplating the meager contents of our fridge, we decide to go to Davey’s in the Village. It was one of our favorite hangouts when we were in law school. The bar has not changed at all in the few months since we graduated, and we fit right in with our jeans and NYU t-shirts. I am ravenous and cannot wait for some Buffalo wings and beer. Okay, maybe not the healthiest dinner, but as far as I am concerned, Davey’s has the best wings in the city. Since it is Monday night, it isn’t that busy, but still filled with enough NYU students to make it feel like old times. The bartender is still the same and, recognizing us, takes our order right away.

  “I knew there was a reason why we came here,” Sam jokes. “Hey, isn’t Mark friends with him? Isn’t that why we first started coming here?”

  I think back and shrug. “Yea, I’m pretty sure he’s one of those perpetual grad students. He and Mark are from the same place on Long Island.”

  “Small world, huh? I used to know his name. It wasn’t Sean, was it?”

  After unsuccessfully trying to remember the bartender’s name and exchanging the exciting parts of our day, Sam begs me to tell her about what happened with James over the weekend. I of course tell her the tale of my complete and utter humiliation. She is about to fall off her chair laughing by the time I am done, and I find myself reluctantly laughing as well.

  “So what’s the deal?” asks Sam. “Why didn’t the doorman call up to let you know that Rex was coming up?”

  “He and James had made plans, so James told the doorman to send him up when he arrived. Apparently Rex is a regular guest and the doorman knows him.”

  Slapping her hand against the table, Sam laughs. “I would have loved to have seen Rex’s face when the elevator doors opened to you in all your glory. I can’t believe you were not too embarrassed to hang out with them after that.”

  I finish off my second beer thinking I had better slow down since this is only Monday night and I have to work tomorrow. “Believe me, I did consider bailing, but Rex was really nice about it. We ended up ordering in, since I didn’t have anything decent to wear out. It was kind of fun just kicking back with the guys.”

  Sam gives me a smirk, “Sounds very domestic.”

  “I guess,” I smirk back. I recall what happened on Saturday night. James brought out his universal remote and showed me how a screen and projector where skillfully hidden in the walls of the living room. We watched a baseball game, ate pizza, and drank beer. At least the guys drank beer; I had red wine. Rex was definitely the more outgoing of the two men. James seemed to surround himself with a wall of unapproachability, but I was learning that it was a defense mechanism. If he let his guard down anywhere, it was around Rex. They had known each other since high school and had managed to maintain their friendship despite attending different universities.

  “This Rex guy – is he single?”

  I look at Sam in surprise. “I thought things were going well with you and Dylan.”

  Now it is Sam’s turn to shrug. “You know me. The clock’s ticking.”

  “I see. You want to get the next guy lined up,” I tease her.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “You make it seem so calculated.”

  “No, I know it’s not like that,” I tell her seriously. I have always been confused by Sam’s lack of confidence in herself as long-term relationship material. She has so much going for her: beauty, brains, and a great personality, but she has never been in a long-term relationship. Most of her relationships seem to end after about three months. If things are going badly, she breaks the relationship off or the guy does. If they are going well, I sometimes think she purposely sabotages them. I don’t know what she is afraid of. But, hey, look at me; I should be the last person handing out relationship advice. I smile at her sympathetically, thinking of my own last relationship, which I stayed in for far too long.

  Sam changes the subject. “You never did tell me why you didn’t stay over at James’s Saturday night.”

  This is a question that I have no clear answer to. A part of me – admittedly, a large part – had wanted to. Another smaller part couldn’t help but remember the last two times that I had raised my expectations when it came to James and the disappointment that followed. There was a little voice of reason in my head telling me not to move so fast this time. I need to hold a little part of myself back. Since I was completely unsuccessful at this when I was within his sphere, I had decided that limiting my exposure to him would slow things down. Especially after the intensity on Saturday, I was in real danger of completely losing myself in James. I was still considering how to respond to Sam when I see a text message on my phone, which is lying on the table in front of me. Looking down, I see that it is James. “Speak of the devil…” I say, sliding my finger across the screen.

  What are you doing tonight? I want to see you.

  I type out a quick reply. Sam and I are at Davey’s in the Village.

  I’m on my way.

  I am surprised by his quick response. A little bubble of excitement wells up inside me at the thought of seeing him tonight. Trying for a casual tone, I tell Sam, “He’s going to stop by.”

  Sam squeals with excitement. “I’m finally going to get to meet the mystery man who has Elaine Hart all tied up in knots.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic,” I chide her.

  “Lainey, I have known you for over three years now, and I have never seen you go gaga over a guy... not even Mark, who you were with for… how long? For some reason that I don’t understand, you hold yourself back. So shoot me… I am very excited to meet the man who has finally cracked your shell.”

  Sam jumps up to go to the restroom before James arrives. While I am waiting for her to return, I think about what she has just said. Do I hold myself aloof from everyone? When tragedy struck my senior year of high school, I shut myself off from everyone, including my family. Wasn’t that a thing of the past? James said that we are the same. Do I also have a protective wall around me keeping everyone out? I don’t know what to think about these new revelations about myself.

  I had been looking down at my phone, but when I feel a presence at the table, I look up. I am surprised to see Mark standing there. “Mark, I w
asn’t expecting to see you.”

  Mark glances guiltily at the bartender. I realize that the bartender called him. My spine stiffens. Was Mark checking up on me? “Hey… yea, what a surprise seeing you here, Lainey. How’ve you been?”

  “I’ve been fine,” I say in a cold voice, but Mark decides not to take the hint and sits down on Sam’s chair uninvited.

  He leans back in a casual position with his back slouched down in his chair and his legs splayed out in front of him. Drumming his fingers on the table, he looks at me. After a long pause, he begins, “My parents were asking about you… wondering how things were going with your new job.”

  I had liked his parents a lot. “That’s nice of them. You can tell your parents that things are going well and I like my new job a lot.”

  Mark gives a grunt of acknowledgement. This is really weird. First he seeks me out, and then he seems to be barely paying attention to what I say. “You haven’t been returning my calls.”

  “You know how it is… new job and all. I’ve been pretty busy.” Then I decide to be more direct. “And Mark, we have been broken up for months now.”

  Suddenly sitting up, Mark grabs my hands between his, and I jump. He must have been working himself up to some sort of declaration. I try to pull my hands loose, but his grip is too strong so I give in and wait to hear what he wants to say. “Lainey, I miss you.” This surprises me, because when we were together my presence had been optional most of the time. Mark had been so interested in himself I sometimes thought he forgot I was there. When I don’t respond to his declaration, he continues, “I want you back. What will it take to get you back?”

  Completely shocked, I am rendered speechless. Of course, at that exact moment, I hear a familiar voice. “Hello, Lainey, care to introduce me to your friend?”

  Oh shit. I close my eyes and pray that the floor will open up beneath me and swallow me whole. This is not good. Giving another experimental tug on my hands, I open my eyes to see James glaring down at Mark. Finally, I manage to pull one hand free. I would have jumped up from the table, but Mark still has my other hand in a firm grasp, pinning me to the table. I watch James’s eyes move to our joined hands and give an inward shudder at the coldness I see there. “Mark...” I start, swinging my eyes back to him, but then I shut up when I see the mutinous set of his jaw that I recognize all too well. Asking him to let go of my hand will only ensure that he does the exact opposite. Looking between the two men, I start to feel irritated. “James, this is Mark… my ex-boyfriend.” Dammit, I stutter a little over the ex-boyfriend part. Turning back to Mark, I give my hand another tug, and Mark finally lets go. “Mark, this is James... my…” I trail off, uncertain of how exactly I should introduce James when I hear James finish for me.

  “Current boyfriend.” Whipping out his wallet, James throws down a fifty before reaching out and pulling me up from my chair. We walk out the door with James towing me along behind him. I look back to see both Sam and Mark staring at us with open mouths. Sam won’t get to meet James after all I think with a twinge of disappointment. Boyfriend? Did James just say he was my boyfriend? I can’t help the wave of giddy happiness that runs through me like a lightning bolt. James is still dragging me down the block at a breakneck speed when I dig in my heels. “Can we slow down?”

  The look on James’s face when he turns back to look at me says, “Do you really want to mess with me right now?” but he does slow his pace. We are apparently looking for a cab. We are almost to the entrance of Washington Square Park when we finally find one. We settle into the back and James gives the cabbie my address. Is he just going to drop me off? I open my mouth to explain about Mark, but James just holds up his hand and says, “Wait.”

  When we pull up in front of my apartment building, James breaks the silence. “Go up and pack an overnight bag. You have ten minutes.” My eyes widen at the short time span, but I decide to play along and hurry into my building. At least he is not tossing me to the curb. Inside my apartment I throw together some toiletries and a work outfit for tomorrow. Rushing back out to the taxi, I wonder how far over the time limit I am. As soon as I am back in the taxi, we take off towards James’s apartment.

  The taxi ride seems to take forever. James sits motionless beside me, his hands resting on his thighs. His stillness just makes me want to fidget more, and I struggle to sit still. I am relieved that a calmer, more in-control James waits for me to exit the taxi. Taking my bag, he moves us through the door held open by the doorman, his hand resting on the small of my back. He greets the doorman and concierge politely before guiding me into the elevator. James is still wearing the blue suit that he was wearing earlier in the day. I watch as he loosens his tie, which is a lighter shade of blue, and undoes the top button of his shirt, all without once looking in my direction. I am beginning to wonder if I am getting the silent treatment, since other than telling me to pack, he hasn’t said a word to me. Entering his apartment, James moves to the kitchen, where he pulls down two glasses and pours us both drinks of… scotch? James throws his drink back before turning back to look at me where I am l standing in front of the couch. “Don’t you want your drink?”

  I follow him into the kitchen and pick up the glass he has poured for me. Hesitantly, I take a tentative sip. As the fiery stuff hits my throat and floods my nasal passages, I cough and sputter. “It’s a bit stronger than I am used to,” I gasp.

  He lets out a bark of hollow laughter and takes my drink, throwing it back as well. “Care to explain that little scene I walked into?” He no longer sounds amused.

  I look around as if for inspiration.

  “Lainey,” he says in a deep voice that is somehow sexy and at the same time threatening. “You are just making my imagination run wild with your silence.”

  “It’s just that I don’t know how to explain it. It would help if you knew Mark. He is very tenacious.”

  “Has he been bothering you?”

  “Do you mean like stalking me?” I look up at him in surprise. “No, no, nothing like that. I mean he has left me some voicemails that I usually just ignore or delete, but he doesn’t follow me or anything like that.” At the look of skepticism on James’s face, I hurry on. “Mark is a good guy. He really is.” Seeing that I am not influencing James’s opinion, I try again. “Mark and I should never have been together. I guess I shouldn’t speak for him, but for me the relationship was… convenient. It was easy to fall into a relationship with him. In the beginning it was flattering to have this handsome, smart guy paying attention to me. We went out on a few dates, and before I really knew what was happening, we were this couple… boyfriend and girlfriend. Before Mark, everyone was asking me, ‘why don’t you have a boyfriend?’ After Mark, everyone seemed happy… except for me… and probably Mark. It took me a long time to figure out that I didn’t love Mark, and that it is better to be alone than with someone you don’t love no matter what other people think.”

  James shrugs out of the suit jacket and pulls off his tie. “I think you’re wrong. He does love you, and he wants you back.”

  I shake my head in denial. “He says he wants me back, but James, he is not in love with me. He is in love with the idea of us... Mark and Lainey the adorable couple, the couple that was supposed to last forever,and he is… stubborn. He cannot possibly be in love with me… because he doesn’t even know me.”

  Finally, I think that James believes me, because the tense look around his eyes disappears. “Lainey, when I saw you together with him tonight, I thought I might lose it.”

  This is a huge admission coming from James, since he prided himself on his self-control. “I don’t blame you. I would have been angry and upset too if it had been me. Mark had no right forcing me into that confrontation.”

  “Just tell me one thing. Why were you holding his hands?”

  Now this is going to be tricky, because I’m not sure how James would react to the fact that Mark was forcing me to hold his hands. “I wasn’t holding his hands. He was holdin
g mine, and I did not initiate any of it.” I look into James’s stormy blue eyes. “I swear it.”

  He sweeps me into his arms and breathes into my ear. “I believe you, Lainey. I do. It’s just that I know that he has had your body, and the thought of his hands on you…”

  I don’t really want to trot out my sexual history, but I think that I can ease James’s mind somewhat. “James… there is something that I should tell you.” James raises his head and looks down at me, waiting for me to continue. “I had a lot of trouble… you know…” I gesture with my hand, trying to think of the most diplomatic way to say it. Why is this so embarrassing? “achieving orgasm with Mark.” I finally manage to spit it out, and at the same time I feel a surge of heat rush to my cheeks.

  “What? How is that possible? You are so responsive.”

  I give a little shrug and feel myself blush even harder. “I have always chalked it up to a lack of chemistry.”

  “Or him being a selfish bastard in bed,” James says with a hint of a grin.

  Okay, I am not going there.

  “You’re so cute when you blush.” James brushes his hand against my burning cheek. “Maybe he didn’t like to spend hours and hours thinking of ways to make you come.”

  “Is that what you do?” I ask breathlessly as liquid heat rushes into my nether regions.

  “Oh yes. Hour upon hour. Would you like an example?”

  “If you are offering, I wouldn’t turn you down.”

  James’s eyes take on a heated glow. “I would be happy to demonstrate what we have on offer tonight, but first things first. You have got on far too many clothes for what I have in mind.” With that tantalizing statement, James moves his hands to the fastening of my jeans. After unbuttoning them, he helps me shimmy out of them. Stepping back, he says, “I’ll let you finish the rest.”

  With a little uncertainty, I pull my t-shirt over my head. Seeing his appreciative look, I become bolder and do a little striptease while taking off my bra and panties.


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