Take Your Medecine

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Take Your Medecine Page 13

by Arianna Hart

  “Macayla, you have about five seconds to decide if this is what you want, because if it isn’t you had better run for your life.”

  “You talk pretty tough, but I don’t believe a word of it.” Macayla said, still running her hands over his chest. It was like now that she had finally given in, she never wanted to stop touching him.

  “No doubts? No regrets?”

  “No doubts. No regrets, and no talking. Use that mouth of yours for something a bit more productive,” Macayla practically growled, grabbing his head and pulling it down to her.

  Jared reached down and pulled Macayla up to him so her feet were no longer touching the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist and set to work on his mouth like a starving person on a hamburger.

  Jared didn’t give her any chance to change her mind. He had such fire inside of him for her he was afraid he would conflagrate in thirty seconds and the whole thing would be over with. He reigned in his wildly roving control and clamped an iron fist around it. He wanted Macayla so mindless that she would be as crazy for him as he was for her. He knew she had unplumbed depths of passion inside her, he just had to find the trigger to get her to let go of the locks she had on those depths.

  Jared held tightly to Macayla’s bottom and walked to the weight bench. He took his eyes off Macayla long enough to know that wasn’t going to work out. Why did she have to choose the only place in the entire house that had no bed to suddenly let go?

  Why? Who cares? She did and he would just have to make the best of it. Jared was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth; he’d figure something out, and quickly. He finally gave up and pressed her against the wall where he could brace her against his muscular legs and not worry about dropping her as she slowly drove him mad. She had wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and was running her hands frantically over his body. Jared pulled her arms away from him long enough to pull her shirt off, and almost dropped to his knees when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. He cupped her breasts in his palms and laved kisses reverently over them. The little whimpers she was making in the back of her throat spurred him on to dedicate a great deal of time and attention to those beautiful orbs; an effort that was appreciated by their recipients.

  Macayla didn’t know she could feel this way. She kept thinking she couldn’t feel any more then Jared would touch her again and she’d fly even higher. The feel of his naked skin on hers was mindlessly exciting; the crispness of his hair against her nipples stirred her blood hotter and hotter. His calloused hands were roughly exciting, and his lips on her breasts were teasingly tender. She wanted more. Of everything, the only thing her mind could comprehend was more. More touches, more kisses, more skin.

  She became impatient with the barrier of his sweatpants and her own leggings. She unwrapped the death grip she had around his waist and slid down his body. When her feet touched the floor her knees buckled, and it was a good thing Jared was still pressing her against the wall or she would have ended up in a heap at his feet.

  Macayla franticly pulled at the loose drawstring of his pants and pulled them down around his ankles along with his boxer shorts. His shaft sprang to life in her hands, and she couldn’t help but take a fluttery breath at the evidence of his arousal.

  “Macayla, if you keep touching me, this is going to be over before it starts,” Jared growled as he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her leggings and slid them to the floor as well.

  When they were both completely naked, Jared pulled her to him again and began his own assault on her mouth.

  Macayla rubbed herself sinuously against him, delighting in the feel of her naked body pressed against his strong, hard one. His kisses were taking her to a fevered pitch, and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could last before she exploded.

  “Jared, I need you, now,” Macayla said desperately

  “Thank God,” Jared replied with a groan. As he lowered her to the ground, he reached next to her to a table and opened a drawer, fumbling around a few minutes before he pulled out a foil package. Ripping open the wrapper he carefully sheathed himself and then gently probed the area between her thighs. When she was raised to a fevered pitch, he slowly filled her.

  Macayla couldn’t believe how tight, how complete she felt. It took her body some moments to adjust to the feeling of fullness, but when she felt the heat come back, she began rocking her hips in encouragement. When Jared just remained stationary, gritting his teeth and sweating, Macayla decided to take matters into her own hands. With a move she never thought she’d use outside of a karate studio, she scissored her legs and flipped Jared onto his back.

  The unexpectedness of the move was one of the keys to its success. Jared’s look of shock was almost as enjoyable as the feeling of him being pressed deep inside her.

  “My turn,” was all she said as she leaned over him, her curls cascading over him in waves. She ran her hands up his chest until she grabbed hold of his head, and then bestowed a kiss on him that should have burnt the floorboards beneath him. With a wicked laugh she leaned back and proceeded to rock her hips to her satisfaction.

  “Macayla, my control wasn’t great to begin with, you had better let me take over.”

  “Not a chance. This was my idea, I want to do it my way,” she said, rocking even harder, building so close, so close. Something was missing, and she was so close to getting it.

  “Then hold on tight,” Jared growled. He grabbed her rocking hips with two hand and thrust forcefully up. Once, twice, three times and Macayla was a quivering, shaking, exploding mass. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she shuddered through her first ever orgasm, and then collapsed across his chest. She barely felt him reach his own shuddering conclusion seconds after her.

  “Sweet Jesus.” Jared groaned, lying flat on the floor. He didn’t think he could move if the house was on fire. He could feel Macayla’s rapid heartbeat slow down, her breathing even out, but she still had her eyes closed. He laboriously brought his hand up to run lightly across her back, and felt her shudder in reaction.

  “So that’s what all the fuss is about,” Macayla said, dreamily, her eyes still closed.

  “Don’t tell me you have never had an orgasm before?” Jared asked incredulously.

  “You make it sound like a disease. If I had the energy, I’d be annoyed with you. As it is, I’ll forgive you, as long as you promise to give me another one later.”

  “Oh, you can bet on that. I have been dreaming of ways to give you orgasms since the first time I kissed you and you set my blood boiling. I have many, many ways to give you orgasms.”


  “Really. Now how about I make us up some dinner and we can take a bath in the whirlpool tub. I’ve had visions of you in nothing but bubbles, I want to see how the reality compares.”

  “Dinner! Oh my God! My meatloaf!” Macayla scrambled off him and ran upstairs, grabbing her shirt as she went.

  Luckily Jared’s control wasn’t any better or they would have had a burnt dinner. As it was, they had time to clean themselves up a little before it was ready. Macayla was bending over to check the potatoes when Jared sauntered into the kitchen, wearing nothing but his sweats.

  The sight of Macayla’s derrière peaking out from beneath the hem of her shirt sent the blood pumping through his veins again. This feeling had to lessen sometime, or he would never get out of bed. Just minutes after loving her wildly, he could already feel himself harden again. Down boy.

  “Did you save the meatloaf? I was only going to make sandwiches.”

  “It actually needs a few more minutes, I still have time to get dressed and make a salad.”

  “Why don’t you just sit down as you are and I’ll make the salad?” Jared offered, going into the refrigerator to get the makings for the salad.

  “I should at least get some underwear on,” Macayla said, not making any effort to move.

  “Don’t. Please?”

  “Well, because you said please. Let’s eat fast.”
r />   “You’re reading my mind.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Macayla never knew she had such a responsive body. For the next few days she and Jared did little more than eat and make love. She had never in her life spent so much time in bed, but she wasn’t complaining. Jared was a considerate, creative lover who made each experience an adventure. If this was an example of what he learned from Patti McClain Macayla would have to make sure to send her a thank you note.

  It wasn’t like she was a virgin, but her experience was limited to one man, who apparently had a lot to learn about satisfying a woman. She had always thought that her inability to experience the raptures told by other women was her fault. That or they were just exaggerating.

  As she moved on in life she didn’t miss sex, she had thought others put too much emphasis on it. Now she was beginning to understand what they were talking about. She didn’t think she was going to enjoy going back to her chaste life after Jared left.

  Neither one of them talked about the future, but Macayla knew as soon as Jared was free to leave he would be off like a shot. Once he left, he would be out of her life for good. She was not going to settle for a relationship where she saw him once every few months, never knowing when he was coming or going, or who else he was sleeping with.

  His life-style was not compatible with her career; she couldn’t take off all over the known world following him around like a gypsy. She didn’t get her degrees from a cereal box; she worked too hard for them to just give up her practice to follow some man around the country. Even if he was sexier than any man had a God-given right to be.

  She refused to think about what was going to happen when they left the cabin, for the next few weeks or so, this was their only world and she was going to enjoy herself as much as possible. She would think about the future when the time came. In the mean time, sexy as Jared was, she needed to get out of the cabin for a while.

  “Jared, as much as I have enjoyed this interlude, I am getting cabin fever, literally! I know we can’t really go into town, but could we do something? I’m getting mighty sick of the same four walls.”

  “I would be insulted except that I feel the same way. I never thought I would say this, but maybe we could go to the barn dance?”

  “Country music? Are you kidding me?”

  “I really can’t take you out for a night on the town yet, I promise when this is all done, I’ll take you out for a gourmet meal, dancing, a night to remember. For now though, all I can offer is Bob’s Barn Band, beer and barbeque. Come on, I’m sure it will be memorable, and if nothing else we can people watch for a little while.”

  “I don’t know. . . “

  “You can eat someone else’s cooking, and maybe even get some French fries,” Jared said, persuasively. ”Lots of fries?” Macayla asked, weakening. She knew it was a mistake to tell Jared about her weakness for the greasy, starchy wonders.

  “I’ll even give you mine.”

  “Alright, but just for the fries.”

  “If we hurry, we can get there in time to get a table, maybe in the corner away from the band.”

  “I’ll hurry, believe me, I’ll hurry,” Macayla said, scurrying to the bedroom.

  She didn’t know what was the proper attire for a barn dance, and her wardrobe was rather limited anyway, so she pulled on her tightest jeans and searched for something to wear on top. She had a white tank top that she normally only wore for working out, she squirmed into that and looked in the mirror. The top came with a built in bra, but as Macayla was rather well endowed, she was practically spilling out of the top. She grabbed a flannel top and pulled it on over the shirt, unbuttoning it a little, but not enough to compromise her modesty.

  Hmmm, she only had hiking boots and sneakers, better go with the boots; she wasn’t looking to stand out after all. Looking at her meager cosmetic supply, she quickly swiped on some eye make-up, dabbed on some lipstick and grabbed some money out of her purse. She wanted to get as far away from the band as possible.

  “Let’s go, I want to eat my food before the band shows up.”

  Jared wisely kept his mouth shut and escorted her out the door.

  The dance hall was larger than Macayla expected, a bar and miniscule tables surrounding a dance floor in front of stage took up most of it. Further back there were booths for families, and this is where Macayla and Jared headed.

  Many of the families that were already there were headed out. It was time to get the kids washed up and in bed, not get gussied up and out for dancing. Jared and Macayla managed to get a corner booth and a harried waitress came by to get their drink orders.

  “I’ll have a beer, and the lady here will have a White Zinfandel. When does the band come in?”

  “Oh, they’ll be here in an hour or so. Folks will start pouring in before too long, I’ll get your order in right away, once the singles start drinking, me and Lisa will be running our tails off and you’d be better off going to the bar for your drinks.”

  “In that case, we’ll order two of the blue plate specials now then and cash you out so you won’t have to worry about us.”

  “Now that is right friendly of you! I’ll put your order in now so you won’t have to wait, and I’ll be right back with your drinks.” And she hustled off to fill their orders and get their drinks from the bar.

  “Why did you do that? And why did you order for me?”

  “Well, I wanted to get our meal before the band came, and I didn’t want to be interrupted every two minutes, so I figured if we took care of everything at once we’d have a more peaceful meal.”

  “Okay, but I have a mind, I know how to speak, I can order all on my very own.”

  “I didn’t mean to take over, I guess I didn’t think. Do you want me to call her back over and order something different?”

  “No, it’s the principle of the thing, that’s all. I get a little touchy when I feel like someone is trying to take over my life.”

  “It was only dinner,” Jared protested.

  “I know, I know. Let me see if I can explain it without getting into too much detail.” Macayla paused while the waitress dropped off their drinks with promises to return with their meals soon.

  Macayla took a sip of wine while she gathered her thoughts. “When my father died, I was crushed, I really looked up to him. We did a lot together, when he was home. I desperately wanted to please him, and when he died I was at a loss. I went to college and met Joe. I guess all the need I had to please my father got transferred to him. Soon I was letting him take over my life. It started out with small things, like dinner, but eventually I lost me, and became what he wanted me to be.”

  “I wasn’t trying to take over your life, I just ordered dinner. I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that.” He reached out and grabbed her hand across the table. His face looked so hurt, she had to explain this better.

  Macayla sighed. “Yes Jared, I know that, I wasn’t accusing you of it, it’s just that alarm bells go off in my head some times, this was one of them, that’s all.”

  “I’ll try to keep it in mind. For now, let’s have a toast, here’s to not eating our own cooking.”

  “Here, here!” Macayla agreed enthusiastically.

  Their meals arrived in all their greasy glory and they set into their ribs and fries like there was no tomorrow. When their faces were smeared with barbeque sauce, their hands covered in grease from the fries, and their stomachs stuffed full, they agreed it was a good idea to get out for a night.

  “So,” Jared asked after they pushed their plates away in satiation. “How did you like the fries?”

  “They were pretty good, they got high marks for the grease to salt ratio, and they were hot and crisp, but I have to say the fries at work are better.”

  “Everyone complains about hospital food, how could they be better?”

  “People who don’t work at my hospital come in for the food. They know how to treat their people right, and I love their fries. Why do you thi
nk I work out so much? I love to eat, Samara can eat and not gain any weight at all. I’m short, I eat fast food two times and I gain weight.”

  “Looks like you gain it in all the right spots if you ask me.”

  “With the way I’ve been eating the last few weeks, it’s a good thing we have that gym downstairs. So, tell me, do we stay or go?”

  The band had been setting up while they were eating, and the tables by the dance floor were filling up quickly. Waitresses rushed to and from the bar shouting out orders and picking up drinks.

  “Why don’t I get us a few drinks from the bar and we can watch for a little while, then decide if we want to stay or not?”

  “Sounds like a plan, but let me go to the bathroom first, if I don’t pee I won’t be able to stay in these jeans much longer.”

  “I must admit, I’m really enjoying those tight jeans on you. Maybe we should have come here sooner.”

  “Don’t push your luck. I’ll be right back.”

  Macayla did her best to sashay to the bathroom. After she took care of her bursting bladder, she washed her face as best she could in the tiny sink. She had pulled her hair into a bun while they were eating to keep it from getting into the messy barbeque sauce. She took it down now and ran her fingers through it. It was too curly to brush out, so she just fluffed it and let it curl wildly around her face. She reapplied lipstick and headed back to the table where Jared was waiting patiently, tapping his feet to the country music blaring from the speakers.

  “I can’t believe you like this stuff.” Macayla said, starting to slide into her side of the booth.

  “I like all sorts of things. I’m a man of many, varied tastes. Here,” “Jared said, grabbing her hand and pulling her next to him in the booth. “You’ll get a better view of the show from here, and you might actually be able to hear what I’m saying.”

  “Not to mention that you’ll be able to look down my shirt.”


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