Deep Freeze Christmas

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Deep Freeze Christmas Page 2

by Marian P. Merritt

She nodded. "Much better."

  Cameron entered the kitchen as Leona returned to stirring her sauce. "Hello, Julian."

  "Well, hello dere, my boy." He hugged Cameron and slapped his shoulder. "Where you been?"

  "You know, Dad. He had to take everyone on a tour of the property and through Steamboat Springs. Took all afternoon. What's cooking?"

  "What kind of question is dat? I'm not telling you. You'll find out when everyone else does, at da dinner table."

  Cameron looked toward Leona. "Hello again. Any chance you can get him to change his mind?"

  She shook her head. "Are you kidding? Even waterboarding wouldn't work on him. Trust me. I've tried." She smiled.

  Julian raised his eyebrows and pointed toward the side of his face near his mouth. "Uh-um, here ya go." He handed her a napkin. "You have a little gumbo right here." He pointed to her cheek.

  Not again. That's twice she'd seen Cameron, and both times, she had something on her face. So much for first and second impressions. Both were blown. She wiped her mouth.

  "Better," Julian said.

  "You've tried waterboarding on him?" Cameron sat on the stool across from where she worked.

  "Nah, I haven't, but I don't think it would work. He's a tough nut to crack."

  "I think you got the nut part right." Cameron laughed when Julian glared at him. "Can I, at least, help?"

  Julian stopped stirring his gumbo, replaced the lid on the large stainless steel pot. "No way. Your Dad would blow a gasket if he caught you workin' in dis kitchen. Don't you remember the no-kid-of-mine speech we got dat summer?"

  "How could I forget? Dashed my dreams of being a chef. But I have been preparing some cool dishes lately. Using all the techniques you taught me." He turned to Leona and blanketed her with his warm gaze. "Maybe you can share some of your cooking tricks with me. Maybe some great recipes?"

  "Sure." She had to force herself to pay attention to her sauce. With Cameron so close, it would be easy to let the dish curdle.

  He stood. "Better get back to the guests."

  "Yeah, ya better or what's her name will come hunt you down. Besides, ya distractin' my help."

  Cameron shook his head and walked out the kitchen, but not before looking at Leona, pointing toward Chef, and mouthing, “Waterboarding, let's do it.”

  She laughed and nodded. What was it about that guy? She instantly liked him.


  Cameron hadn't gotten as far as the living room when Marissa found him. "I've been looking for you." She linked her arm through his.

  "I was in the kitchen." He led her to the dining room where the guests were gathering.

  "The kitchen?" She flashed him a look of total amazement. "Why in the world would you be in there?"

  "Oh, visiting with an old friend." He pulled out the chair next to where her name appeared on the place setting.

  "Not that dreadful girl from earlier, I hope." A condescending laugh escaped her perfectly colored lips.

  He ignored the comment. He'd only met Marissa last week when a friend had introduced them. His father had been there and invited her to the lodge for his annual Christmas "working" get together where he invited a few key people in the industry he hoped to get together on a project in the coming year.

  His dad thought Marissa might be a good choice for the lead actress in the new project he had in mind. So naturally, because they were close to the same age, Cameron got elected to escort her.

  Marissa had mistaken his politeness for affection, and now she thought they were an item.

  When it came to negotiating multi-million dollar deals, he didn't have a soft bone in his body, but where women were concerned, he was a giant marshmallow.

  Once she was seated, he slid Marissa's chair toward the table and found his spot across from her.

  When all the guests were settled, Cameron's dad stood at the head of the table and introduced them, not that introductions were needed. Everyone knew everyone else. The Chambers, Henry and Charlene, had worked on many projects with Dad in the past. They'd served as executive producers on his last film. The current heartthrob actor, Bryan Golby, who'd recently been voted by a popular magazine as the Sexiest Man Alive, sat next to Charlene. Of course, Dad always threw in someone from the press to shake things up. This year he'd invited a major network news anchor, Coco Andrus. She'd become the newly crowned queen of the media when she'd been promoted to the position. Coco and his mother had gone to high school together and remained friends. His mother had regretted missing her on this trip.

  Mrs. McCaffrey entered the dining room just in time for Dad to introduce her. "Dinner is served, sir."

  Julian, wearing his chef's hat and pants with the red peppers pattern under a white jacket, strolled in carrying a tray of appetizers. Leona followed behind him with another full tray wearing the traditional white jacket over black pants. One fashion chef was enough tonight.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, Marinated Shrimp with Champagne Buerre Blanc."

  CG remained standing. "And this, friends, is my good friend and world renowned Chef, Julian Mayeux of Mayeux's of New Orleans and his Sous Chef, Leona Buquet."

  Julian placed the appetizers on the table in front of the guests. Leona followed behind.

  Cameron couldn't take his eyes off her. What was it about the woman? Aside from her gorgeous brown hair, large amber eyes, and arresting smile, there was something comfortingly familiar about her.

  When she stood next to him, he inhaled the cooking aromas from her clothing. He wished he could trade places with either of them. He'd much rather be in the kitchen cooking than hobnobbing with the movie industry elite.

  As Leona handed Julian the last plate, a deep bark echoed through the large living room followed by a bouncing Max through the dining room. He bumped into Leona, who fell forward, launching the contents of the plate across the table smack-dab into Marissa's lap.

  "Oh my, I'm so sorry." Leona quickly stood upright. "I'll get something to wash that out."

  Marissa's painted-on smile and deadpan gaze fell flat on Leona. "It's OK. This dress is so old. I've had it forever." She stood and wiped at her dress. She glanced at Cameron and smiled.

  Mrs. McCaffrey guided her away from the table and then returned to wipe up the remaining sauce and shrimp. Thankfully, the dish was not served steaming, or the situation could have been much worse.

  CG raced after Max. "How did he get out of his kennel?"

  "Come to the kitchen, I'll help you clean your dress.” Leona extended her hand, which Marissa ignored, but she followed Leona into the kitchen.

  Julian gathered the trays. "I must say, she handled dat pretty good."

  Bryan Golby laughed. "I'm sure your Sous Chef is getting roasted as we speak." He started to rise. "Maybe I should check on her."

  "Oh, please stay seated. I'm sure Leona can handle things." Chef placed his brawny hand onto Bryan's shoulder.

  Cameron's heart went out to Leona. There was pure terror and regret in her gaze even though it was an accident she had no control over. But he was surprised to see the smile on Marissa's face. Maybe Bryan was wrong, and the actress had more to her than a pretty face and knockout figure.


  In the kitchen, Leona opened cupboards in a frantic search for club soda.

  "Don't bother. I can't believe you did this to my new dress. Do you know how much this cost? Nothing you use will get this stain out. How could you be so stupid?" Daggers flew from Marissa's violet gaze.

  Shock rocked Leona.

  Marissa's expression was pure hatred and anger.

  "And another thing: quit trying to get Cameron's attention. He would never look twice at a lowly chef like you. I'm warning you. If you pull this kind of stunt again, I'll have your job."

  Leona bit her tongue to keep from telling this self-centered diva where she could take her attitude. A few years ago, that's exactly what she'd have done. While she still had a long way to go, her growing faith in God kept her from going down th
at road again. The Lord continued to help her exercise more self-control than she ever thought possible.

  Be humble.

  She took a deep breath and then closed the cupboard door. Give me Your words, Lord. "I'm sorry about the dress, Marissa. I would be happy to try to get the stain out. If you want to go upstairs and change, I'll come get the dress from you and work on it."

  Marissa glared at her. "Are you crazy? You're not touching this dress. I don't know what you're up to, but believe me, you've messed with the wrong person. Don't think you'll get away with this."


  Marissa lifted her hand to silence Leona. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say." She stormed up the back staircase.

  Leona ladled the potato soup into bowls for the next course. Great. How could she ever overcome this? This reeked of her high school days. It always seemed popular people hated her. She placed the bowls on a tray and began filling more for the next tray.

  Chef walked in. "How you doin'?" He sprinkled grated cheese and freshly chopped parsley into each bowl.

  "I'm OK. She was a bit upset."

  "Don't worry about her. You didn't do it on purpose. Everybody knows dat." He stopped sprinkling and turned to her. "Especially Cameron."

  "I feel like a fool and a failure."

  He narrowed his eyes. "I don't want to hear dat kind of talk. You are not a fool or a failure and you shouldn't be letting dat girl make you feel like one." He handed her the tray. "Go."

  "Shouldn't you—"

  He raised one eyebrow—his classic I'm-serious-don't-argue look. "Go."

  She lifted the tray and walked toward the dining room. Lord, Your strength. Please, I need it.

  Marissa had returned to the table wearing a sparkling red gown. She smiled at Leona as she approached her chair. "Maybe we should let the head chef serve this side of the table." She laughed.

  This was it. How she handled this would set the tone. "If you'd feel more comfortable with Chef Julian, that is not a problem. We can arrange that for you." She skipped Marissa's chair and served the remaining guests.

  Julian entered with the other tray.

  Leona glanced toward Marissa's empty place.

  Chef Julian nodded and began serving. Because Marissa was on the opposite side of the table from where Chef was serving, she received the last bowl.

  They returned to the kitchen and began working the next course. "What is going on? I taught you better than dat. You serve people regardless of how you feel." His dark eyes bored into her.

  "She asked for you to serve her."

  "She did, did she? Of all the childish prima donna attitudes"—he slammed the drawer shut—"I've never seen such a spoiled brat."

  Leona stopped working and waited for him to look at her. "Chef, it's OK. We'll be God's hands and feet these next few days. Remember, we can't do it if we're angry or judgmental."

  He took a deep breath and wrapped his large arm around her shoulders. "Ah, petite, you always know jus what to say to calm me down. Le Bon Dieu knew what he was doin' when He sent you to me."

  The good Lord had known exactly what He was doing. God had shown Leona that beneath Julian's gruff exterior lay a kind-hearted man who'd had more heartache than one person deserved. Her heart had bonded instantly with his when she'd learned that Julian's wife and daughter had disappeared without a trace over twenty-five years ago. She'd become the daughter he'd wanted, and he'd become the mentor she needed.

  When salads were plated, they walked out to retrieve the empty soup bowls.

  "Julian, the soup was wonderful. I see you've added your signature kick to it. Very good," CG said.

  "I can't take the credit." He pointed toward Leona. "It's Miss Buquet's recipe."

  The other guests complimented the food as well, except for Marissa, whose soup bowl remained full. Chef took the side of the table where Marissa sat. "Didn't like the soup, Miss Madison?"

  "Oh, it was fine. Just a bit cold." She flipped strands of her long blonde locks behind her shoulder.

  "Would you like for me to warm it for you?" Julian's words dripped with kindness.

  Leona was proud of him. Even if he didn't feel the kindness, at least he was trying.

  "Nah, that's fine. Besides, I don't need the calories." She turned toward Cameron. "I'm sure Cameron would hate for me to get chubby while I'm here."

  Pink spread across Cameron's fair cheeks.

  Leona cleared the dishes and returned to the kitchen for the next course. As she served the salads, she couldn't help but overhear the dinner conversation. The guests discussed the latest big movie filming on location in Italy.

  Marissa leaned forward and turned to the end of the table toward the other guests. "Yes, I hear a certain famous director of that movie is sleeping with his famous leading lady." Her violet eyes sparkled as she relayed the news. It was as though she imparted the latest ground breaking bit of juicy information everyone needed to know.

  Lord, enter her heart. Show her a better way. Show her You.


  Cameron hated Hollywood gossip. He wished Marissa had not felt the need to share the latest rumor. The director was a friend and as much as he hated contradicting her, he couldn't let the lie spread. "I'm sure that rumor gets started about every director and leading lady for every big film. I know Garrison, and I'm pretty sure it's just nasty gossip. His wife is on location with him, as is the leading lady's husband."

  Marissa's smile dimmed. Something replaced the sparkle in her eyes—disappointment? Anger? Cameron couldn't tell which. She stared at him. Would she have a few unkind words for him later? He hoped not.

  Cameron was relieved when his Dad spoke. "On a happier note, I found out this week that we received the final permits and licenses to expand our company to New Orleans. Cameron will transfer there to get it off the ground after the first of the year. The movie industry is booming there, and I'm excited to be part of it."

  "Really? How interesting. Cameron, you bad boy. You didn't tell me you were moving to New Oryleens. Shame on you." Marissa's furrowed brow and tight lips let him know she was not happy with him regardless of how casual sounding she tried to make her words.

  He met Leona's gaze and found comfort there, as though she sensed his unease and wanted to encourage him.

  Julian clapped Cameron on the back. "'Bout time you come back to God's country."

  "I'm looking forward to being there again. Especially for the food and the wonderful people." He stole a glance in Leona's direction. While she busily cleared plates, he didn't miss the huge smile she sported.


  After the crème bruleé and coffee were served, Leona and Julian had dinner at the counter in the kitchen. While CG had invited them to join them in the dining room, Julian had politely declined. "We don't need to be in dere tonight. I wanted to talk about what happened."

  "I'm fine. It's over as far as I'm concerned."

  "But it's not over for her. She is used to gettin' her way. Cameron being nice to you is rubbing her the wrong way. She will take it out on you. Watch your back wit' her."

  "Chef, how many times have you told me God is in control?"

  He hung his head and nodded. "Bout a t'ousand."

  She patted his hefty hand. "It's sweet of you to worry about me, but I'll be fine. Have you called Jack yet to see how things are going at the restaurant?"

  "Yeah, all went well. Mrs. Doucet came in tonight and axed for you. Seems she wanted your special bread puddin'."

  "She did." Leona smiled. She'd worked at Mayeux's during her breaks from culinary school. Anything Julian needed, she'd done. Including busing and waitressing.

  Poor Mrs. Doucet had the misfortune of food on her lap when Leona tripped on a tear in the carpet. The wealthy New Orleans socialite had been furious. The next day, when Leona had shown up on her doorstep with a formal apology by way of a pan of her famous bread pudding, Mrs. Doucet had become a fan.

  Leona washed the remaining dishes. Mrs.
McCaffrey had been a wonderful help loading the dishwasher throughout the evening. Once the kitchen sparkled, Chef and Leona reviewed the next day's menu and gathered items needed before they turned out the lights.

  Leona, high from the evening's excitement, wanted to explore her new surroundings. Bundled in her coat, scarf, and the boots she'd placed near the back door, she stepped out onto the small porch. Her breath caught when the cold clean air rushed into her lungs. She loved it. So many new experiences. She checked to make sure her journal was in her pocket.

  The light from the full moon reflected off the snow, casting a blue glow throughout the night.

  She took a step off the porch and sank in the two-inch powder that had fallen that evening.

  Lord, thank You for this opportunity, for experiencing this new and wonderful landscape. These mountains reflect Your majesty. Lord, use me as you will during my time here.

  A small gazebo beckoned next to the frozen pond on the edge of the forest. As she trekked toward the haven, her breath made visible puffs in the air. The rushing water sounds from the river filled the night.

  Once seated on the gazebo's bench, she gazed into the heavens and marveled at the billions of stars visible in the bright night. Even with the full moon's blaze, the Milky Way streaked clearly across the sky. She'd never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful.

  A dog's bark pierced the night and before long, Max climbed onto the gazebo and brushed his head against her leg. "Oh, now you're well-behaved. I could have used these manners earlier today." She placed both hands behind his ears and rubbed his head. He rewarded her with slobber on her pants leg and the most endearing puppy-dog eyes she'd ever seen.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" Cameron entered the gazebo, sat next to her, and gazed toward the heavens.

  "It is. Can't see this in New Orleans," she said.

  "Guess, not. I love coming out here. The quiet is deafening after living in Los Angeles."

  "Oh, I agree. I have an apartment in the Quarter. This…this is awesome. It makes me see God's majesty in a different light." She met his gaze, the reflection of the moon in his blue eyes.


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