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by Steven Naifeh

  Paul Brach, Giovanni Favretti, Leslie Fiedler, and S. Frederick Starr all very graciously agreed to read the manuscript for us, no small favor given its length. They caught numerous errors and offered many valuable suggestions. Dr. David Peretz worked with us from the beginning of the project, helping to refine some of the psychological concepts which inform the book, especially regarding Pollock’s childhood and his relationship to Lee Krasner. Donald McKinney, who became a close friend of Lee’s during the many years he represented the Pollock estate at the Marlborough Gallery, helped us understand Lee’s complex relationship to Jackson’s art and, in the process, became a friend of ours.

  Over the course of several years, a number of people have helped shoulder the enormous burdens of transcribing interviews and collecting research materials from various libraries. In particular, we should thank Ennis Bengul, Jim Biester, Jan Ellis, Avon Fair, Mari Hoashi, Ted Hults, Mike Jacula, Derek Janssen, Robert Kurilla, Miriam Kuznets, Diana Lemchak, Edmund Levin, Martha Shopmyer, Rosemary Sneeringer, and Robert Taylor.

  Our agent Connie Clausen deserves a special award for her patience and friendship through what seemed to her an endless ordeal. Our editor at Clarkson N. Potter, Carol Southern, gave the manuscript both conscientious editorial scrutiny and loving support, a rare and marvelous combination from which the book has benefited in innumerable ways. Designer Barbara Richer and production supervisor Teresa Nicholas have produced a handsome volume, despite formidable obstacles. The copy editors, Donna Ryan and Mark McCauslin, performed a similar miracle on a vast, unwieldy manuscript. Finally, our gratitude goes to the many people at Crown Publishers who have given us their support over the years, including Phyllis Fleiss, Bruce Harris, Nancy Kahan, Susan Magrino, Alan Mirken, Michelle Sidrane, Gael Towey, and, more recently, S. I. Newhouse, Jr.


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