A Picture of Desire

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A Picture of Desire Page 1

by Victoria Hale


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  A Picture of Desire

  More Victoria Hale Stories


  Victoria Hale

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  All rights reserved.

  Published by Firestorm Editions

  Copyright 2014 by VICTORIA HALE

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  First Printing: MARCH, 2014

  Printed in the United States of America

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or re-distributed.


  When the phone rang, Ava answered it with a sultry, “I’ve been thinking about you, my love.”

  But the man on the other end of the line was not her soon-to-be husband.

  “Have you?” he chuckled. “In that case, we might have to slip between the sheets together before your wedding next month.”

  Twin spots of crimson colored her cheeks as she glanced around the jewelry store with her emerald green eyes. But her co-worker, Beth, gave no indication that she could hear the man who spoke to Ava in such a brazen tone.

  Todd Rogers, her fiance’s brother, had relentlessly flirted with her since the day they met. The entire family believed it was just his attempt at innocent fun, but Ava always felt the undercurrent of meaning hidden in his words. She heard the husky promise in his voice. And she felt the heat behind his gaze. Sometimes—every once in a while—her body betrayed her by responding to Todd’s dark eyes and lean body as he brushed past her at a family gathering, and she would hurry away to the bathroom until her nipples softened and the tingle between her legs no longer commanded her attention.

  “Should I assume your silence means that you’re considering my offer?” Todd asked, lowering his voice even further.

  The lust she heard sent a sharp bolt of desire through Ava, but she countered his words by keeping her tone light.

  “There’s only one man whose offer I ever consider,” Ava said, “and he’s your brother.”

  She heard him exhale an exaggerated sigh. “Ah, yes. Ken always manages to snag the good ones. Aren’t younger brothers supposed to live in the shadow of their older, wiser sibling? Unfortunately, that’s not the brotherly relationship I have with Ken. He’s just a child compared to my own advancing years, but he always gets the girl.”

  Despite her intentions to remain aloof and cool, Ava laughed. “You’re only four years older than Ken,” she said.

  “Practically a geriatric,” Todd said with mock grief. “Although if you were ever to spend the night with me, I promise I wouldn’t let my old age impede your enjoyment of the evening.”

  Unconsciously, Ava reached for the collar of her blouse as she felt another flush spread across her cheeks. For just a moment she had allowed herself to imagine her body intertwined with Todd’s—with nothing except a thin layer of sweat between her naked skin and his muscled torso—and a warm fire stirred in her belly.

  Something must have been apparent in her appearance, because Beth glanced at Ava’s face and raised an eyebrow. Ava turned away from the jewelry counter and walked toward the back stockroom. The jumble of boxes and the ancient safe were reminders that the failing jewelry store was in need of serious maintenance, and no one had heard from the owner in weeks. Ava chewed her bottom lip and twirled a lock of her chestnut hair with her finger, fears of losing her job momentarily overpowering her reaction to Todd’s words. She seized on her change in mood to end his banter.

  “Is there something you wanted, Todd?” she asked briskly.

  “Yes,” he said. “You.”

  He paused, but Ava refused to participate in his game. She exhaled heavily, trying to sound exasperated. “Why did you call me?” she asked.

  “Ah,” he said. “I see you’re done having a fun little chat with me. Now you’re all business.” His tone was still light and sexy, and Ava almost smiled.

  “I’m very busy, Todd,” she said.

  “Well, my soon-to-be sister-in-law, I am calling to schedule a time for your photo shoot. Remember?”

  Ava cringed. Her mind had been busy with wedding plans and the possibility of losing her job. She had completely forgotten that Ken wanted Todd to spend an hour or two taking some “practice” photographs before the wedding.

  Todd had offered to be the photographer at their wedding as a gift, but he had no experience in a professional capacity. He was, however, an avid hobbyist and spent many hours each week snapping pictures with his camera. Ava had seen some of his work, and she hadn’t hesitated to accept his offer of free wedding photography, especially since it would help keep the expenses of her big day within her budget.

  However, Ken had been reluctant to allow his older brother to take his wedding pictures, despite Todd’s obvious talent and skill. After some persuading from Ava—which mostly entailed showing her fiance the price quotes from other wedding photographers—Ken had reluctantly agreed to consider Todd’s offer. However, Ken insisted that Todd do a “trial run” by taking some pre-wedding photos of Ava.

  Although silence had stretched between them, Todd continued talking as if he hadn’t noticed it. “I am available tomorrow evening, if you can squeeze me into your schedule. I know tomorrow is Friday, but with Ken out of town, I assume you don’t have a date planned.”

  Ava’s mind raced. Ken’s job as a marketing director for a computer software company often sent him to other states. Rather than spending tomorrow night snuggled on the sofa with her and a bowl of popcorn, he was trying to sell a financial computer program at a convention in Nevada. And, as Todd had predicted, Ava had no other plans.

  But an evening alone with Todd sounded dangerous. Very dangerous.

  “Maybe we should wait until Ken is back in Virginia,” Ava said. “I think he should be part of these pictures, too. They are trials for our wedding.”

  She could almost hear the amusement in Todd’s voice. “These photos are just to appease my dear brother’s compulsive, controlling personality,” he said. “As long as they aren’t blurred beyond all recognition, he’ll be fine with them. And he certainly doesn’t need to be a part of them. It will only take a few minutes of your time for me to get a couple of good shots. Maybe ten minutes. Certainly you can spare that, especially since we’re practically neighbors.”

  “So you want to do this at your apartment?” Ava asked.

  “Of course,” he said. “My equipment is here and I have a few backdrops and props we can use to make the pictures look great.”

  Ava sighed. “Tomorrow evening,” she said.

  She could almost hear the satisfaction in his voice. “Looking forward to it,” he said.

  After she returned her phone to her pocket, Ava stood and stared at the storeroom. She didn’t really see the stacks of cardboard boxes or the piles of paper that littered almost every surface. Her mind was far away as she thought about the way Todd’s dark eyes seemed to penetrate her every time they stood in the same room. His gaze had a way of making her feel naked, and she tingled at the thought of it.

  “You must have been talking to Ken on the phone,” said Beth as she walked into the storeroom.

  Ava turned her
head away so that Beth couldn’t read her green eyes. “Why do you say that?” she asked.

  “Because you look like you just finished a very hot conversation,” Beth replied.

  “No, it wasn’t anything like that,” Ava protested. She reached for a stack of papers and tried to act interested in the “Late Payment” notice, knowing her cheeks burned a bright red.

  “Oh my God,” Beth squealed. “Did you and Ken just have phone sex? That’s so cool!”

  Beth danced a little jig, her ample breasts almost spilling out of her low-cut red shirt. Her white platform shoes clicked on the hard concrete floor.

  “You need to find a boyfriend,” Ava said, shaking her head at her friend. “All you do is think about sex.”

  “Well, why don’t you set me up with someone? Ken must know lots of single guys. What about his brother? That man is seriously hot.”

  “Todd?” Ava shook her head so vigorously that the curls of her hair smacked her cheeks. “No, you don’t want to date Todd. He’s a philanderer.”

  “You mean he gives money to orphans and homeless people?”

  Ava stifled a grin. “No. Not a philanthropist. A philanderer. He likes women. Lots of women.”

  “How do you know that?” Beth asked. She leaned against a stack of boxes, snapping her gum between her professionally whitened teeth. “Do you see him with a lot of girls?”

  “Well, no. Not exactly.” In fact, Ava realized that she had never known him to have a girlfriend throughout the entire year she’d been acquainted with him. But she knew a man as attractive as Todd must get plenty of dates. He exuded sexual energy, and Ava was certain that he found a release for it somewhere on a regular basis.

  “Then set me up,” Beth said, giving Ava a playful tap on the arm. “I could use a date.”

  Ava considered it. She couldn’t think of a reason to deny Beth’s request.

  “Okay,” she relented. “I’m seeing Todd tomorrow night. I’ll mention your name.”

  Beth grinned. “I can’t wait,” she said. “He is one serious hunk of a man.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Ava stood outside the door of Todd’s apartment, pulling her cardigan tight against her body. She’d chosen her clothing very carefully. She wanted to look nice—it was a photo shoot, after all—but she hadn’t wanted to wear anything that Todd could construe as an invitation for flirtation. After rummaging through her closet for an hour, she’d finally settled on a silk camisole and a peach sweater. She’d finished the outfit with a pencil skirt and a pair of cream kitten heels, although she suspected that most of Todd’s pictures would be of her face. She couldn’t imagine any reason he’d want to photograph her entire body.

  She hesitated for one minute more, wondering if she should heed the warning bells in her head. But her slender finger pushed the doorbell, almost against her will.

  The door opened so quickly that Ava wondered if Todd had known she was standing in the hallway. He leaned against the door jamb, and she silently gulped. His blue shirt was unbuttoned to show just a few curls of chest hair, and the sleeves were rolled to display his strong arms. The predatory grin he offered reminded her of a wolf.

  “Glad you could make it,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if you’d come.”

  Ava frowned. “We had an appointment. I said I would be here. And this is something Ken wants.”

  The corner of Todd’s mouth curled upward in a small smile. “Yes. We mustn’t forget that we’re doing this at my dear brother’s request.”

  Todd moved slightly to the side to permit her to enter his apartment. The space he allowed for her entry was pitifully small. Ava knew she would be forced to brush against his body when she passed him.

  She lifted her head and stiffly walked forward, trying to ignore the feeling of his hard thighs as her buttocks pressed against his leg.

  “This way, Ava,” he said, leading her into his living room. She was surprised by his polite and courteous tone, which was devoid of his usual flirtatious teasing.

  They had socialized only in Ken’s home or restaurants for family events and other gatherings, so Ava glanced around Todd’s apartment with open curiosity. The room was decorated in muted browns and grays. Steel colored throw pillows had been artfully arranged on a beige sofa.

  “Is it what you expected?” Todd asked, noticing her assessment of his home.

  “No,” Ava admitted. It didn’t seem to suit the man she knew. A man like Todd—who exuded masculinity—typically lived in a place that was cold and hard. In Ava’s mind, his furniture should have been glass, metal, and black leather. Instead, the warmth of his sofa beckoned invitingly, and she had to wrap her arms around herself to stop her body from falling into the soft cushions. Her day at work had been long. Her future with the jewelry store was uncertain. And at the moment, Ava wanted nothing more than a comfortable chair and a glass of red wine.

  As if reading her mind, Todd said, “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Ava was again struck by his polite tone. He acted as if she were a guest and he were the host, which was quite different from his usual lascivious demeanor.

  “No, I’m fine,” Ava said, though she didn’t feel fine. She felt nervous. And worried. And anxious.

  And a little bit excited.

  Despite her protest, Todd was already pouring her a glass of wine from the decanter that rested on the fireplace mantel.

  “Trust me,” he said. “Photo shoots can be nerve racking, even when they are casual. It can be disconcerting to be on the business end of a camera lens. A glass of wine will help you relax.”

  Ava didn’t bother to demur again. She took a drink of the burgundy liquid, enjoying its smooth flavor as it rolled over her tongue. The beverage’s rich aroma was almost intoxicating. Todd had excellent taste in wine.

  He smiled at her, flashing his even white teeth in a disarming grin. “Go ahead and finish your wine, and then we’ll get started.” As he turned to fiddle with his camera equipment, Ava found her eyes drawn to the line of his broad shoulders. To distract herself, she stood and examined the artwork on Todd’s walls.

  Upon closer inspection she realized that the framed photos were original prints. Most were landscapes or seascapes of the nearby shore. But a few featured the silhouette of a slender, lithe woman against a backdrop of the night sky.

  “Do you like the pictures?” Todd asked.

  “They’re beautiful,” Ava replied. “Who was the photographer?”

  “Me,” Todd answered. “I can’t afford original prints from famous artists, so I have to make my own artwork for my walls.”

  Ava knew Todd worked his days as a manager of a retail camera store. She’d heard his stories about elderly women who wanted to take pictures of birds and new parents who wanted to photograph their babies. Amateurs behind the lens, they needed only the simplest cameras and equipment. The job was long hours for low pay, and Ava knew that Todd disliked it.

  “Who is the woman?” Ava asked.

  Todd wandered over to the photograph that hung on the wall in front of Ava. In the picture, the woman’s figure looked shapely and lean as she lounged against a tree.

  “Just someone I knew once,” Todd said.

  Ava glanced at him sharply. She’d heard the catch in his voice. The hint of regret. The taste of a past memory. An old girlfriend, she thought, surprised to feel the little spark of jealousy that fired in her belly.

  Then Todd reached out and touched her arm, and she felt the warmth of his fingers through the fabric of her sweater. “Are you ready?” he asked. “I’m prepped over here.”

  She nodded and gulped the last swallow of wine in her glass, barely tasting the liquid as it warmed her belly. Ava allowed Todd to guide her to the sofa. “Sit down,” he commanded.

  She perched on the edge of the cushion, her legs demurely crossed at the ankles. He grabbed his camera from around his neck and immediately started snapping photos.

  “That’s right,” he murmured. “Give me a small smi
le. Look at the camera. Look at me.”

  Ava could feel the stiffness in her lips as she tried to smile. Todd dropped the camera from his face, his crooked grin teasing her.

  “Try and act like you don’t hate me,” he said.

  Ava laughed. “I don’t hate you,” she said.

  “Good,” he replied. “So smile at the camera as if I’m someone you might actually like.”

  She watched him as he continued to snap shots, occasionally offering commands or suggestions.

  “Lean back.”

  “Kick off your shoes and bring your feet onto the sofa.”

  “Turn your head and let your hair fall into your face.”

  As the minutes went by and her body grew more relaxed, Ava felt a warmth flushing her body. Todd’s eye on her—and the sensual way he commanded her—was starting to make her feel alive. And hot. And sexy.

  As soon as she realized what was happening, she started to sit up.

  “Wait, wait,” Todd walked over to her. “What are you doing? Lean back. We’re getting some great shots. You look really relaxed and… well… relaxed.”

  “I am relaxed,” Ava said. Too relaxed, she thought.

  “Then lean back,” Todd said. “We can’t stop now.”

  “Don’t you have enough pictures?” Ava asked. “I think we’re about finished.”

  Todd shook his head. “You only started loosening up a few minutes ago. The best pictures are yet to come.”

  He pressed his hand against her shoulder and gently pushed her backwards. She didn’t fight him, and instead fell back against the soft, beige cushions. When she looked up and met his gaze, she almost gasped at the desire that glittered in his dark eyes.

  He reached out a hand and touched the top button of her cardigan, expertly unbuttoning it with his fingers. “You look so stiff and formal,” he said. “It would make a wonderful photo if you’d show your feminine side.”

  Ava wanted to protest. Wanted to stop him. But the closeness of his hard body made it impossible for her to speak. She could feel a lust for him that tingled between her legs. She knew without looking that her nipples had perked into hard nubs.


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