The Alpha's Surrogate: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance

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The Alpha's Surrogate: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance Page 8

by Angela Foxxe

  "There's got to be something, a road flair, gun, something in here we can use to distract them."

  On the screen the three men had surrounded Skye, she looked pathetic, unable to move her legs, trying to crawl away as they kicked her and spat on her. One of them had a bloody machete that he used to taunt her.

  Reign tore through the small kitchen, and she found what she was looking for. She poured the drain cleaner in the metal pail they kept to mop the place with, then she dropped in a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

  “Come on, we only got a minute."

  The two rushed to the front entrance, Abby hesitated on opening the door.

  "Reign, Richard will be very cross with me, promise me you will defend me?"

  "What? That's what you’re worried about," Reign took a closer look, and the girl did seem to be genuinely worried.

  "Yeah, of course, I'll tell him I overpowered you."

  Abby pulled the drop bar off the door, and shouldered it open.

  Reign shot out. She didn't have much time, she could hear the acid eating away at the plastic bottle.

  She charged down the trail to the parking area and got in position behind one of the trucks. She checked the pail, it was close now. She turned and signaled to Abby. The Goth chick pulled the breaker near the door, all the lights in the parking lot went on at once.

  Reign stepped out and spun, she shifted the buck out so it was at full length, the force of the spin held the contents inside.

  The two remaining humans with the rifles were busy shielding their eyes from the sudden brightness, and never saw the bucket of acid arc through the air at them. The wolf picked up on it at the last second, dropped and rolled behind the truck.

  Reign timed it perfectly. The bottle of hydrogen peroxide disintegrated just as the bucket was over their heads, the reaction with the acid caused a massive, and sudden, expansion. The acid rained down on them.

  Reign's heart caught in her chest, she hadn't thought about the effects, but now she was seeing them. The men screamed, they dropped to their knees and clawed at their melting faces. It only took thirty seconds and they were both dead.

  Skye was caught in the deadly rain, but her regenerative powers were enough to keep her alive. She writhed on the ground as the acid ate away at her, but she was alive.

  Reign rushed to the side of the lodge, there was a hose for gardening, turned it on, and sprinted back to Skye. She started spraying the Scot as soon as she could see her.

  Instant relief shuddered through the red head, and her whole body relaxed as the cool water washed off the remaining acid.

  Reign choked as an arm slipped around her throat.

  "Good effort, little morsel, but you missed me," he growled.

  * * *

  On the third plunge of the knife Edward stopped, he dropped the blade and stumbled back. His eyes went from the shady hazel to bright yellow.

  Richard closed his eyes and focused, the pain in his legs was intense, it could easily distract him, but he used it to focus.

  Indigo, I need you. I need all of you. Change.

  All around the barn the howl of wolves could be heard. Both were, and natural. Moonlight shone through the small window, it seemed to seek something, searching, and then it stopped. Richard was bathed in it.

  Edward shook his head, the echo of the wolves came from everywhere. The light enshrined Richard, his wounds healed, his muscles bulged, and he snapped the bonds as if they were made of tinsel.

  "Seven hundred years I've walked this Earth, Edward, I respect our traditions and our rituals because they were given to us by the Wolf. The one who made us. He would never have approved of you.”

  Edward was shifting, slowly, agonizingly, he never learned to master it, he always fought it, and for him shifting was pain. He rejected the wolf.

  Richard turned instantly. One second he was the man, the next he was the wolf. Large silver fur rippled down his muscular back. The meth-head ran, but Richard was on him in a second, he gurgled and died as Richard ripped his throat out.

  Edward was still fighting the change when Richard padded next to Cara. He used his teeth like a fine scalpel and cut her bonds. She fell against him, weeping. Richard lifted his head to the moon and howled. A haunting, piercing, angry howl.

  Cara through her head back and screamed. A scream that turned to the howl of a wolf as she too changed. Her wolf was tiny next to Richard, a blondish fur with black streaks. She limped out of the barn with nary a second glance.

  Edward was finished, gone was the man, now a wolf, and Edward ran. He darted out of the barn in a dash. Richard didn't chase. Outside Edwards skidded on his haunches, scrambling to turn around.

  The entire pack was there, all as wolves, waiting for him. He turned and tried to go back in the barn, it was too late. Richard was in the door, his massive jaws snapped at the little wolf. Edward whimpered as he barely escaped the bite.

  He had nowhere to go, he was surrounded, and left with no option but to fight.

  He charged Richard.

  With one dip of his head, and snap of his jaw, Edward’s life ended in a yelp. Richard cast the limp body aside, faced the moon, and howled.

  * * *

  Reign breathed a sigh of relief as Abby padded around the truck, her sleek black wolf growling with menace. The man holding her tensed, he squeezed her neck until she couldn't breathe.

  Skye screamed, her body jerked and she was a wolf again.

  "That's not possible," the man holding her said.

  He threw Reign to the ground and turned to run, trying to change as he shed his clothes. Abby was on him in a heartbeat, her paws drove him to the ground, her teeth sinking deep into his shoulders. He screamed, and scrambled out from under her. He let out his own howl as the change took him. Before he could finish it, the large red wolf that was Skye was on him, her white fangs glowing in the sudden moonlight.

  When it was done, there nothing left but a carcass’

  The celebration was in full swing. The lodge was decorated with Christmas lights, and any other festive light they could find. They mourned for Chuck, but in a way they were sure he would want. With lots of booze.

  "None for you," Indigo said, taking the red solo cup out of Reigns hands.

  "That was the punch with the kick, here's the normal stuff."

  "Thanks, wouldn't want to hurt the baby."

  "You sure you're pregnant, you look as skinny as ever, and if I might add, hot."

  "No you might not add, louse," Skye broke in, coming up behind the Spaniard and encircling her arms about his waist.

  "Watch out for this one lass, he'll charm the pants off you and leave you for the next girl he finds," Skye said.

  "Did I ever tell you I've a thing for gingers," Indigo replied with a smile. He turned and scooped her up, his mouth found hers and they kissed. She threw her legs around his waist, he effortlessly carried her off in the direction of his bedroom.

  It was something that took getting used to. Reign wasn't a prude, but the wolves were a force of nature. They loved, and fought, and lived with a fiery passion she had never believed possible. When they went for something, they went for it.

  There were new faces here as well, two men, and the lone surviving woman from East Cascade. The rest had opted to go lone, and try to start new somewhere else. She didn't know any of them, and honestly she was surprised Richard let them join after what they did.

  She still didn't understand all the wolf stuff about alphas and packs. His pack seemed to love him, and they would do anything for him. Edward’s pack seemed to operate purely from fear.

  She did see one face she recognized. The claw marks had mostly healed on the big giant. They left three paper thin scars down the middle of his face. He had found himself a corner to hide in and was nursing a drink.

  Reign glanced around for Richard, found his face through the crowd, as if he knew she was looking at him he turned to her and smiled. It sent little bolts of electricity through her fingers
. She smiled back. Her tummy ached just seeing his beautiful face.

  I’ve never been into older men, why does just looking at him do the things it does?

  With a deliberate effort she broke eye contact with him, she knew once she was with him, there would be no escaping, and there was someone else she needed to talk to first.

  She wandered around the party, saying hi to one person or another, trying not to make it look like she was deliberately making her way to him. She didn't know his name, and the only time she ever met him was when he tried to kill her.

  "Hi, I never got your name?"

  He seemed shocked that she was there. Nervous even. He glanced around looking for support.

  "I'm not sure you should be talking to me."

  Now that he wasn't screaming obscenities he had a pleasant voice, a little higher than she expected.

  "I can pretty much do what I want, so don't worry about that. I'm Reign," she held out her man.

  His hand dwarfed hers, he made even Richard look small next to him.

  "Timothy, most people call me TJ."

  "I'm surprised you made the switch, why not lone wolf it?"

  He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the next, his eyes fell to the floor. He looked like a little boy afraid to answer.

  “It's okay, were all friends here, TJ."

  "That's why, I don't want to be alone. I've never done very well alone. But I'm rather good at following orders, I guess I just got lost there for a while."

  "Richard’s a good man, TJ, and he has good people, if you knew nothing else about him, that should be enough. Hey, I want you to meet a friend of mine," Reign waived at Abby to come join her.

  "TJ, this is Abby, neither of you talk much, so enjoy."

  She left the two loners to themselves, and a smile from Abby promised that she would be friendly.

  Mission accomplished, and with a self-satisfied smile on her face, she made her way to Richard.

  He was talking quietly to Cara, the poor girl had still not recovered to her full self. And she wasn't at all happy with those who switched over. She couldn't even look at them without shuddering. Physically she was fine, but her wounds ran deep. Reign briefly wondered if they had a wolf psychologist they could talk to.

  Cara wouldn't talk about what happened, though how she dressed, bundled up in sweaters and coats, and baggy pants, told the story well enough. Richard had made sure that each of the three wolves who joined up had nothing to do with Cara's torture, and they hadn't. All they knew was that she was being held in the barn.

  Cara spied Reign and gave her a forced smile, followed by a hug.

  "I'm glad you came down," Reign said, stepping in next to Richard and casually putting her arm around his waist. Cara's eyebrows raised slightly, she looked at Reign, then Richard. “My alpha," she nodded, and walked quickly away.

  "What was that all about," asked Reign.

  "It's complicated, you have to understand, I have a past with everyone here, and sometimes not everything is uncomplicated."

  Reign nodded, she wanted to form some sort of coherent, intelligent conversation, but her mind wandered back to the cliff, and what they had done. And not done.

  "Would they miss you?"


  "Your pack, if we slipped out..." she let her voice linger. She raised an eyebrow at him. Her stomach clenched and sweat broke out on her skin. She wasn't sure if he felt this way about her, but she was sure she did.

  "No, not at all. I'll follow you."

  She didn't trust herself to respond, she just grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs, her head down, face burning red. People left for the rooms for only one reason.

  * * *

  "Wow, it's nice in here."

  His room was big, a king sized bed, oak dresser, a full mirror, walk in closet, and a bathroom bigger than her room at home.

  "I'm glad you like it."

  He was hesitant, she could feel it. He wasn't sure what she wanted or possibly, what he wanted. She liked that, it made her feel in charge. She was wearing a blue pullover and jeans, nothing too fancy. She didn't exactly have a large wardrobe to begin with.

  She turned to face him, her back against the foot of the bed.

  "I know I'm not pretty like Cara or Skye, but am I pretty enough?"

  She waited for the rejection, she braced herself inwardly for it to come. Richard swept forward, he took her hands in his, "Oh my dear Reign," he brushed her black hair out from her eyes. She felt his lips on her forehead, his hot breath on her face, her eyes fluttered and her chest tightened.

  "Pretty, doesn't even come close to describing you, and if that was all that mattered, then yes, you’re more than pretty enough."

  He lowered his head to her lips and kissed, a tender, slow kiss that made Reign weak in the knee's and sent her stomach spinning.

  "There is more to you than pretty, though," he said, breaking the kiss, "you're smart, creative, and oh so clever. Abby told me what you did, so let’s add brave to that list."

  It was too much for her, too perfect, she threw her arms around his neck and pushed her lips to his. They parted, her tongue darted out and found him willing. Their kiss lasted forever, and when they broke this time, Reign was out of breath. Her skin crawled, and her desire to be close to him, to be with him was unbearable.

  He ran his hands against her thighs, slowly pulled her shirt past her breasts and over her head. She felt a sudden wave of awkwardness, she wasn't sure what to do.

  As if he sensed it, he smiled, and took her hands and guided them to his own shirt.

  She pulled his t-shirt over his muscled chest. For a moment they stood there, framed in the moonlight from the large bay windows.

  Her sleek body was engulfed by his massive frame. He kissed her again, pushing forward till she fell backward on the bed, each of his kisses a hot spot on her neck and shoulders.

  She moaned as he unclipped her bra, freeing her pert breasts. Her vision clouded as he danced around her nipples, reflexively she put her hands in his hair, pulling, tugging, and scratching his head as each kiss drove her wild.

  And just as she was about to die from frustration, he took her nipple into his mouth, and she sighed. Her whole body shuddered as he caught her nipple in his teeth, gently pulling and nibbling.

  She let out a breath as he took her breast into his mouth, never had she felt so amazing. Warmth flooded through her, her skin felt alive, as each inch of it sparkled with electricity. She hadn't even felt him pull her jeans off, she only noticed she wasn't wearing them when suddenly his hot breath wasn't on her nipples, but on her panties.

  With a deliberate slowness he pulled her last layer of protection down past her feet. She was exposed now, and for a brief second, doubt overcame her desire, her mind cleared and the heat in her flickered and nearly died.

  Until he gently bent down, and kissed the inside of her thigh. All thoughts of anything but the sensation of his mouth, on skin no man had ever touched, left her mind, and just the burning desire remained.

  He kissed her right thigh, working his way to her belly, over her center to her left thigh. She squirmed under his ministrations, there was a need, an urgent desire in her that she didn't know how to fulfil, but it was driving her insane.

  His mouth found its way to her insides and she exploded. Her hands clutched his head, her back arched, and she let out a scream that lingered in the air.

  "Oh GOD," she froze with her back arched high, her thighs tight around his head, she couldn't move, she could barely breath as her orgasm shook her from her core to her fingers.

  After what seemed like an eternity she collapsed, her head rolled to one side, her eyes half closed. She twitched from every movement, from every touch. The pleasure lingered in her.

  She felt him sliding up her, his skin against hers. His hard muscles were circling her body as his arms slid under her and cradled her. She was weak from the intensity of her pleasure, she lay their like a doll as he wrapped her

  His mouth found hers and she kissed him, he tasted sweet, and wonderful, and his smell burned itself in her brain. She found the strength to open her legs, to wrap her thighs around his waist. He needed no urging. His hard erection pushed against her, seeking an entrance. She needed him inside her, to feel his very being. Her desire ran true again, her skin and her body ached to be touched.

  "Please," she whispered.

  He pushed, slow at first, entering her slowly, she exhaled with a deep sigh of contentment as his massive penis penetrated her virgin sex.


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