Ash, Son of the Demon God, Tarot, the Devil

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Ash, Son of the Demon God, Tarot, the Devil Page 4

by D. J. Manly

  “I need to know where your men are,” Rush managed now, pacing up and down in front of him. “How did you end up wounded?”

  “I got lost. Some weird sun guy mistook me for a bear and…”

  “You’re lying. You’re a liar by nature, and I’m not a fool Ash,” Rush told him, taking a step backwards. For the love of all that was sacred, this guy needed to be covered up. “Guard,” he called.

  One of the guards stepped in immediately.

  “Bring a robe for the prisoner,” he barked.

  “Right away, my Lord,” the guard replied, leaving the room again.

  Ash laughed softly.

  Rush pierced him with his blue eyes. “What’s so funny, demon child?”

  “Terms of endearment already…but Rush,” he mused, “we hardly know each another.”

  Rush didn’t answer him. He turned his back, waiting for the guard to return.

  “You know,” Ash said softly, “being ashamed of one’s nakedness is an illness. I believe…”

  “I am not ashamed,” Rush whirled around, “I just…” his words faltered for a second. My God, but he was a beautiful man…not a man. He wasn’t a man. He had to remind himself. He was half demon, son of Abbadon, son of the greatest deceiver of all times. Rush felt his hands trembling. He placed them in his pockets. When he realised that Ash was waiting for him to finish his sentence, Rush said, “I just don’t want you to catch cold and die on me before I have a chance to really interrogate you. On second thought, you might be an immortal. Maybe nothing can kill you.”

  Rush seemed to be rambling, probably a result of his nervousness. “Well,” Ash nodded, “I have to give you some marks for creativity, Lord Rush. That was a very innovative response. Your concern for my health moves me deeply, especially since we’ve only just met. Now, this plan you have to interrogate me, what exactly does that involve?” He gave him a look of unabashed sensuality.

  Rush swallowed, then clearing his throat, he glared at him, “Torture, Demon. If you don’t tell me where your men are, and how you ended up here, I’m warning you, I will torture you.”

  “Umm, with someone as pretty as you, I don’t think I’d mind. Don’t forget who I am. For me, there’s a very fine line between pleasure and pain. Sometimes, there is no line at all. Do what you want to me. I don’t know where my men are. I told you, I got lost and someone mistook me for a deer.”

  “I thought you said a bear?”

  “Bear…deer, what’s the difference?” he shrugged.

  Rush placed his hands on his hips. The two men stared at each other for a few moments, then, the door opened. “The robe, my Lord,” the guard said, handing him a white garment. Rush took a step closer to Ash.

  Ash looked at the chains on his wrist. “You’ll have to take the chains off if you want to dress me.” Ash reached out a hand as if to touch him, then, withdrew it.

  Rush turned to the guard. “Get the guards in here. Unchain and dress him, then bring him to the interrogation room immediately.”

  Ash watched Rush leave without a backward glance. He was strong, but his resolve wouldn’t last long. He was already deeply affected by his presence. He had to get him to come closer, to touch him.

  Two guards unchained him, then, they began to put the robe over his head. One of them touched his hair, the other one put a hand under the robe and caressed his thigh. Ash pushed their hands away. “The interrogation room…take me there now.”

  The two guards immediately obeyed. The interrogation room was empty except for Rush and another man, who wore an officers uniform. Ash knew the officer was Talon. There were handcuffs suspended from the ceiling which Talon instructed the guards to secure him to.

  Rush noticed that one of the guards ran his hand down the length of Ash’s body after securing the cuffs. “You there,” he barked at him, “stand away from the prisoner…over in the corner.”

  The guard obeyed immediately, lowering his head.

  “Do you see how dangerous he is?” Talon exchanged a glance with Rush. Moving closer to Ash, he said, “Well, well, we finally meet the infamous son of Abbadon.”

  “Talon,” Ash sneered, then looking at Rush, he said, “You would have been far better off with someone brighter as your General. On the battlefield, this one was no challenge to me at all. It was rather boring, like taking candy from a baby.”

  Talon reached up and smacked Ash in the face. Ash laughed at him.

  “Okay, listen you bastard,” Rush said abruptly, pushing his general aside, “I don’t want to have to make you suffer unnecessarily before your death, so tell us what we want to know, and I will order a quick execution.”

  A cool smile spread across Ash’s lips. “That is most benevolent of you, I’m sure, but I’ve told you everything I know. The last I saw my men, they were twenty kilometres outside this city,” he threw his glance at Talon and smiled, “on the Fireball Passage.”

  Rush met Talon’s eyes. Talon lowered his head. Rush studied Ash’s face. “When are they planning their attack?”

  “They’re not. They won’t attack without my order and I’m not there to give it, am I?” Ash replied softly.

  “What were you doing in Eden, all alone, without your army?”

  “Scouting,” he replied.

  “Scouting for what?” Rush demanded.

  “I wanted to see where the majority of your men were positioned. Then I intended to ride back to where my men were, and…”

  “You’re lying again,” Rush accused, pointing his finger at him. “What you say doesn’t make sense. It wouldn’t have mattered where my army was; you knew that we were outnumbered. What’s the real story?”

  Ash grinned at him. “That’s the real story, take it or leave it.”

  “All right,” Rush snapped, “We’ll do it the hard way. Guards, take him and hang him in the courtyard, upside down, and give him twenty lashes every hour until he agrees to tell me the truth.”

  “Thank you, Rush,” Ash smiled at him. “The only thing that would give me more pleasure is if you would personally do the lashing, preferably,” he ran his eyes over him, “naked.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Rush, block your ears,” Talon said, placing his hands over his own ears. “He is trying to lead you into temptation.”

  Ash howled with laughter. “That’s it Rush, put your hands over your ears. That will do it. Great advice, General!”

  Rush ignored Ash. “Shut up, Talon,” Rush growled, and stalked out.

  Talon walked up to Ash as the two guards prepared to take him outside. “I could never be tempted by you. I am a moral man, and so is Rush.”

  Ash narrowed his eyes at him. “You…a moral man? Maybe you’d better look more closely. And if I wanted you, I could have you in a heartbeat, on your knees and begging for it, but personally, I’d rather fuck an earth worm, Talon.”

  “Get thee behind me Satan,” Talon called after him, as the guards took him out.

  “You wish,” Ash howled with laughter. Focussing his attention on the two guards now, he told them, “You are not to touch me in any way, except with the whip, is that understood?”

  They understood. Ash knew that Rush would be watching. He didn’t want to give him any forewarning about the power he had at his disposal.

  Upstairs on his balcony, Rush watched the two guards as they took Ash out into the courtyard. He didn’t fight. He seemed resigned to his fate. Rush gripped the railing as he watched them tear off the robe, and then hang him upside down in the courtyard. He hated this. It wasn’t in his nature to torture any living creature, even this demon, but what choice did he have. He had to find out what Ash was really doing here.

  “Well, this is uncomfortable,” Ash thought with a smirk, feeling the first sting of the whip.

  Rush closed his eyes as he heard the whip crack against Ash’s back. His mouth began to water. Images of himself down there with the whip, naked, came into his mind. Ash was right side up in his mind, tied against the post, his gorge
ous nude body in plain view. “Whip me, Rush, you want to. You want to feel the whip against my naked flesh, want to see my nipples stiffen, my cock expand…explode, you want to taste me. You want to be in my place.” Rush gasped and opened his eyes. The whip was silent now. He closed the balcony door, took off his robe and climbed into bed. His hands moved over his chest. His nipples were stiff. He pinched and tweaked them for a second, then moved one hand down to his sex. It was hot and erect. He moaned.

  “Yes, Rush, that’s it…fondle that beautiful rod of yours. You want me. Come down here and take me. I’m waiting for you. You want to feel my cock in my mouth; in my ass…you want me to take you. I’ll tie you down, gag you, and make you mine completely… our flesh will burn together…my beautiful…beautiful Rush.”

  Rush stroked himself more quickly, the images of Ash naked and chained in the dungeon came to his mind. “Yes…yes…” he moaned, letting out streams and streams of cum.

  Below his window, Ash smiled.


  The following morning, Rush spent an extra hour in front of the sun dial, praying for strength. He had dreamt the entire night, sensual dreams about that demon warrior hanging upside down outside his window. After he’d dressed and had breakfast, he felt better. He only needed to renew himself through faith.

  He summoned Talon while he was drinking his coffee, telling him to have the guards put the prisoner back in the dungeon.

  “But, why? I hear he is not ready to talk and…” Talon began.

  “Burning him to a crisp in the sun will not make him talk faster,” Rush quipped. “Besides, I don’t need any of the sun people being influenced by him.”

  “Meaning?” Talon raised an eyebrow.

  “Ash is evil in its purest form. You know he has magic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has half the guards under his power. Did you see that guard last night…the way he touched him?”

  “Yes, and he was reprimanded for that. I agree with you that he is extremely dangerous, my lord. That’s why we should get rid of him,” Talon remarked.

  Rush drained his cup. He considered that for a moment. He knew it was a good idea for a variety of reasons. Glancing up at Talon, he gave him a tight smile. “The bastard is immortal, isn’t he? At least that’s what I’ve read.”

  Talon nodded. “I believe so. But there are ways to render a demon harmless…to make him…”

  “I know that,” Rush held up a hand. Rising from his chair, he went to look out on the center square. He could see Ash still hanging there upside down. He turned away from the window. “We have to know what he’s up to. Why is his army just waiting? Do they know he’s been captured? I can’t understand why they haven’t attacked already.”

  “He said that they were waiting for his order,” Talon interjected. “Is it possible that he was scouting and somehow was wounded by…?”

  “You don’t believe that anymore than I do,” Rush met his eyes. “I think Ash is here because he wants to be here.”

  “You mean that…?” Talon shook his head.

  “That’s exactly what I mean. You know the incredible powers of seduction he has. His father is god of the Underworld. His grandfather was the god of original lust, pleasures of the…”

  “I get the picture, my Lord,” Talon lowered his head.

  “Don’t you see, if he can get me to break my vow, the Incubus will rule. The people of the sun will be condemned to the Underworld where we will die. We can not survive the darkness.”

  “But you are not tempted by…” Talon began, searching his Lords face.

  Rush sighed. How could he tell him about his dreams? “It will be all right. I am strong, and now I am onto him.”

  “Are you sure it wouldn’t be safer to leave him strung up…?” Talon began.

  “No. Have the guards take him down. Put him back in the prison but don’t bother chaining him. It’s redundant.”

  “No chains!” his advisor said with alarm. “He could…”

  “He could do that anyway,” Rush met his eyes. “Go, have the guards take him down.”

  Talon bowed his head, and left the room.

  * * * *

  Connerly moped his face with the tail of his shirt. The closer he got to Sun Valley, the hotter it became. The men were tense, and the heat didn’t help. They all understood that he was disobeying a direct order from Ash. They knew what happened to people who disobeyed the half Incubus leader. It wasn’t a pretty sight. When Connerly had told them that they were heading toward Sun Valley in order to rescue Ash, initially, the men balked.

  Joshu, the second in command took Connerly aside. “You’re not thinking straight my friend. Ash said to stay here until he came back. We’ll all fry for this.”

  “I am not leaving Ash to the mercy of those sun freaks,” Connerly shot back.

  “Ash is immortal, Connerly. They can’t kill him. He has many ways of protecting himself. I heard him say he was on a mission from Abbadon. I don’t know about you but I’m not going to play around with Abbadon.”

  “Stay here, then. I’ll go on my own.”

  Finally, Connerly gave the men a choice. Most decided to stay behind with Joshu, others followed him along the scorching passage. In all, ten men trailed after him now, none of them content with the choice that they’d made.

  One of those men was Sin. He was fiercely devoted to Ash, and was sure that one day the devilish hunk would bestow erotic favours upon him. So far, only Connerly had been blessed. However, he knew Ash would not be happy with Connerly’s disobedience. He planned to be around to take over Connerly’s sexual service to their ruler; as well as meet the great sex god Abbadon himself, when the time came.

  Connerly brought the men to a halt. He moved them closer to some rocks by a stream. Although there was little shade, the coolness of the rocks gave them some reprieve.

  Many of the men lay down to sleep, the sun bringing them near exhaustion. Connerly removed his clothes and went down to the stream to cool off. The water was shallow and extremely warm but it was better than nothing. Standing thigh deep in the water, he scooped his hands down to collect some in his hands, and throw it over his body.

  He heard someone wade into the water after him. He turned around and saw Sin standing there, his eyes moving over his shoulders and buttocks. “You know, I wonder what Ash sees in you,” Sin murmured, moving closer. “Are you a good ride, or is it that you give good blow jobs?”

  Connerly snarled at him, turning around, making sure Sin got a good look at the erection he was sprouting. He ran his eyes over the man who had issued him the verbal challenge. His skin was dark, his eyes light grey. He was well muscled, but very slender. It wouldn’t be hard to over power him. “Are you looking to find out?”

  Sin laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you Connerly? Since the commander is gone, that cock of yours has been mighty lonely, hasn’t it? Too bad it’s so skinny; I might be tempted to give it a taste.”

  Connerly lunged for him. The two naked figures tussled in the water. Sin grabbed hold of Connerly’s stiff member and took him down on his knees. Connerly reached out and twisted Sin’s prominent dark nipples.

  Suddenly, they had an audience. The other men had come to watch.

  Sin reared back as Connerly grabbed onto his nipples. His knees splayed open, his cock hardening instantly. Connerly’s eyes went to Sin’s member. “You forget who you play with Sin. Ash is my mentor.

  Sin gave Connerly a shove backward. He fell in the water. Sin forced his thighs apart and reached for his testicles. He fondled them roughly, causing Connerly to moan, not entirely in pain.

  Reaching up with his hand, Connerly tried to grab a fistful of Sin’s long black hair. Someone threw a rope in the water. Both men desperately tried to get a hold of it before it floated downstream. Above them, the sun played brutally on their naked wet skin. There wasn’t a flaccid cock among any of the spectators. “Tie him down, Sin,” someone shouted. “Hump him good Connerly,” another crie
d out, “show him who’s in charge.”

  Connerly had the upper hand now. He had managed to grab the rope and he was pulling Sin up out of the water by his hair.

  Kicking and thrashing, Sin tried to free himself but Connerly wrapped the rope around one of his wrists and then swung it behind him to entangle his other hand. Sin kicked out at him, but two of Connerly’s loyal warriors reached out and grabbed Sin’s legs.

  “Spread his legs,” Connerly said, “keep him still.”

  The men’s eyes glazed over with pure lust as Connerly picked up his shirt and stuffed it halfway into Sin’s mouth. He pulled the rope tight behind him so that his arms were bound behind his back.

  Lying there on the ground with his legs spread wide, his cock was close to exploding. Yes, yes, Sin thought, use me, do what you want. He couldn’t have asked for anything more exciting than this. Gagged and bound, with eight lust crazed, muscle bound warriors in various stages of undress hovering around him; caused the pre-cum to spurt up from the edge of his sex like a fountain.

  “Look at this, looks like you’re hard as this rock here,” Connerly smirked, pulling on the rope. The men laughed. Heaving Sin up so that he was laying spread across the rock in the hot sun, Connerly glanced at the two men holding his legs. “Pull his legs over his head and tie them to his ankles.”

  Some of the men began to masturbate in anticipation. Sin let his head fall back as he felt the rough rope rub against the skin of his ankles. “You,” Connerly said to one of the men, “get behind the rock and hold him up.”

  The burly warrior wrapped his arms around Sin’s and held him stagnant.

  Sin could no longer see the others, and he couldn’t cry out. He felt his cock being slapped now back and forth, and someone had begun to play with his exposed anus, shoving their fingers in and out of it. He moaned.

  “You my friend,” Connerly said, pulling and tugging on both nipples now, “are going to be used like you’ve never been used before. Don’t bother to struggle. Each one of us will have a turn, then, maybe we’ll use that ass hole of yours all over again.”


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