Taken: An Alpha Older Man, Younger BBW, Steamy Sweet Romance (Alpha Men Book 1)

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Taken: An Alpha Older Man, Younger BBW, Steamy Sweet Romance (Alpha Men Book 1) Page 2

by Hope Ford

  I walk up to her and throw my arm around her shoulders. I squeeze and pull her into me and she comes willingly. I bend down and touch my lips to hers. “Sweet.” I tell her when I pull away from her.

  Her face flames red, “yea, I was testing a new cupcake.” Her fingers touch her lips and I pull her hand away to kiss her again. “It’s good.” I whisper to her.

  I turn to Axle and introduce him to Megan. When he walks away, Megan says, “Jason, I appreciate you doing this. I really do. But how much is this going to cost?”


  “No. I’m not going to let you pay for all of this. I can pay for it. Can I make payments? I have been saving to help Ben pay for a new heart medicine the doctors want to put him on, but I can still afford to make payments.”

  “No, Baby. I don’t want you to worry about it. I promise this is one of my crews. It will only be a few days and they will be done. Come on, let me show you something.”

  I grab her hand and pull her to the garage. “We checked your roof, but it is in great condition.”

  “Yea, I know. Ben had a new roof put on two years ago. I told you he takes care of me. I need to go check on him.”

  “Okay but let me show you one thing. I put in an alarm system. One for Ben’s house and one for the garage.” I hand her a piece of paper. “This is your code to set it and disarm it.”

  “Jason, that’s crazy, we don’t need an alarm here.”

  “Megan, it’s either this or I move you to my house. Now, I know this is quick, maybe too quick for you, but eventually you are going to be in my house… and in my bed.”

  She looks back at me stunned. “Jason, I just met you last night.”

  “I know that. That’s why I’m giving you time.” I lean down and kiss her on her forehead. “A little time anyway.”

  Chapter 4


  The next few days fly by. I am up early every day to open the bakery. Ben has taken a few days off. I know him and Jason are up to something, but I don’t know what that is. Jason usually stops by once a day to see me at the bakery and he always purchases way too many sweets to take back to his crew.

  Today when he came in, I was serving one of my regular customers a blueberry muffin and coffee. When I set it down in front of him, he grabs onto my wrist to hold me there. He has always flirted with me and even asked me out a few times. But I have always turned him down.

  He was in the middle of asking me out again, when I felt Jason standing behind me. I knew it was him. Just like I always know when he’s around. I start to tell him no, thank you, but Jason beat me to it. He wraps his arms around me and removes the man’s hand from my wrist. “She’s mine. I suggest you grab your muffin and leave.” I start to object, but Jason puts his hand on my back and I decide to wait it out.

  The customer gets up to leave and Jason grabs my hand and pulls me to the back. I can feel the stares of everyone in the room, but they are soon forgotten when we get to the office and Jason picks me up and backs me into a wall. My legs instantly go around him, and I struggle a little, afraid he is going to drop me.

  “Keep moving like that, and I’m going to come in my pants, honey.”

  I instantly stop and Jason leans his head into mine. “I know I said I would give you time, honey. But I will not share you with any other man. You may not know it yet, but you are mine, Megan. Mine.”

  “You can’t just run off my customers, Jason.”

  “I can if they touch you, Megan. I won’t bend on that. Nobody touches you. Only me.”

  I whimper as Jason latches onto my lips and he consumes my moans. I can’t stop myself from rubbing my pussy against him. The friction becomes too much, and I keep pulsing against him. “Oh, is that how it is, baby? You want to cum, don’t you?”

  I moan against him. “Yes, please, yes.”

  He sits in a chair and with my legs still around him, he raises my skirt up my hips.

  “Megan, these boys out here see you in this short skirt and they can’t help but think you are showing off your thick thighs for them.” He growls into my ear as his fingers press against the wet center of my panties.

  “But they don’t know, Baby. You are going to have to tell them you are taken… that you don’t want them.”

  Jason keeps talking as he pulls my panties to the side and plunges his stiff, thick fingers into my pussy. I moan against him and he increases the pressure, rubbing his thumb across my slick, swollen pearl. The more I moan the more pressure he applies.

  “Tell me, Megan. What are you going to tell these boys that ask you out and can’t stop looking at you? Are you going to tell them your taken, Megan? Tell them that you only cum for me? Cum for me, Megan. Cum for me.”

  “Yes, yes, oh yes. Jason, don’t stop. Never stop.”

  He stands up and lays me across the desk. I moan when he stops but then I feel his hot breath on my pussy and he wraps his tongue around my clit. I am so close to cumming that I start to moan, and he covers my mouth with his hand.

  “Nobody hears you, Megan. Nobody but me. “

  He latches onto my clit again and I pulse my hips up and down pulling his face into my pussy. The pressure is intense. I want to come. I cover my mouth with my arm when I feel the pressure build inside me. I explode into his mouth. My back arches and I come off the desk riding the wave of the most intense orgasm I have ever felt.

  Afterwards, I lay there for a few seconds completely satisfied. He pulls me up into a sitting position and kisses me on the lips. I taste myself on him. I always had thought that would be gross to kiss someone after that, but the taste of my pleasure on his lips is intoxicating.

  With his head leaning against mine, he asks me, “so what are you going to tell the next guy that asks you out?”

  “I was going to tell him no, Jason. I always tell him no.”

  He looks menacing when he asks me, “he’s asked you out before?”

  “Yes, but I always tell him no and I will continue to do so. He’s harmless.”

  “No one is harmless, Megan, when they want to take you away from me. Next time you tell him you are taken. You got me.”

  I nod my head at him. “No, I need to hear you say it, Baby.”

  “I’m taken.”


  It took everything I had to walk away from Megan. I have wanted to take her home with me, to my bed, since the day I met her. I know she’s been hurt before, and I’m trying to give her time. But I’m not going to stand by why other men think they can look at her, want her or touch her. I almost broke that man’s hand for touching her. The possession I feel for her is out of hand I know, but I can’t control it. I can’t stop it.

  I’ve tried to give her time to get to know me and let her make her own decision about me and for her to know this is real. I want her to put her faith in me, but once she feels like things are getting too intense, she pulls back from me.

  When I was between her legs in the office of the bakery, I thought we would move forward after that. It was the one and only time that she has lost control around me. But instead she pulled back from me that evening. All I can do is give her time and reassure her I’m not going anywhere.

  At night, I am always at her house. I’m usually working on something. I stay and have dinner with her and Ben, and I stay and talk to her every night before she goes to sleep.

  I kiss her goodnight every night, at first just a soft peck but now when I kiss her, I latch on to her and don’t want to let her go. I could probably convince her to make love. But I don’t want to. I want her to be sure and have no regrets. I usually break away and tell her I’m giving her time to adjust to me. “I want you to be sure, Megan. Because once we are together, that’s it. You’re mine. Forever.”

  Chapter 5


  Each night with Jason is more intense than the day before. I want to take the next step with him, but with my history with men, it is holding me back. I can’t imagine giving myself to Jason and then him
leaving me. What if I really am bad at sex? I just can’t put myself through it. Sometimes I think he is too good to be true. He takes care of me daily. And he acts like he really wants me. He’s possessive and makes sure that anyone that is around knows I’m taken.

  Plus, he takes care of Ben, too. They have really become close.

  A few weeks have gone by and I notice that Ben is getting better and better. He has started exercising and his breathing has become more normal. One day when I open the bakery, Ben comes in a few hours later and I find out he walked to work. I am amazed. “Ben, what has happened to you. You have so much energy now.”

  Ben comes over to me and hugs me. “I’m not supposed to tell you, but I hate keeping things from you.”

  I instantly get worried that something must be wrong. “What is it, Ben?”

  “Well, Jason didn’t want you to know, but he set me up an appointment with a heart specialist. They put me on some new medicine and are helping me get healthy. I am almost embarrassed to tell you that Jason has paid for it all, but I feel so amazing, Megan. I’ve never felt this good. Don’t get me wrong. In the beginning, I told him I couldn’t accept his handout. But he told me that you were worried about me and he would never forgive himself if he stood by and let something happen to me. He wanted to do this… for me, and for you too, Megan.”

  By this point the tears are rolling down my face. I can’t believe he did this. I hug Ben’s neck and tell him I’m so glad he’s feeling good. When I pull away from him, I tell him, “I have to go see him. I have to talk to him.”

  “Go on, Meg. I got the store. You’ve been doing so much here lately. Take the rest of the day off. Take a few days off.”

  I jump into my car and head to Jason’s office on the other side of town. Half way there I have to pull over the car to clear the tears from my eyes.

  The thought that Jason has done this for me, for Ben, makes me fall even deeper in love with him then I already am.

  I pull into the parking lot of the construction company, but I don’t see Jason’s truck. I think about going in anyway but catch sight of myself in the mirror. I am a mess. I have mascara rolling down my face.

  I pick up my phone and dial Jason.

  He answers after the first ring, “Hey Sweetie.”

  I can’t help it, I let out a sob. “Jason.”

  He instantly becomes alert. “Megan. What is it? What’s wrong, Honey?”

  “Where are you at, Jason?” I ask him.

  “I’m on my way to the bakery.”

  “I’m not at the bakery.”

  “Megan, you’re scaring me. Where are you at?” I hear the alarm in his voice. I hate that I’ve scared him. I’m trying my best to get myself under control.

  “I’m at your office.” I tell him.

  “Okay. Two minutes. I will be there in two minutes, Honey. Don’t move, okay?”



  I have a million different things going through my head. She’s hurt, the man that asked her out came back, something’s happening to Ben. I press on the gas, trying to hurry to get to her.

  I fly into a parking spot and jump out of my car. I race to her car and she’s hunched over the steering wheel. I open her door and squat down beside her. I have to touch her to make sure she’s okay. I rub my hand up and down her back. “Megan, talk to me baby, what’s wrong?”

  She lifts her head and peers at me through soaked eyelashes. Her makeup is running down her face and her nose is red. But she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

  She is looking at me like she has never seen me before. Her head is cocked sideways and it’s like she’s trying to read me. I can squat here all day as long as she’s okay.

  “You love me, don’t you, Jason?” She asks in awe.

  I keep rubbing her shoulder, “Honey, you know I do.”

  “No. Well I didn’t. But now I think I do.”

  “What is it? Tell me what’s going on, Megan.” I pull her from the car and I use my body to surround her. I have her pressed against the car and I ask her again. “Tell me, Megan.”

  “I wasn’t sure… about you… about us. But I am now. You love me.”

  “Honey, I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I thought you knew.”

  “I hoped you did, but with my history, Jason, I didn’t want to trust you. I was afraid.”

  “I understand, Meg. But I’m not him. I won’t leave you. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Jason. Now, will you take me home.”

  I lock her car, hold onto her hand and walk her to my truck. I help her up and go around to my side. Before I pull out, Megan stops me. “I’m sorry I scared you, Jason. Ben just told me what you did for him. And it all fell into place.”

  “I didn’t just do it for him, Megan. I know you love him. I did it for you, too.”

  “I know, Jason. Thank you for taking care of Ben. For taking care of me. For loving me.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Megan. I didn’t do it for that. I did it because I love you. I want to take care of you. I want you. Period.” I lean over to her and seal my promise with a kiss. We get lost in the kiss. Without breaking apart, she moves to her knees and crawls onto my lap.

  My cock is aching, pressing against my jeans. She’s pulsing up and down on me, pressing her hot core against me. I lift my hips up to her and she moans into my mouth. I break away from her, “Megan, nobody sees you come undone but me. Let me take you home.”

  “I want you, Jason. Please.”

  We get our ragged breathing under control and she slides into the middle seat beside me and I help her put her seatbelt on.

  I squeeze her thigh and pull out of the parking lot. My hand slides up her inner thigh and she spreads her legs apart. My fingers stroke the moist center of her panties and I hear her gasp beside me. “Don’t come, Meg. Not yet.”

  She slides her panties to the side, grasps my hand and pushes it against her. It’s like she’s afraid I am going to stop. She rides my hand begging for a release. I pinch her clit and she screams in the cab of my truck, her orgasm rocks through her and she squeezes her thighs holding tight onto my hand. I glance over at her and her eyes are rolled back in her head and she looks like total bliss. She leans over and kisses me, rubbing her small hand over my jean covered penis. My cock is erect and I can feel the precum leaking from my shaft.

  She undoes the button on my jeans and gently takes my cock out of my pants. My erection is purple and angry, going straight up towards the steering wheel.

  “Jason, you’re so big.”

  “It’s okay, Megan. It will fit.”

  She brushes her fingertips over the tip of my penis and pre cum shoots out covering her finger. She brings her finger up and wraps her big, pouty lips around it tasting my cum. I almost shoot my load right then.

  She bends down and her ass goes into the air. “No Baby, lower down. Nobody sees that ass but me.”

  She lowers her bottom half in the truck and I feel her lips around the engorged head of my cock. She slowly opens her mouth and slides her lips down and around me. I moan, unable to stop myself, I press my hips into her mouth. She doesn’t stop, she raises and lowers her mouth on me. I can feel the vibration of her moans around my cock and I know I am about to explode.

  I pull into the driveway and push the button for the garage door to open. I pull into the garage, shut off the truck, and make sure the garage door closes. I sit there wondering how I got us home in one piece and enjoying the view of Megan bobbing up and down on my dick.

  Opening the door, I hop out and take my shoes, pant and shirt off. I pull her out of the truck, take off her dress and bra. Her breasts are creamy white with big cherry nipples. I wrap my lips around one of them and she about comes undone in my arms. I pick her up and carry her into the house. The whole way, my cock is pressed against the soaked core of her panties. The thin material is doing nothing to stop the head of cock from pressing into her tight, slick
center. With each step, her moans become louder. I stop in the hallway and lean her against the wall. I rip the panties from her and hold her over my cock. I’m pulsating with the need to have her.

  “Sorry, Baby. I can’t wait.”

  “I’m ready, Jason. I’m ready. Make me yours.”

  Her words fall around me, and I pull her down and impale her on my thick, needy rod. I relentlessly bang into her tight, slick swollen channel. I flick my tongue and suckle her breast as I bounce her up and down my shaft. She’s moaning in ecstasy and I know I am about to cum.

  “I’m going to fill you up, Megan. I’m going to fill you with my baby… our baby.”

  Her moans get even louder, and I feel her pussy tighten around my cock. Like a vice grip, she grips onto me and it’s hard to move in and out. Her pussy convulses around me and I let out a deep moan as I fill her with my cum and we explode together.



  One Month Later

  It’s been a month since I gave myself to Jason. There may have been a part of me that wondered if he would leave me the next day. But that wasn’t the case. I woke up that next morning, and every morning since, with his head between my legs bringing me to heaven.

  He has been good on his word. He has protected and loved me since day one. He asked me to marry him a week ago. Well, he didn’t really ask. He came to the bakery, put a ring on my finger and announced to everyone that I was taken, and to spread the word. All I could do was shake my head at him. Of course, I told him yes. I love my possessive, tattooed alpha.

  Jason bought the bakery from Ben and gave it to me as an early wedding gift. Ben is enjoying his retirement and he’s looking forward to spoiling his future grandkids.

  Jason was also right about one other thing. The first time we had sex, he told me he was putting our baby in me. I’m pretty sure he did. If not that first time, it was soon after. We are pregnant!

  Check back soon – Axle’s story is coming NEXT!


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