Shattered Silence

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Shattered Silence Page 17

by Anna Carven

  How does he do that?

  A little space to breathe, a bit of good old fashioned Earth-style nourishment, a long hot shower, and she was almost back to her old self.

  The attraction between them ripened, becoming full and urgent, and the heat coursing through Layla’s body exploded into full-blown lust, making the tender nub between the silken folds of her pussy throb with desire.

  “I felt that just now,” he whispered in her ear, his voice dangerously low, his warm breath feathering her cheek. “I can sense your arousal, human.”

  “You’re impossible. What am I supposed to do with a man who can sense everything?”

  “You let go, Layla. You forget everything bad that has gone before and let me take you away.” He was moving, but it felt like he was gliding, and Layla was swaying in his powerful arms, as if floating in a dream of heady arousal and dark amber and otherworldly desire…

  Impossible male.

  Layla placed her palm against his chest, her bare fingertips tracing over smooth silver skin, over sculpted pectorals, over the place where she thought his heart might be… if he were human.

  Did Kordolians keep their hearts in the same place as humans?

  Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

  It seemed they did.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Layla.” He seemed to delight in the sound of her name, rolling it off her tongue as he looked down at her, his eyes glinting wickedly in the soft light. Layla lay in the soft pod, her long arms and legs entangled in sheets of liquid silk that smelled faintly of jasmine and morning sunlight on linen. How Kordolians had ever figured out that particular combination when they lived in perpetual darkness was beyond her, but right now, she didn’t care, because Enki was prowling over her, his unbelted robe falling open to reveal a body carved from her wildest dreams.

  Chiseled silver perfection. A broad, powerful chest. A rippling six-pack. Lean hips. Muscular arms that pressed down on either side of her like pillars. And down there… Holy hell. His proud, straining, impressive cock.

  Nothing could disguise his magnificent form. His honed body was unmistakable even when he was clothed or wearing his sleek obsidian exo-armor, and Layla had seen him naked before, but that had been during a frantic, feverish time, and she hadn’t gotten the chance to appreciate him up close, to savor every inch of him as he studied her with equal intensity.

  “What were you doing Layla?” With deft hands, he undid the belt at her waist, slipping it out with a gentle tug. As he lifted the edges of her robe to reveal bare skin underneath, he took a deep breath, his lips parting to reveal the gleaming points of his fangs.

  “What do you mean?” Layla’s breath caught. A lethal creature was poised over her, and he was being impossibly gentle.

  “Why were you traveling so far from Earth, in a such an ill-equipped vessel? Such a dangerous situation for a human. I could have lost you before we ever had a chance to find one another.”

  “But if I hadn’t left Earth, you never would have found me at all.”

  He leaned in and kissed her between her breasts, caressing her skin with his hot tongue. “Curlae,” was all he said as he looked up, a ghost of a smile tugging at his dark lips. She had no idea what that meant, and she had no time to ask, because the next thing Layla knew, her bra was undone. He deftly slipped it of her shoulders and tossed it into the shadows.

  Warm lips closed around her nipple, which was already stiff with arousal. He sucked gently, and set her body on fire.

  Layla groaned.

  Enki looked up. “The Universe is connected in mysterious ways.” He kissed her lips and caressed the side of her face.

  A feeling of wonder unfurled in her chest, even though Layla didn’t know what that word meant. “I was running,” she admitted, realizing she no longer felt any regret or sadness or even shame for the wreckage of her life that she’d left back on Earth. “This might sound strange to you, but on Earth, my job was to entertain the masses. The majority of the human race knows who I am. There was a time when everyone on Earth wanted to know me, to be seen with me, to be me.”

  “That does not surprise me,” Enki rumbled, dipping his head and trailing hot kisses down to her navel. “You are very beautiful, and brave, and clever.” He looked up again, his brow furrowing, his snow-white eyebrows lifting. “But all was not well? You left Earth…”

  “When you become as famous as I was, the sharks start to circle.”


  “Predators.” She closed her eyes and sighed as Enki ran his hands down the insides of her thighs. “A bad person fucked me over in a very shameful, very public way, because I refused to give him what he wanted. The fallout was massive. I didn’t want to deal with all that bullshit, so I left. Thought I could start a new life somewhere else. I’m not as brave as you think I am.”

  “Layla, you are brave. When we return to Earth, nobody is going to shame you or hurt you.” He kissed the soft skin below her navel, moving lower and lower until his lips touched the sensitive mound of her pussy. “I will not allow it.”

  “It’s old history,” she said, her voice cracking slightly as he kissed her. “If I went back now, I wouldn’t even care about any of that. They can’t touch me.”

  “No, they most definitely can’t.” His voice became a rumble, a growl, a tectonic shift. He hooked a finger under the edge of her lace panties and pulled, sliding them down her thighs. “Layla, if anyone makes you unhappy again, I will rip their fucking heart out. You just have to say the word.”

  Layla looked down and saw an emotion on his face that was definitely not human. It was a look of ownership, of triumph, of determination, of total obsession and undivided loyalty. It was devastatingly sexy, and a little bit terrifying.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she said gently, taking his hands into hers, marveling that this fierce creature would do such a thing for her. “Nobody on Earth can make me feel that bad about myself, and right now, it’s impossible for me to be unhappy.”

  “Good.” He kissed her down there again, just above the entrance to her pussy. The sensation of his lips against her hot skin was incredible. He glanced up as he kissed her, carefully gauging her reaction. “The patch is still repairing your injuries. I am not going to give in to temptation just yet, even though it kills me.”

  Layla exhaled slowly, and all of the tension drained out of her body as pleasure infused every fiber of her being. “You’re impossible,” she whispered.

  Enki almost smiled, his lips curving dangerously. “I am concentrating, Layla. Let me understand this delectable part of your anatomy before you think of any more adjectives to describe me.”


  “Indeed.” His devious tongue flicked out and slowly stroked the tender flesh of her sex, dipping into her velvet folds. Layla whimpered.

  He curled his fingers around her thighs, holding her tightly as she slowly writhed, tangled up in divinely soft sheets. The warmth from the healing patch became indistinguishable from the heat that spread through her body, and she melted into the bed, allowing Enki to have his way with her.

  Then he found it. Her aching clit. A single touch from his tongue was enough to thrust her into a world of pure, heady sensation, where nothing else existed but the man who had brought her here.

  A supernova of bliss exploded in Layla’s mind. She closed her eyes, becoming lost in a haze of pleasure.

  In him.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Enki knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he could give his mate everything she desired; everything she needed. His first taste of her had been sweet and satisfying, because he had dipped his tongue into her arousal and realized how responsive she was.

  And now he had found the mythical female organ called the clitoris; that tiny, delicate pearl of flesh which gave him such great power. He sucked on it, enjoying her salty, musky sweetness; enjoying the sound of her voice as it crescendoed from a whimper to a full-throated cry.

nbsp; So responsive.

  Enki might be a hard and soulless bastard at the worst of times, but he was no fool. On many occasions, he had listened to his brothers discussing the intriguing subject of female pleasure, and even though he’d dismissed such talk as pointless—at the time he’d considered the likelihood of him actually finding a compatible mate of his own to be slim-to-none—he still remembered everything.

  And of course, as was Kordolian custom, he had visited the sendar back on Kythia, at the General’s insistence. The wily old man had given him a theoretical instruction in the finer points of pleasuring a female, and Enki had remembered every single detail, because that was how First Division warriors were wired.

  He was pleased to discover that the pleasure points of a human female were exactly as he’d anticipated, and every time he touched on a new area, Layla twisted and writhed in his grasp, the most delicious sounds escaping her lips.

  Truly, she was an exquisite thing. For Enki, who had never known anything good and decent and pure in his life, she was everything.

  Such sweetness. He almost felt he was too damaged, too tainted to deserve her, but he couldn’t help himself.

  And he was determined to make her come, because the sound of her voice—laced with a hint of desperation now—was taking his arousal to new heights, and to hear her; to feel her beneath him in the throes of release would be the most satisfying thing.

  Thank the Goddess the Tharian had truly retreated, or gone to sleep, or whatever it had said it would do, because for the first time since returning from Tharos, he felt alone inside his head; he felt like himself again, and it was glorious.

  The Fever pumped through his black veins, enhancing his already sharp senses, stretching his self-control to its very limits, turning his lust into a potent, painful thing.

  His horn-bases throbbed.

  His cock was beyond hard.

  He was on the very brink of savagery, but he would not let go just yet, not until he made her scream.

  Enki removed his hands from her thighs and pressed his fingers into the soft surface of the pod as his claws extended, piercing the sheets. He sucked the tender pearl of her clit, circling it with his tongue, listening to her sweet cries, absorbing her very essence.

  Just a little more…

  He held her there for a moment, listening to the rhythm of her soul—the rapid patter of her heart, the breath leaving her lips, the slow movement of her limbs as she twisted this way and that, arching her back, rustling the sheets.

  He held her suspended in a fragment of time, and everything else ceased to exist.

  There was only her, and he was about to send her over the precipice, and he would gladly fall with her.


  That sweet spot. He knew it. He caressed it with the tip of his tongue, watching her face as she squeezed her eyes tightly…


  “A-aah…” she whimpered. “Please, Enki.”

  How satisfying it was to hear her beg.

  There, my love.

  He gave her release.

  She finally screamed.

  And it was sublime, even as his primal need to fuck her spilled over, becoming too excruciating for him to hold back any longer.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Layla still didn’t really understand what had hit her. A whirlwind called Enki, she concluded, as she lay in total disarray in his dark pod.

  The aftershocks of the orgasm rippled through her body, filling her with pleasure and satisfaction and a frantic kind of energy. She looked up. Enki hovered just inches from her, staring at her with raw hunger in his eyes.

  His features were twisted into an expression that was somewhere in-between triumph and pain. He looked wild, intense, and utterly unearthly.

  A man about to lose control.

  She wanted to give him everything.

  Layla’s moved out of pure instinct, leaving her thoughts behind. She put her hand on his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat. Steady. Powerful. A little bit fast.

  His body was rock-hard, wound tight and filled with a scary amount of tension.

  “Lie on your back,” she whispered, giving him a slight push.

  She actually dared to push this dangerous creature back, even when he had that look on his face, his lips slightly parted to reveal sharp, gleaming fangs.

  “Oh?” He arched one snowy eyebrow, managing to look menacing even when he was surprised.

  Layla’s heart hammered in her chest as Enki slowly complied, rolling onto his back like a large hunting cat that had decided to play. She took a deep breath, trembling with desire and excitement. Slowly, tenderly, she trailed kisses down his sculpted torso, pressing her lips against his smooth warm skin.

  He tensed.

  She looked up, gauging his reaction.

  And saw smoldering amber.

  God, he could stare at her like that forever, and she would never grow tired of it. The way he looked at her… it made her feel powerful.

  Layla trailed kisses over his chiseled abs, right down to his swollen cock. She kissed his hard length, and he growled. Her fingers closed around his erection, and she stroked him, feeling him for the very first time. How thick he was, how big, how fascinating.

  Kordolian anatomy wasn’t so different from a human’s, except for one major detail. A ridge ran along the top of his cock from tip to base. Layla became wet all over again as she imagined him inside her.

  Soon. But first…

  She kissed the glistening tip of his cock, tasting his salty sweetness before taking him into her mouth.

  Enki groaned, thrusting his hands through her unbound hair. She eased his fullness down her throat, moving up and down, finding her rhythm as Enki voiced his pleasure, his groans turning into throaty gasps.

  He liked it.


  She moved faster, taking him deeper, letting him guide her with his hands as he gently grasped the back of her neck.

  She got the feeling he was still restraining himself.

  So she took him again and again, and she loved the sound of his voice—those low, primal, rumbling growls that sent a wicked shiver down her spine as she realized she could so easily tip him over the edge with the smallest motion.

  But she held back, because she knew what he wanted.

  “C-careful,” he whispered, his voice cracking slightly as he pulled her away, and she came up off him with a soft gasp. Enki ran his hands over her arms, drawing her toward him. He caressed her hips, her waist, her thighs, and his touch was no longer gentle. They way he held her—rough, frantic, possessive—betrayed his desperate need.

  Powerful arms surrounded her, and suddenly, she was on her back, and Enki loomed over her, in control once again. The healing patch dropped off her chest, but she barely noticed, because his lips crushed against hers, and he kissed her hard, his mouth hot and insistent and demanding. She felt the pressure of his fangs against her lips, but they never once pierced her skin. His hard body pressed against hers, and he surrounded her in a powerful tangle of hard muscle and smooth silver skin.

  He fisted her hair, tipped her head back, met her eyes.

  Consumed her with his gaze.

  “Layla,” he growled, his fangs fully bared now. “You are ready for me.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yes,” she whispered, searching his face and finding nothing remotely human there. She surrendered to his touch, to the way he engulfed her so completely, leaving her feeling helpless to her desire.

  Enki entered her. He slammed home with the full force of a man who had held back for too long, and suddenly all his self-control was gone, the last pieces of the stone-cold mask falling away to reveal his inner beast.

  He fucked her hard, holding her tightly, his lips clamping down on the soft skin at the base of her neck, his big hands running up and down her back. He went deep, filling her, stretching her, his deep groans reverberating in her ears. A sliver of pain gave way to pure pleasure as Layla understood the true purpo
se of that devastating ridge along his cock.

  No longer racked with pain, her body felt strong and supple, and as he increased the intensity of his thrusts, she reveled in the feeling of being whole again, of being able to withstand the sheer force that was Enki.

  Again and again he fucked her, until time blurred, and she lost awareness of everything except for their bodies moving in unison; except for him.

  He was savage with her, and she loved it.

  She’d never imagined something so hard and powerful and overwhelming could feel so damn good.

  “A-aah,” she cried out, closing her eyes and tipping her head back as he held her against him. Layla wrapped her arms around his neck and curled her legs around him.

  She let him take her away, riding on a wave of pure Kordolian intensity, and a delicious tension welled up in her core, winding tighter and tighter until she couldn’t bear it any more.

  “Please,” she rasped, and it was the second time he’d made her beg.

  He growled; a low, primal sound that reverberated deep within her bones. A flash of pain at the base of her neck quickly dissolved into hot, demanding kisses, and she realized he’d bitten her.

  Possession. Pain. Pleasure.

  Layla ran her hands over his muscular back, over his neck, over his impossibly soft hair. Suddenly, one of his hands closed around her wrist, and he guided her to his temple, where she felt a subtle bump.

  A deep groan issued from his throat as she touched that area, so she did it again, bringing both thumbs over his temples, caressing those mysterious raised points.

  Ah. So he was sensitive there. She increased the pressure from her thumbs, just a little.

  Layla wouldn’t have thought it possible, but he fucked her even harder, harder, harder, and they dragged each other willingly to the very brink of ecstasy…

  They went over.

  He held her tightly as he came inside her, as if, now that he had finally found her, he never, ever wanted to let her go, and all Layla could do was surrender, crying out hoarsely as she writhed in his arms.


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