Bondage Hotel

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Bondage Hotel Page 21

by Charles Graham

  Hazel rose gracefully and obeyed, fascinated despite herself and her concerns about pleasing another woman, then watched as Miss Davies addressed her companion.

  “Off you go, Sarah,” she said cheerfully, “You know what you have to do. And don’t forget what we discussed last night, dear. I shall be watching and it would be such a shame if you were naughty and I had to deprive you of your reward, now wouldn’t it?”

  The small blonde nodded glumly, then walked reluctantly over to Hazel, knelt down and lay her rubber clad body face down over Hazel’s lap, wriggling herself into the most comfortable position she could, her bare toes to Hazel’s right and her gloved hands flat on the floor to her left.

  The sight of the blonde’s upraised buttocks in their skin-tight covering and the feel of her warm, resilient flesh through the thin rubber of her costume was extraordinarily sensual and Hazel felt her groin moisten with arousal and anticipation.

  Miss Davies strode over and Sarah twisted her head to look back over her left shoulder, her eyes wide with apprehension as the woman handed Hazel a broad oval of flat black leather with a thick handle.

  “This is the paddle I mentioned, slave and I want you to give dear Sarah a good, hard spanking with it. So don’t hold back, slave. Sarah enjoys a good bottom reddening, don’t you dear?”

  The blonde gulped, then whispered, “Yes, Miss Davies.” Sarah lowered her head, shivering delightfully against Hazel’s thighs.

  “Take no notice of her, slave,” the woman said firmly, “She really is the most shameful little hussy. I have to spank her quite frequently for being naughty, but I’m not sure it does any good. She enjoys it, you see and I sometimes think she gets more pleasure out of it than I do. However, we will persist and see if we can cure her of her sluttish ways. Maybe you will have more success than I have managed so far. We shall see. Right, let’s get started.”

  Hazel took a firm grip of the paddle’s handle, raised it and gave a tentative slap to Sarah’s bottom, not sure how hard she should hit.

  Miss Davies snorted disdainfully, “No, no, no. That’s hopeless. She wouldn’t even feel that. Hard, I said and if you can’t do better that that, I’ll put you over my knee and show you how to do it properly.”

  There was no doubt she meant the threat and Hazel raised the paddle again.

  This time, she brought it down much faster and harder and the sound of leather meeting rubber was a loud, sharp “thwack.”

  “Better,” Miss Davies grinned. “But harder again, I think and don’t stop after each one.”

  Obediently, Hazel increased the power of each stroke and a series of thwacks echoed around the dungeon as she applied half a dozen spanks to the taut rubber clad buttocks across her lap.

  For the first two or three strokes, Sarah lay quite still, seemingly impervious to the paddle, but then, as heat began to build up in her bottom, she started to wriggle and undulate.

  Hazel hesitated, worried that she was hurting the blonde, but as Miss Davies snapped, “Oh, get on with it, slave, unless you want to change places with her.” Hazel resumed her task.

  As the spanks rained down thick and fast on Sarah’s bottom, she began to wriggle in earnest, clearly in considerable discomfort, but Miss Davies gave no sign of pity or sympathy for her plight, so Hazel had no option but to carry on spanking the hapless blonde.

  The more she spanked, the more Sarah wriggled and to Hazel’s surprise and delight, the inevitable friction of the blonde’s belly against her thighs and lap began to arouse her.

  Warming to her work, Hazel started to experiment, varying her technique by giving several sharp spanks together, pausing for a few seconds until the gyrations of Sarah’s heated bottom slowed, then applying a particularly stinging spank.

  The blonde’s reactions, the weaving of her buttocks and her only partially suppressed squeals, revealed a hitherto-unknown side of Hazel’s character.

  To her own surprise, she found herself actively enjoying Sarah’s torment and her own leading role in it.

  It was actually great fun to be in charge for a change and although she knew it couldn’t last, Hazel determined to make the most of it while she had the opportunity.

  An especially hard slap brought a squeak of dismay from the blonde and she broke position, her left hand reaching back in an effort to rub her stinging rump.

  Hazel acted instinctively, grabbing the girl’s wrist, twisting it up behind her, pinning it in place and grunting, “Oh, no you don’t,” as she sent the paddle thwacking down yet again.

  Miss Davies gave a throaty chuckle of approval as she saw what Hazel had done and called, “Well done, slave. That’ll show her,” and as the redhead froze, horrified at her own temerity, added, “No, no. That’s all right. Just hold her for a moment.”

  Sarah struggled for a few seconds, then gave up the fight and lay still and Hazel felt a great thrill of power race through her body as the blonde surrendered to her.

  Miss Davies hurried over, a pair of handcuffs in her hand and snapped one around Sarah’s wrist. “Put your other hand behind you, Sarah,” she ordered brusquely, “If you won’t honour your end of our agreement, then you must take the consequences, mustn’t you?”

  “No. Oh no. Please, Miss Davies. I’m sorry, I won’t be naughty again. Really I won’t. I promise.”

  “You should have thought of that before,” the tall dominant said coldly. “Now give me your other hand, before I lose patience with you.”

  Sarah shuddered, then brought her right arm behind her, gasping as the second cuff closed to make her a captive.

  “That’s much better. Right, slave, hold her arms up away from her bottom and give her a dozen really hard ones.”

  Sarah squealed in panic and tried to throw herself off Hazel’s lap, but Hazel was having none of it and curled her right leg over Sarah’s to hold her.

  Twelve cruelly hard spanks reduced the blonde to a flinching, sobbing jelly and when Miss Davies ordered Hazel to let her go, the punished girl slid to the floor and lay weeping bitterly, her cuffed hands trying unsuccessfully to reach her throbbing buttocks.

  “Very good, slave-girl,” Miss Davies complimented Hazel as she took the paddle from her. “If I didn’t know how submissive you really are, I could almost imagine you as a Mistress.” Her eyes gleamed with amusement. “But don’t go getting any silly ideas, because we both know exactly what you are, don’t we?” she asked as she flexed the leather between her hands.

  Hazel swallowed, eyeing the paddle and went to her knees. “Yes, Mistress. I’m a slave-girl, Mistress and obey without question,” she replied hurriedly, only too conscious of what the paddle had done to the weeping girl beside her and not wishing to become its next victim.

  Miss Davies smiled coldly, “Oh, I know you will, slave. Now, wait there, close your eyes and do not make a sound.”

  As Hazel waited in darkness for the next stage of her servitude to begin, slow spirals of liquid warmth coiled in her belly as she remembered the thrilling pleasure of paddling Sarah’s defenceless bottom, the sheer eroticism of the feel of her rubber clad body rubbing across her thighs and groin and the deliciously arousing sense of power as the blonde was forced to submit to her.

  No wonder Masters and Mistresses were so strict and hard on their slaves, Hazel thought to herself, when the rewards and pleasures were so enjoyable.

  And even though she was a slave and usually on the receiving end of the disciplining, at least she had, just this once, seen the other side of the slavery equation.

  Her delightfully stimulating memories faded abruptly as Miss Davies ordered her to open her mouth, but keep her eyes shut and as an uncomfortably large rubber gag was crammed between her gaping jaws, Hazel knew that her brief spell as a temporary dominant was well and truly over.

  “Hands behind your neck, slave.” Hazel gulped as her wrist cuffs were clipped to the rear of the collar about her throat, her nude breasts lifted and tautened by her bondage.

  “Sit on your botto
m and spread your ankles as wide as you can,” the casual order redoubled Hazel’s anxieties, but she knew better than to attempt to defy a Mistress and obeyed at once, horribly conscious of the extreme vulnerability of her shameful pose.

  The click of snap-locks at her ankles was accompanied by a command to open her eyes and Hazel stared down at the steel spreader bar between her legs with a mixture of fear and building excitement.

  “I’m sure you’ve seen a spreader bar before, slave,” Miss Davies stood looking down at her. “But I have had this one modified to my own specifications.” She knelt between Hazel’s ankles, her hands gripping two ribbed sections of the otherwise smooth bar.

  Her hands twisted the ribbing and a shocked grunt burst from Hazel’s nose as the bar lengthened, forcing her ankles even further apart until they could go no wider and her sex lay open and defenceless against the slightest touch.

  “Yes, it is an amusing little toy, isn’t it?” the woman chuckled, “I’m told it’s hydraulic, whatever that means. I don’t really care as long as it works. And it certainly does, wouldn’t you say?”

  Hazel couldn’t say anything, but the helpless horror in her eyes spoke volumes as her long thigh muscles corded beneath her smooth skin in vain efforts to close her legs.

  Miss Davies watched her struggles for a few moments, then applied the final touch to Hazel’s bondage by running a thin steel chain from her wrist cuffs underneath her bottom, then easing Hazel down onto her back and clipping the tensioned chain to the centre of the spreader bar.

  Thoroughly immobilised and with her breasts and sex thrust into even greater prominence, the redhead trembled wildly, her body entirely at the mercy of her captor and unable to make even the smallest resistance.

  Chin on hand, the tall dominant subjected Hazel’s proffered helplessness to a critical inspection then stepped back, clearly satisfied by the results of her efforts.

  “Sarah,” she called sharply, “Stop whimpering and come over here, right now.”

  Red-eyed from weeping and impeded by her cuffed wrists, the tiny blonde struggled awkwardly to her feet and made her way over, wincing at every step from the painful smarting of her bottom.

  Miss Davies indicated Hazel with a wave of her hand. “Well there she is, Sarah. All neatly parcelled up and ready for you to play out whatever sordid little fantasy you have in mind for her.”

  Her scathing tone brought a deep flush to the face of her companion, but the girl made no move to approach Hazel.

  “Go on, then. What are you waiting for? It’s quite safe, she can’t bite you, you know. Not with that gag in her mouth,” Miss Davies sneered sarcastically. “You wanted her and I’ve given her to you, so get on with it.”

  Sarah licked her lips nervously. “But...But you’ve handcuffed me,” she protested weakly.

  “Only because you tried to break our agreement,” Miss Davies retorted, “So it’s your own fault and you’ll just have to manage, won’t you?”

  Sarah tried to meet the woman’s steely gaze, then her eyes slid away as she saw that it was no use.

  “Uh...” she began, then stopped and tried again, “Uh, Miss Davies. Look, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. I...I’ve changed my mind. Couldn’t we just...uh...forget about it? Please?”

  “Oh no,” Miss Davies shook her head firmly. “No way, you randy little slut. You wanted to have her and I’m going to see that you do, even if I have to paddle that tight little bottom of yours until you can’t sit down for a week.”

  Sarah’s blue eyes widened in alarm, but before she could react, the taller, heavier woman seized her bound wrists and forced her to her knees.

  “I thought you might lose your nerve,” the dominant grated as she held the blonde down with one hand while her other reached into a pocket. “So I took the precaution of collecting two pairs of cuffs, just in case.”

  “What are you doing?” Sarah cried, “No. Don’t.” Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the steel rings closed on her slender ankles.

  She fell silent, shivering in anguish as Miss Davies picked up the discarded paddle, then she tugged vainly at her bonds as it slapped lightly across her buttocks.

  “Just a little warning,” Miss Davies chuckled as Sarah flinched. “So if I were you, I’d do as I was told...and I told you to get on with it.”

  “But I can’t,” Sarah pleaded, her eyes filled with desperation. “I’m handcuffed and I...Oww. Ouch. No, please. Don’t. Yeeoww.”

  The leather paddle smacked down explosively and her protests died in a breathy gasp of pain as blistering heat erupted for a second time across her weaving buttocks.

  Miss Davies paused for a moment, her voice quite calm, “I can keep this up all day if I have to, Sarah. So it’s up to you really, isn’t it?” The paddle found its mark again, the thwack of its impact echoed by Sarah’s shrill wail.

  “No more, please,” the blonde screamed, “Don’t spank me any more I beg you, Miss Davies. I’ll do whatever you want. Anything you tell me. Anything, I promise, but please, please don’t spank me any more.”

  “Very well. I agree. What a silly little cow you are. If only you’d been sensible, you could have avoided all that, but no, you just had to be difficult, didn’t you and look where it’s got you. Still, not to worry, I’m sure we understand each other now, don’t we?”

  Sobbing in pain and shame, the thoroughly intimidated and frightened blonde inched her manacled way to Hazel’s side and bent her lips to the redhead’s proffered body...

  Helpless in her implacable bondage, Hazel had watched the events before her with growing concern, knowing that whatever the outcome, she would be the eventual prize for the winner...or perhaps even both of them.

  Tremors of submissive arousal raced through her body as she lay defenceless and her groin moistened with slave heat as she visualised the sexual surrender that would be forced from her when the prize, her naked body, was finally claimed.

  So it was in a state of considerable erotic excitement that she saw Sarah crawl towards her and when the girl’s red lips parted to surround Hazel’s taut left breast and suck her tawny nipple into the wet heat of her soft mouth, the redhead shivered in need, arching her spine to offer herself even more helplessly and willingly.

  Sarah’s tongue circled and licked at the fleshy button, her lips nibbling busily and Hazel moaned with pleasure into her gag as her nipple stiffened to rigidity, quivering delicately to every caress and transmitting shuddering jolts of intense arousal to the pit of her belly where her arousal surged inexorably higher and hotter towards orgasm.

  Her desire intensified massively as Miss Davies crouched by her side and allowed her left hand to stroke and knead her right breast, the dominant’s eyes glittering as she saw Hazel’s belly kick and felt her nipple harden beneath her fingers.

  “Well, well,” she laughed cruelly. “A hot little slave and a randy little slut, together at the same time. How very appropriate.” Her fingers gave a sharp tweak to Hazel’s nipple, her mocking laughter drowning Hazel’s gasp of anguish.

  An instant later, her right hand raised the paddle and brought it down on Sarah’s buttocks and as the girl jerked and squealed, snapped, “That’s enough foreplay, slut. Now, get your face down between her legs and make her come. And I want to see her wriggle.”

  Sarah trembled, but had no choice but to obey, obviously aware of the paddle behind her, poised ready to strike if she hesitated and crawled as quickly as she could to the ordered position, the short chain linking her ankle cuffs rattling to every inelegant shuffle.

  She bent forward carefully, frightened of losing her balance and the breath burst from Hazel’s nose in a gasping snort as the blonde’s lips nuzzled at the defenceless and exquisitely sensitive flesh of her gaping sex and labia.

  Two brief seconds of almost unbearable ecstasy, then Sarah pulled back, “I’m really sorry, Miss Davies, but I can’t keep my balance like this. Couldn’t you untie my hands? I promise I’d be good.”

; Miss Davies jumped to her feet, hurried across the floor and returned with a short chain in her hand. “Is that so? I’ll soon see about that,” she said as she pushed the blonde’s head back down to Hazel’s belly.

  Off balance and helpless, her mouth tight against the joint of Hazel’s thighs, Sarah couldn’t resist as her legs were doubled up behind her and the chain used to link her wrist cuffs to her ankle cuffs in a loose hogtie.

  Loose, but more than sufficient to prevent her straightening up or lifting her head as her frantic...and quite ineffectual...struggles proved.

  “Now then,” the dominant woman told her two equally helpless captives, “We’ll start that again.” She slapped the paddle against Sarah’s flank.

  Sarah tried to squeal, but her lips were pressed so firmly to Hazel’s groin that only a muffled whimper emerged and as the paddle struck again and Miss Davies chided, “I told you to start, Sarah. You just don’t listen, do you?” The miserable blonde shuddered violently and began to suck and lick desperately at Hazel’s engorged and slickly lubricated sex.

  Shattering arousal speared deep into Hazel’s belly, her whole body instantly aflame as the blonde’s tongue invaded her, penetrating to the very core of her femininity to unleash a tornado of frenzied lust to rampage unchecked through her tightly bound nudity.

  Screaming in unbearable ecstasy into her gag, her submission immediate and absolute, the redhead hurtled into an orgasm of stunning power and intensity, her belly juddering wildly and huge racking spasms sending foaming waves of scalding love juices crashing into the bubbling cauldron of her belly and then onward, down into the furiously pulsing channel of her inflamed sex, to where Sarah’s tongue lapped at the salty essences and her throat swallowed convulsively, lest she choke on the copious outpourings of Hazel’s body.

  Totally engrossed in her ravaging of the slave before her, Sarah was caught unprepared when the black rubber protecting her own sex was pulled to one side and strong fingers drove irresistibly into her belly.


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