Weddings Are a Bitch

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Weddings Are a Bitch Page 4

by Nathan Grant

  “Those are generally the best kind, they remind you of innocent and happy days before life tends to cloud things a bit,” Franny added.

  Seeing the happy mood was threatening to slide into melancholy, Zain took over to steer the evening back on course.

  “I’m sure I’m speaking for the others here; we are so glad to welcome you into our family Olive, and I know we’ll be creating a lot more happy memories together,” Zain told her, again touching his glass to hers.

  “To happy memories,” she repeated, her soft eyes filling once more with tears with their unexpected kindness.

  Chapter Four

  “Well shut my mouth, now I have to work on spending more time with my trainer; did you see the figure on that woman, and her skin! I just can’t believe how I missed all that when I met her the other day,” Franny raged, staring at Luc.

  “You know we had so many glasses of bubbly that when Olive left and insisted on walking alone, I asked her to give us a call and let us know when she arrived okay. I realize she stopped drinking long before we did,” Franny said eyeing her glass, “but she hasn’t called yet and she’s been gone for at least fifteen minutes.”

  Zain stood up and turned toward the door.

  “I’ll just take a quick walk over to her place and make she got there in one piece. I’ll be right back,” Zain told them as he quickly walked out the door.

  When another ten minutes passed, Franny got up and walked to the door, pulling it open to have a look outside.

  “I wonder what the hell is keeping Zain? I just hope our new pal Olive isn’t having a drinking contest with him. I would place my bets on her, that she would have no trouble putting him under the table,” Franny said, glancing again at her watch.

  “They probably just were caught up talking and going over things. You know how Zain wanted to write down the history of this place as a part of his marketing scheme. Olive seems to know quite a bit about that so they might be doing some research together,” Luc offered, knowing how lame it sounded.

  “Liquid research is my guess, and if that’s the case, I’m in. C’mon lets go take a walk and see what they are up to and what is keeping Zain. We still have a lot of wedding details to nail down you know, and there’s plenty of time for drinking later,” Franny prompted, standing up and starting for the door.

  Since the sun had disappeared below the canyon walls, it was getting quite dark on the resort grounds and the automatic landscape lights had turned on. They walked carefully making their way toward Olive’s home that was just coming into sight.

  They had glimpsed the building when Franny gasped, and pointed at what looked like Olive laying on the porch.

  “Oh my God Luc, something is very wrong here, let’s go,” she breathed, starting to run toward the house and then stumbled and fell when she tripped over Zain’s body, half hidden in the foliage.

  “Zain, oh my God Zain,” Luc yelled, kneeling down to help Franny right herself, and cried out Zain’s name as she touched his ashen face.

  As she watched, Zain struggled to open his eyes, moaned deeply, and then he tried to sit up but Franny held him back down when she saw the blood and deep nasty cut on the back of his head.

  “Stay still honey, don’t move. Luc, go to Olive and see if she is okay, and then call the 911 from her landline phone. Tell them to send an ambulance and the police, we have real trouble here,” Franny said frantically, tears streaming down her worried face.

  Following another look at Zain, Luc jumped to his feet and ran the remaining distance to the house, and then knelt down to see if Olive was still alive. Even though she remained unresponsive, he could feel her pulse but she didn’t open her eyes or answer to him calling her name.

  “She’s alive but unresponsive I’m going to call, I’ll be right back,” he yelled, running into the house and being careful not to touch anything and grabbed a nearby tissue before picking up the phone to place the call.

  Several seconds later that seemed like an eternity to Franny as she tried to soothe Zain, she saw Luc come back out of the house and kneel over Olive, and then she heard the sirens from the distance.

  Two minutes later all hell broke loose as the paramedics arrived along with the police. They firmly pushed Franny and Luc aside as they tended to Zain and Olive.

  Still unconscious, they loaded Olive into the ambulance and bandaged up Zain’s head when he refused to go to the hospital in the ambulance.

  “Just make sure you get your wound checked out tonight Mr. Simon, that kind of blow you took to your head is nothing to play around with,” the paramedic warned.

  Franny nodded her head as she touched Zain’s shoulder.

  “I’ll see that he is taken care of, but how is Olive, has she regained consciousness yet? When we are done with the police, we’ll bring Zain to the hospital for a check and see to Olive. I’ll also notify her family,” Franny told them, as she watched the ambulance prepare to leave the resort.

  “She has another severe blow to her head as well, and from what the police were saying it looks like robbery was the motive here. Mr. Simon must have surprised whoever it was,” he told her, still watching Zain.

  “Well thank you and I’m sure the police will talk to us. Zain, are you sure you won’t go and get checked out? I’m sure Luc will go with you,” she asked, seeing the stubborn look drop over his features.

  “No Aunt Franny I’m fine, my head feels like it’s going to explode but I’ve got a pretty hard head,” he explained, but stopped when the police officer approached.

  After introducing himself as Officer Rogers, the police officer turned to Zain to ask him questions about the attack.

  “I know this may be hard for you right now, but anything you can tell us at this point may help us find who did this. What did you see when you came up here to check on Olive,” he asked, studying him carefully, and looked very concerned that his color wasn’t returning to normal.

  Zain took a deep breath before answering, wincing before he spoke due to the throbbing in his head.

  “I’d left Luc and Aunt Franny down at the resort and just wanted to make sure Olive, who had been there with us, got back home safely. It was getting dark so I was concerned about her since we hadn’t heard from her, and when I got within view of her place, I saw her lying on her porch.”

  “Did you see anyone else in the area,” he asked, glancing over at Franny who was beginning to quiver.

  Zain tried to shake his head but stopped when a wave of pain overwhelmed him momentarily.

  “I saw no one at all; when what I was seeing came together in my mind, I started to run over to her and then felt something hit me on the back of the head. Everything abruptly went dark and I must have passed out. The next thing I remember is seeing and hearing my aunt and Luc, trying to wake me up,” he told him.

  “Did you hear any kind of noise as you were walking up to the house? Any sound of a car maybe,” he prompted, noticing how agitated Franny was becoming.

  “Nothing, other than the usual sound of the cars out on the highway but that was to be expected. Many tourists were heading back to Sedona for dinner or returning from their day exploring the area. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help,” he said, alarming Franny with how pale he’d become.

  “Officer if you are finished here, I need to get my nephew to the hospital for some medical attention, he looks like he might pass out again at any moment and we need to see to Olive,” she worried, taking hold of Zain’s arm.

  “No I’m finished for now, and please let me know if you remember anything at all. Let me help you get him into your car,” he told her, putting an arm around Zain and almost lifting him as he hurried down the path with Franny and Luc following closely behind.

  An hour and a half later, Zain was feeling much more stable and it was concluded that his injury looked worse than it was, and it was not life threatening. His main concern was to find Olive and make sure she was receiving the care she needed.

fine, really I am, Luc will take care of me once we get back home,” Zain complained as they left the emergency room.

  “You might think so but you heard what the doctor had to say about concussions and how serious that be. So quit being so damn stubborn and listen to reason for a change,” Franny pleaded with him as they sat him down in the waiting room to rest while Luc went out to move the car closer to the hospital entrance.

  “Luc will see that I rest once we get back, and for the last time I’m fine Aunt Franny. I just had an unexpected blow to my head and I will recover from this so stop fussing. You really need to get Claudia to make you a drink when we get back,” he told her, seeing how shaken she was.

  After sitting quietly for a few minutes, Zain couldn’t stand the silence any longer and turned to Franny.

  “So has anyone heard how Olive is doing? I know Mom and Dad called her family when they got back down here, but I’m really worried about her,” Zain asked, looking like it was a real effort to talk.

  “Once your parents arrived at the resort to sort things out with the police, and I’d assured them you were as good as could be expected, Claudia rushed over here to see to Olive. She texted them and me too, about fifteen minutes ago. The consensus is that Olive basically got the same treatment that you did. She did wake up shortly after she arrived at the hospital, and told them she went into her house and was turning off her new security system, leaving the door open behind her, when whoever it was attacked her. She was about to turn around when she felt a muscular arm come around her from behind, and she attempted to fight them off. She turned and broke free, and then tried to run back outside.”

  “So then that was how she ended up on the front porch I would guess,” Luc surmised as he walked over to them.

  “Yes that was it; she was near the front steps when again she felt the muscular arm come around her. This this time there was also a hideous pain on the back of her head and she passed out from it and remembered nothing more. She knew nothing else until she woke up in the hospital,” Franny told them.

  “What is her condition now, do they think she’ll recover,” Zain asked, feeling a stab of panic for Olive.

  “They are keeping her in the hospital for a day or so due to her age and the severity of the attack but yes, they believe she will fully recover. Actually from what Claudia told me, she began swearing up a storm demanding to be released tonight, and read the riot act to the police about doing their job, and finding, and I quote, ‘the fucking bastard’ that did this to her,” she laughed.

  “Wow it seems our little Olive has a mouth on her; she’ll fit right in with this group,” Luc snickered.

  “Before she comes back home, I’m hiring a guard to stay around her until we resolve all this. According to the police report, her house was robbed and it looks like several paintings were taken. I’ve already notified an art expert friend of mine who has some connections to the less above board types shall we say, to be on the lookout for new and unknown items that suddenly appear.”

  “So that was the motive and they just waited for her to return home and then ambushed her. I really feel terrible now that one of us wasn’t there with her, and maybe this would not have happened,” Zain told them, starting to look very pale once more.

  Franny looked at him and then gave Luc the eye and together they wheeled him out to the car, wasting no time to get him back home and into his bed.

  Early the next morning, Zain was feeling much better and Luc literally pushed him back down on the bed.

  “I said you have to rest, and if you don’t quit being such a pain in the ass about it Zain, I’m going to have to tie you down,” Luc told him.

  “Bondage huh? Is this a new side of you that I haven’t yet experienced?” he laughed, then grimaced at the pain.

  “There are a lot of sides you haven’t experienced yet, but in this case, the bondage as you put it is to make sure you rest so you can get better.”

  “Damn, and here I thought things were getting interesting,” he joked, then flinched as he laughed again.

  “See what I mean? Now just stay here and I’ll get you something to eat. I just heard from Claudia who is still at the hospital and she said they are releasing Olive later this morning after her doctor checks her out. It seems she keeps raising hell and they figure she can rest at home rather than giving all the nurses a run for their money,” Luc told him, again pushing him back once more against the pillows.

  “Well when she gets back to her place, I want to go see her and talk to her. Maybe together we can remember something about last night,” Zain said.

  “Only if you’re able Zain, every time you move you get pale and I don’t want you to faint on your way over there,” Luc told him, looking worried and knowing he was fighting a losing battle to keep Zain in bed.

  “I only get dizzy when I move too fast; I’m feeling a lot better this morning. Now give me a kiss and get me something to eat. Once I’m finished with breakfast, I want to take a shower so I can feel human again,” he said, leaning back against the pillows.

  “If you say so, I can see that there is no stopping you once you get something in your mind; you are way too stubborn for any kind of reasoning. I’ll go make you a smoothie and then I can help you with your shower,” Luc told him and then felt his heart beat faster when he saw the evil grin appear on Zain’s face.

  “That sounds like a good plan, and there are special areas that will need all your attention to make sure they are very clean and have been thoroughly worked over,” he snickered, enjoying the look of dismay on Luc’s face.

  “I figured as much, well all I can say is that you sure have a one track mind, and it’s a good thing there is a large bench in the shower in case you need to lay down,” he answered on his way out of the bedroom door to make the smoothie.

  He soon returned and noticed that Zane looked much better and then after drinking the Strawberry and Blueberry smoothie, they headed for the shower.

  Luc helped Zain out of his clothes and walked him over to the shower bench making sure he was comfortable. As Luc watched Zain sensuously stretch out on the bench, he quickly shed his own clothes, and threw them out of the shower enclosure along with Zain’s discarded clothing.

  Luc could feel his cock starting to grow heavy as he gazed at his beautiful man, and dropped to his knees to kiss Zain, who realized there were tears in Luc’s eyes.

  “What is it Luc, did I do something to upset you,” Zain asked, propping himself up on his elbow, looking very concerned.

  Luc shook his head and brushed away his tears.

  “Of course not Zain, I was just thinking how gorgeous you are and how close I came to losing you,” he told him, looking down at the floor.

  “Luc look at me, I’m not going anywhere without you. We were meant to be together; I prayed to God for you to find me. I had the same feelings you have now when I saw you laying there hurt when you were shot. All I could think of was that I’d finally found the man who would complete me, and you were slipping away from me,” he told him with a hint of desperation in his voice.

  “Well we made it through Zain and in a short time we will be bound together for the rest of our lives. Now lean back down and let me help you; I think you need some thorough relaxation,” he said, reaching out to rub his hands over Zain’s body.

  “I don’t know how much relaxation that will bring,” he smirked, looking down at his growing, engorged cock.

  Luc leaned over to draw lazy circles with his fingertip on Zain’s chest, causing him to shiver in delight when he finally traced his nail across his erect nipple. He toyed with both nipples causing Zain to grow even harder as he spread his legs and lifted his heavy balls to tug on them, lost in all the erotic sensations.

  “I see where my attention should be,” Luc said, moving down to take Zain’s huge head in his mouth.

  Zain closed his eyes with the exquisite sensation of Luc’s hot mouth, as he alternately licked the length of his fat cock, and sucked h
im, pressing the tip of his hot tongue into his open slit.

  Luc then pushed Zain’s legs farther apart to taste his heavy balls, sucking each one individually into his mouth and rolling it around sensuously with his tongue.

  He then reached up and again began to gently pinch his hardened nipples, making Zain moan aloud with the heady intense pleasure.

  Finished with each testicle, he gently chewed on his sensitive nut sack, driving Zain wild with desire, as he grabbed Luc’s leg and pulled him over to straddle his face, pushing his hips down until he was erotically trapped under Luc’s tight balls.

  Lust surged through Luc’s body and he began deep throating as much of Zain’s cock as he could manage, tasting his free flowing salty-sweet precum, drawing Zain ever closer to the edge.

  In return, Zain sucked Luc’s full balls, working them even harder when he heard Luc moan with the strong pleasure of Zain’s hot eager mouth and tongue, chewing and sucking him relentlessly, and alternately nipping the tender skin behind his sack.

  When Luc heard Zain’s breathing turn into gasps as he approached his orgasm, Luc jammed Zain’s throbbing cock deeply into his throat, massaging him, and feeling his cock pulse deep in his tight throat, as Zain struggled with his exquisite release.

  Zain bucked beneath Luc, and reached up to furiously fist Luc’s wet cock, working him forcefully with his tight grip. When his own unstoppable orgasm began to completely overwhelm him, he heard Luc cry out as his hot heavy load shot powerfully out of his pulsing cock, lost in the massive sensations.

  Seconds later Luc tenderly cradled Zain to his body both drenched in the warm steamy water the flowed over them, kissing and bonding together, comforting each other.

  Later that afternoon Zain was feeling like taking a walk when Franny stopped by to check on him on her way to Olive’s house, carrying a huge colorful tropical floral bouquet to cheer her up.

  Claudia was bringing Olive home that afternoon, but before she and Olive got there, Franny’s security team thoroughly checked out Olive’s house.


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