Herald of the Storm s-1

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Herald of the Storm s-1 Page 8

by Richard Ford

  River stared at him from beneath his hood.

  ‘Do you know who I am?’ said the mark, his voice growing shriller with every word. ‘I’m Constantin Deredko, one of the richest men in Steelhaven. I can get you anything you want; money, jewels … girls … boys … whatever you want.’

  River moved towards him, slowly now; there was no longer any urgency. He had been told to draw this part out, to make the mark suffer. Though River was no sadist, he was nothing if not obedient.

  ‘Do you know why I have come for you, Constantin Deredko?’ River said, pulling the hood back from his face, revealing those striking features, marred on one side by a crosshatch of scars.

  The mark paused, then nodded, as though finally accepting his fate, as though seeing in River’s face that there would be no mercy this day. ‘Yes, you were sent by the Guild. You were sent because I owe them money and I didn’t pay. Well, it’s my fucking money, and they can go-’

  River’s raised hand halted Constantin’s rant. The man fell silent, realising it would do him no good now.

  ‘You have a choice,’ said River, reaching into his jerkin and producing a small glass vial. ‘You can take this, or I can use this.’ He held out the vial in one hand, and showed Constantin the blade he held in his other, still slick with blood.

  ‘What’s in that?’ asked Constantin, gesturing towards the vial.

  ‘I don’t know.’ It was true — River had no idea of the contents, but he had been told to give his mark this choice, and that was what he would do.

  Constantin glanced from vial to blade, weighing up his options. It wasn’t a great choice. ‘Will it be quick?’ he said finally, pointing again to the vial.

  ‘I don’t know,’ River repeated.

  Constantin gave one final, remorseful gaze towards the red blade in River’s fist, then held his hand out for the vial.

  River handed it over and Constantin held it for several seconds, staring defiantly, steeling himself to make one last gesture of hopeless bravery. River couldn’t help but admire him as he wrenched out the stopper and chugged the clear liquid down his throat, swallowing with an exaggerated grimace.

  They stared at one another for several moments as nothing happened. River simply standing and waiting, Constantin trembling but trying his best to show a smattering of courage.

  ‘Nothing’s happening,’ said Constantin, a flicker of a smile crossing his face. ‘Was this some kind of tes-’

  Suddenly he doubled over, groaning in agony and clutching at his stomach. He fell to his knees and began to retch, but nothing came out but a thin line of red bile. River could only watch as his mark writhed on the ground, screeching in pain and torment. Constantin looked up, red tears streaming down his cheeks from the burst blood vessels in his eyes. The look was accusatorial, and if the man could have spoken River was sure he would have cursed him to the hells. River could have spared him this torment if only he had chosen to die by the blade. He would have made it fast and painless.

  With a last agonising gasp, Constantin died. River paused for just a second, just a heartbeat’s length to look down at the man, his eyes pooling with red, the black bile oozing from his mouth. Then there was nothing else to see.

  He walked to one of the dead crossbowmen, his blade still embedded in the man’s neck. After pulling it free he knelt, pausing for a second to clean the blood from his weapons on the man’s tunic.

  A sudden panicked scrabbling noise from the opposite end of the warehouse made River start, and the blades were in his hands in an instant as he adopted a defensive stance. In the shadows at the other end of the building he saw movement, but it was no attack … it was an escape.

  A door burst open, allowing in the street noise as a figure ran out.



  River had been seen at his work — been seen with his hood thrown back. And the witness had fled. How could he have let his focus on the kill make him so careless?

  In a blur of movement he was across the warehouse and in full pursuit. The noise and light of the street were unsettling, but River had only one thing on his mind — catching his prey; there must be no witnesses.

  He glimpsed a figure moving at speed into a passing crowd of revellers. Concealed by stylised masks in the shape of grinning daemons, they held aloft gaudy banners and flags.

  River pulled up his hood while weaving through them, keeping his blades low and hidden lest he slash one of the crowd by mistake. It was a dense throng, with revellers moving like a great wave, laughing and oblivious of the drama in their midst. For anyone else the sea of bodies might have been overwhelming, but River was no ordinary man, he could follow the ebb and flow.

  He passed smoothly through the crowd, moving inexorably towards his target whom he could see pushing past the wall of people in desperate panic. River’s grip tightened on his blades as he moved in. He would strike quickly then disappear, leaving his final victim to bleed out on the packed street.

  Before he could reach him however, his quarry, with a final desperate burst of strength, broke from the crowd. River emerged to see him turn down an alleyway. They both splashed through the filth of the back street. It was never really a contest: River was on him well short of the bustling avenue at the end.

  The man must have sensed that death was on him, because he turned, hands held up in surrender.

  ‘Please don’t kill me. They only hired me for one night. I knew it was wrong. I just needed the money.’

  River had been expecting a plea for clemency, the same as he had heard a hundred times before, but it was not the words that stayed his hand. Looking back at him was not a man, but a boy, maybe five winters younger than River himself. His eyes were wide and blue — innocent, even childlike, not the hawkish, brutal eyes of a seasoned thug.

  For several beats of his heart, River simply stared, his blade still poised to deal the killing blow — but he couldn’t.

  It simply wasn’t right.

  Surely he could have done nothing in his short life to be deserving of a blade across the throat, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Roused by a sudden scream, River darted a glance towards the bustling street.

  ‘Robber! Murderer!’ screamed a woman, staring down the alleyway at River with his blades drawn and ready to kill.

  Damn it!

  Before he could flee, the woman gained two companions, open-faced bascinets on their heads. Weapons in their hands.


  Without giving the boy another thought he turned tail and fled.

  He could hear the Greencoats ordering him to stop, wasting their breath on calling out instead of chasing him. Let them — by the time they started in pursuit he would be gone.

  River leapt atop an abandoned cart then vaulted upwards, planting his foot against the side of the alleyway and boosting himself to the rooftop above. Glancing back he saw the Greencoats setting off, splashing down the alley behind him. One put something to his lips, blowing hard, and a shrill whistle rose high above the sounds of the crowd.

  Not giving it a second thought, River moved off, but heard another whistle, as though in answer to the first. It was quickly followed by a third.

  ‘Oi! Bastard!’ cried a voice to his left, and River looked up in time to see another Greencoat taking aim with a crossbow.

  He could so easily have taken the man down — flung one of his blades and silenced him — but this was not the mark or one of his thugs. This was a Greencoat; one of the city’s custodians, and River was not a simple murderer.

  No, as he ran from his Greencoat pursuers, some of whom had already made it to the rooftops, he vowed that tonight he would do no more killing.

  He just hoped that his pursuers would return the favour.


  Rag stood on the roof of the Silent Bull, arms round Tidge’s shoulders. All of them looked out towards Eastgate, from where there still came the sound of celebration.

  It ha
d been a good night. Everyone had eaten well, Fender’s bronze trinket paying for a large pot of broth and fresh bread, courtesy of Boris the Innkeeper. Migs was lying on his back, caressing his swollen belly, whilst Chirpy sat cross-legged beside him gazing over the rooftops at the bright lights. Where Fender was, Rag had no idea — he’d left before sundown and not come back. Not that she gave a shit. She’d not spoken to him since he’d bullied Markus away earlier. The longer Fender was gone the better.

  But she couldn’t stand here enjoying the show all evening. Down in the streets below were thronging crowds, vendors selling ale and food, live entertainment and carny stalls. People had full purses and couldn’t wait to part with their money. Rag could certainly help.

  Before she could drag herself away from her boys, the rickety staircase at the side of the building give off a whiny creak. Tidge and Chirpy jumped, but Migs just continued rubbing his bare tummy as if polishing it to a shine. When they saw it was Markus coming up the stairs, the boys let out a sigh. Rag’s welcoming smile dropped when she saw the look on his face. His eyes looked red from crying, and the streetlight showed up a livid bruise on his cheek.

  ‘You okay, Markus?’ Rag asked, gently.

  He shrugged in reply. Rag put an arm round his shoulder and they turned to watch the endless procession of revellers. She was concerned for sure, but she wasn’t going to pry — it was none of her business. If Markus wanted to tell her he would, in his own time.

  They watched the show until Rag decided it was time to go to work.

  ‘Right, you stinkers, I’ve got to go. I’ll try and be back before sun up, so the lot of you had best stay out of trouble.’

  There were faint noises of acknowledgement from the younger boys, who were still captivated by the display. Markus, however, looked at her questioningly.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  ‘I think I should come with you,’ he stated, uncertainly.

  ‘What? On the rob?’ She couldn’t help but grin at the suggestion. ‘You must be joking.’

  ‘I’ve got to learn some time. I need to start paying my way. Fender said-’

  ‘Fender says a lot of things and most of it’s horseshit. You’re fine to come and stay with us any time you want.’ She glanced at his discoloured cheek, wanting more than ever to know what had happened. ‘It’s safe here for you, there’s no need to fret. You leave that long streak of piss, Fender, to me. I’ll soon change his mind.’

  ‘No.’ Markus raised his chin determinedly. He had never been so forceful before — Rag was impressed. ‘If I stay I’m going to learn what you know. You can teach me, Rag. You and Fender are the best purse pinchers in the city.’

  Rag was flattered — she couldn’t help it, even though she knew Markus was wrong. If she had been one of the best in the city the Guild would have grabbed her up for sure by now and she’d be sleeping under a roof rather than on top of one. Markus had a point though — he could do with learning the trade. An extra pair of hands bringing in the steal would benefit them all. Besides, persuading Fender that Markus could stay would be much easier if he was earning his cut.

  She stared deep into his eyes, looking for any doubt there, any weakness, and it pleased her to see only cold determination. If Markus was going to walk this road with her he had to be damn sure it was what he wanted to do.

  ‘All right then,’ she said. ‘Best follow me, hadn’t you.’

  Markus smiled, a wide naive smile, as though this was going to be some kind of laugh. It gave Rag second thoughts. This was no laugh — it was deadly serious.

  ‘You do what I say, when I say it,’ she made clear as they went down the rickety stairs from the roof. ‘Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. Tonight you’ll just be watching and learning and staying out of the way. And if the Greencoats spot me, you just run. Run home and don’t look back.’

  Markus nodded obediently, a trace of a smile still on his face.

  They made their way from Dockside up towards Eastgate, sticking to the shadows like the rats they were. Markus was with her every step of the way and it didn’t take long for Rag’s doubts to leave her. He was doing well, keeping silent and close and out of view. If she hadn’t known better she’d have called him a natural, but it was obvious he weren’t. Rag was a natural — had a sixth sense for this kind of thing, Fender said. Saw trouble coming before it hit and knew when a mark was ripe for the picking. Anyone could see that Markus was keen and young, and stealthy. Whether a natural thief, only time would tell.

  Glancing over her shoulder she gave Markus a reassuring nod and he smiled back. In that smile she saw his innocence, his inexperience. Again she had second thoughts, but then they came out on the Promenade of Kings and she became totally focused on the seething array of targets milling around before her.

  The Prom was a major street that ran all the way from the Stone Gate to the Sepulchre of Crowns. It split Northgate from neighbouring Eastgate, an impressive street lined with timeworn statues depicting historic kings from the most ancient of the Sword Kings — whose names Rag had no idea of — right up to King Cael himself, standing looking towards the palace, his armour shining even in the night, his face proud and handsome. Rag had never seen the king close enough to make out his features, but if the statue was even half realistic, he must be a man to be reckoned with. These were his streets, governed by his laws, and in any other life Rag could well have been happy to abide by them. But times was difficult, and King Cael’s laws put no food in her mouth, so she guessed she’d just have to ignore them.

  With Markus at her shoulder, Rag made her way amongst the press of bodies. A band somewhere was playing music — strings and pipes working together to rise above the din of the crowd. The perfect opportunity for a couple of quick pinches. By the time they’d crossed the Prom and reached the cobbled pavement opposite she had two purses inside her shirt. Once in the relative safety of the shadows she looked back at Markus, still following like a faithful puppy.

  ‘See that?’ she asked.

  ‘See what?’ he replied, then noticed the purses bulging in her shirt. ‘Oh, no, I missed it.’

  She shook her head. ‘I thought I told you to keep your eyes open. We’re not here for a good time; we’re here to work. If you’re not up to it, just go back to the Bull.’

  ‘Sorry. I’ll do better next time.’

  Rag looked at him sternly, but couldn’t hold it for long — his expression was too pitiful. Shaking her head wryly she cuffed him playfully around the head.

  Safe in a side street she secured the purses in her trews, tying their drawstrings tight to the loops inside her waistband.

  ‘Right, let’s go. And this time, concentrate.’

  Markus nodded, composing his features sharply … perhaps a little too sharply.

  ‘And try to look relaxed. You don’t want to look like you’re desperate for a shit. That’s only going to draw attention to us.’

  Another nod, and his features slackened into a vacant stare.

  It would have to do.

  Rag led the way once more onto the Prom and this time went with the flow of traffic, taking them south towards the Crown District, where the richer punters were. Normally Rag never got anywhere near the Crown before being spotted by one of the Greencoats and chased away. Pinching there could be more trouble than it was worth. Tonight though would be different. With so large a crowd they were unlikely to be noticed.

  The stream of folks moved at a merry pace, and they were soon at the big old gates that led into the Crown District. As Rag hovered outside, trying to spy a perfect mark, her attention was drawn to a pair of Greencoats standing watch over the gate. She cursed silently — did they never have a bloody night off? It was the Feast of Arlor after all!

  ‘We’ll never get inside,’ she said to Markus, ‘those two look keen as mustard.’ She was turning back when she spied something that brought a smile.

  The young woman was beautiful, her gown billowing out from a tight waist in
a pastel harlequin pattern. Her hair was tied up in a gravity-defying bouffant and a gold mask covered her eyes. The fat man on her arm was equally well dressed. A merchant and his wife, maybe, and rich — there was no way a beauty like her would be married to such a fat bastard if he weren’t swimming in gold.

  The couple walked through the gate from the Crown District bold as brass, swanning past the Greencoats. Rag guessed the Feast celebrations must have been pretty tame in the Crown if these two fancied seeing how the scum were faring on the Prom.

  Slumming it with the yokels, eh? Rag would show them how they did things out here.

  ‘Stick close, and get ready to bolt,’ she instructed Markus, moving aside to let the couple to walk by.

  She followed her mark closely, watching as the couple breezed through the crowd. The fat merchant’s purse was at his waist, fastened to a double leather loop over his belt. This wouldn’t be easy, and Rag realised she’d need a distraction if she was going to pull it off. She saw that Markus was alert this time, focused and watching — just as she’d told him. For a second she was conflicted, caught between putting Markus in harm’s way and stealing that big juicy purse, but the need to eat triumphed, as always.

  Putting an arm around Markus’ shoulder she leaned in close.

  ‘Move in front and bump into the woman. Just for a second, just enough to take their attention, then move north and I’ll meet you at Shoulders.’

  Markus listened to her simple instructions and moved off as he was told.

  Rag moved in behind the fat merchant, keeping her eye on the prize. The purse was attached by drawstrings. She had little time to pull it, but little time was all she’d need.

  Markus suddenly came out of the crowd ahead, walking straight into the woman. He bounced off her, looking up all surprised, and Rag was so taken with his performance skills she almost forgot to do her bit.

  ‘Watch where you’re going,’ barked the merchant, as Markus disappeared into the crowd. Before he could say more Rag had cut the purse strings with her knife, and was off in the other direction.


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