Psycho (and Psychic) Games (The SDF Paranormal Mysteries Book 2)

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Psycho (and Psychic) Games (The SDF Paranormal Mysteries Book 2) Page 31

by Amie Gibbons

  The Fourth of July barbeque was in full swing and Grant was gonna set up a screen to play a movie after the fireworks.

  Knowin’ him, it’d be an eighties or nineties cop one.

  It was Jet’s place up on a hill near downtown, so we’d be able to climb up on his roof to watch the Nashville fireworks without worryin’ about the giant crowds and traffic at the riverfront.

  Nashville does the biggest fireworks show in the country (well, it wins biggest most years, sometimes it comes in second) and it’s pretty spectacular, even from a distance.

  Quil would join us soon as it was dark. I’d spent every night with him since I got back Tuesday morning.

  Carvi had questioned me about my powers on the way back to Nashville, and tested me a bit, tryin’ to figure out where I was.

  Apparently I had the control and knowhow of a fifteen-year-old.

  He promised to help me figure out my powers, said the first thing we were gonna do with them was take out Jade.

  She was stayin’ pretty far underground, even for a vamp.

  Carvi called her while we were driving home and he told her all about how he knew I was the girl his brother died saving so I was indebted to him and he was charging Jade with making sure I was safe while in her territory because he’d hate to have to find someone else to punish.

  She said she’d be happy to.

  Yeah, he had her scared alright, enough for Quil to feel okay about me coming around without worry of attack.

  And she didn’t even know Carvi knew she was behind the whole thing last month.

  Grant gave me the rest of the week off, and we all had today and tomorrow off too.

  I’d hung out with my parents during the day and my guys at night, mostly relaxing.

  The media had to be told something about Truck, so they got the condensed version. He kidnapped an FBI agent and held her, was tracked down and killed by the other agents, and the taken agent was unharmed. It was confirmed he never had a partner, and not all of his victims were identified and might never be.

  That’s where I came in. Even without Truck, I could still work on finding their bodies.

  Carvi said that’d be good practice for me.

  My phone buzzed and I checked the text. It was from Quil, saying he was up and would be there soon as the sun set.

  Between him and Pyro, my phone was fillin’ up.

  Pyro wouldn’t even go out the first two nights I was back. He told me how scared he’d been and how helpless he’d felt.

  I’d spent a lot of time after dark cuddling with my baby.

  Kinda put a crimp in Quil’s and my love life.

  But you don’t kick your scared baby outta bed.

  “Hey, Ariana,” Cora said from behind me as I grabbed a plate.

  I turned and gave her a hug. “Hey! How are you?”

  “Better now that I’m free. Dad was pretty steamed last week.”

  I looked over at Grant as he laughed at something Dan said.

  “About?” I asked.

  “Oh!” she said, eyes wide. “I figured you knew or would see it.”

  I shook my head. “See? What, did you get a tattoo or somethin’?”

  “No.” She tapped her forehead. “You know, see.”

  My jaw dropped. “How?”

  She grinned, holding up her hand and squintin’ at the bottle I’d just set on the table.

  My bottle floated up maybe two inches for a few seconds before dropping back to the table, wobbling but not falling over.

  I whirled back to her. “You have powers?” And looked around the yard. “And are showing them in front of everyone?”

  She shrugged. “Everyone here but you saw them Sunday night when I was tryin’ to convince Dad to let me help. They just came out and I made a pencil fly across the room. Small, but Dad took me to talk to a witch on Wednesday, and she said powers start at puberty and get stronger, so, only a matter of time.”

  “Oh man,” I laughed. “Your poor daddy is gonna have a time with you.”

  She grinned. “He’s not one to talk. He has powers too. Sounds like they’re really subtle, like he didn’t even know he had them until the last few months or so, but still, it runs in the family, I guess.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Cora, that is so cool. And now you know about all this, magic and stuff.”

  “I knew,” she said, “I knew this stuff existed. I could feel it.”

  I shrugged. “More than me. I had no clue. And didn’t get my powers till I was twenty-one. I feel gipped.”

  She looked confused. “I thought they always came on at puberty? That’s what the witch, Sierra, told me.”

  “That’s what they all tell me.” I did a palms up. “No clue why I’m such a late bloomer.”

  We got food and joined the guys in the circle of lawn chairs around the fire pit. We all chatted and joked and Cora tried usin’ her powers to light the fire, which led to Dan’s glass flying across the lawn and cracking us all up.

  Quil showed up just after the sun sank, sayin’ a human put him in one of their tinted windows cars and drove him here so he didn’t waste a minute with me.

  And he brought wine and flowers.

  We kicked back with our wine and roasted marshmallows around the fire as the sky darkened. Cora and her boyfriend tried to sneak some of the alcohol cuz teenagers, made faces at the taste of red wine, and got yelled at by a snarling Grant.

  He laughed and confessed to us after the kids scrambled away that he and his brothers made a sport outta getting into their daddy’s beer when they were teens.

  We got on the roof and popped the champagne when the fireworks started. I snuggled back against Quil, sipping the fantastic champagne, watchin’ the best fireworks show on the birthday of the best country in the world.

  It was perfect.

  Halfway through the fireworks, my phone rang.

  I glanced at it, figuring it was my parents calling to say hi since their fireworks were probably finishing up.

  No such luck.

  I held the phone up for Quil to see.

  He cursed as I stood and crept over to the side of the roof where the third story rose up, and I leaned against it as I swiped my phone on. Quil sat next to me and I switched the phone to speaker.

  “Hey, Carvi,” I said. “You know you’re interrupting fireworks, right?”

  “I’ll make it quick, lea,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Remember those favors you owe me?” he said. “I’m calling in my first marker.”

  I sighed. That was fast.

  Grant walked over to us and sat in front of me.

  “You want me down in Miami?” I asked. “When?”

  “Quil should be hearing about this from his queen soon. We are moving forward with our plans to expose the magical world. The first step is a meeting of the nest leaders to discuss it. We just solidified plans for the summit.”

  “Sooooo, you need me when?”

  “Friday. I’ve already booked the flight for you.”

  “Friday!” I yelped. “This Friday? I can’t just take off.”

  “Figure it out,” he said. “I’m telling you as early as possible, the rest is up to you. Oh, and Quil is not invited. Your flight is on a private jet, I’m emailing you the details.”

  “What about me?” Grant asked.

  “Grant! So good to hear your voice,” Carvi said. “What about you?”

  “Am I invited?”

  “Do you wish to be?”

  “I’m not letting my agent go without backup.”

  “I’ll book another seat right away.”

  “Is there a limit to how many agents I can bring?”

  “Yes, you’re it. I look forward to hosting both of you.”

  He hung up with a laugh.

  Grant and I looked at each other.

  “Sounds like we’ve just won an all-expenses paid trip to beautiful Miami, sir,” I said. “And we were ordered to leave pretty much our best pro
tection here.”

  I took Quil’s hand and he gave it a squeeze.

  “Is that a bad sign?” I asked him.

  He kissed my hand. “It’s not a good one, sweets. But neither of us has much of a choice.”

  So, me and Grant in Miami, with a self-proclaimed bad guy vamp who’d hit on both of us relentlessly, it was.

  I held up my glass. “Cheers.”

  Thanks for reading!

  If you would like to know when my next story is out, you can sign up for my mailing list at, follow me on Twitter @AmiecusCuriae, check out my blog, or like my Facebook page

  Reviews help readers find books. I appreciate all reviews: good, bad and ugly. You can leave a review on Amazon for this book here:

  This story is the second in the SDF series. The first is available here: The two prequel short stories and my other works are available on Amazon from my page at

  And keep reading for a peek at the next book in the SDF Series, Psychic for Sale (Rent to Own), available at


  I showered off the plane smell and put my hair up. I went a little heavier on my makeup than I usually would for a night event, followin’ the awesome gay guy on YouTube to make my eyes pop.

  I put on the beautiful gold ball gown I made for Homecoming senior year and never got to wear due to it clashing with the sudden onslaught of my psychic powers.

  The stiff bodice hugged my waist and squished up my boobs, and the little sleeves hung off my shoulders, there for looks and not much else. The full skirt spread out wide around me, held out by a stiff petticoat.

  It looked like Belle’s dress in Beauty and the Beast and I absolutely loved it.

  I put on heels with thick bottoms and good arch support. They were heels made by professional dance shoe designers so they were better than normal heels for dancing and even running.


  They also had no straps so I could kick them off pretty easy if I had to.

  What did I think was gonna happen tonight?

  I really wasn’t sure.

  A knock on the door drew my eyes away from my phone and I rushed to grab it.

  Somehow wow didn’t cover it.

  Grant wore a tux with full on cummerbund, vest and bowtie, and had his short brown hair slicked back.

  James Bond had nothin’ on a dressed-up Grant.

  He stared at me, eyes widenin’ in a way I’d never seen him look at me.

  I blushed.

  “Sir, you look amazing. You clean up nice!”

  I stepped back from the door so he could walk in and he nodded.

  “You too, Ryder.”

  Wow, for Grant that was downright mushy.

  I smoothed down my skirt and shook my head. I had a boyfriend back home and I already knew I’d spend this weekend fending off Carvi. I did not need to complicate things more by drummin’ up old fantasies about Grant. We’d moved past that.

  I was pretty sure.

  I held up my phone. “You know tellin’ a millennial she can’t take selfies in her gorgeous dress when her hair and makeup is all pretty is a violation of the Geneva Convention, right?”

  Grant gave me the patented Grant look.

  Like was tryin’ not to head slap me.

  I grinned. “Carvi said he’d send someone or be here or something. I’m not sure how long we wait.”

  “Now.” Carvi appeared next to Grant and my boss took half a step back and had his gun out before he relaxed.

  “You can’t take that in with you,” Carvi said.

  I was too busy starin’ to process the words for a moment.

  Grant looked distinguished in a tux. Carvi looked… dangerous.

  And edible.

  His blue hair was also slicked back, and a darker tone than it was last time I’d seen him, and his full lips looked plump and red, almost like he’d gotten stung, or was wearing makeup.

  I wouldn’t put it past him, but honestly, he probably just got them that way by feedin’.

  On who?

  A pang shot through me and I pinched the inside of my arm.

  A gesture Carvi obviously didn’t miss cuz he smiled at me, fangs sliding out.

  “And that’s why we’re bringin’ weapons,” I said.

  I just admitted I had one on me. Oh stupid!

  “Lea, you look positively phenomenal,” Carvi said. “I wish I was wearing my blue suit so we could match.”


  Ohhhhh, the blue suit in Beauty and the Beast.

  “This really is a ball gown,” I said. “I know it looks like a costume. It just-”

  “I wasn’t making fun of you, lea,” Carvi said. “You look wonderful and the color and cut fit you. You are a vision.”

  He bowed.

  Grant looked between us. “Where is this party?”

  “No weapons, Westley,” Carvi said. “I really will have to insist.

  He winked and jerked his head towards the coffee table.

  Ohhhhh, he knew it was bugged? But it wasn’t by him?

  Grant tucked his gun away, makin’ sure it was well outta sight and not printing.

  Mine was on my hips under the giant poufy skirt. Not the easiest to get to, but at least it wasn’t visible. I also had a small silver knife slid into the center of the bustier under the bodice.

  I have a friend who makes some seriously creative holsters for women.

  Grant’s gun was a baby Browning I was surprised his thumb could fit through to get to the trigger it was so tiny, and he had it tucked in a holster in the tux jacket’s pocket.

  I was willin’ to bet he had another on him and at least one silver knife.

  Carvi held the door open and we walked out.

  “Any in here?” Grant asked as soon as we were in the limo.

  “No,” Carvi said.


  Carvi looked at me. “Master of the monosyllable this one, huh?”

  “Yep. I’d answer him if I were you,” I said.

  “Of course you would.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him.

  What? I’m tryin’ to be mature and all, but I’m still human, and he was being a jerk.

  “I don’t know exactly,” Carvi said. “I have someone working on the back trace right now.”

  “So…” I cut off as Grant shot me a look.

  “Ohhhh,” Carvi said. “I see how it is. That’s not how this works, my fine specimen of man meat. We are in severe danger this weekend and we’re going to all need to be honest with each other.”

  “I can’t promise that,” Grant said.

  “You will have to,” Carvi said, smile still in place. “I can’t have you in there if I can’t trust you.”

  “Do you trust me, Carvi?” I asked.

  “Of course, my lea.”

  “I’m not your anything, let’s get that straight right now, but I can promise you I won’t be tryin’ to hide anything from you. We’ll share when we can. There’s just certain parts of investigations or ops we can’t share with outsiders.”

  “That’s my point, my little lea. We aren’t outsiders. This is my op, not the FBI’s. You work for me. You report to me. That, or no deal.”

  “What happens if it’s no deal?” I asked before Grant could say, ‘No deal.’

  “You know what happens if you don’t pay me back,” Carvi said. “I. Get. You.”

  I nodded. Yep, figured that was the exit clause.

  “No,” Grant said, hand by his pocket.

  “You won’t get that out before I can get to you,” Carvi said. “That was the deal and Ariana will honor it.”

  The ‘or else’ hung in the air like an acrobat and I giggled.

Sooooo, now that we have that settled. I work for you, Grant’s my backup and here to make sure you don’t get me killed, and I want to know if there’s anything alcoholic in this limo. I need to juice up for visions tonight.”

  Alcohol helps me get visions. Not the best to be using performance enhancing drugs, but hey, in the field a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

  “I have just the thing.” Carvi reached over me, pushin’ his chest against my arm. He locked eyes with me as he opened the cabinet next to my seat and leaned over so his face was inches from mine.

  “Stop. That. Now,” Grant said, breaking off each word like a chunk of ice.

  My breath snagged in my throat as Carvi leaned back, bottle in hand.

  “Would you mind grabbing the champagne glasses in there?” Carvi asked, holding up the bottle.

  I licked my lips and nodded, turning to grab them.

  Heat rushed through me and I froze, groin seizin’ up so fast it had to be magic.

  “I could mount you right now,” Carvi whispered through my mind. “I could grab hold of Grant and put him beneath you…” he paused. “No, you don’t want him under you. You like it on the bottom. You want him on top, riding you. I could make that happen. He’s attracted to you. Won’t let himself go there because you’re so young, but all it’d take is a push.”

  My hands shook as I grabbed three glasses, making them clink together.

  A picture of Grant on top of me flashed through my mind, my skirt pulled up, Grant shovin’ into me, takin’ me on the seat as Carvi watched from the one across.

  “Stop that!” I screamed, pressing the cool crystal to my head, slammin’ them together so hard I was surprised they didn’t break.

  Grant had his gun out and on Carvi so fast I didn’t see him move.

  “Whatever you’re doing to my agent, cut it out.”

  “I could-”

  “No, you couldn’t stop me before I shot. You’d be too busy talking,” Grant said. “I don’t care how fast you are, I can catch you by surprise. Don’t pull that again.”

  I put the glasses on the little table in between the two sets of seats.

  “So, ugh, champagne?” I said, hands still shaking.

  “Ryder, alcohol?” Grant said.


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