Terra Dawning

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Terra Dawning Page 11

by Ben Winston

  “That's fine, but make damn sure you’re not tracked coming down, and find a spot that's well hidden,” Jance ordered.

  “Will do, Commander.”

  “Let me know when you're down and hidden,” Jance replied. “Jance out.”

  “Prime, I would say you're seeing the Duke's next message to the pirates,” one of the Rangers said.

  Ben smiled at the Ranger. “I think you're probably right. That's going to make it difficult to get evidence for you.”

  “Not true, Prime. This act alone tells us a good portion of the story,” Jance added. “How would the Duke even know the location of the pirates if he had not been involved with them before this? The floaters are being controlled from his household, and he is currently watching the same feed we are. All of this tells me that he is the shadow in the background.”

  “What you couldn't have known, Prime, is that before I came here, I had already had my suspicions about these events. If the Duke had commanded the pirates to continue striking smaller targets, with little to no loss of life, then he would have stayed hidden. But when he commanded them to destroy the Aerie; that broke the pattern. That attack made no sense at all.””

  Jance smiled at the 'pirates'. “The fact that you did try to make sure no one got hurt was apparent to us. Up until the attack on Miss Dee's skipper, we had even managed to discount all previous deaths to misfortune due to other conditions. The fact that you did set the missiles to hunt in optical mode thus giving Addson a chance to evade them made us wonder if you were trying to save her, or if you just didn't know how to use the weapon.

  “Now, we know. I would like to hear your story of what happened at Great Falls Aerie,” Jance finished.

  Ben watched as Elrond slowly stood. “Commander, I am Captain Elrond Coir of the Privateer Bittertree, I'm the leader of the pirates. The Great Falls Aerie was a disaster in every sense of the word.” He told as much of the story as he knew, since the team that went to the Aerie died with it. “The plan had been to scare everyone out of there, then destroy the Aerie. But something went wrong once our people got the engineering area opened.”

  “Could they have caused the accident while in the Engineering area of the Aerie?” one of the Rangers asked.

  Elrond shook his head. “Hayden held a master's rating for power systems and had worked on Aeries in the past. That's why he was on the mission.”

  Jance nodded to Elrond and was opening her mouth to speak when her communicator chirped. “Commander! Priority Alert!”

  “What's going on Hojoh?” Jance asked.

  “There's a narding destroyer up here, hunting us!” Hojoh replied. “It wasn't here five minutes ago!”

  “Calm down, Hojoh. They can't find you if you're cloaked. Have you sent a message to command yet?” Jance asked.

  “Hypercom is jammed. We jacked into the planetary comm system to call you. We have those scans you asked for and will be landing as soon as we can slip into the atmosphere without that farking flying gunship seeing us!”

  “Hold on, if you land, you might not be able to take off again. Send those scans, I'll send up a report and then the two of you are to jump out of here. Once you return to base, be sure you give my report directly to Commissioner Holdst. We will remain here and collect more evidence to support my suppositions. Holdst will think I'm out of my mind, but reassure him I am not and this situation is very real. Do you understand?” Jance ordered.

  “Yes Commander. We will do exactly that,” Hojoh replied, still sounding nervous.

  Chapter Eight

  “The difference between stupidity and Genius is that Genius has its limits.”

  - Albert Einstein

  Terran Marine Base Alpha

  25 Apr. 10266 CE (AD)

  Sector 34871 - Great Inland Sea

  Earth, Sol system

  "Prime, please excuse me a moment while I prepare that report," Jance said as she stood.

  "Of course, Commander. If you need any relevant information from Mother, simply ask her for it, if you have need of anything else..." Ben replied.

  "I'll ask." Jance nodded. "I think you given us plenty to think about, Prime. Is there a private room I may have temporary use of?"

  "There is an unoccupied office just a couple of doors down, Commander. I'll show you where," Gail said and led the woman out the door.

  "If I may ask, Prime Council, do you have any underwater assets near the former base that is to be destroyed?" one of the Rangers asked.

  Ben shook his head. "Not currently, we saw no need for it. Mother, do we have anything we can send out there?"

  "There are several probes that could be launched without detection. What form of scan do you wish to run, Ranger T’Gree?" Mother asked politely.

  "Do you have anything capable of a full spectrum scan?" T’Gree asked.

  "Not currently, Ranger, I'm sorry. We simply have not yet had time to build it yet. However, I do have something that can give you a computer enhanced visual image," Mother offered.

  "On what datum are the enhancements preformed and how are they attained?" he asked.

  "An optical form of radar called LIDAR. Very low power lasers are used to scan the area in question providing a topographical reference grid. At the same time as the lasers are scanning, an ultra-low frequency sonic pulse is used to determine composition of scanned objects. By combining these two methods, I can create a realistic representation of the area in question," Mother replied. "This is most especially helpful in low light situations such as this one where real time video is not feasible."

  "That would be very helpful, Mother. If you would, please send a probe to the location in question. If you would also record all the information you receive back from the probe for us, that would be helpful as well," the Ranger asked.

  "Prime Council?" Mother asked.

  "Do it," Ben replied. "Please record location and depth as well for later review."

  "That information is transmitted as part of the feed Prime," Mother replied. "Probe is prepared; launching. ETA to base is twenty minutes."

  "Wow, that's a lot faster than our shuttles could get there," Ben said.

  "The probe is really a standard torpedo fitted with a sensor payload. It uses magnetic fluid propulsion. The designer described it a jet engine for the water," mother replied. "It is very efficient and impossible to track with most normal methods as it contains very little metal."

  "Prime Council, you have given us much to think about as well as a large amount of information. With respect, the information you do have has been attained by your Artificial Intelligence unit. In order for the Consortium to accept the veracity of this information, the AI in question will have to be independently verified and certified by a Consortium registered professional of Master level or higher. I mention this so you will understand the preparations that will need to be made in order for you to use data it contains as viable evidence not only when you make your claim to this planet, but also for the purposes of our current investigation. Are you willing to allow this?" the Human Ranger asked.

  "You are Ranger Hyroan, correct?" Ben asked kindly. When the Ranger smiled and nodded, Ben continued. "I will freely admit that I'm not comfortable with it as our survival down here is fully dependent on our computer systems. However, if it is needed, then there is little choice. I would have to insist on a professional that would be willing to forget any other information he or she may encounter during this certification process."

  Ben had actually anticipated something like this coming up and had discussed it with Mother, in private. He had been concerned that evidence of AIDEN would be found during an investigation of this nature.

  Mother assured him that no matter how good the programmer or technician, no evidence of AIDEN would be discovered and he should actually try to encourage such an investigation as it would only serve to help them.

  The man nodded. "Very understandable, Prime Council. Considering the nature of most data entrusted to AI units such as yours,
that type of discretion is required before the technician can ever receive their certifications. Considering the seriousness of the crimes we are investigating, I am certain Ranger Command will insist on such a certification. I will speak with Commander Halst to be certain, but I may be able to offer my services as that technician in light of the current situation."

  Ben raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You are a Master Computer Technician as well as a Ranger?"

  Tyroan smiled. "Yes, Prime, it is a requirement of the Rangers to have Master ratings in certain other disciplines in addition to our duties and training as a Ranger. The Commander has Master Ratings in Political Science and Military Command. I maintain a Master Rating in Computers Sciences with a focus on Artificial Intelligence. Ranger T'Gree has a Master Rating in Detections Systems and Natural Physics.

  "Excuse me, Prime Council, but may I ask what the range on your probes are?" The last Ranger asked. Ben thought her name had been Sc'ellese; until this point she hadn't spoken.

  "Roughly two sectors as you measure ground distance, Ranger Sc'ellese," Mother replied. "Might I inquire as to why you asked?"

  "If we could get a sensor scan of the sea floor near that Emergency Shelter citizen Amrath mentioned, we could gain more evidence of the Duke's activities. However, it is too far out of range," the Ranger replied.

  "The scans performed by the Dalphine should be more than sufficient. I do agree that the added data would be beneficial but the ships located there should easily detect the scans," T’Gree spoke to his fellow Ranger.

  "It is possible to send a probe to that area, Ranger Sc'ellese. However, I am afraid I have to agree with Ranger T’Gree; doing so would alert the personnel stationed there. The camouflaged ships would detect the lasers passing over their hulls. At this point, I would recommend we simply wait for a better opportunity to present itself," Mother said.

  "It was a notion I had, nothing more. Thank you Mother, Ranger T'Gree," Sc'ellese replied.

  Ben nodded to her and smiled. "There's nothing wrong with making suggestions. Thank you for yours, Ranger Sc'ellese." She bowed her head to him in reply.

  "How long until the floaters are in position to attack the abandoned base, Mother?" Ben asked, turning back to the satellite image on the monitor.

  "In about two minutes Prime. Our probe is still five minutes away," Mother replied.

  The door once again opened to admit the returning Jance. "Prime Council, may I have your permission to address the accused?"

  "Of course, Commander," Ben replied and stepped aside.

  As she stepped up to the podium, she asked him another question. "Given the seriousness of this situation and the very grave risk you are taking by inviting us here, may I assume that at the least your Council is also listening to these discussions?"

  Ben chuckled. "I would say that is a safe assumption, Commander. As a group, we are very concerned about this situation."

  She nodded. "As well you should be; these are very serious circumstances that if not handled correctly could result in the deaths or imprisonment of your entire group. I wish to assure you once again that, for our part, we will do what we can to assist as well as advise you. On that, you have my word of honor as a Ranger and Guardian of the Empire.

  "That being said, what I have to say may sound ominous on the surface; in truth it is very serious and will have very far reaching affects. Do not panic; certain protocols have to be followed. Listen carefully to what I have to say," she finished.

  "I understand, Commander. You must follow your duty, but things are not always what they seem," Ben replied.

  She nodded. "Very much so. Thank you for understanding." She turned to face the assembled group.

  She looked at the Elrond's group. "Citizens, please stand." She waited until the men and women had gotten to their feet. "I am Ranger Commander Jance Halst of the Hyclarion Ranger Outpost zero-five-zero. It is my duty and responsibility to the Empire, on behalf of His Imperial Majesty, Hjoolous the ninety-third, to inform all of you that by Imperial Law, you are now all formally under arrest for multiple violations of the articles of Law as defined by the Empire.

  "Due to extenuating circumstances, as well as their continued assistance in our investigations, the group calling themselves the Free Citizens of the Planet Earth lead by Prime Council Benjamin Arthur Bedouin, all charges are forthwith dismissed. Upon further investigation, we have determined that any involvement by them with the group known as 'the pirates' currently under investigation on the Planet Terral III was not beyond a reasonable amount of time with consideration given to their current social situation.

  "Further, we have determined, pending approval from Ranger Command, that the families and loved ones of the aforementioned pirates were not willing participants in the crimes committed by that group. Failure to report said action is also suspended pending further investigation into the possible involvement of Duke Tammerain of the Duchy of Cassius."

  The men standing smiled and quietly congratulated each other. Ben stepped forward and shook the man's hand. Elrond had tears in his eyes.

  "It is further noted that, having freely admitted to committing the crimes of which they have been accused, the aforementioned group known as the pirates have willingly and voluntarily surrendered themselves into our custody. With their surrender, they also have presented sufficient evidence as to warrant an investigation into the involvement of the aforementioned Duke Tammerain in these crimes. Given the seriousness of these crimes, as well as the officially registered accusations of involvement by a member of the Imperial Court, the charges against the group of the aforementioned pirates cannot be dismissed at this time. At this time, all members of this group are officially under arrest for the following crimes filed against them by myself, in Imperial Court," Jance then stated each violation and crime since this was an official declaration.

  "Because of the current situation on this planet and given the afore mentioned circumstances and involvement of Duke Tammerain of Cassius, the accused are to temporarily be remanded into the custody of the Free Citizens of the Planet Earth, with the understanding the accused will be sequestered until such time as they may be transported to an appropriate Ranger controlled holding facility, there to await tribunal for the afore listed crimes.

  "Prime Council Bedouin, of the Free Citizens of the Planet Earth, will you assist the Rangers by detaining the prisoners until such time as we may provide transport to another location?"

  Ben nodded. "I am Benjamin Bedouin, in my capacity as Prime Council and on behalf of the Council of Elders, we will comply with your request, Commander."

  Jance nodded to him. "We thank you for your assistance in this matter, Citizen." She paused momentarily. "At this time and in addition to our current investigation, we are opening an investigation into the possibility of High Treason against the

  Realm on the part of the Duke Tammerain of Cassius. We have been presented with sufficient evidence to fulfill the requirements regarding investigation of members of the Royal Court.

  "Further, we have been formally requested by Prime Council Benjamin Bedouin for assistance in the matter of their declaration of Home World status for the human race upon the planet of Terral III, currently held by the Duchy of Cassius. In order to prevent impropriety, or an unintentional conflict of interest, I am given the responsibility of handling this request to Ranger Officer T’Gree as he is neither human nor biased as to the current situation of the human race.

  "This ends this formal entry. It will be recorded into the logs of the Ranger Cruiser Dalphine upon our return to that craft," Jance finished.

  Ranger T’Gree stood and bowed to his Commander, then turned to Ben. "Prime Council, at this time, I will be assuming the official collection of your proof of claim to this planet. I feel I should mention to you, that you have the right to request assistance from Commander Halst as she has now officially removed herself from this investigation. "I would also ask that Ranger Hyroan also remove himself from this investiga
tion as well. It is not necessary, however, it will make for a stronger case if there are no humans involved in it."

  Hyroan stood, "I will remove myself from the investigation as well, Ranger T’Gree. Your advice is well meant and well taken."

  "All statements have been officially recorded," Mother intoned.

  "Thank you, AI Mother," Jance replied.

  Ben turned to Elrond. "Are you and your folks ready for this?"

  "Yeah, really, all we truly wanted was to save our families and loved ones. You've done that and more. Thank you again for everything you've done for us, Ben," Elrond replied.

  "Well, like I told you before, we really don't have a way to track you even if 'house arrest' is not a term the Rangers would understand. Gail has told me that she has made the brig as comfortable as she could for you and your people. With luck, you folks won't be in there long," Ben replied.

  "You're a good man, Prime Council," the other Captain, Gerent, said as he joined them. "I'm very glad Elrond convinced us to come here. You took a hell of risk for us and our families and made it pay off."

  Ben smiled at the gruff older man. "We aren't finished yet, Captain. Now, we just need to clear you and the rest of these folks. Remember, Mother will be monitoring the brig at all times; if you need to speak to me, simply ask her and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can."

  Gerent nodded. "You should probably call in your guards, now that we're officially under arrest; the Rangers will want us sequestered as soon as possible."

  Ben nodded his agreement and stepped back beside Jance. "General Greenwold, please have our Marines escort the accused to the Brig and see to their needs. Do not separate couples."

  "At once, Prime Council," Gail replied, "But I think you and the Commander should check out Mother's report on the abandoned base; there has been some developments," she replied before calling in a platoon of guards.

  "Mother? What's been going on at the old base?" Ben asked.

  "The floaters arrived at the location shortly after Commander Halst began speaking. I would have interrupted but it was official. The floaters arrived, took position, but did not immediately do anything else.


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