Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 26

by Janelle Taylor

  “If you doubt the success of the rogue’s destruction, why aren’t you using this valuable time to save more of my people?” Jana asked Zade.

  “We believe the mission will succeed. If we do not use this time to try to accomplish it, far more people will perish horribly. Maffeians are familiar with the threat and fear of extinction, so we have made certain your race will survive, as we were forced to make certain ours did. We are doing our best to help you and your world.”

  Jana did not remind him that she was a captive because of their desire to survive at any cost. Wouldn’t she do almost anything to save Earth? She smiled at him and said, “I know you are, Zade; thank you.”

  Chem halted the talk by relating that the force shield was in position.

  “Are the ten ships ready for testing their lasers?” Varian asked.

  Jana was surprised by the great number of starships being allowed away from Maffei at one time. Obviously they assumed there was no threat from Androas with her and Ryker in attendance. It warmed her heart to realize how important Maffei considered this mission.

  “Yes, Prince Ryker. Five are in stack formation on both sides as you ordered. Each has matched course and speed with the target and other ships.” Chem added that they could be in jeopardy at such a close range.

  “To cut through the largest section, this range is necessary,” Varian explained. “Order covers removed from the beam reflectors and raise them into position. I want all lasers aimed at the same stress point on the first shot to check the effect of the combined force on the rogue’s composition. If it doesn’t require all beams on the same spot to weaken the interior rift we believe is there, we can spread out our beams and bombard the entire section at the same time. Once it splits, five ships will attack each end. We’ll shear off chunks until we have pieces small enough to be chased and disintegrated by particle-beam accelerator and photon blasts.”

  Varian’s dyed-green gaze traveled from one officer to the next as he played his role of Ryker with skill. “Officer Jarre, make certain our course and speed do not vary even in the slightest.” The navigational officer acknowledged the command. “Chief Jasani, keep a sharp eye on your indicators and handle any engineering troubles immediately.”

  “Yes, sir. The Wanderlust is cooing like a happy baby today.”

  “Excellent, just make sure it doesn’t pitch a temper tantrum at the wrong time.” Jasani grinned and nodded. “Officer Chem, keep us in contact with the other ships at all times; no break in communications, and pass along my last three orders.” After Chem acknowledged the command and sent out the messages, the blond alien issued orders to the other men to check their sensors and scanners during the test to detect any problem. “Well, gentlemen and ladies, are we ready to begin our attack?” Varian asked.

  Everyone nodded; they were all impressed by “Ryker.” Varian hated making his evil half brother look good in their eyes.

  Jana observed everything on the semicircular bridge. On her first visit long ago, the sights and sounds she witnessed had staggered her senses. She had viewed this setting at Varian’s side, this complex conglomeration of computers, panels, and instruments. Officers and crew members were busy but attentive. She glanced at the wide window span which curled around on both sides. The heavens were an intense blue-black with hints of indigo, as they were partially shielded from the sun’s illumination by Jupiter, the largest planet in her solar system. Off in the distance, vivid and harmonious hues of blue, red, and green cloudlike formations dappled the slowly brightening sky. They seemed adrift in a dark sea filled with millions of glittering fish and strange aquatic creatures.

  “Officer Chem, alert the others we’re ready to position the mirrors.”

  Jana observed with bated breath. Her husband certainly seemed to know what he was doing, and the crew was totally obedient and responsive to him. She was relieved, as much was at stake for her people and world. She also was impressed at how well her husband interacted with others. It seemed as if Ryker Triloni never ceased to amaze her and please her.

  Jana glanced at the monitor as the reflector for the laser beam was raised from its parallel position during travel. As the giant device lifted the mirror upward, an apparatus clutched the protective cover and removed it. Ryker had told her that even a small scratch by space debris could pit and ruin the aiming unit. The lasers were mounted atop the front center portions of the starships while the mirrors were attached at the two rear ends of the U-shaped crafts. The reflectors were positioned at a height to avoid striking the vessels when the beams were fired backward to glance off the mirrors’ surfaces and hit their mutual target. The laser worked by chemical reaction of gases formed from Xenarogen, Tremolite, and Osorillium: weapons and products by Trilabs and their creator, Ryker Triloni. Stardust was also one of her husband’s formulas.

  “Sir,” Chem called out, “the Star Fire reports their reflector won’t raise into position. It’s stuck halfway. They’ll send someone out to free it.”

  Varian knew it would look and sound best if he—as Ryker— handled the situation. “No, I’ll go over in the shuttle with Tje and Kurtz. They’ve been programmed to specifically handle problems like this. Androids won’t require life-support units to work outside. They’ll save us time, and using them won’t endanger any crewmen. I’ll go with them to be on hand to check out any unexpected trouble. Alert Commander Gys we’re enroute to do the repairs, and tell the other ships to stand by for further orders.”

  Jana grimaced at what she hoped and prayed wasn’t a bad omen. She returned the encouraging smile her husband sent to her. She hated for him to leave the ship and put himself in possible peril. If anything happened to him … A terrible and wicked thought crossed her panicked mind. Surely the Supreme Council would not dare arrange “an accident” for him …

  Everyone watched the monitor as the mission leader and two androids approached the Star Fire and halted the shuttle near the stubborn reflector. They observed with interest as the two mechanical beings left the craft and began repairs that required two hours.

  Jana awaited her husband’s return with rising suspicion and dread. She prayed it wasn’t a cunning trap that would provoke trouble for everyone, including herself. She didn’t know what she would do if something happened to Ryker, or what Maal would do in retaliation.

  At last, Ryker, Tje, and Kurtz began their return to the Wanderlust. Jana sighed in relief, and chided herself for such foolish worries. She told herself they wouldn’t dare harm a man who was so valuable to them.

  Afterward, the disguised Varian said, “Officer Chem, tell the other ships we’re ready to proceed with the test shot, to fire on my command. Officer Coran, raise the eye-protection screen.”

  Jana was almost breathless with suspense and trepidation. She stared at the moving rogue. Die, you evil beast! She heard the mission leader give the order to initiate Project Starguard. She saw five beams fuse into one large one at the point of attack, like flashlights combining power to focus one great light on the same spot. If not for the protective barrier over the transascreen, they wouldn’t be able to watch the brilliant action without risking eye damage. The weapon emitted a loud buzzing sound that soon melted into a roar like that of hurricane winds or a jet at top speed passing within inches of her ears. As far as she could tell, the combined force had no effect on the target, but they had calibrated the units with perfection.

  “Cease firing, “ Varian commanded over the open communication system. “Any problems anywhere?”

  “This is Lieutenant Commander Nigel Sanger on the Kiunterri. Our laser did not function. What do you suggest, Prince Ryker?”

  “We need all the firepower we can get, Commander Sanger. Do your scanners indicate where the problem lies?”

  There was a brief pause, but no one interrupted the conference in progress. The area and channel remained silent as a response was awaited.

  Jana knew that voice and man, a dear friend. No, she fretted in lingering sadness that pinched h
er heart like cruel fingers, a deceitful past friend. A man who had carried out Varian’s treacherous orders to drug her and ship her off to Ryker like unwanted baggage, with an apology from him as he did the dirty work for his best friend and commanding officer.

  “Our sensors show no liquids reaching the reaction cylinder to form Barine,” Nigel replied. “Do you want us to check the triaxial connectors and shut-off valves, or would you prefer to handle the malfunction yourself? None of us know much about your new weapon or the chemicals.”

  “I’ll come over with Tje and Kurtz to handle it. Everyone stand by.”

  Once more, Jana eyed the monitor as her husband and the two androids left in the shuttle. She watched the small craft hover over the giant starship while the androids exited and approached the device to see if it could be repaired before too much time was lost. Suspicions gnawed at her gut again and her imagination began to run wild with crazy and fearful thoughts: a set-up? Trap? Sabotage? Had she been allowed to tag along as a witness for Maal that Ryker had died in an accident? Was her husband as irreplaceable as he and others had told her? Would they attempt to get rid of what they perceived as an enormous threat to their safety? If anything happened to Ryker, she would be a widow in an alien world, yet a free woman and citizen of Maffei … available for Varian to try to enchant again. Had her being a gift to Ryker been a clever ruse from the beginning? Had she been sent to the Prince to get under his skin so they could get rid of Ryker, let her inherit Trilabs, then hope Varian could get the powerful complex through the widow who had once loved the Star Fleet commander? Was that why Varian wasn’t along on one of the other ships, to prevent his being a suspect in Maal’s eyes? Was a deadly trap the reason why the Supreme Council and Varian had allowed Ryker to take charge of this mission? Was Varian so conceited that he believed he could win her back after betraying her?

  Soon it was learned a pipe was bent and the chemicals couldn’t flow past the damaged location. The nonhuman team, wearing magnetic boots and attached by cables to the top of the Kiunterri to prevent drifting off into space, went to work to correct the problem. A spurt of fluid shot out, was ignited, and almost eradicated Tje. At the ready, Kurtz extinguished the blaze with a special formula then shut off the escape of flammable liquid.

  “Don’t anybody panic; we have everything under control,” Varian said over the speaker; he knew the small fire was in view. He hauled the damaged android inside while the remaining one continued the work alone.

  Jana’s tension mounted. If that had been Ryker instead of Tje, he could have been killed after Nigel lured him over there. She knew she wouldn’t relax until he was back aboard and safe. She wished he had sent someone else or only the androids to do the repairs. She was certain Ryker did not plan the malfunctions in his weapons just to prove how much he was needed here. Besides, Star Fleet had installed them and should have noticed any defective parts. Surely the apparatuses had been tested after mounting. She hoped the mission wasn’t doomed to fail.

  Time passed slowly for Jana. She began to pace, a worried expression on her face that told everyone how anxious she was over her husband’s safety.

  “You should not worry so much, Princess Jana,” Zade comforted her. “Who better than the creator of the weapons and chemicals to repair and direct their use? He will be fine. He is staying in the shuttle away from danger.”

  She wanted to scream, What if the shuttle explodes? Please, God, don’t let me be a witness to such a tragedy. Don’t allow these people to harm my husband as they’ve harmed me. He’s risking his life and using his weapons to save my world, your creation. Protect him, please.

  More time passed, and Jana wanted to send another shuttle to check on Ryker. It had been quiet—too quiet—for a long time. She went to Chem and told the communications officer she wanted to speak with her husband.

  The man sent her a strange look. “Now, Princess Jana? He’s busy.”

  She used a firm but calm tone to respond, “Yes, now.”

  “Perhaps he shouldn’t be disturbed. We’re running behind schedule.”

  “I know, Chem. But contact him anyway, please.”

  The officer did so on a closed channel.

  “How much longer will it take?” she asked. “I’m worried about you.”

  “Soon, Jana,” her alien husband replied. “We’re almost finished. And I’m fine.”

  “Be careful and hurry back.”

  Varian detected fear and tension in her voice. “I will.”

  Martella noticed the expression on Jana’s face, the mingling of undeniable affection and fear in her gaze, and the sound of them in her voice. The alien female tried to distract the worried Earthling with light conversation.

  Jana guided Martella away from the others. “Would you tell me if there is something very wrong going on?” she asked.

  “What do you mean, Jana? He has the repairs under control.”

  Jana voiced her suspicions aloud to the woman in a tone only Martella Karsh could hear. She watched shock register on the Maffeian’s face.

  “How could you think such a terrible thing about us?”

  “In light of how and why I came to your world and what’s happened to me since I arrived, I have just cause to be suspicious of anything involving Varian Saar and the culture that imprisoned me. I’ve been told what all Maffeians think about my husband. If this is a trap, you had better warn them to stop it right now. I will not be used as a pawn to get rid of Ryker and get Trilabs for your side.”

  “You’re mistaken, Jana. I promise, he’s in no danger.”

  “If you’re wrong and anything happens to him, everyone involved will be sorry. I won’t tell Kadim Maal it was an accident, if that’s why I was permitted to come along. I warn you now, if I’m made a widow, it will not profit Varian or the Alliance in the smallest way. If Varian thinks he can get control of Trilabs by sucking up to me later, he’s dead wrong. He can’t even compare to my husband, so Ryker had better come back safe.”

  Martella wanted to shout the truth at Jana to open her eyes: That isn’t your husband! It’s the only man you love! Yet, she felt guilty and ashamed to realize that part of the ruse had to do with what Jana suspected: obtaining and controlling Trilabs for the protection and survival of Maffei. Since Jana had been captured and enslaved for that same reason of safeguarding Maffei, learning it had occurred again was not going to sit well with the Earthling. Martella glued her gaze to Jana’s and vowed, “The man out there will come back safe and sound, and he’ll remain safe and sound. I swear.”

  Jana thought her response was odd, but she nodded and accepted it. “Thank you, Martella. I just don’t want any more trouble. I’ve endured enough, and all because of Varian and his selfishness.”

  “I understand. You’ll be back where you belong soon.”

  Again, Jana thought her reply and tone were strange. She didn’t have time to question them as Chem shouted, “They’re heading back.”

  Jana rushed to the transascreen and watched the shuttle approach from the Kiunterri. She couldn’t wait to see her husband, so she rushed to the docking bay. She flung herself into his arms and hugged him in relief. “You scared the wits out of me. Don’t leave this ship again! Please, Ryker, no more risks. I would die if anything happened to you.”

  Varian, with a tormented mind and heavy heart, gave her a quick hug and kiss. “Let’s join the others; we have work to do. Time’s running out.”

  All day, Jana heard a series of long laser blasts with brief cessations every so often while the apparatus cooled and formed more Barine gas. She felt as if she were standing trackside at Daytona Speedway while race cars whizzed past at top paces. Every six hours, the task was halted for a longer period while more chemicals were added to the devices. It looked as if the rogue refused to split in half. Maybe, she fretted, it was too thick and solid to be sawed in half by anything, including Ryker’s powerful weapons.

  It was late the next day when an elated shout went up as the rogue cracked.
The ships and beams continued to attack the weakening rift with new zeal. A small piece of rock that was sheared off struck the reflector of one ship between automatic blasts, too fast to push a stop button to prevent the next shot. The pitted area caused the laser beam to fire upward instead of forward and to strike the ship above it in the stack formation. The powerful beam knifed into the vessel’s underbelly in the engineering section before the device could be shut down. An explosion rent the air. The ship was crippled and in danger of being destroyed any moment.

  Assault on the worldlet stopped while an emergency rescue went into effect. The uninjured, wounded, and the few dead were taken aboard other starships. By remote, the burning craft was piloted to a location in which it couldn’t endanger the other ships. Within twenty minutes of reaching its final destination, it exploded and sent debris in all directions.

  Jana looked up at her frowning husband as they observed the alarming episode. “I never expected any of them to get killed. I hope they don’t treat us differently because they lost lives and a ship. What else can go wrong? Will they call off the mission?”

  “No, Jana, we’ll keep working with the remaining nine ships. We’ll just be more careful. Being this close presents peril, but it’s necessary. We’ll start up again soon. Go on to bed; you need rest.”

  “So do you, my love. You didn’t come to bed last night.”

  “I took occasional naps. I’m fine. I’ve gone without sleep plenty of times. There’s nothing you can do here … Except distract me,” he added with a tender smile to conceal his irritation at being unable to handle this emergency while playing Ryker instead of being commander of his ship.

  “Will you call me if anything happens?”

  “I promise. Don’t worry so much. We expected it to take this long to sever the stress point. It might take until morning or longer. Go to bed.”

  Far away from the battle in progress with the rogue worldlet, Canissia Garthon was speaking with Prince Taemin Tabriz on the planet Cenza in the Pyropean Galaxy. Her body quivered with eagerness to share her astonishing secret, but she waited in order to enjoy the intoxicating suspense a while longer. “Tell me, my salacious treat, does that little Tarterrian you wed a few months ago please you as much as I do?” she questioned Taemin.


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