Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 38

by Janelle Taylor

  “So what more could a sane person possibly want, right?”

  Varian approached her and studied her slightly pale face. “What is it, Jana? This isn’t like you. Something’s troubling you.”

  “I guess so much has happened recently that I’m out of sorts. It must be the strain of lying to everyone, especially to Andrea. I’m sorry. You have been good and this will be over soon.”

  He leaned against the wall. “Yes, I leave for Caguas first thing in the morning, then head for Jurad as soon as I’m finished there.”

  Jana put the brush aside and looked at him. “Finished? But you’re not supposed to be around when Ryker dies tomorrow evening.”

  “I won’t be, so don’t worry. I’ll enter the mine as Ryker, with his body in a crate. It’s been kept sealed and treated until now. The two agents I planted there on our last visit will help me sneak out another way in a disguise. A ship will be waiting to transport me to Star Base to fetch the Wanderlust. My cyborg has made a few distant showings on Rigel today and will do it again tomorrow until I take his place and destroy him and make myself highly visible far away from the accident scene. At superstar speed, I’ll be there shortly before the explosion that kills Ryker.”

  “An explosion? But you said that mine would burn forever. What about the tremolite you’ll lose? I’ll lose, because I’ll inherit his holdings.”

  “We’re doing it in the control room and have things set up to contain any fire that might result. We’re timing it so that Avatar Faeroe and others will be approaching the site for a visit; our witnesses. I’ve already talked to Maal this evening for a final time as Ryker. I told him I’m heading his way after stopping at the mine; he’s still fooled and leaning toward a treaty. In fact, Taemin contacted me and will be in orbit at the precise moment of the accident. That should cast some suspicion on him as a possible culprit.”

  “You’re framing Taemin Tabriz for Ryker’s death?”

  “Not exactly, just drawing eyes away from me and Star Fleet. If he does get entangled, that will get a dangerous and evil man out of our way. In case you have forgotten, Moonbeam, he tried to kill us recently. Once Ryker is dead and his powerful secrets are in our hands, neither Jurad nor Maal should refuse to sign treaties with the Alliance. As for me, Jurad himself will be my alibi while his son is sitting atop the trouble. I’ll be on the viewer screen with him from Star Base, informing him of my official visit to present a treaty.” He followed her into the bedroom as he went on. “That is one change I made today: we’ll get the news while we’re talking, so I’ll tell him I have to go to Caguas and Darkar to handle the situation and will visit him afterward. I’ll call Maal from Star Base and give him the bad news, then tell him I’m headed to investigate my brother’s death. I’ll tell him I’m going to pick you up so we can deliver the body home. At superstar speed, I can be back the next day. That way, we can head for Maal’s before he’s tempted to come here. I realized today that the original plan to head for Jurad’s would put me too far away from the action and any repercussions.”

  Jana sat on the edge of the bed, relieved her nausea had passed. “It’s a very clever plan. I’m sure it will work because you seem to have thought of every angle. I’m impressed.”

  Varian sat down sideways near her. “Thank you, my love. While we’re gone, Tris and Martella will complete their tasks here. It’s best if all secrets in the complex are taken away, and those that can’t be will be rendered useless when you offer it to Maal before marrying me.” He hurried on before she could protest. “If Maal becomes unstable like Shara did, we can’t surmise his behavior. I’m sure Jurad and Maal will realize Trilabs is worthless to them, so peace with us will look very good. If they refuse, I’ll use parts of the tapes to expose the extent of Taemin’s evil to Jurad and force him into compliance. I’ll even expose the ugly truth about Shara to both rulers if they make it necessary, but I can’t do that until Ryker is officially dead and I’ve had time to ‘find’ that evidence. I doubt either ruler wants a scandal like that, so they’ll agree. I don’t want to do it that way, Jana, but I will if forced into a corner. I want those treaties fast so I can get us out of this mess and we can put our lives back together.”

  The mission seemed to become more and more complicated and perilous every day, with every step taken toward a safe termination. Yet, despite Varian’s vows of love and displays of fiery passion, Jana couldn’t seem to take the last step toward him for a reunion. Things kept coming between them as if some dark force were determined to keep them apart and was intent on destroying not only their love but their lives. If only Trilabs, the Alliance, and the treaties weren’t so important to Varian. Not that they weren’t crucial, but she wondered why they should always come before their love and their future.

  “Tris is giving you the Rendelar process tomorrow after I’m gone. I hope this is over as soon as Jurad realizes he’s lost Ryker as an ally and lost Maal, too. In light of Taemin’s recent and imminent treacheries, he shouldn’t have a choice. I’ll be talking with him when Ryker’s death is revealed, so I’ll press him for his answer. When we take Ryker’s body home, I’ll press Maal for his. If we succeed, Moonbeam, it’s over. A few more weeks at the most. I’ll have Nigel with me in case of trouble.”

  “If Jurad doesn’t believe Taemin is guilty of trying to kill us and of killing Ryker, you still have that evil prince to deal with. Canissia, too. What are you planning to do about her? Your marriage announcements are still circulating, I presume.”

  “I’ve already had them withdrawn and cancelled. By now, everyone knows I’ve jettisoned her like the dirty debris she is. My lookalike partner has already taken a couple of ladies to dinner to show that my disinterest in her is real.” He saw Jana’s surprise at that news. “Just so you won’t worry or get jealous, he hasn’t made any advances toward them. He’s been well trained and programmed. As soon as Cass is sighted, and she can’t stay in hiding forever, she’ll be arrested and sent to a penal colony for life. We won’t ever have to worry about her again. The colony is escape-proof.”

  “How can she be arrested, charged, and convicted without using evidence you can’t reveal? To expose the fact she kidnapped me will make my marriage to Ryker illegal and will strip me of all the benefits of being his widow—of being heir to Trilabs and all of his assets. And you can’t use the proof in those journals and tapes, if you choose not to expose them.”

  “You forget, Jana, this is Maffei. The Supreme Council will judge, sentence, and exile her without explaining what the evidence is to anyone.”

  Jana twisted to sit cross-legged on the bed to face him. “Her father is on the Council. Do you think he’s going to vote against his only child?”

  “He won’t be there much longer. Segall Garthon is going to be forced to resign to avoid a nasty scandal after he’s told about his daughter’s treason and treacheries. He can’t refuse after he learns how his loose lips aided them. Brec will take his Council seat, and I’m to take Brec’s place.”

  “You’re going to become the Supreme Commander of Star Fleet, the Alliance Force, and Elite Squad? You’re replacing Breccia Sard?”

  “If I say yes. My answer depends on what happens between us.”

  Jana didn’t comment on his last statement. “It’s certainly a powerful and prestigious position. The only people with more rank are the other two councilmen and the kadim. Congratulations. I’m sure you’ve more than earned it, especially in light of your current assignment.”

  It was Varian’s turn to ignore her last statement and sarcastic tone. He smiled as if he didn’t notice. “Thanks. The android, Griep, will be shuttle pilot for me to the mine. I’m leaving Kagan here in charge of security and whatever comes up when the news is released. I wish I could be here with you, love. Will you be all right? Can you handle what’s ahead tomorrow?”

  “I’ve had plenty of practice with lies and deceptions lately. After the Rendelar, I’ll be as good at them as you are. No one will be able to drag the truth
from me then, not even you. That was one of your old threats, I believe. Let me see … Ah, yes, when you took me from Draco’s home.”

  “Please don’t do this to us, Moonbeam. It’s almost over. When I return to you, it will be as myself. I promise, no more secrets or lies. I love you, Jana Greyson. I want you to be my wife. Can’t we put the past behind us and begin our life anew?”

  “I don’t know, Varian. I need time alone to think.”

  He sent her a broad smile. “At least that isn’t a definite no.”

  “And it’s far from a yes. I have to be convinced I can trust you.”

  He moved close to her. “If I have my Rendelar reversed and let you question me under Thorin, will you believe me then?”

  Jana leaned back as he was much too near and tempting, too wit-stealing. “You can do that? You would do that?”

  He captured a hand and kissed it. “Yes, for you, for us.”

  As she fluffed his blond hair, she asked, “Aren’t you afraid to reveal what might really lurk in your unconscious mind?”

  “Not where you’re concerned. Well, is it a bargain? If I pass your tests, will you come back to me and marry me?”

  “Is this another way to trick me? You’ll pretend you’re vulnerable?”

  “I’ll let you read the medical journal and do the treatment yourself. You’ll know there’s no way I could be lying to you. Well, is it a deal?”

  “I’ll give you my answer when you return.”

  He bounded forward and trapped her beneath him, a position from which she didn’t try to escape or protest. As he showered her with kisses, he teased, “Ever the cautious and cunning female, aren’t you?”

  “It’s kept me alive and safe so far. From every peril except you.”

  “All right, Moonbeam, when I return.”

  “Aren’t we being cooperative tonight?” she quipped with a laugh.

  “We always try to be where you’re concerned.” His mouth covered hers and gave her a deep and yearning kiss.

  Soon, clothes were discarded. Their hands stroked, stimulated, and pleasured each other. Their mouths explored, tempted, and enticed. Their bodies joined, labored, sought appeasement, and found exquisite rapture. They nestled together in contentment without replacing their garments and slept peacefully in each other’s arms.

  Jana and Andrea stood outside and watched “Ryker” and Nigel leave in the shuttle. Jana knew that when it reached Caguas within two hours, Nigel would slip aboard the other ship. The disguised Varian would enter the mine with Ryker’s hidden body, set the phony accident into motion, sneak out, and leave for Rigel with his best friend. The long and damaging ruse was coming to its explosive culmination. Soon she could tell Andrea everything, then seek some good advice from the person who knew and loved her best. She dreaded what lay ahead this evening when she became a widow and dreaded her next trek to Maal’s. Just a few more weeks, she reminded herself, then … then what? she wondered.

  At ten, Jana headed to the complex for her Rendelar procedure. As she walked along, she wondered how Ryker’s “death” would change her life. She asked herself if she could even trust Varian again. If not, she mustn’t return to him and risk another broken heart. He was trying hard to win her back, but could he build a bridge over their troubled waters so he could reach her? Dare she, should she, impede his progress or demolish every attempt he made in order to protect herself? How long would he continue against thwarted efforts and stinging defeats before he lost heart and hope? If he gave up on obtaining his alien goal, in what condition would that leave her stranded on the other side of their breach? Was permanent separation what she truly wanted? Somewhere deep inside, buried beneath anguish and doubts, dwelled the truth and she must locate it before his return.

  She entered the complex and went to join Dr. Tristan Zarcoff.

  In the medical laboratory, Tris asked, “Are you ready to begin, Jana?”

  “Nervous and ignorant, my friend, but more than ready. How long will this procedure require? How does it work?”

  “It takes about two hours. And Thorin, our most potent truth serum, comes from the venom of creatures similar to keelars; it attacks the nervous system in the brain; it’s activated by involuntary physiological changes in the body when a person lies. To stop excruciating agony, one has only to tell the truth. Rendelar, which comes from a derivative of the creature’s brain cells, prevents that from happening. Those cells are few and hard to come by. The extraction process demands the most minute and skilled microsurgery. If mishandled, they’re damaged beyond use, but you can do it. Ryker Triloni was indeed a rare genius with gifted hands. During the time I’ve been in his labs and gone over his notes, I’ve been astounded by his creations. I’m glad you’re back to help me finish my task.”

  “It sounds exciting, Tris. I’m eager to get back to work. I must admit I’m impressed by his research and products. I’m almost sad I never got the opportunity to work with him. He could have taught me a lot.”

  “He could have taught all of us a great deal. I found the formulas for Rendelar, Thorin, and one of his most secret prizes. You probably know he had an unknown additive that made his formulas self-destruct if anyone attempted to analyze their contents. It comes from that leech project Varian demonstrated for you. Of course, we didn’t know it at that time.”

  “It makes sense, Tris, coming from an unnatural test tube. Inside their bodies, they can produce a chemical unknown and unreproducable elsewhere. We’ll get busy as soon as I’m made trustworthy,” she teased.

  “I’m ready. First, we need to do a complete physical to make sure you don’t have any problems that could interfere with its success.”

  “I’m fine. No ill effects from the crash and rescue.”

  “Still, we have to be sure you’re in top condition. This procedure requires a lot from the body. It places immunities in every cell. If any of them have problems, it can be most uncomfortable and damaging.”

  Tristan did a thorough examination that included all tests. He repeated one before returning to the lab where she was awaiting him.

  “Let’s get started,” she said with a cheery smile. When Tristan looked at her as if at a loss for appropriate words, Jana asked what the problem was.

  Tristan sat down and met her curious gaze. “I don’t know how to tell you this, Jana, but we can’t do the Rendelar procedure.”

  “Why? Did something show up on my tests? What? Speak up, old friend, you’re making me nervous. Do I have a disease? Is it that bad?”

  “It’s not bad, but bad timing. You’re … you’re pregnant. Four weeks.”

  Jana gaped at him. Surely her aural translator was malfunctioning. “Pregnant?” Tris nodded. “Me?” He nodded again. “Are you sure?” He nodded again. “How? I mean, it’s impossible. The Liex…”

  “There’s only one way I can surmise. Schedules are kept on wrist computers. Varian’s has been locked in his ship’s safe since he became Ryker. It’s apparent he missed his last one when he wasn’t reminded it was due. It happened four weeks ago while you two were stranded on Luz.”

  Jana’s face flushed a deep red and her cheeks burned. The color splashed down her neck and onto her chest. The heat rush itched and her hand lifted to rub her collarbone area. It was embarrassing for anyone, even this close friend, to know such intimacy had taken place on that barren planetoid. “I can’t believe this. The test must be wrong.”

  “I ran it twice, Jana, to be sure.”

  Suspicions flooded her. “Why would you even run a pregnancy test?”

  “The medical analyzer picks up on anything unusual and tests it.”

  “Is this a trick to tie me to Varian? Did he do this to me on purpose?”

  “No, it was an accident, an oversight.”

  “Accident? Oversight? How do you know? That bastard is capable of anything! Dammit, he doesn’t need me to get his greedy hands on Trilabs! He’s already stolen the complex blind, or will have soon. Didn’t he realize how this would
complicate everything? Has he forgotten I’m married to Ryker? Has he forgotten I’ve supposedly been living and sleeping with Ryker? Babies won’t wait for missions to be completed. As soon as everyone learns I’m pregnant, they’ll think the baby is—oh, my God—Ryker’s, because Varian won’t ever reveal his ruse. My child’s paternity will always have a shadow over it. Damn him, Tris; this is unforgivable! He’ll use anything and anybody to get his way, even his own child.”

  “Settle down, Jana. Getting upset isn’t good for you or the baby.”

  “Nothing is good for me, Tris, and hasn’t been since I met that devil.”

  “Maybe you’re looking at this situation all wrong; maybe it was meant to be. Maybe he did have his Liex and for some fated reason it didn’t work.”

  “This is all his fault! He should have been more careful. He’s the one responsible for birth control, not me, not any woman in your world. He probably got me pregnant on purpose to force me to marry him. If I had known this could happen, I would have taken other precautions. No, I wouldn’t have allowed the treacherous snake to touch me again!”

  Jana paced back and forth as she cursed Varian and the predicament. She halted and looked at Tristan. “I can’t have Rendelar because of the baby?” After the doctor nodded, her eyes narrowed and chilled. “That’s why he finally offered to let me have the procedure. He knew I couldn’t because he had gotten me pregnant. The sneaky, low-down, conniving, selfish son-of-a-bitch!”

  “Jana, Jana, you know Varian better than that. He wouldn’t—”

  “Yes, dammit, he would and he has! He’s making me Ryker’s widow, then stealing any inheritance I would get so I’ll be penniless and dependent on him. Now, this! No, I don’t know him, Tris. I never have and I never will. He isn’t the man I thought he was. It’s about time I admit that to myself and stop making excuses for him.”

  “Wait until he explains.”

  “Lies, you mean, like always to get his way. He won’t do this to me.”


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