Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 50

by Janelle Taylor

  “I told you not to worry,” Jana said with a smile.

  “You were also worried; you won’t convince me otherwise.”

  “Terrified is the right word to describe what I was feeling. But I knew, if it was at all possible, Varian would find us and save us.”

  “Will everything be all right between you two now?”

  “Thanks to you who helped me see the light, I think so. I know so. We’re back where we belong, Andrea, with the men we love. The more I thought about those weeks during my training, those few days on Eire and those here after Ryker’s real death, the more I realized he really does love me and want me. He wouldn’t have suffered so much when I disappeared if that weren’t true. I see it in the way he looks at me, like he did today when he rescued us. I hear it in his voice. I feel it in his touch and kiss. Because he did his duty, what he truly believed was right, doesn’t mean I’m not just as important to him. If he had done any less, he wouldn’t be Varian Saar, the man I came to love. What he did to save his world and ours was unselfish. My mind is no longer dazed by stardust and I’m no longer walking in shadows. I know who and what I want: Varian Saar and our child, and a bright future together on Altair.”

  Andrea sat up and embraced Jana. “You’re as smart as ever. No, smarter. I’m proud of you, Jana. Just think, we’ll be married soon.”

  Jana made a comical face and wriggled her fingers as she hummed part of the Twilight Zone theme. “To aliens,” she whispered. “But such handsome and virile and nice aliens.”

  Andrea giggled. “You’re right about that, Doc.”

  Jana fell to the bed on her back and laughed. “I haven’t heard that quip in a long time. It’s music to my ears, Andrea McKay, music to my ears. Mercy, I’m glad you’re here with me. We never imagined we would ever share a wild and wonderful adventure like this one.”

  Andrea held out her hand and used their youthful phrase: “Like sisters now, like sisters forever. I love you, Jana, my best friend.”

  Jana grasped it and repeated the words with a glowing smile.

  The communications blackout and persistent pursuit in the cloaked ship continued for hours as the Wanderlust steadily caught up with Canissia’s stolen vessel. They hadn’t moved fast enough to create waverings in the nebulous clouds in their path that might be seen and suspected by her. Jana and Andrea came to the bridge to observe the climax of the episode that had begun many days ago on Darkar.

  Varian smiled at Jana before he ordered Jarre to bring them up beside her. “Nigel, you handle weapons. I want to fire a blast across her belly and take out the engineering section to disable her. As soon as we get off that shot, Jarre, put us in position to take out her shuttle bay to prevent an escape attempt. Ferris, you be ready to take charge of our prisoner. If I get near that flaming-haired vixen, I might wring her treacherous throat.”

  “We have a Spacer ready to pursue if she tries to use an escape pod.”

  “Thanks, Jarre. Steady as she goes and stay alert, men. That woman is a tricky and unpredictable bitch.”

  “If she fires on us when we drop our shield, how do I respond?”

  “She’ll get a warning to surrender after I take out the engineering section. If she battles us, Nigel, follow standard defense procedure.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jana leaned over to ask Braq the meaning of those words.

  The officer met her gaze and replied, “If surrender is refused and an attack is launched, we defend first, then destroy if endangered.”

  Jana glanced at the large ship on the screen where she and Andrea had been held captive. She read the markings and symbols to realize Canissia had told the truth about them. She recalled the woman’s words and actions during their time together. “I don’t think Canissia Garthon will surrender,” she told Braq. “She was like a madwoman. If she can’t escape punishment, she’ll turn and fight, to the death.”

  “We think so, too, but it’s her choice. We can’t let her damage us.”

  Jana and Andrea watched the drama unfold. Ferris Laus joined the two women.

  “Steady at the helm, slow and easy,” Varian murmured as if to himself. “Jarre, let Nigel know when we’re in position for him to fire. Do it in one shot, old friend, then take out her weapons bank,” he related the change in orders. “Afterward, we’ll swing around fast and get the shuttle bay before she can reach it. Jarre, line up for weapons bank second.”

  “If the bay is disabled, how will you get her off?” Jana asked Ferris.

  “Through the jerri hatch.” Seeing Jana’s look of confusion, he explained, “That’s a hatch atop the bridge for emergency rescue when other means of escape are cut off. We can set down our shuttle and connect to the other ship’s hatch so she can climb aboard. It saves time in not having to don pressure suits and headgear, and usually there aren’t enough of them available if a crew is large. That’s how we had to save the crew of the Galactic Gem. It was slow going and we cut it close, too close for comfort. We had three minutes of safety zone before the ship blew when the last crewman got out.”

  “You mean all of you were almost killed?”

  “Could have been, but Varian’s a smart commander.”

  “And he has a loyal and skilled crew.”

  “Thanks, Jana. I know he was worried about being out of contact with you.”

  “Why?” How much, she mused, did this friend know or suspect?

  “Because Taemin’s on the loose. He should have been executed for treason. I can’t believe Jurad would honor his law under the circumstances.”

  “Taemin is his son, Ferris.”

  “What son plots to kill his father? Just before we reached Cenza, one of Jurad’s most trusted men overheard Taemin planning to murder him and Taemin’s wife, blame it on rebels or spies, and take over as ruler. He was under guard when we arrived and exposed more evil about him.”

  “Someone helped him escape. If I were Jurad, I wouldn’t trust him not to return and make another attempt. Royal blood shouldn’t exempt him from punishment. Have they found any trace of him?”

  “Not yet. We were hoping he wasn’t the one who abducted you.”

  “Canissia is just as bad.”

  “I know about some of her crimes, but the others are sealed, for the Council’s eyes only.”

  “Your people don’t mind them keeping secrets like that?”

  “No. It’s always been that way. We trust them. To do what’s best for us, they must be able to make decisions and act without the public’s permission and knowledge. We’ve never had a kadim or a councilman or assemblyman who abused or betrayed his power and rank.”

  Until Segall Garthon, Jana’s mind refuted. But that will remain a secret. She doubted Ferris knew anything about that guarded situation. “What about her father? Does he know about this crime yet?”

  “Councilman Garthon retired recently. He gave bad health and exhaustion as his reasons. Supreme Commander Breccia Sard is taking his seat next week. It’s a surety that Varian will be offered Sard’s place.”

  “That’s a big honor and powerful rank.”

  “Yes, it is, and Varian deserves it and is more than qualified for it.”

  “I’m sure he is and he’ll—”

  “In position, sir,” Jarre said, halting everyone’s conversations.

  “Engineering section on target,” Nigel reported from his panel. “Fire at will!” Varian ordered as suspense mounted.

  Action was swift after their cloaking shield was lowered to attack. Exterior noise was loud as a bright and large beam flashed across the darkening sky and crashed into the belly of the other ship. A giant gap resulted and items were sucked outside to float in space until salvaged.

  Jana saw smoke, fire, and spinning debris. She witnessed other explosions through the hole in the crippled vessel. She waited and listened.

  While Jarre moved the starship with speed and ease into position to take out any counterattack ability, Varian hailed their target, “Canissia Garthon, t
his is Commander Saar in the Wanderlust demanding your immediate surrender. There is no escape. Yield, woman, it’s over.”

  Behind the redhead’s screams of fury and insult, warning bells and buzzers could be heard over the monitor. “You bastard! How did you find me? How did you get through my shield? How dare you attack me!”

  “Your shuttle bay is next after …” He paused as Nigel took out the weapons banks to prevent Canissia from firing powerful shots at them. Varian finished, “Your weapons are disabled. Resistance is now impossible.”

  Canissia yelled over the noise on her wounded vessel, “If you don’t break off this attack and get to the penal colony fast, you won’t be able to rescue that slut of yours before those barbaric prisoners screw her into oblivion. I left her hours ago. She’s in terrible danger, so you’d better hurry.”

  Jana flushed a bright red at the crude remarks made about her in front of the men. Ferris grasped her hand and squeezed it. They exchanged smiles.

  Jarre had taken them to the rear of the injured craft during the woman’s rantings, and Nigel demolished the shuttle area.

  Varian sent Jana a wink and smile. “I’ve already rescued Mrs. Triloni and Miss McKay,” he responded. “They’re aboard, safe and alive, and totally unharmed. That was me who sent you running from there. You can’t hide from my new sensors; you can’t escape; and you can’t fight back. You have nothing to exchange for your freedom. You’ll pay for your crimes. We have a place waiting for you on the female penal colony, for life.”

  “You wouldn’t dare! Have you forgotten who I am?” “Your father retired from the Council, so you will get no special treatment there. Taemin is exiled, so that ally is gone. You have no friends left, Cass. Your treachery and greed and hatred have done you in. Surrender, now!”

  “I’ll kill you both! I swear it. I’ll kill you both one day.” “There is no escape from penal colonies, ever.” “I’ll be the first. You won’t get a night’s sleep worrying about when I’ll strike next. You’ll be afraid to leave her alone for a minute. I’ve gotten to her twice and I’ll do it again. I’ll keep trying until she’s dead. I’ll never let Jana have you, and I’ll never let you have her. Would you like to hear what she told me about you and Ryker? She said—”

  The monitor went silent. Everyone exchanged curious glances.

  “What happened?” Varian asked. “Did we lose contact?” “I cut her off, sir,” Vaiden said. “She was about to become crude and I didn’t think it was necessary for us to be subjected to that.”

  “You did fine, Vaiden; thanks. Open one-way communications.” After Vaiden obeyed, Varian said, “You can hear me, Cass, but we can’t hear you. We cut you off before you got started with your lies and insults. We refuse to listen to them. You have two minutes to surrender before your ship goes critical and we’re forced to leave the area. When I give the signal, all you can say is yes or no. I leave your fate and survival in your hands.”

  “Will anyone go aboard to capture her?” Jana asked Ferris.

  “No, it’s too dangerous. She could shoot anyone climbing inside, and her ship will go on self-destruct in two minutes. We heard the warning given over her ravings. Once it begins, we have twenty minutes to get her out and clear the area. Two minutes is all she can and will receive.”

  The short time span seemed to last an hour as everyone waited to see how the treacherous female would respond. When it ended, Varian asked for her answer. The channel remained silent. He asked again. Nothing. Varian warned her they were leaving and couldn’t return.

  “Answer me, Cass! This is your last chance to reply. I mean it. If your communications are disabled, signal us through the bridge transascreen.”

  They looked at the large window but saw no one and heard nothing.

  “Don’t be a fool, Cass, surrender. Your ship is going to blow soon, so we have to pull out of range. Time is up, woman. Give me your answer.”

  Varian looked at Nigel. “Safety zone?” he asked.

  “We can’t stay longer than one more minute. Even if she yields now, we don’t have time to shuttle over, get her, and clear the area.”

  “Jarre, take us out of impact range. Nigel, keep sensors on her. We don’t want any guesswork about her being on the ship when it blows.”

  “Did you think she would surrender?” Andrea asked Jana.

  Jana didn’t take her eyes off the ship on the screen. “No, I didn’t. Canissia would rather go out in a blaze of freedom than live out her life on a penal colony where she has no power or privileges.”

  A pathetic voice came over the communicator. “Please, Varian, don’t leave me here alone to die. I love you. I’m sorry. Please save me.”

  In a tone filled with resignation, the Commander replied, “I’m sorry, too, Cass, but you’ve waited too long. There’s no time left for a rescue.”

  “You can’t let me explode and burn! Think of all our years together. Some were happy. Please, I’m begging you. Come after me. We’ll hurry.”

  “How much time, Nigel, before minimum—”

  “No!” Jana shouted, startling everyone and causing Varian to look her way. “It’s a trick to make you die with her. Even if there was enough time left, she would entrap you there. It’s a trick, Varian. Please don’t go.”

  Varian pulled his troubled gaze from Jana’s and asked Nigel the same question. “If there’s any chance, I have to take it, no matter who she is or what she’s done. She might be telling the truth.”

  Jana looked at Varian and said, “If you leave this ship, so will I. If it’s safe for you to go over in the shuttle, you won’t mind me tagging along. If I can’t go along, then it’s too dangerous for you to do so. Right?”

  Others quickly protested their commander’s seeming intention to imperil his life saving a woman’s they didn’t think deserved it.

  Varian silenced everyone. “I’ll test her honesty,” he said, then told Canissia that he was sending a security team over. “Be at the hatch,” he ordered. “You’ll have less than a minute to climb—”

  “Don’t bother, you bastard! It’s you or no one.”

  Varian glanced at Jana. “I’m not coming over, Cass, so you can trap me there to blow up with you. Use the escape pod and we’ll recover it.”

  “No. I’m going to die and you’re to blame. You’re killing me. You.”

  “You’re killing yourself, Cass; you have been for a long time. If you want to live, get to the escape pod now and jettison it. Time’s wasting.”

  “If you hadn’t brought Jana to Maffei, we would still be together.”

  “We had called it off long before I met Jana and our time together was brief. I never deceived you, Cass, never. I always told you that you weren’t the woman for me. Every time you came after me, I told you the truth again.”

  “You want that alien bitch for your wife, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Cass, I do. I can marry her now that she’s free.”

  Canissia sent a stream of crazy laughter over the system. “You can’t have her. She’s bound to Ryker forever. She’s—”

  Varian halted her words; he was sure they were about the baby. “Goodbye, Cass.” He looked at Jarre and ordered him to get them out of there.

  Varian put on a headset and had Canissia’s last words fed only to his ears. He kept his head lowered to conceal the warring emotions racing through his body as the woman cursed him and Jana, boasted of her crimes, and painted mental pictures of what she wished she could do to the couple.

  Jana walked to Varian’s side, pulled off the tormenting headset, and smiled at him. “Don’t do this to yourself. You aren’t responsible for her black fate. She never intended to surrender. You did your duty to the best of your ability; that’s all anybody can ask for. Let it go, Varian.”

  Varian’s hand reached out and caressed her cheek. “Having power and rank aren’t always easy, Jana. Some decisions are painful.”

  “I know, but there are some you can’t make for others, like Canissia.”
  “I wanted to bring her in alive for questioning.”

  “You can question me later; she talked a great deal to me.”

  “Commander Saar, we’re in safety zone and on stand-by,” Jarre informed him.

  “Thanks, Jarre,” Varian said, recalling how many times in days gone by he had heard those words from Tesla Rilke, a friend he still missed.

  All eyes were on the monitor when the stolen Pyropean vessel exploded. Ship fragments and debris scattered in all directions at a high rate of speed. What appeared to be fire was quickly extinguished without oxygen. Smoke swirled like clouds in the fading light. Then, it was quiet and dark again, and the ship was destroyed.

  “Are you picking up an escape pod anywhere?” Varian questioned Vaiden.

  “None, sir. She didn’t attempt to save herself.”

  “I want every piece of debris checked to make certain she didn’t pull the same trick … Ryker and Jana did when they fled Taemin’s trap.”

  Varian stood with Jana near the transascreen. “It’s over, love,” he said in a voice too quiet to be overheard. “She was the last step.”

  “What about Taemin? He’s still alive and free, perhaps a threat.”

  “Not anymore. He’s in the Baracavia Galaxy. While you were resting, I received a message from Jurad via Brec. Jurad took away Taemin’s wealth, ship, and crew; he had his son dropped on one of Bara’s planets, which is at about the same stage of advancement as Earth. He’s stranded there until they can manage space travel, so he’s no threat to us. It’s better than he deserves, but it’s their law. Even if he got off that planet, he can’t return to Pyropea; he’s been exposed and banished for life. His marriage was abolished and his wife sent home to her family; the Tarterrians would never give him aid or sanctuary. Everyone in the Tri-Galaxy will soon know not to trust him or befriend him.”

  “That’s better than nothing. If we can sneak a visit later, I need to tell you some of Canissia’s secrets.”

  “Is that the only reason you want to see me in private?”

  “What other motive could I have, you lusty space pirate?”

  “What other motive indeed?” he murmured with a seductive grin.


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